
  • Programming Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Frameworks/Libraries: React.js, Vue.js, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS
  • Version Control: Git, GitHub
  • Design Tools: Figma, Adobe XD
  • CMS Platforms: WordPress, Joomla


  • Freelance Web Developer (Year-Present): Worked with clients to deliver bespoke websites, focusing on user experience and functionality.
  • Internship at XYZ Company (Year-Year): Gained hands-on experience in front-end development, collaborating with teams to build responsive web applications.


  1. E-commerce Website: Developed a fully functional e-commerce platform using React.js and integrated payment gateways for seamless transactions.
  2. Portfolio Website: Designed and developed a personal portfolio showcasing skills, projects, and achievements.
  3. Blog Website: Created a blog platform using WordPress, customized themes, and plugins for a unique user experience.