By Francois Cliche

I first met Sergej Jakovlev in Montreal, a few years ago; he spoke to me about the ISA at that time: it was very little at that time.

Then, reading this manifesto today, short and simple, brings a brand new potential from my viewpoint. I'm a French canadian living a few hours north of
Montreal City, close to a lake. I released a manifesto of ALCHITECTURE this summer, creating a name for interdisciplinary art, making it a single art, the art of ALCHI (dosage) TECT (skills, techniques). Interdisciplinarity seem to be the very key element that survives all chats and diners and moments speaking of "art movement" with very different artists. Almost everything else is accepted or refused, creating clans, difference on viewpoint.. but, after a few years being around, being a collective creation organiser, ...interdisciplinarity, including science and sociology (organising humans in a project is quite an art just like organising colors or tones) seems like a
cornerstone to a massive unity.

I also "found" a common "enemy"... the Specialitary Regime

To have people unite, the presence of a clear enemy is quite useful, it is quite the most efficient mode for keeping nation unity right now in a few countries. The terrorists are an EXCELLENT example...

If we take a glance at the Specialitary Regime, it is present in communism as much as in liberal regime and others... I like to date it to Taylor and Ford, probably in
England also... last century... In the industries, men and women were suddenly no more working on the different parts of a production, they were only used for this little thing there, or the other, screwing all day long, sewing this part of the shirt, while someone else is sewing the others... same thing for cars... anything and everything after a while. It then expended to the way we organise the state, the functionaries (civil servants) only work on one little aspect of the whole... and also in the educational system... earlier and earlier, children must choose a specialisation and let behind all other spheres of knowledge.

Specialisation got the artists also, having them identify themselves to a specific part of the field.... art being already only a field of the "renaissance humans".

As I started to evoke the Specialitary Regime, people all reacted the same... saying that they never thought about it, but, once they thought of it, it makes a lot of sense.

1 - Having an enemy is necessary for unity.
2 - This enemy must not be a specific person or organisation.

If we look at all scales of the actual situation on Earth, specialisation is quite the root of a lot of
problems. Specialisation have a link, I think, with the
Babylon story... each specialisation creating
their own words to name things.

I realised that it is interesting to rethink our society systems with a new objective (multidisciplinarity - multispeciality). Other idea that fits with this is R&D governments. Transferring military budget on R&D would satisfy the right and left wings all over the planet. This kind of government would have something like the "military service", but in R&D, some research and development service. R&D is probably the most evident field of action that combines Arts Science and Economics...uniting everyone.

Artists are so important, but, since I have always been as much an artist as a scientific researcher and sociologist, I feel that we must somehow bring with us the young and brilliant inventors, researchers also.


Here are the main concepts I propose:

the Specialitarian Regime
the Alchitecture
the R&D Government
+Cymatics to be more exposed


I would also like to get your attention on a field of science that seems to me like a meeting point for science and art. CYMATICS. Hans Jenny did a lot of key researches in this field and he was a scientist and an artist. Here is a link to the wikipedia page:


I just got a one year subvention to create a DVD that will expose cymatics in a simple and esthetic way,
combining music therapy with it (my partner in this project is a music therapist and violinist).

The objective is to lauch a massive movement for development of this field, since it bring a completely
superb alternative to pharmaceutical medecine.... it is also a field that may give us ways to grow tree and plants many times faster under certain vibrations. I "work" with some people in the field to develop new ways to explore cymatics.

I hope that this message will help somehow the evolution of the global movement for a sane world order. It seems like we all work together without a clear structure: I personally think that this is what makes us strong, powerful.

Please accept my very best words and thoughts.
Francois Ziffer Aleph Cliché



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