Farm number 73 in Bjelland
Bjelland bygdebook pages 527-531
Source: Steve Olson <[email protected]>
English Translation
The 1875census : Nils Olsen, housefather, farmer, owned the farm
lumber merchant, b. 1844, m.t. Marie Torkildsdtr. b. 1848, their children : a) Anne b. 1870, b) Rakel b. 1873

Tarjer Olsdtr., hired hand, unmarried, b. 1857

Ole Olsen, pensioner (pension from the farm), b. 1806 m.t. Rakel Torkildsdtr. b. 1810.
Ragnhild Torkildsdtr. b. 1775, widow, grandmother to Nils Olsen,pensioner (pension from the farm)

Thore Larsen Roland, b. 1842 in Bjelland, unmarried, without work. Not present by the census : Hired hand Tobias Aanensen, b. 1853, may be in Grinneim subparish.
They had 2 horses, 5 cows, 8 sheeps, 1 pig, seeded 1 1/2 barrel barley, 1 1/2 barrel mixed grain and 5 1/2 barrel potatoes.

The tax list (Matrikkelen) 1889 :
Subfarm nr. 1 - (serial number) 213 - S�lvskaret, Ole Olsen,2 ort 19 skil(ling) = 2 m(ark) 10�re

Subfarm nr. 2 - lnr. 212b, T�nesland, Ole Olsen, 14 skil. = 35 �re.

Subfarm nr. 3 - lnr. 224c, Tversland, Ole Olsen, 18 skil. = 25 �re.

The tax list (Matrikkelen) 1905 :
Subfarm nr. 1 - S�vskaret - Ole Olsen - 2 m. 10 �re
Subfarm nr. 2 - T�nesland - Ole Olsen - 35 �re
Subfarm nr. 3 -Tversland - Ole Olsen - 25 �re.

User history

1. S�REN STIGANSSON used 5 eng in S�lvskaret for 16 years before he took over the main farm Lower T�nesland after his father Stigan S�ffrenson (See T�nesland).

2. PEDER STIGANSON, brother to S�ren came to S�lvskaret when his brother moved back to T�nesland (See T�nesland).

3. OLE S�RENSON. Peder Stiganson sold the farm to son of his brother, Ole S�renson. There was a administration of the decendant estate after Ole in 1753.
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