of Waterdeep

RP Stories :�
The Fate Collection
by Seive, Sharp, Ventor and many more


Fate : Such Intrigue by Arghaii (4/5/2001)
He let his hood cover his head and his hideous mask conceal his facial features as he dismounted 'Oneiros' and watched the battlefield from a safe distance.

What is this? Sharp fighting against a great force of the children of Deception and Destruction? And she is outnumbered.. Never thought of Sharp being so courageous.
He was about to turn around and mount 'Oneiros' and leap to the fray, but he didn't.
Why help her.. she is nothing to me anymore.. none of the Nightmares are. She is obviously close to her doom.. The horseman chuckled as he watched the dark minions closing Sharp, surrounding her.

What the.. Nine Hells!!, Arghaii almost yelled.

He stands frozen witnessing Seive's appearance and Sharp's rescue.

Seive Sorannon.. Why would he do this..

Arghaii took a moment to dwell in old memories, he could still picture his terrible fights with the former lord of Nightmares back then, as if it was a few days ago..
But it has been eighteen years, most of which Arghaii spent in the pits of the Nine Hells. But he still remembered.

Seive and Sharp were nowhere to be found. Where could they be?

Arghaii turned around and walked towards his Night-mare. He mounted and pulled his black cloak around him as the two of them launched into the night.

'Oneiros' held a steady gallop, allowing Arghaii to think.. And think.. And wonder at the possibilities.
Fate : Regenerate Fate by Sharp (4/5/2001)
Safely guided back to clan hall by Kirdan, Sharp collapsed, exhausted onto the couch. Kirdan had shielded her from the wrath of Vassago in Market Square and Jehovah had followed, concealing himself to ensure that Sharp returned home unharmed. Exhausted and desperately in need of regeneration, Sharp plugged her Podrikev Healing Extension into the healing couch. She felt that she has let her clan members down today, foolishly trying to take on forces that she could clearly not handle alone. Her eyes could not easily meet those of Kirdan and Jehovah as they watched her, distress evident on their faces. "Sharp, you need to rest, we shall talk when you power up." Jehovah sat beside her on the couch and smiled warmly at her as Kirdan nodded.
Sharp agreed, and promptly began a slumber of regeneration while never letting her hand lose grasp of the chain hidden in an inner pocket of her cloak.

Upon her waking, Kirdan and Jehovah were still in the room, joined now by Mikey and Sylvaniana. Standing up energetically, fully healed, Sharp pulled the plug from the couch and faced her clan members nervously. "Time for blood shed, I sense the enemy close by." Sharp scanned the outside perimeters with her specialized podrikev perception device. She noticed that Kirdan looked at her in a strange way, inquisitive, accusingly. An innate force drove her to check her inner cloak pocket. It was empty! Jehovah stepped forward with the chain that Sharp had stolen from Seive... A chain baring the ->Sorannon<- family seal.
Fate : Nightmares Again... by Ventor (4/5/2001)
I sat back from my scrying for a time to ponder what I had seen. Sharp was now safe again for the moment. At least from those outside her clan...

After all this time and all that she had become why did I still hold feelings for her? We were now almost complete opposites. The black unholy power of Nisstyre flowed from her in waves that pained me whenever we meet. I couldn't explain it. I'd tried to block out those feelings and merely go about my work with the Crimson Guardians but I couldn't. Everytime I slowed down and had a quiet moment, thoughts of her were there. Was this something she was doing through Nisstyre's power? Or was this Nisstyre himself at work again trying to pull me from my clan in the same way he did with my wife? Whatever it was may Mystra protect and guide me.

I sat forward once again to focus my scrying on Sharp. If the other Nightmare lords turned on her there is little I can do to aid her in combat but perhaps I could magically summon her away from her attackers.
Fate : Such Mystery by Arghaii (4/5/2001)
The Horseman cursed at himself for being unable to scrye Sorannon. Where could he be, where is his lair? Seive Sorannon never let me get too close to him, we were usually arguing or on the verge of killing each other.. This combined to the fact that he surely nests somewhere safely and secretly makes him almost immune to my scrying.

Arghaii sat on the bed of his inn room lost in thoughts.

Where are you Sorannon and why did you help Sharp who is a member of the family that betrayed you? His mask twisted into a hideous smile and he stood up at once engaging into spellcasting.

There he saw Sharp, her features easily discerned in his mind. Arghaii sensed another three figures close to her. One is Seive, without doubt.. But who are the other two?

Arghaii screamed in agony and almost collapsed on the floor as mind barriers blocked his scrying and a dagger of pain pierced through his brain.

Wizards.. Apart from Sharp the other three were wizards also.. I must rest for now..

Arghaii rest on his bed overwhelmed with physical tense but with inner peace, for he knew he could scrye Sharp alone whenever he wished.. Sharp could defend herself against magical intrusions but she never mistrusted him when he was in the Church. Indeed, it would be easy to find her..

He drifted into a restless slumber, but not before many minutes of thought and wonder.. The former Horseman of Nightmares smiled as his mind toyed with the possibilities.

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