Backstreet Baby Boy!! Brian is the first Backstreet Dad!
He and Leighanne will be having the first Backstreet Boy!
(I'm so clever) The baby is due at the end of the year.
Check out People mag for more info or visit the webpage
'People' Article

Howie Cruise
The new Lupus page (click the DLF button!) has news
on the new Howie cruise! 8 days with Howie...
it doesn't get much better than that now does it

Have you gotten your Lupus bear yet?
What about your "Fly to Heaven" CD!
Check out the donations area! Click the DLF
button or the Lupus Bear for donations.

Did you miss the Boys on Sesame Street??
If so  the re-run date is November 19th.

Breakfast with Brian
Wanna eat with Bri and his family in NY? Check out his p
age for details.
The ESPN Zone
New Pics!! Check out Picture section!!
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