Federation X--X Patriot
Estrus   2003

In the always overcrowded world of rock n' roll, even the best of stuff seems to sometimes blur together. So, whenever something remotely distinct comes down the line, there is great reason to rejoice. This is one of those times. With their new album, X Patriot, Federation X have provided much needed nectar to ears everywhere that may have felt in a holding pattern.

Federation X deliver their rock n' roll in a way somewhat akin to the Oblivians. This stuff is intense, fractured, blues-based bad intention, at its core. However, there is a metallic edge to X Patriot that most other bands from this school of thought would never consider bringing into the mix. That subtle pinch of Melvins-esque grime makes this music much more powerful and aids in giving Federation X a distinct sense of face amongst the rest of the pack.

Federation X are fortunately able to back up the power of their sound with solid songwriting. People who are looking for a straightforward rock n' roll assault will find much to like in songs such as "Apeshit" and "Madness." Folks craving to explore the band's subtle mix of influences further should find a track like "Gone Too Long" compelling, for its Sonic Youth styled angularity. Futhermore, the vocals on X Patriot are delivered in a whiney yelp akin to Mudhoney's Mark Arm, best exemplified on "Self Control...," and there are several harmony guitar passages throughout the album which even bring to mind Iron Maiden a bit. In the end, it's the sinisterly midpaced "Real American Kids With Real American Ids" that brings all the band's elements together in a single track, making it the highlight of X Patriot.

Some hardline rock n' roll purists may find this album difficult to digest due to its metallic leanings, which is unfortunate. However, for folks tired of the "
same ole, same ole," X Patriot will serve as a godsend. Mature ears should particularly find Federation X's brand of brutality worthy, due to its many discreet layers. This one is for fans of the garage/punk/rock n' roll idiom, grunge, and probably even the metalheads. It gets better and better with every listen. Bravo.

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