Nashville Pussy--Say Something Nasty
Artemis   2002

Getting screwed by your record label and having members mysteriously quit your band at crucial junctures are just a couple of things which can destroy a band. When faced with such adversity, truly great bands close ranks, suck it up, and somehow manage to forge ahead in prosperity. In the case of Nashville Pussy, that's exactly what they've done with their new album Say Something Nasty. In the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, Nashville Pussy have pulled themselves up, now on a new label with all their lineup issues squared away, and taken the next step in becoming the arena-crushing monster they've been destined to evolve into from day one.

One of the more obvious leaps in
Nashville Pussy's progression is the production style of Say Somthing Nasty. Here, they have made an album which is much more "live" sounding than their first two efforts. Everything is very "in-your-face" on Say Something Nasty, especially the guitars. There is a rawness to the sound, but it is a clean rawness--there isn't anything sloppy about the way this album sounds. It all adds up to making Say Something Nasty the best studio approximation of the Nashville Pussy concert experience, to date.

The songwriting on this album is classic
Nashville Pussy--Southern-fried rawk, with wicked tongue-in-cheek humor. Nashville Pussy's punk tendencies seem less in the fore on Say Somthing Nasty but are still evident in tracks like "The Bitch Just Kicked Me Out," with its Black Flag leanings, as well as the New Bomb Turk-ish "Beat Me Senseless." However, for the bulk of this album, Nashville Pussy establish themselves as the first real, or at least worthy, American answer to AC/DC. The proof of this lies in tracks like "Keep On Fuckin'," "Keep Them Things Away From Me," and the title track. Amazingly, throughout all of this, the band was even able to expand their style slightly further by introducing a more pronounced "boogie rock" element into their songwriting, most evident on "Here's To Your Destruction." No matter how the subtleties vary from track to track, every song is a winner on Say Something Nasty.

The "show your tits"/poseur crowd might be dissapointed that the booklet isn't twelve pages thick, jammed with provocative pics of the ladies in the band (
not that it wouldn't be great, but there is so much more to this band). That doesn't matter, though. The  nonbelievers will fall away and Nashville Pussy will conquer the world, regardless. It may not happen tomorrow but, with Say Something Nasty, Nashville Pussy have asserted that they're in it for the long haul. An essential album for any and all who truly love rock and roll.

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