The Dt's: The H.o.S. Interview
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Have you found the associations to your past bands a benefit or a hinderance in what you're trying to do with the Dt's? Are people giving you a fair shake as a new band, so far?

DC: There's always good and bad with that sorta thing, but for the most part, it seems folks have been interested and supportive of the Dt's, which is very cool.

DY-B: For me there has been no impediment or correlation. Most people have neither heard nor made associations with anything I've done in the past, to my knowledge.

Have you written any new Dt's material since the recording of Hard Fixed? If so, how does it differ/compare to the stuff on the album?

Dave Crider: Yeah...we have about half of the next record done, but ya never know what's gonna actually make it to tape. I'm always working on bits and pieces of stuff. We've been pretty busy playing out of late, so haven't had a lot of time to spend working on finishing stuff up, but the plan is to get back on that pretty hardcore in the next month or so.

Diana Young-Blanchard: We have, and we are trying to find time now to get back to that. I think the songs will have a similar feel, but they will be more confident and possibly more adventurous.

What's next for the Dt's? Any releases or shows forthcoming folks should keep their eyes peeled for?

DC: As far as releases go we have a track on a 7" ep that will be included in the upcoming issue of Carbon 14 Magazine and, as I mentioned above, we are planning/working on another US swing in August, as well as Spain, Japan and Brazil...We were set to hit Brazil late last year but that sorta fell apart at the last minute--hopefully all will work out this time around. We may be hooking up with The Mooney Suzuki for some dates on their upcoming tour this summer, as well. I am hoping that works out...would be great to get some hang time with those guys.

DY-B: We're trying to get Roky Erickson from out of retirement so he can buy a house for himself--I don't have a house, but if everybody who reads this contributes just $10....think of the possibilities! How many people read this?

With the success of bands like the Mooney Suzuki and White Stripes, there seems to have developed a "garage rock" backlash--like that tag has become a dirty term. What is your take on this phenomenon--is it based sheerly in jealousy or is there a justified concern in the music growing stale or too polished?

DC: This shit is a never ending cycle, just the names and faces change...I really don't pay all that much attention to it at all.

Any cool bands you've heard or done shows with lately people might not know about but should?

DC: Really dig The Knockout Pills and Comets on Fire...Dexateens been getting lotsa spins of late as well, as is the Spaceways/Zu CD.

I'd like to thank you both once more for sitting down to do this. I've loved all of your past efforts and, in the case of the Mono Men, even been deeply inspired and influenced by them, which has made this chat that much more a personal treat for me. What you've done with the Dt's on Hard Fixed is great, as well, and I wish you all the success in the world for it. Any final words for all the Dt's fans out there?

DC: Glad you dig the band/release and thanks for the compliment. Appreciate your help getting the word out regarding our action. Hopefully we'll be getting out your way for a show or two sometime're doing a great job with the site. Final words? Participate don't just spectate!

DY-B: Thanks! Only $10 per reader and I will stop corrupting your children.

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H.o.S. review of the Dt's--Hard Fixed CD


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