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Ah, but the night doesn't end there! Once
Human Eye wraps, it's time to jet over to the Armory for an aftershow. The Armory is the garage at Rob Evil's place and boy will it ever get crammed and wild! Before the bands start, some kind gent lays my only beer of the weekend on me. Yum! First up here are the Guacos. I saw them a couple months before with the Oscars and it was good but this is way more raw tonight. Very pleasantly surprised. After that comes Kajun SS. Their set proves the sleeper highlight of the whole weekend. Everyone who chose sleep over rock n' roll is missing total bedlam. People packed tight like they're in a sardine can, arms and elbows flailing, PA towers tipped over nearly every five seconds, and more eardrums being blown out than can be tallied. The poor fellow next to me loses something in the fray. I can't understand what he's saying to me but am glad that the totally demolished eye glasses I find don't seem to be what he has dropped. When the smoke clears from this hellacious blast, our host takes front and center with his thrash metal death squad Evil Army. It's been awhile since I've seen these guys and they're killing, just like last time. "Conquer Human Life"--what a fucking song! Wish Hetfield was still serving them up like this. Ace capper to this crazy shindig.


Somehow, energy is mustered for a wee bit more socializing--but only a wee bit. After all, what the hell can you really add after witnessing what is arguably the best day of music this world has ever seen? In no time flat it's back to the car and ultimately to sleep.
Shannon Hoon's ghost could manifest itself to sing that damn song in person tongiht yet I will be unmoved--knocked the fuck out by rock n' roll, baby!

Lamest moment of the entire fest: stepping out of the Hi Tone to call a friend between sets and hearing these stupid girls having a passionate conversation about how the majority of folks there were wearing jeans, black boots, and black t-shirts--apparently it was very upsetting to them. I'd like to take this opportunity to implore all the fashion humpers and style-over-substance phonies tainting music circles these days to find their way in front of a fast moving bus. Poseurs and status seekers, this goes for you too. Give me a fucking break--stay home and watch Bravo next time.

Saturday: September 24, 2005

Waking up after some solid and desperately needed sleep, I'm feeling like I've caught my eighth wind. Awesome! Not much time for loafing around today. The afternoon show at the Buccaneer starts around 2PM and the hour ain't that far away. Let's do this!

We have managed to arrive at 2 on the dot. Not many folks are here, yet. Have great music talks with some dude from Washington, as well as
Guy and Clive from Dirty Ho. Need to grab a bite but before you know it, the show's ready to start.

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