The Cool Jerks--Cleaned A Lot Of Plates In Memphis
Sympathy For The Record Industry   2002

Question: what do you get when you put an ex-Oblivian (Jack Yarber) and two former Neckbones (David Boyer and Forrest Hewes) together with the bass pluckin' of Scott Rogers? Answer: laid out by their new band, The Cool Jerks. On Cleaned A Lot Of Plates In Memphis, The Cool Jerks rock your world with a bravado 100 bands in concerted effort couldn't match.

The Cool Jerks sound exactly like what you'd think a band featuring ex-Neckbones and a former Oblivian would. Cleaned A Lot Of Plates In Memphis is a no-nonsense rock and roll ass whippin' of serious proportion. It's nothing but raw coolness and attitude from the get go. Obvious reference points for The Cool Jerks sound include bands like the Stones and New York Dolls. However, it's the same originality which was inherent in these guys previous outfits that elevates The Cool Jerks to being something really special.

As stated above, from the opening strains of the stompin'
Scott Rogers original "Memphis Blues Again," it's obvious this album was built on the stuff bad intention is made of. Songs like the David Boyer penned "Man And A Woman" hold true to that feel--this particular song having a very cool chorus section where evrything drops out but a lone guitar and vocal, leaving you jarred senseless when the rest of the band comes back in on the verse. However, the highlight of Cleaned A Lot Of Plates In Memphis is Jack Yarber's "Friend Of A Loner." This Stones-y ditty packs so much swagger it boggles the mind. It's easily one of the best songs this guy has ever written, and when you're the man who wrote nice chunks of the output for both the Oblivians and Compulsive Gamblers, that's saying one hell of a lot.

What was great about the previous bands these guys were in is the same thing that makes
The Cool Jerks great--their ability to play so straightforward and free of frills, yet sound so fresh. They make it all sound effortless, but if that was true, more people could pull it off like The Cool Jerks do. It looks like if you want the raw real deal, The Cool Jerks are the first and last place you should look. Cleaned A Lot Of Plates In Memphis won't let you down.

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