Motorhead--The Best Of Motorhead (DVD)
Sanctuary   2002

Right off the bat, you know this DVD is great and essential because it's Motorhead. While this is, for the most part, a collection of lip-synched, performance-based promo clips, it is very rare footage spanning from the Overkill album through the No Remorse era. Though it doesn't completely capture the enormity of what Motorhead is all about, there are some classic moments to be viewed and interesting insights to be found on The Best Of Motorhead.

One major lesson these videos provide is that you can mime a performance but you can't fake cool.
Motorhead is badass as always on these fifteen clips. One of the major highlights of this DVD is when the camera slowly zooms in on Lemmy's face during the second verse of "The Chase Is Better Than The Catch." Lemmy is looking directly at the camera the whole duration of this verse and ends it by flashing a menacing, toothless snarl--absolutely brilliant. The other overwhelmingly killer moment of this collection is a theme video for "Killed By Death." It starts with a groupie telling her parents she's going out, then getting put down by them for being a delinquent. At that exact moment, Lemmy drives right through the wall of their house on a motorcycle, into the livingroom, throws the girl on back of his bike, flips the parents off, and drives out right through the other wall! The police get after them, some more cool stuff happens related to this, and Lemmy finds himself in the grave only to shoot out of the earth on his motorcycle! Cheesy? Yes--but in the coolest way ever.

Remember that part about not being able to fake cool? Well, that brings us to insights about the band, specifically the line-up for the
Another Perfect Day album. From a musical standpoint, the era has been unfairly maligned as that was a great record. However, seeing these guys onstage together, there is a stiffness to Brian Robertson's demeanor which doesn't mesh with the rest of the band. Plus, the guy does look like some unfortunate offspring of Olivia Newton-John and Tommy Shaw from Styx. For the record, there should never be a reason to mention those "artists" in the same breath as Motorhead--unless Lemmy was shagging Olivia or beating up the guys in Styx. Thank God Phil Campbell eventually came along!

While the track list of this DVD could be argued as
Motorhead's best, the casual fan should first pick up the awesome Boneshaker: 25 & Alive DVD to really see why these guys are the best. Still, this is a must have, sooner or later. Diehard fans will flip out on this DVD sheerly for the lesser talked about songs they made promo clips for. In the end, regardless of who you are, The Best Of Motorhead is definitely a DVD worth your time.

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