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Name Synopsis
Scott Lyttle: Owner

Scott has a BS in Industrial Technology from Tennesee Technological University. He currently works in the film industry on several projects including lighting, electrical, and set construction. See IMDB for the movies he has worked on.

Jason Miller: Website Design/Maintenance

Jason is working on a BS in IT from Southern New Hampshire University. He loves IT work and is looking to expand his skills and abilities through various projects and certifications.

Documentation of Development Process

The purpose of this website is to advertise a handyman services business. The intent is to showcase past projects and the abilities of the employees in meeting customer needs and give potential customers a chance to ask specific questions. Having a form on the contact page for customers, they can ask questions and describe their needs. I have created a gallery and general description of what the company can and has done in order to show a general idea of what is possible. On the about page, I wanted to make a table for each employee which shows their name, a picture, experience, and qualifications that can be altered easily as employees are added. I wanted the site to be simple and easy to navigate and read. The color scheme I have chosen allows for the text on each page to be easily readable and can be quickly navigated through. By placing links to all the pages at trhe top of each page, visitors can access any page they want readily.

Defense of Final Product

I chose a darker background to focus visitors on the images and text available drawing their gaze inward to the content. Using a platinum font makes the text easier to read than traditional black. By not bombarding the visitor with a lot of graphics or sounds on the landing page, they can focus on the content. The about page is designed so individual employees can be seen and their qualifications immediately apparent without extensive searching. The contact page is designed so visitors can start filling out the form easily. The gallery and custom pages show several small images which can be clicked on for full size so they don't have to scroll through large images. These are also captioned so the user knows what they are looking at. Links are provided at the top of each page so visitors can navigate to anypage they wish right away.

Oppurtunities for Improvement or Growth

Currently the landing page is very bland. I would like to have a custom logo for the business and links to external resources for advice on seasonal repairs/prep work, DIY tutorials, and new developments in the industry. I want to implement a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page and testimonials from customers once the business gets going. For the image galleries I would love to be able to make it so visitors can view a slideshow of the images instead of opening a new tab when the image is selected. I would also like to add another page that describes in more detail specifically what services the company will provide. Being unfamiliar with his exact abilities and what he is willing to do in addition to pricing makes this a difficult task for me to complete at this time.