By Mike Watt

"B-movie vixen, actress, comic book cover girl, industrial rock goddess, magazine starlet, pin-up, writer", these are the credits of the renaissance woman who goes by the name "Countess Lilith Stabs". Unlike many other genre fixtures who have taken on cool goth names, Lilith isn't one to preen or posture for the faux-vampire set. She took on the name to define what she wanted to be in the world of b-movies, industrial rock and gothic photography. With her porcelain skin, two-tone hair and piercing dark eyes to go along with the name, Lilith Stabs isn't a persona, it's her identity, as her fans will attest.

Contrary to her seemingly daunting (and often cruel) appearance in photographs, Lilith is also very approachable and appreciative of her fans. She makes frequent appearances at horror and science fiction conventions and spends the bulk of her time there talking with admirers and posing for fan pictures, always with a smile.

There are, as always, detractors. Recently, Lilith has found herself the target of internet slander and out-and-out hatred on movie review sites. A few online terrorists have, in the past, taken to signing her name to particularly vicious entries in personal guestbooks. With fame comes fanboys and stalkers - it's an oft-told tale.

"My supporters have taken the time to get to know me while my detractors have not taken more than a moment to cast judgment," Lilith told me. "I think some of these people buy into the image that because I was a pro domina that I'm a raving bitch 24/7 -- that is a joke! That is what they expect so they just assume that is how I am. Or maybe I'm just one of those people you love or hate, either way I seem to evoke strong emotions. I think it boils down to those who know me don't seem to have problems with me but those who don't are the ones with the negative things to say about me, that speaks volumes. And yes, I've been dealing with a lot of "tabloid smear campaign"-type of goings on via the internet lately. And from apparently different directions some of it has been industry related message boards not just b-movie but also domination. I know who is doing some of it. Maybe they have nothing better to do. Usually this type of activity is practiced by jealous small mined people. I may not be fond of the people whom I have found doing this, but I unlike them, would never try and mess with another persons' livelihood."

Before moving on to staring in films like Demonatrix, and Cremains, Lilith did indeed start out in the domination business. To be clear, this is not prostitution. The professional S&M world has little to do with sexual intercourse, as anyone in the lifestyle can tell you. It's a world of power exchange, of emotional trust and sensation. It is also a good way for a young woman to "be her own boss", Lilith explains, "so after some thought I decided that professional domination would be a good choice. I also thought that it was a career not too far off track from the entertainment industry. Being a pro domina you can get a lot of exposure doing interviews, photo shoots, fetish events, etc. [In much the same way] a lot of other b-movie actresses work as feature dancers. It is just a different twist on that. And around the time I started getting more attention as a domina I also started attending conventions that led to me making contacts with people in the b-movie industry, [which] I had started to get interested in when I noticed that it was a way to be an actress without running to Hollywood to do so -- not that I don't like it out there, I plan on spending a bit more time there this year. It was also way of working in areas that hold special interests for me, such as horror, comic books, etc."

Lilith made her debut in Vampire Callgirls for producer Everette Hartsoe, another name that comes under frequent attack in the b-movie industry (though for decidedly different reasons). "I have heard that others have had problems, but I personally have not encountered any problems with Everette. I worked with him on the first two movies I was in, Vampire Callgirls and Demonatrix, and so far he has proven himself to be more reliable than a lot of other people I've been in contact with. There are many [producers] who contact me about sending me scripts and then can't even seem to get that done."

One director who does not seem to have that problem is Steve Sessions, whose film Cremains was recently picked up for distribution through E.I. Entertainment. "Cremains stars Jeff Dylan Graham (Andee Agony), Kimberly Lynn Cole and myself," Lilith says. "There are 4 stories involved. The one I'm in is about a New Orleans voodoo witch who restores to life the cremated remains of a serial killer whose ashes were mixed with that of a child whom I was actually supposed to be bringing back." According to advance word, Cremains is slick, spooky fun, and that Lilith's performance is just one of the highlights.

Lilith's fans should be quite familiar with the name "Andee Agony", a character and persona often adopted by actor Graham. "Andee Agony" often appears with Lilith at conventions and appearances. They were even set to get married at one point. "Yes, we were set to be wed at Exoticon in New Orleans [in November 2000]," says Lilith. "But the entire week before the wedding we got e-mails which were basically telling us if we went through with it we would be killed. More of the internet harassment, sent to both of us. When in New Orleans we did not feel comfortable going though with the wedding there and choose to put it off. We still plan on having a public ceremony at some point. [And] when we returned home after the convention there was yet more e-mail of a very negative fashion about the wedding which seemed to come from some other source. What I think may have prompted the death threats could be people who just for what ever reason don't like me, or perhaps someone who is jealous. Or maybe one of us had a fan who really did not want to see us married. Some want to know if the wedding is real or just between our characters, well that spoils the fun and mystery."

Fans. They can be the craziest people. Photo by Chris Reimers

Like many others in the world of low-budget entertainment, Lilith stays busy by focusing on many areas of interest. In addition to acting and modeling, she is also a singer and musician, with a CD in the works (including a version of Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made for Walking", which is, by all accounts, fantastic). "I had always since the age of 4 or 5 years old wanted to be and actress and singer," she says. "I didn't attend schools for acting but years ago I took modeling courses and music lessons, I even played drums for awhile. I wish I had answers as to when the CD will be ready but at this point I don't. It was already supposed to be out. I wrote the lyrics and recorded my vocals, but someone else is doing the music, so that is where the delays are happening. [The musician] is very much a perfectionist so hopefully the delays will be well worth the wait. It will be industrial music, so the version of "These Boots Are Made For Walking" should be very interesting. I've always liked the song and I thought [it would be perfect] to cover."

In the world of independent entertainment, to slow down and catch your breath can be suicidal. The career of a b-movie actress is often equated to the life-style of a shark: one must keep moving or else one drowns and dies. There's nothing worse for an actress to hear from a fan than "I hadn't heard about you in a while; I thought you'd stopped working". Lilith, like her fellow actresses, strives to keep busy and never "drown".

"At this point I see no reason to limit myself and it keeps me busy and that keeps me happy," she says. "Being an actress and musician are my most important goals. I would like to get some of my own movies done, that is my current goal. But I think I will always branch out a bit since I enjoy writing, doing photo shoots, etc. I'm currently working on several different screen plays and writing my first book. I've currently got about five or six movie offers but we'll have to wait and see which ones actually happen. I don't like to name projects until I'm actually in the progress of working on them since there have been quite a few that I'm supposed to be in but never surfaced. Cremains and Malefic are still waiting for release as well as Andee Agony's Torture Tales which I did a segment for -- the same segment was also released in Rich Hillen's Serial Killers Gone Wild. This summer in Atlanta, Andee Agony and I will be doing our own b-horror movie, called Bloodfix. So interested investors or those interested in working with us on the project should contact me through e-mail at [email protected]"

Further information about Lilith Stabs can be found at:




Photo by Bob Hobbs


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