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He would have you. Belwas has the truth of us, Your Grace, said Arstan. We were told to find you and bring you back to Pentos. The Seven Kingdoms have need of you.
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Peering in, Kumiko made out the glass-tube letters of an unlit installation neon sign METRO, then a longer word. The door between the windows had been reinforced with a sheet of corrugated steel rusting eyebolts protruded at intervals, strung with slack lengths of galvanized razor wire.
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It's only fair to send his company on this assignment. Theyve earned it. Blitzkrieg pulled himself up to his full height. Earned it? Earned it? He pointed to the service stripes on his uniform and put all the scorn he could muster into the question.
Drogon beat the air with black wings, and Rhaegal twisted his head back and belched flame. I should say the word and bum the two of them. Was there no one she could trust, no one to keep her safe?
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