The Column of Antonius and the Arch of Severus
Date Description Source Reference
The reign of Antonius, 138 A.D. - 161 A.D. 

The reign of Septimius Severus, 192 A.D. - 211 A.D. 

“Soldiers on the march had to carry a rather heavy baggage besides their arms. Only a charge of arms and the heavy were carried by pack horses and mules ( iumenta sarcinaria). In imperial times carts on two or four wheels were used for the purpose, as appears from the baggage-trains on the column of Antonius and the arch of Severus. Amongst the heavy baggage were the tents (tentorium, tabernaculum), made of leather or canvas, and the poles and pegs belonging to them. The base of the tent was about ten square feet, it had a roof like cover (see “Col. Anton.,” No.s 10 and 26), accommodating about ten men (contuberium). Each centurio had, moreover, a separate tent, and each tribune had two for himself and his attendant. The camp of a legion, therefore, consisted of about five hundred tents...” Guhl, E., & Koner, W., The Greeks and Romans Their Life and Customs, London, 1989, p. 575 - 576.

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