donna haraway - a cyborg manifesto.


Donna Haraway was born in Denver in 1944 and attended Catholic schools.

Haraway uses the metaphor of the cyborg to discuss the relationships of science, technology, and "socialist-feminism." She holds that hi-tech culture challenges and breaks down the old dualisms of Western thinking like the mind/body split, Self/Other, male/female, reality/appearance, and truth/illusion. She holds that we are no longer able to think of ourselves in these terms, or even strictly speaking, as biological entities. Instead, we have become cyborgs, mixtures of human and machine, where the biological side and the mechanical/electrical side become so inextricably entwined that they can't be split.

hun har bl. a. skrevet artiklen - a cyborg manifesto - og bogen - the onco mouse -

hun frygter vi alle vil blive cyborg i fremtiden. en blanding af gener fra dyr, planter, menneske og micro-chips. der ikke laengere vil blive hverken foedt eller doe nogensinde.

we will not emerge from clay and return to dust anymore (som der staar i bibelen).

med - the oncomouse - er skabt en naesten kunstig mus, der egner sig til forsoeg. hvis gener er blevet manipuleret, saa den har en raekke hensigtmaessige egenskaber.

det er et af de foerste eksempler paa den cyborg, vi kan vente os af fremtiden.

donna haraway - biografi

leksikon - wikipedia

artikel - a cyborg manifesto

boeger og artikler

article - you are borg

more about joseph weizenbaum

more about bill joy

the whole text in english :

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