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Llanotropical, It is a project of Farm for Production and Commercialization of Flowers and Tropical Foliages in the Municipality of Villavicencio, Department of Meta - Colombia.  This type of flowers has increased their acceptance in the national and international market;  he is why it is tried to foment his production in our region to have between several cultivators a stable supply in volume and quality of flowers, obtaining therefore the export of this product to clients in countries like the United States, European Union and others. 


The union of producers is important to create standard of weekly production and thus to conserve the chains of commercialization with other countries, giving credibility to continue increasing to our supply of flowers and foliages.  One of the greater approaches than is had is to leave the conventional cultures and to have other productive options with which we are highly competitive in the externo.


Llanotropical, is in advisory services and sale of seeds for collectors and cultivators.  Daily we are making investigation on nutrition, adaptability, handling pot harvests;  if it makes some work with respect to these subjects we can interchange results.


perhaps this web is of their affability and it contributes in the creation of new ideas of production for agriculture




Llanotropical, Green World

Villavicencio(Meta), Colombia-Sur América

[email protected]


Updated 9/Agosto/2004




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