hearts Heart Nazis


the story
the list
the nazis
other stuff
candy genocide
contact & linkage

Donate Weapons of Mass Destruction

we're not anti-valentine's day, we're anti chocolate hearts.

02/17/03, 3:08PM - Weapons of mass destruction! This is a little joke from the wonderful Rum and Monkey. There is a little link at the bottom of our main page, and at the menu to the left where you can donate weapons to our cause! -Mizu
02/10/03, 9:34PM - Okay, so I lied about making a new rant, but we do have some fun stuff comming up, so sit tight! We're getting ready for V-day! ~_^ Pictures have been added to the Nazi page, as well as a new member! -Mizu
01/13/03, 9:56PM - Added some link buttons; rearranged site links a bit. -Mizu
01/12/03, 9:37AM - Added a few ways to kill hearts; edited profiles page. I also wrote a short rant, and will be starting a new one sometime soon. Added another section, which features some HN wallpaper. -Mizu
08/01/02, 4:24AM - Added 'Candy Genocide'. -Mizu
07/06/02, 2:20AM - Updated the nazis. -Sakana
07/05/02, 3:16PM - Added rant section. Updated the list a bit. -Sakana
07/05/02, 3:54AM - Site founded. Whee! Happy birthday us! The story, the list, the nazis, and contact are up, as well as the intro page and the home page. The nazis, the list, and contact should expect updates relatively soon (a day or so?) and everything else will probably be worked on when my brain isn't so fried. -Sakana

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