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Pokémon Navigator
In GSC we had the PokeGear as a new gadget, and now, we have the Pokemon Navigator.  This PokeNav will have features that will let you check the map of the Hoenn region, check the Contest Conditions of your Pokemon, check trainer info, and check the Ribbons that you've already collected.
Pokémon Navigator Selection Screen
Hoenn Map  
    By selecting Hoenn Map from the selection screen, you'll can view the complete map of the Hoenn region.  This map is very useful, because now you can Zoom In so that you can see more detailed parts of the map.  While Zoomed In, you may move the cursor over one of the cities or towns to find out what buildings you can access there (ex.  Pokemon Center, Poke Mart, Pokemon Gym, Pokemon Contest, etc.)
Hoenn Map  -  Full View
    By selecting the Condition feature, you can view the Contest Condition of your Pokemon.  This means that you'll be able to view the stats (Cool, Beauty, Tough, Smart, Cute) of Pokemon either from your team line-up or from your PC.  It will show your Pokemon's stats in a pentagonal graph, and the name, level, and gender of the Pokemon will also be displayed.  The stats of your Pokemon will determine how well your Pokemon will do in a particular Contest.  If the green pentagon points more toward one of the stats, then it might do much better in that Contest (ex.  if pentagon points more toward Beauty, then that's the Contest it will do good in).  Adjust and increase the stats of your Pokemon by giving it PokeBlocks.
Swampert's Condition...it hasn't been given any PokeBlocks!
Trainer's Eyes  
    This is the feature which replaces the Cell Phone, which was in Gold, Silver, and Crystal.  The Trainer's Eyes allows you to research information about the Pokemon trainers whom you've fought in the past.  Each trainer that you fight will be recorded in the Trainer's Eyes directory.  By selecting one of the trainers' names, you'll be able to view that trainer's Location, Strategy, Pokemon, and Self-Introduction.  If you see a flashing square Pokeball next to some of the names in the directory, then that means you can go and battle that trainer again!
Trainer's Eyes  -  featuring Drake of the Elite Four
    Here you can view the Ribbons which you've collected from the Contests.  Choose a Pokemon and you can see the amount of Ribbons that Pokemon has won.  And by pressing A once more, you can see the names of each Ribbon.
Ribbons held by Swampert...he only has two?
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