Program created cash contributions are intended to encourage Muslims to practice religious religious endowment. It is a scheme offered by Baitul Aini with a minimum value of RM 50 per unit to be owned by Muslims and endow the shares to ESTABLISHMENTS Baitul Aini with the aim of benefits provided to orphans and the poor Muslims.

With this scheme not only religious endowment made by certain individuals who own property and financial capability alone. In fact, anyone can do with the religious endowments RM50 per unit share.

Wakaf Online Procedure Baitul Aini

There are several procedures Endowments Online Baitul Aini will be followed, including:

1) Entries must be through the website of the Baitul Aini.

2) Investments with a minimum value of £ 50 per unit.

3) Participation is open to all Muslims and their company.

4) Certificate digital endowment will be given to participating pewakaf Saham Wakaf Online Baitulaini end of the payment process.

5) Each participant did not receive any dividends or profit because it is the waqf.

6) Participation also allowed for the representative or any person who has died or even surviving.

Waqf Building Program - Baitul Aini Selangor

Location: PT 478 (HSM 822), Lorong Setia 12 Kg. Loyal, 48050 Kuang, Selangor.

Endowments development has been reopened. A student council should be built as a classroom and learning center residents Baitul Aini. Existing classes can not accommodate the growing number of students. Hall student dormitory is being built next to the boys.


BALANCE WAKAF: 5632 units

"I want to contribute for the development and management of infrastructure and orphans tahfiz Baitul Aini Organization with sincerity worth"

* Digital ownership certificate will be displayed after the completion of the payment process. Please make sure you make the next step after completing the payment through MOLPay:

1. MOLPay will show "Transaction Successful". Please proceed by clicking the "Click Here to Complete Your Transaction"

2. MOLPay will show "Enter your card number". Please ignore. Otherwise proceed to click "Back to Online Store".

3. You will be taken to a website Baitul Aini display endowment certificate.



Akaun: 564566301030


Akaun: 508319215623


  • Abu Musa narrated that the Prophet said, "Every Muslim has to give in sadaqah."

    The people asked, "O Allah's Messenger! If someone has nothing to give, what will he do? "

    He said, "He should work with his hands and benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns)."

    The people further asked, "If he can not do even that?"

    He replied, "Then he should help the needy who appeal for help."

    Then the people asked, "If he can not do that?"

    He replied, "Then he should perform all that is good and keep away from all that is evil and this will be regarded as charitable deeds."

    Bukhari Vol. 2, Hadith 524)