Melbourne  and  Badger Weir

Other pages  Daylesford, Inglewood,  Tasmania  [coming] Bendigo
Downtown Melbourne [east side]  and  30 miles east, out at Badger Weir , 
an hour and a half drive out to the country near 
Healsville Sanctuary 5k east of Healsville on  Monday 23 September 2002

The Fitzroy Gardens- towards the City- about 300 yards away... see Fairies Tree photos I took too here
Flinders Street old station and new art gallery under construction 2002.

Opposite Flinders Street Station -the heart of Melbourne - 
is St Paul's Anglican Cathedral which does have good stained glass windows...

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Morrell Street Bridge looking to downtown Melbourne 

Badger Weir- Near Healsville, in the Yarra Valley. 
Treefern Track almost at the Badger Weir -15 minutes walk uphill from the picnic ground which is full of huge European laurels and fir trees as well as undercover BBQ facilities. 

Wild Crimson  Rosellas everywhere  in picnic ground.
when people have their food out! 600dpi


75dpi! The birds like food!

Kookaburra who liked Juliet's cream cake

Brighton Beach Melbourne

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