
Cougar Rock CG, Mount Rainier
Click on all thumbnails to enlarge
(not affiliated with National Parks)

cougar_rock.jpg (50988 bytes)
Mt. Rainier in evening light. View from Puyallup.
Click on photo to view many more images of Mount Rainier
during the wildflower season, and for the virtual tour.

Cougar Rock cg  is located in the forest at a lower
elevation than Paradise and more temperate.
It's a short drive up to Paradise and Reflection Lakes.

Sites cost $15.00 per night.
Instructions to reserve:
Call 1-800-365-2267 (open 7 am to 7 pm)
The automated message asks for park id:
Enter 668#  then follow instructions, and you get an operator
Or if in doubt Enter 0# gets you an operator
Then tell the operator
Cougar Rock cg, Mt. Rainier

cougar_rock1.jpg (357948 bytes)
Map of Cougar Rock campground. Click to 
enlarge. Becomes very big. 
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Location of Cougar Rock campground
in relation to Paradise and Longmire.
cougar_rock3.jpg (64168 bytes)
How to get to Mt. Rainier.
    Click to go back to Mt. Rainier page
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