

Click HERE for older news...
Click HERE for lots of older, pre-release news...

2/12/02 -- Helene and TonysGirl alerted me to the fact that Anthony Hopkins was not nominated for his riveting perf as Hannibal in last year's underrated masterpiece. Well, we can always see what happens with Red Dragon. GO TONY! Next up, a new Hannibal site. Please visit That's My Girl (formerly Dear Clarice).

12/19/01 -- Happy Lord of the Rings day everyone. You know where I'll be later... In the meantime, thanks to the lovely Helene for pointing me to The Eye of the Storm where Dawn has set up a place for birthday greetings for Sir Tony. Also, trip on great news on the Red Dragon page!

12/15/01 -- Three things in today's update. Thing 1) on the great Frank's suggestion, I have started a Red Dragon cast list page, which you can find by clicking here. Thing two, while poking around MGM.com, I found this most excellent page that I hope gets a lot of use in the coming months. Thing three, there is a wee little update on the Red Dragon page. Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

11/28/01 -- Big news day today. First, TonysGirl has the scoop on what's going to be done to Sir Tony in her special report; there's casting news on the Red Dragon page, and thanks to the radiant Helene for pointing me to this story at the Eye of the Storm site about Hopkins and the first in what I hope will be many nominations for this amazing actor!

11/22/01 -- Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate the holiday. And to everyone out there, thanks for reading the site and writing in when you do. I always appreciate it. Not to wax too pseudo-poetical, but after what happened on Sept. 11, I sometimes feel like giving thanks for every moment. Now is one of those times, so indulge me, willya? In the meantime, I'm also giving thanks to the great scooper Frank Jackson, who has some additional casting rumor and innuendo to report on the Red Dragon page!

11/15/01 -- Take this animal back to Baltimore! Two scoops of location info on the Red Dragon page!

11/8/01 -- Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I'm having a fierce bandwidth stand-off with the mothership, so I'll make this quick. There's a piping hot update on the Red Dragon page. In sorta related news, scooper Suzanne points us to this story and the great TonysGirl sends us this one about the great Anthony Hopkins's new flick, The Human Stain. Also, our great friend cleo has written a very cool piece about The Elephant Man, which I recommend highly. For that matter, if you are looking for new, new news, you should check out her Daily Digest just on principal.

Lastly, props to the lovely Helene, who wrote in to tell us about a signed photo she got from Sir Tony postmarked from his home town. It's nice to know that one of our very greatest actors still opens his mail! Cheers everyone!

10/16/01 -- I have been unable to work on the site due to some server issues. Sorry if you hit links or images that aren't there. I've had to delete some things either because the site is taking up too much bandwidth or I am getting too many visitors (weird as that sounds, trust me). Hearts in Atlantis was beautiful, I thought. Great flick. Not much news on the Hannibal front, but thanks to Suzanne for the scoopage you will (hopefully, if the geocities gods allow it) find on the Red Dragon page!

9/27/01 -- Apologies to the readers of this site for the lack of updates lately (see paragraph below). So, it's catch-up time! You still owe it to yourself to check out cleo's great news and gossip site, Daily Digest. Meanwhile, the wacky Smilin' Jack Ruby has posted his interview with Sir Anthony Hopkins on 13th Street. Also in the news, the lovely Helene reports that Hopkins's latest film, Bad Company (with Chris Rock) has been delayed due to terrorist content.

In the new Hannibal site watch, April has put up Hannibal the Cannibal; Pride has put up f.e.i.g.n.(p.o.i.s.e.); and Cankat's Turkish Hannibal site.

Next, interested in reading the David Mamet draft of Hannibal? You can check it out HERE. Mucho thanks to longtime scooper Barry and the intrepid cleolinda!

Interesting Red Dragon potential news on the Red Dragon page courtesy of cleo and Barry.

And a new review from Rube on the Review page! (note: if you have trouble, just try back later).

Lastly, horror fans, if you live on the East Coast or plan on visiting, you owe it to yourself to check out the great Chillercon -- mucho thanks to Helene for the head's up.

Thus endeth today's monster update. Peace, everybody!

9/16/01 -- After taking a little break from the site (a sort of vacation), I now feel too disheartened to really stock up on news. I'm sure I'll get back to normal like everyone else, and put up a mega update, but in the meantime, thanks to everyone who wrote in over the past couple of weeks. We're a worldwide community, as Anne Frank said, "all different and yet the same." The human toll has been so hard to wrap my mind and heart around that I'm praying for sane and just solutions. Thanks to the lovely cleo for sending me this Ebert article proposing a memorial, CLICK HERE TO READ. Cleo, who has been a consistent and reliable scooper, has also built a great new movie website that will cover all things Hannibal, Hearts in Atlantis, and other coolness. Click here for the Daily Digest.

Peace. Chris.

9/01/01 -- A ton of DVD reviews, with many different impressions, can be read HERE. And thanks to Suzanne for pointing out the picture above, which is accompanied by THIS NEWS STORY. For more pictures, click HERE. Also look for news on the Red Dragon and Hannibal DVDpages. Oh, and if you want to see something cool, hit the link for Magazine Covers (and scroll down)!

8/29/01 -- Who got the Hannibal and Silence discs!? I'm looking for reader reviews, so please write me with your thoughts! CLICK HERE to read our first review, from the lovely Helene (Dr and Mrs Lecter)!

Next, thanks to everyone who wrote in about the De Laurentiis interview. Get links to that and a plethora of new updated stuff on the Red Dragon page

8/25/01 -- Thanks to everyone who has sent me their thoughts on the discs!! All good news! We have some ubercool screen shots in the PICTURES section (with humble thanks to new scooper Meg) and updates on the Hannibal, Silence and Red Dragon pages!

8/22/01 (second update) -- Freshly baked updates on Silence, Hannibal and Red Dragon pages! Get em while they're hot!

08/22/01 -- The Hannibal and Silence DVDs are out and I've got em! Haven't watched them yet but check back in the coming days for my reviews! In the meantime, you're in for a treat! A reader named Stephanie, who writes on Loving Lecter as 'MrsRosencranz' has written an in-depth analysis of the Hannibal Lecter trilogy as a modern retelling of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. Read that uber-coolness HERE! Thanks a mil, Stephanie!

Also, in today's update, look for an Easter Egg on the Hannibal page and a chewy center on the Red Dragon page!!

8/20/01 -- I will probably be updating throughout the day but in the meantime, Garth Franklin has reviewed both the Silence and Hannibal discs over at Dark Horizons! Very great, thorough reviews!

8/18/01 -- Giant update today! When you're done with Hannibal, if you're interested in all things Stephen King, check out today's King'z Walk for an update! In the meantime, click HERE for today's monster update!

8/16/01 (second update) -- In addition to the Edward Norton confirmation on the Red Dragon page, cleo's got a cool report on the Silence DVD page!

8/15/01 -- OK, so I missed Access Hollywood!!! Argh! Anybody tape it? In the meantime, check out updates on the Red Dragon, Silence and Hannibal pages!!!

8/13/01 -- US readers, watch Access Hollywood tonight for an excised clip from Hannibal!! (Thanks, cleo, for the tip) Click HERE for a huge weekend catch-up report!

8/11/01 -- HUGE, cool update today thanks to scoopers cleo, Inge and Armin. I'd also like to congratulate Helene (Dr and Mrs Lecter) on the impending arrival of a new little Hannibal or Clarice! Cheers! Check out stellar updates on the Silence, Hannibal and Red Dragon pages!!!

8/8/01 -- Great Region 2 DVD images on the Silence page! Also, is Ridley Scott exec. producing Red Dragon? And, cleo has updated the Hannibal/Silence photo album, which is worth a couple hours of perusing!

And last but not least, the Official Site has updated with a clip that explores the dangers of pig wrangling!!!

8/6/01 -- Major casting news on the Red Dragon page! More on the editing controversy, cut images, a new review and way more on the Hannibal page! Plus, a review and some amazing new stuff on the Silence page. Also, check out this new fanfic site courtesy of the lovely Helene (Dr. and Mrs. Lecter).

8/4/01 -- Controversy thy name is Hannibal! Is the Region 4 version edited? Click HERE and read the scoop! WARNING: SPOILERS!

8/3/01 -- I wish I would have had time to do this update earlier today because it's friggin AMAZING!!! I suggest starting with the Red Dragon page, proceeding to the Silence DVD page and save the Hannibal DVD page for last because you will want to linger in some of the great links! Oh, and just for good measure, there will be more news on King'z Walk too! Many thanks to my great scoopers cleo, Inge, Kenny, new scooper Ytse and the great Helene for their must-appreciated help!

8/1/01 -- Added info on the Hannibal page, plus great, great stuff on the Silence and Red Dragon pages and a brand new update with tons of cool stuff on King'z Walk, my Stephen King site!

7/31/01 -- A new scene from the DVD every week! I get the MGM newsletter and their latest missive states that the Official Site will have a new clip every week leading up to the DVD's release! Read the whole thing here!

7/27/01 -- Huge update today! Lots of cool images and general weirdness! Check it out HERE!

7/25/01 -- Some great Hannibal fanfic links so until I give those links their own section I'll put them here. The lovely Helene (Dr. and Mrs. Lecter) sent me a link to this NC-17 site, Lecterotica and a new Hannibal club site with games and role playing and fic, Lecterville. Also, Hannah has updated Dear Clarice!. Now, in the news, there is a new back cover image on the Silence DVD page. Great job, Inge from Norway!

7/24/01 -- DVD reviews are HERE!!!! Check them out in the hannibal DVD section. Also, new info in the Red Dragon section and awesome news about a new Stephen King miniseries over on Kingz Walk!

7/17/01 -- The great Laura Palmer is BACK!!!! Check out her new site HERE to see a very VERY special video treat!!! Thanks, Laura, and mucho thanks to LecterForever for pointing the way!

7/14/01 -- MAJOR, MAJOR news today. And it comes to us courtesy of G!O from Perth in Western Australia, who is lucky enough to have already ordered his DVDs!!! First, the new Official Site for the Silence and Hannibal DVDs is OPEN! Check it out but don't stop there because there's MAJOR news in both the Silence Page and the Hannibal DVD page!! Thanks, G!O, YOU RULE, MAN!

7/12/01 -- WOW!!! A MASSIVELY COOL update today!!! Dig the coolness on the Hannibal DVD page, the Silence DVD page, more about that ending on the Red Dragon page. Plus, a brand new rant from TonysGirl on her favorite subject -- Sir Hopkins, of course! Read that HERE.. And last but not least, some kewlness on Kingz Walk!. So, READ AND ENJOY!

7/10/01 -- Hold onto your hats, Hannibal fans, there is MAJOR NEWS in today's update!!!

7/6/01 -- Very intriguing news from Julianne Moore on the Hannibal DVD and Red Dragon pages!

7/5/01 -- OK, it's not Hannibal/Silence. But I couldn't resist the cool poster from Hearts in Atlantis, which there's actually news about that you can read by clicking HERE!

7/3/01 - Great, GREAT stuff on the Silence DVD page!

7/1/01 - HUGE update today with many cool and interesting tidbits and you can only get to it by clicking HERE!

6/20/01 - Many thanks to cleolinda for this link, in which FilmForce highlights interesting parts of a Ted Tally interview about Red Dragon! I urge you to check it out. Thanks, cleo! Also, Terry from the Message boards pointed out this cool Hannibal WinAmp skin!. I had a surprise email in my in-box this morning from old-time scooper Fan A sending me the wonderful image above. I have not seen that picture ANYWHERE. Thanks, man! Also in the news, a very cool new site which you can read about on the Hannibal DVD page!

6/20/01 - Longtime Hannibal's Palace scooper TonysGirl has something on her mind about the new Red Dragon. It's funny and insightful and though I don't agree with everything she says, I agree with a damn lot of it! Read her rant HERE! Also, there's a brand spankin new Red Dragon review, this one from the usually thoughtful Stax. Read it HERE. Thanks, as always, to the great Dark Horizons.

06/19/01 - August 21 is the official date for the Silence and Hannibal DVDs!!! If you order from Amazon, please don't forget to order through sites like Greater Good or other charity portals! Check out today's cool update by clicking HERE!

06/13/01 -- A truly giant update today! First, check out the Silence DVD page, and then mosey on over to the Red Dragon page! Red Dragon is go!

06/10/01 - I just found out that there is going to be a live chat during the Saturn Awards! They will be on lycos, accessible through The Outer Limits and the Stargate SG1 sites! This is very cool and Nicolas Cage is supposed to be there (I will log on and ask him if he is indeed in talks to be in Red Dragon!!!)

Juicy new details on the Silence DVD page, some more grist for the rumor mill on the Red Dragon page, and loads of supercool stuff in today's UPDATE!

6/02/01 - An interesting tidbit in the Red Dragon page!

5/30/01 - New info and images on the Hannibal and Silence DVD pages!

5/29/01 -- We have some cool news on the Hannibal DVD and Silence DVD fronts, so click over there for some new info. Also, I finally got a Message Board up and running. Also, answering demand for this, the divine Helene (Mrs. Lecter) sent in the fan mail address for Thomas Harris, which you can see by clicking HERE.

Oh, and by the way, it's been such a long time since Silence of the Lambs came out, if anyone cares to review it for this site, I'll gladly post reviews here!

5/26/01 -- Cool H.P. scooper cleolinda has given us a tidbit on the Red Dragon page. Also, I have fixed the guest book, so please drop me a line on the Quid Pro Quo. I have also fixed the link to the awesome Hannibal personality profiler. But, the piece de resistance of today's update is an amazing Thomas Harris item from our great scooper Helene, Dr. and Mrs. Lecter, which you can read by clicking here!

5/17/01 -- Updates on the Hannibal DVD and a very juicy item on Red Dragon! Sorry about the slowness to update. I need to get the redesign in order and then I will have mucho more info!

Thanks to everyone who wrote in with DVD info! Please keep it coming! I will launch Silence and Hannibal DVD pages soon! In the meantime, there is a little report on the Red Dragon Prequel Page!

Congrats to Ridley on his Oscar nom and BAFTA wins! Ridley deserved to win the Oscar for Gladiator, but maybe the Academy will make up for it in 2002 by giving him the Oscar for Hannibal!

Thanks everyone for your patience while I took a short vacation from total Hannibalism saturation. I have many cool new images, links, cleolinda updates, wallpapers, even an amazing action figure that you will not believe. It'll take me a while to get back up to speed, but poke around a little in the interim and ye shall not be disappointed! Cheers!

Click HERE for a short update!

Many huge thanks to the wonderful, lovely and supremely helpful cleolinda for snagging today's UPDATE!

How can Hannibal be the 11th top selling dvd when it's ot even out yet? find out in today's UPDATE!

Is Clarice hot ... or not? VOTE NOW!

Read way more news in the news archive.

A plethora of tasty catch-up in today's UPDATE!

Hannibal the miniseries???? Thanks to cleolinda for pointing out this hilarious but strangely logical tidbit... (I for one can't WAIT!!!)

An interview transcript and tons o' fun stuff in today's UPDATE!

New Red Dragon info, pics and reports in today's UPDATE!

2/26/01 -- Tons of stories and reviews from around the world in today's UPDATE!

2/24/01 -- Random Hannibal wackiness in today's UPDATE!

2/23/01 -- All kinds of international stuff, a longtime scooper reviews the movie and a piece by Ridley himself! Read it all in today's UPDATE!

2/22/01 -- Our favorite sleuth, cleolinda, has tons of pics and news from around the world in today's UPDATE!.

2/20/01 -- The world is more interesting with cleolinda in it! Be afraid, be very afraid! Go to our pictures section for a GIGANTIC cache of new pics! And then click HERE to find out why Hannibal is EVERYWHERE!

Is Clarice hot ... or not? VOTE NOW!

Read way more news in the news archive.

Where is Hannibal?


Where is Hannibal?

"Now that ceaseless exposure has calloused us to the lewd and the vulgar, it is instructive to see what still seems wicked to us. What still slaps the clammy flab of our submissive consciousness hard enough to get our attention?" -- Hannibal

"Hannibal isn't a monster. It is the dark side inside all of us." -- Anthony Hopkins

08/18/01 -- There are raucous new updates on the Red Dragon, Silence and Hannibal pages! And tons of stuff below, so read on!

First, thanks to Jeff for sending in two new wallpapers! Next, vote for your favorite Anthony Hopkins movie!.

Finally, the great cleolinda writes in with some awesome stuff. First, a link to the Spoilers game, which features Hannibal spoilers; as well as links to some great general interest stuff at the Edward Norton fan page. Here's her report.

**First, a story about an award Norton presented to Anthony Hopkins before the filming of Hannibal (March 5, 2000) At the interview afterwards, there was a surprise guest. Apparently there are no hard feelings, because Foster, who received the Modern Master Award two years ago, slipped in to a front-row seat at the Arlington in time to watch as movie critic Leonard Maltin began his scheduled interview with Hopkins. **A GQ "conversations" article Norton and Hopkins did together.

Great, great stuff!!! Thanks, cleo!!

08/13/01 -- First, G!o (who has the R4 DVD) confirms those pics we posted (one shown above) were indeed from the cut jail scene! Also, be sure to check the Silence page and Red Dragon pages for updates! In the meantime, cleo sent in some interesting, Hannibal-related articles for your perusal:

***Slate.com's "Idea of the Day"--whoa, this is bizarre. You remember Il Mostro, of course--the real Florentine killer that inspired Harris to set "Hannibal" in that city, and even became a film subplot (that was, as someone put it, "largely abandoned," but you can still see him in the "Hannibal escapes" clip on Laura Palmer's site and in the "Il Mostro" deleted scene on the DVD, which was also played as a Quicktime clip on the old official site--I still have it if anyone needs it).

Well, what Inigo Thomas is saying is that they may not have caught the right "Il Mostro"--and that there may be a real-life Hannibal Lecter, as it were, still roaming Florence: "Either way, the evil is out there in the hills around Florence, sipping a nice Chianti, and if fact follows fiction then a real Clarice Starling should make an appointment with the carabinieri sometime soon."

**"Net Closes on Satanic High Priest": The real Monster, Giuttari says, was not the ?rough peasant? Pacciani but a ?cultured man of great professional success, rich, esteemed and powerful, but with psychopathic hidden impulses. It makes you wonder how many Jekylls and Hydes there are in civilised cities like Florence.?**

** "Hold the Chianti, Hannibal" ...Thomas Harris, whose bestseller spawned the Oscar-winning Silence of the Lambs, was inspired to base his sequel in the Tuscan capital by a 1992 visit. He attended the trial of the so-called monster of Florence, Pietro Pacciani, who was accused of killing eight courting couples in the woods in and around Florence between 1968 and 1985.**

** "Monster of Florence May Still Be Alive": ...Not just for its horror but because of the suspicion that Pacciani was not the real Monster of Florence but a pawn who acted on the orders of a powerful high society figure, possibly a doctor or surgeon. Harris was inspired to locate his third novel, Hannibal, in the Tuscan capital, and echoes of the real life case reverberated during filming of the novel in Florence last year.In the fictional story, Lecter (played by Sir Anthony Hopkins) escapes from custody in the US and resurfaces as the custodian of the Capponi library, with all the refinement and homicidal impulses attributed to the suspected "real" monster.**

Too bad Pazzi can't help us! Thanks, cleo!

07/27/01 -- Check out the lovely new images on both the Silence and Hannibal pages! But there's lots more news, so read on! Intrepid reporter cleolinda reports the following:

**Chicago Sun-Times: This is just very random, but perhaps interesting--you may remember the name "Melissa Thomas" from either the film production notes or Julianne Moore interviews. Well, the FBI agent who helped Moore train is now...the lead investigator on the Condit-Levy missing person case.

**Christian Science Monitor: Also, found a Christian Science Monitor article about America's Sweethearts, written by a journalist who got a walk-on role in a restaurant to say this five-word punchline:

"How's the liver here?"
"Best I've had since Hannibal."

Also, Celtic Starling writes in the following:

I'm not too sure if this is common knowledge or not I try to keep up with all the Lecter news but I can only be around sporadically :( a good friend of mine told me tho that Hannibal was contracted to be a 2 book series. I figured I'd pass the news along just incase no one else has heard about this.

We will stand by for confirmation! Thanks celtic!

And finally, a new Hannibal site has popped up! Leave no stone unturned and check it out. The HanMan would be proud. Hannibal's Basement.

07/10/01 -- Many thanks to everyone who reads this site. I totally dig getting letters from you and completely appreciate you sending in the scoops!!! First, from longtime scooper, the lovely, elegant Helene (Dr. and Mrs. Lecter) comes this:

Got an AH update that says Hopkins and Moore were both nominated for Best Actor/Actress for their work in "Hannibal" for the 2001 Hollywood Film Festival..the film however was not nominated..check out AH Eye of The Storm for more.. Vote for Sir Hopkins and Mme Moore HERE! Mucho thanks, Helene!!

Next, from a new scooper, Rainer, comes this item (and his articulate thoughs) about the newly-reported Hannibal Game:

I'm a regular reader of your excellent site. In case you don't already know, I thought I'd drop a line to say that a commercial Hannibal Lecter 3D adventure game is being developed for a big release in 2002: ArxelTribe.com

One line is a little worrying: "You will be facing the beast in a real time 3D action/adventure and explore the darkest side of his personality." Whilst merely the presence of Dr. Lecter in a high profile game is a cause for celebration (hopefully voiced by Sir Anthony - based on his previous commitment to the character, I can't imagine he would refuse) I think most fans would be extremely disappointed with the omission of the ability to actually *be* Hannibal Lecter. After all, what makes the computer game such a unique medium is that it offers a tapestry of malleable fantasy; we can indulge, exorcise and investigate that which fascinates us. And when push comes to shove, I don't fantasise about being Clarice on the tail of Lecter (however strong her character) or being Barney charged with making sure he doesn't escape. As people playing the game, we want to be Dr. Lecter, full stop. If there is anything immoral in it all, it would only be the artistic cowardice in the game-makers falling short of Thomas Harris' vision by making Hannibal some two-bit villain we have to hunt down as in a hundred other computer games.

Already the graphical technology is there in games such as Quake 3 (1.27 revision onwards) and Max Payne. In 2002 it will be even more advanced. So imagine it: controlling a photorealistic Hannibal Lecter, motion captured from Sir Anthony Hopkins. It is entirely possible, and maybe (somehow) through your fantastic site, fans of the good doctor can remind Arxel Tribe that they need to make it a reality :-) Thanks, Rainer!!!

Finally, two last items:

One is a new fanfic site to check out from Hannah, aka Clarice, which you can read by clicking here -- Hannibal & Silence of the Lambs Fanfiction. She has also started a Hannibal site -- DEAR CLARICE. So I suggest you CHECK BOTH OUT!

Lastly, a MEGA SCOOP from longtime scooper and ranter TonysGirl but you'll have to click over to the Red Dragon Page to read it!!

Oh, and one last thing, I've got some Hearts in Atlantis news over at Kingz Walk so if you're on that beat, check it out!!!

07/01/01 -- Check out the Hannibal DVD and Silence DVD pages for a cool image and some new info about those DVDs (with huge props and thanks to the awesome Garth Franklin, keeper of the greatest news site on the web, Dark Horizons).

Thanks to the great Kenny for reporting that Hannibal's box office "currently stands at number 62, between "Tomorrow Never Dies" ($346.6M in 1997) and "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" ($345M in 2000) with a tally of $ 345,100,000. There are some markets that are still showing the movie so it should end its run at about $350 Million." Thanks, man!

Also, a Hannibal's Palace reader has devised a questionnaire/poll thing on the message boardss, so if you have a minute and feel like being silly/profound, please check it out!

Next, those who have completely probed this site know that its red-headed younger brother is my Stephen King site and if you're interested, there's some new info on that site as well so check it out!

Many huge thanks to the enchanting Helene (Dr. and Mrs. Lecter) who writes in with the following info:

First, the Loving Lecter group has started an online petition to try to form a larger organized presence for Hannibal fandom. You can read it (and sign it!) by clicking HERE!

Helene also writes: "I read in the paper today that in Scary Movie 2 the Hannibal Parody is going to be the dinner scene...when asked, Wayans said that 'brains are involved'.. sounds yummy.."

Many thanks, Helene!

06/19/01 - Thanks to the industrious Helene (Dr. and Mrs. Lecter) for pointing the way to the website for the Chiller Convention, so if anyone is interested just click on over! Also, Helene has posted some new fan fiction at Hannibal Addiction (Mr. Starling, pt. 2) and Dr. Lecter's Cell (Happy Birthday). Also, Helene has a new email address [email protected]. Thanks, as always, Helene!

06/10/01 - There's a very cool phenomenon brewing in Hannibal fandom on the net - fan fiction. Very cool stories inspired by the characters created by Thomas Harris. The writers are imaginative and extremely knowledgeable about the world Hannibal and Clarice inhabit. Our very own scooper Helene (Mrs. Lecter) is one such writer. And since she was kind enough to send me links to her stories, I pass them along to you.

*Here's Mrs. Rosencrantz (registration required, but totally worth it as there are many, many cool stories archived there and at the other sites as well!); Mr. Rosencrantz on the great Hannibal Addiction site; The Video Store at the super cool Dr. Lecter's Cell; and Online at the Hannibal and Clarice Relationship Site!

The lovely Helene also turns in the following report!

*The next Chiller Convention should be the last weekend in October---plenty of hannibal stuff will be there and plenty of scoop----I'll be scooping as your roving reporter--if anyone is in the NJ area..I can pass along the phone number for tickets...it's great fun!! Write Helene by clicking here!

*Look for the hog in the Dr. Doolittle trailer to say a certain line from our favorite cannibal...

Mucho thanks to the lovely Helene!!!!

05/29/01 - OK, pilgrims! Thanks to the lovely Helene (Mrs. Lecter), here's the address for Thomas Harris fan mail:

Mr. Thomas Harris
c/o Delacorte/Dell Publishing
Random House, Inc.
1540 Broadway
ATTN: Carole Baron, Publisher/Editor

05/26/01 -- The lovely Helene (Dr. and Mrs. Lecter) wrote in about a letter she received in the mail:

I would like to share with you an excerpt from the letter I received from Thomas Harris in response to a fan letter I sent him...I received the reply in only 2 weeks and it was postmarked Miami, FL:

"Dear Helene,

Thank you for your interesting letter....I added a forward to the most recent edition of 'Red Dragon' that you may find interesting...as to the continuing adventures of Hannibal and Clarice..I am inclined to let them dance forever on the terrace in Buenos Aires..."

Wow! Thanks, Helene!

04/21/01 - In case you're wondering what to get that hard-to-buy-for person in your life for Christmas or a birthday, check out what the amazing Heiko J. Wrusch came up with by clicking here!

Hannibal has crosed the 300 million mark. Check out Kenny's excellent Hannibal Shrine for the up to date details!

A while ago the great cleolinda sent in this sequel/prequel report from Dark Horizons:

"Red Dragon: Screenwriter Ted Tally talked with Cinescape magazine about the state of the next Dr. Lecter adventure and cleared up one issue at last - it will be both a prequel and sequel combined. The story will basically kick off with the cops nabbing the famous cannibal and heavily feature flashbacks to the earlier times of events mentioned in the RD novel. Thanks to 'Terry'"

Cleo also reports that Dino De Laurentiis sez he is not courting Jude Law or Jodie Foster for the sequel/prequel.

As always, thanks, cleo!

03/20/01 -- OK, I'm getting lazy and become a slacker in my Hannibalism. But luckily, cleo is not!

**Coming Attractions posts info on the new sequel and prequel! (thanks also to TonysGirl!)

**"Liotta Upset Over Morphine Claims": Apparently they're saying now that he really *was* doped up for that last scene--method acting, if you will--which he denies vehemently.

**Also, a fun anecdote over at Canoe.

There's more ... I'll get to it!

Thanks also to Kenny for pointing out the following:

The total now stands at $ 264,763,123 M. It's an indication, it's higher but the numbers don't come in regularly. Hannibal is now, according to my calculations between Indecent Proposal ($266.6M in 1993) and Jumanji ($264.7M in 1994).

03/10/01 -- Herewith, the divinely inspired cleolinda dishes up her report:

**Hannibal is the 11th most popular DVD at Amazon (courtesy of the IMDB)? How can that be, you ask? Well, you can pre-order it--for an estimated $25. The DVD will, apparently, be coming out 10/30/01--the day before Halloween. Sweet. (Editor's note: don't forget to shop Amazon through Greater Good or another such charity! Hannibal would approve).

**Brooke Smith currently in Series 7: The Contenders (a movie I'd really like to see, actually) but most of us remember her better as Catherine Martin. She was also very, very good in Vanya on 42nd Street--some of her best scenes were with...Julianne Moore (who was Yelena, and amazing). Here's the article about her.

**Courtesy of the Philadelphia Daily News, a real groaner: "What does Hannibal Lecter call a tight-rope walker?"

"A balanced meal."

**And the San Francisco Gate: "Twenty-one thousand people entered the Los Angeles Marathon on Sunday," says Alex Kaseberg, "or as Hannibal Lecter would call it, 'A Moveable Feast.' "

**Excellent, excellent, high-quality photo wallpapers here (Including the biggest picture of Francesca Neri...IN THE WORLD.)

**Snippet from this article:

"Producer Dino de Laurentiis and "Silence of the Lambs" star Jodie Foster gave dueling reasons why she didn't play Clarice in "Hannibal": She says she thought the movie too violent; he says she was too expensive and too old." More rumors included.

**Ever wanted to know what foodstuff stood in for Gary Oldman?s face? The IGN interview has the answer. I know you?d posted the leads? interviews, but silly me, I hadn?t gone back in a while. (They don?t update some of the pages very often, if at all?so much for ?your daily dose of cannibalism.?) However, they now have Gary Oldman's and Ray Liotta?s interviews up.

**Also?this is spoilerific, but it serves a purpose: my aunt?s favorite movie site, screenit.com, has a page breaking Hannibal down (into tiny, tiny pieces). They divide ?objectionable content? into more categories than you can shake a stick at. Samples: Violence, Guns/Weapons, Profanity, Sex/Nudity, Smoking, Jump Scenes, Tense Family Scenes, Music (Scary/Tense) [as opposed to ?Music (Inappropriate)?, you see], Blood/Gore, and my favorite, ?Disrespectful/Bad Attitudes.? And many, many more. At the same time, they don?t comment on that content, per se, just inform you.

And will they ever inform you: you will have no need to see the movie after you read this page, because it tells you EVERYTHING. (No, wait?sometimes it omits names. Thanks!) However, you may decide to post the link, in case someone?s trying to decide what all the fuss is about?or, like me, they can?t decide if Little Sister should see it and want a refresher course on what all happened. Experience the magic HERE!

**Sad editor's note: Laura Palmer informs me that her new hosting service took down her site the same as stas.net did before it. If anyone has a good, strong server and want her video archive, email Laura.

Now, for the piece de resistance. Take it away cleo:

**In 1990, they filmed a "secret promo" for SOTL...on the first day of shooting. Read about it here!

Also on MGM.com: They've vastly updated their SOTL Media page from when I visited it in January. (I guess it was under construction, since they acquired the title from the defunct Orion.) 11 sound clips and 10 stills.

Editor's note: And finally, Fangoria online has posted a Verger shot! Since the film has opened in most of the world I will post a link with a warning! It's better to see him for the first time in the film and not on the web -- trust me! Thanks to cleo for the head's up: Click here for Fango!

Thanks for the report and the stylin' photo at the top o' today's page, cleo! You ROCK!

10/30/01--the day before Halloween. Sweet. (Editor's note: don't forget to shop Amazon through Greater Good or another such charity! Hannibal would approve).

**Brooke Smith currently in Series 7: The Contenders (a movie I'd really like to see, actually) but most of us remember her better as Catherine Martin. She was also very, very good in Vanya on 42nd Street--some of her best scenes were with...Julianne Moore (who was Yelena, and amazing). Here's the article about her.

**Courtesy of the Philadelphia Daily News, a real groaner: "What does Hannibal Lecter call a tight-rope walker?"

"A balanced meal."

**And the San Francisco Gate: "Twenty-one thousand people entered the Los Angeles Marathon on Sunday," says Alex Kaseberg, "or as Hannibal Lecter would call it, 'A Moveable Feast.' "

**Excellent, excellent, high-quality photo wallpapers here (Including the biggest picture of Francesca Neri...IN THE WORLD.)

**Snippet from this article:

"Producer Dino de Laurentiis and "Silence of the Lambs" star Jodie Foster gave dueling reasons why she didn't play Clarice in "Hannibal": She says she thought the movie too violent; he says she was too expensive and too old." More rumors included.

**Ever wanted to know what foodstuff stood in for Gary Oldman�s face? The IGN interview has the answer. I know you�d posted the leads� interviews, but silly me, I hadn�t gone back in a while. (They don�t update some of the pages very often, if at all�so much for �your daily dose of cannibalism.�) However, they now have Gary Oldman's and Ray Liotta�s interviews up.

**Also�this is spoilerific, but it serves a purpose: my aunt�s favorite movie site, screenit.com, has a page breaking Hannibal down (into tiny, tiny pieces). They divide �objectionable content� into more categories than you can shake a stick at. Samples: Violence, Guns/Weapons, Profanity, Sex/Nudity, Smoking, Jump Scenes, Tense Family Scenes, Music (Scary/Tense) [as opposed to �Music (Inappropriate)�, you see], Blood/Gore, and my favorite, �Disrespectful/Bad Attitudes.� And many, many more. At the same time, they don�t comment on that content, per se, just inform you.

And will they ever inform you: you will have no need to see the movie after you read this page, because it tells you EVERYTHING. (No, wait�sometimes it omits names. Thanks!) However, you may decide to post the link, in case someone�s trying to decide what all the fuss is about�or, like me, they can�t decide if Little Sister should see it and want a refresher course on what all happened. Experience the magic HERE!

**Sad editor's note: Laura Palmer informs me that her new hosting service took down her site the same as stas.net did before it. If anyone has a good, strong server and want her video archive, email Laura.

Now, for the piece de resistance. Take it away cleo:

**In 1990, they filmed a "secret promo" for SOTL...on the first day of shooting. Read about it here!

Also on MGM.com: They've vastly updated their SOTL Media page from when I visited it in January. (I guess it was under construction, since they acquired the title from the defunct Orion.) 11 sound clips and 10 stills.

Editor's note: And finally, Fangoria online has posted a Verger shot! Since the film has opened in most of the world I will post a link with a warning! It's better to see him for the first time in the film and not on the web -- trust me! Thanks to cleo for the head's up: Click here for Fango!

Thanks for the report and the stylin' photo at the top o' today's page, cleo! You ROCK!

Now, the great Kenny has more on the worldwide box-office of Hannibal.

The total now stands at $231.335.109. It's an indication, it's higher but the numbers don't seem to come in regularly. Hannibal is now, according to my calculations between Sister Act ($231.6M in 1992) and Gone in 60 seconds ($230.9M in 2000).

Thanks, Kenny!

03/03/01 -- Thanks to the indefatigueable cleolinda for reeling in the following report:

**A fun article about "why the critics got it wrong" and how "Hannibal is a sublime love story." Read it by clicking here! (Ed.'s note: Two amazing thinkers, Gary Percesepe and Frederick Barthelme, discussing Hannibal. This is the coolest!)

**Animal-friendly review: Dug this up while procrastinating today (Sunday, that is). It reviews, in terms of the American Humane Association's animal safety guidelines, the film--not so much, "was it good?", but "how did they make it?". Lots of trivia about the boars--"In the pen, dummies and the stuntman were smeared with food so that the animals naturally mouthed the bodies. Popcorn jumps up and places his front feet on the stuntman�s shoulders, appearing to knock him over. When it appears as though the boar is attacking the head and throat of the man, an animatronic boar�s head was used." Also, Krendler's dog, the pigeons and doves in the opening credits, and the boars' upcoming film roles (!). If you like behind-the-scenes info, this is for you.

Editor's note: Cleo has also sent in scads more pictures, which you can see in the Pictures section!

**Almost half of Ebert's Movie Answer Man column is devoted to Hannibal. My favorite question: "A dentist friend suggests that instead of going to such lengths to restrain Hannibal Lecter, they should have simply removed all his teeth. Your opinion?"

**"It's enough to make your eyes water":
An article about the eye as an image in films. Excerpt: "For a man with his culinary tastes, you'd expect the most terrifying feature of Dr Hannibal Lecter to be his teeth. But on the poster for Ridley Scott's Hannibal, they are discreetly sheathed behind Anthony Hopkins's benign smile. What arrests you instead is his eye - just the one - deep crimson, gleaming out at you with malevolent scrutiny. Part of Dr Lecter's power, as we know, is his perspicacity as a psychologist - his ability to see into his victims' souls and suck out their spiritual marrow." ** Goes on to discuss the eye as image in other films."

**"Dr Lecter, meet Dr. Freud":
Discusses MGM's newest ad campaign (and I quote): "Gone was the suave, menacing close-up of actor Anthony Hopkins marking earlier campaigns. In its place was an image from the film's grisly final reel, a dinner setting showing Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Hopkins) fiddling with a frying pan. His nemesis, FBI agent Clarice Starling (Julianne Moore) placidly waits for the meal to be served." I, cleolinda, would like to see one of these ads myself...

**A Julianne Moore interview, "The Moore, The Merrier" and sequel news: As of 1/16/01: "'Well, it started out as a rumour, but there's a bit of truth,' Hopkins said. 'Will I do it? Yes, if the script is good.'" Lots more articles at films2.com.

**More sequel news, from Cinezone: "20 Million and Back End for Anthony Hopkins":
The long and short of this, in German, is [direct quote]: "Allegedly $20 million has been promised to Anthony Hopkins to step before the camera as Hannibal Lecter again." The article also repeats the "Erasure" technology bit, assuming that the film in question would be a Red Dragon remake and not the "fourth" film also floating through the ether.

Everyone be sure to check out scooper Gary's cool Hannibal pages! Warning: not for the faint of heart!

03/01/01 -- Mucho thanks to miss cleo for a report that can now be found in the Red Dragon/Sequel section!

The great scooper Kenny reports that Hannibal has cracked the $200 million mark (OK, my earlier figure of $2 mil was an aggregious typo :))! Check out his amazing site, Hannibal's Shrine!

Also, muchas gracias to scooper Inge for sending us the following transcript and a cool collection of wallpapers. The following interview is with the disk producer for the new MGM dvd of Silence of the Lambs from DVD File.

DF: Silence of the Lambs.

JS: We're done with it. It's massive. The most extensive documentary we've done. I worked with a co-producer, Laura Nix, on that and we'll be doing more projects together.

DF: But you're not trying to duplicate the Criterion disc?

JS: No. Not at all. I would say that people should keep their Criterions for certain things but ours is definitely as exhaustive as we could have done it. It's packed.

DF: They'll wait for Hannibal to get its video release and cross promote it sometime late in the summer probably.

JS: I'm sure that's the plan. Silence of the Lambs is one of my favorite films so it was a real honor to do it.

02/28/01 -- Thanks to everyone who wrote in about the Silence of the Lambs disk! New Red Dragon news in the Red Dragon section, new pictures in the Pictures section and some news from the rockin Hannibal sleuth cleolinda:

The InStyle party hopper caught the Hannibal premiere and reports on it HERE. Cleo observes,

Three pages: pay special attention to the shot of "living statues" on the second page.

Page one, text: Julianne Moore. 'One draw, no doubt, was the film's star, Julianne Moore, who plays FBI agent Clarice Starling. "This was one of the best jobs I've ever had," she said at the party, lounging on a plush red chaise, delicately dangling a Heineken. "It was a pleasure playing Clarice."'

Page two: the NY Public Library's apropos d�cor: 'The New York Public Library had been totally transformed with muted red lights, cadaverous living statues, crimson velvet backdrops, blood-red roses and candlelight. It had just the kind of ambience Dr. Lecter would have preferred...'

Page three discusses...the food. '....Elsewhere, in an intimate enclave, the man whose character had quite calmly advised an adversary, "I'm giving serious thought to eating your wife," dined on a more palatable meal. Sir Anthony Hopkins, ever the dapper gentleman, sipped tea and nibbled a mini baguette as he mingled with producers Dino and Martha De Laurentiis. As people chattered around him, Hopkins remained a man of few words, choosing instead to savor the cuisine. When asked about it, his response was a Hannibal-esque, "Mmm," complete with a trademark diabolical smile.'

Thanks, cleo!

02/26/01 -- Here's a brand new report from the divine cleolinda!

**Planethollywood.com has four interviews--Anthony Hopkins, Julianne Moore, Gary Oldman and Ray Liotta.

**Also, a good article/interview section at guidelive.com. Here's an excerpt:

"But if Lecter's lust is more pronounced on screen, actor Hopkins professes ignorance. Or perhaps he's enjoying a private Lecter-esque chuckle at the expense of his interviewer.

"'I don't think Hannibal has any sexual feelings for Clarice,' he says wearily by telephone last week. 'Obviously, he's very fond of her. And he feels protective of her, which he finds unusual and a little amusing. You know, he doesn't often feel protective toward humans.'

"When it is mentioned that his performance virtually drips with sexual longing, he says edgily: "That's in the eye of the beholder. Some people simply see a man and a woman exchange a greeting, and they read all sorts of sexual undercurrents into it.'"

Whatever you say, Doc.

**supercalafragalistic.com has a review of Hannibal (with Flash commentary from the doctor �himself�)

**Interview w/Julianne Moore w/pictures!

Pi�ce de r�sistance:

**A huge collection of articles at ICShowbiz.com: Several features and articles listed down the second half of the page. Basic rundown:

�Hopkins Back for 3 and 4� (The second half of the article features some interesting armchair psychology on his part.)

Among the myriad other articles:

�Empathy for the Devil� A five-page interview/profile of Anthony Hopkins, and �The Real Clarice Starling�, a five-page article on the FBI agent who trained Julianne Moore for the film. And �Fiends That Inspired a Film Maniac�, Real-life killers. And many, many others.

Thanks as always cleo!

02/24/01 -- It's a short but sweet update today ... at least until I get an email from my most prolific scooper. An interview with Julianne Moore at FilmForce, 10 Things You Need to Know About Hannibal from SceneOne UK (although a couple of them aren't true!) and Hannibal is Kickin it with Byron Allen! (with gracious thanks to Haley for that last!).

02/23/01 -- The great Arjan Wells has seen Hannibal! Check out his review (and compare and contrast with his soundtrack review) by clicking HERE!

The great scooper cleolinda pointed us to this cool little piece by Ridley himself about making Hannibal (with a plethora of related stories on that site!) at This is London!

Cleolinda also visited the Spanish site, Cinemaniacos (what a great word!) and translated this amusing mini-review:

**Hannibal Lecter the most horrifying - Hannibal (02-09-01): I only want to say that this so-long-awaited Hannibal has already been pirated��and a friend of mine bought one of the bootlegs and invited a group of us to come see it, I�m only going to say this: a [female] friend ran out of the house crying and went home, another immediately threw up and it�s not so bad between the worst scenes, the most outstanding scenes are the gigantic wild boars (I don�t know how they made the special effects so real), a Gary Oldman with only one eye without lids and no lips, and a carnivorous dinner of brains and other things. Anthony is brilliant again and Julian[ne] is excellent, you can�t miss this!!!!!!!!!!!! **

Cleo also translated some AMAZING Q&As with Anthony Hopkins and Julianne Moore from Cinemaniacos! To read the whole thing, CLICK HERE, but in the meantime, enjoy these sound bites:

Q: "Were you were satisfied with the ending, which is different from the book?"

Julianne Moore: "When I became involved with the project, there was already no question that they wouldn�t film that ending, but nevertheless I had liked it a lot. It has logic, it works with the essence of the characters and the psychological voltage between the two of them is solved in a very fitting way. For me, that�s the real ending."

Q: "Would you like to make another sequel?"

Anthony Hopkins: "By the time Thomas Harris finished the next book, I�d already be too old. They may make a prequel based on his book Red Dragon, I�m going to read the script, but nothing�s certain yet."

Thanks also to the great cleo for the new montage image at the top of the page!

02/22/01 -- TONS of pics today. Cleolinda found a bunch at
Les News! (some are pictured above! Check it out, they're cool.)

Also, an exceedingly thorough site with tons of images, articles and information about Julianne Moore at the Julianne Moore Temple (but the keepers of this site should credit the great Laura Palmer for some of those TV clips!)

A new soundtrack review from IGN FilmForce.

Here is the rest of cleo's report:

**"Julianne Moore is lending some of her star power to her brother, Peter Moore Smith.
Moore, who starred as Clarice Starling in "Hannibal," says she plans to star in a movie version of Peter's novel, "Raveling." Set in New York, the thriller is about a schizophrenic who believes his sister has been murdered by his older brother. Sounds as if Moore, who has said that "Hannibal" sent her to a shrink, could have a few more hours on the couch ahead of her. "I don't know if it will end up being easier or fun keeping things all in the family," she says. "I guess I will just have to find out."

**Dark Horizons has an update on the Australian ratings situation, as does the news wire (�Aussie Teens Curbed on Hannibal�).

**�A Dark and Stormy Knight.�: An old but very good interview/profile from 1998 with info about what Anthony Hopkins draws in his scripts.

**An interview on mymovies.net:
On violent films: �We all go to the movies to see those characters and I don't think there is anything particularly disturbing about it. They are entertaining, they give us a fright. I mean Shakespearean tragedies and plays that were done in Europe in the 15th and 16th century were pretty grisly, ghastly affairs and the Jacobean tragedies like "Tis Pity She's A Whore" and "Duchess of Malfi" are pretty gruesome, because that's what life was like. Strangely enough they are all set in Italy as well, which is a peculiar juxtaposition of the beauty of the Renaissance, which was built out of barbarism and horrible cruelty.�

**Two articles about Ray Liotta. Click HERE and HERE!!

**�Blunder gives children Hannibal instead of Disney� (editor's note: this link didn't work when I tried it but the headline was too good not to include. Maybe you could go rooting around Ananova...)

**�Liotta says he�s coming from �lull��

**�Viewers feast on Hannibal� (editor's note: what's next? "Hannibal flosses with competition?")

**From Yahoo! M�xico:

A previous article also appeared, called �Hannibal Lecter visits Mexico.� The following article (complete with some ramblings from De Laurentiis) describes what happened when he got there:

�Anthony Hopkins, modest to a fault�: (CNI in line) Welsh actor Anthony Hopkins, visiting Mexico to promote his new film "Hannibal," was nothing but modest and affirmed that he only does his job, like anyone in a common profession.

Prior to the opening of the sequel of "The Silence of the Lambs," opening in our country 23 February, the actor, 64, was monosyllabic through almost the entire conversation, and he did not tire of saying that his identification with Hannibal Lecter is only what the profession demands, no more. Hopkins will gain 10 million dollars by his performance.

Dressed in black and accompanied by the producers of the film, Martha and Dino de Laurentiis, Hopkins was very modest about his work and said he "has no idea" if his [second] performance will also manage to win an Oscar.

"Hannibal," taken from the novel by Thomas Harris, has been promoted in Italy, New York, France, Berlin and Madrid. Only in the United States has it obtained 135 million dollars within 10 days of its opening, whereas in Great Britain and Italy it took in 9.5 million.

Of director Ridley Scott, Hopkins assured that he only needs two or three takes, because he respects his production and he is not a bad director with his people.

There�s great expectation for "Hannibal," which tells the story of Dr. Lecter�s life 10 years after he escaped confinement. The producer made very clear that the film is not the second part of �The Silence of the Lambs,� because "the first is a 'thriller' and 'Hannibal' is the second act, but has nothing to do with first."

One of the differences is that this time it�s not Jodie Foster in the role of Clarice Starling, because, according to the producer, he didn�t think that she could play this �second act,� since the protagonist of "The Silence of the Lambs� was a rookie, and today she is a mature woman.

"Anyway the script came to her and she herself rejected it for the same reason," said De Laurentiis.

**�Anthony Hopkins: �I never wanted to play the good guys of Shakespeare��

MADRID, 13 (EUROPE PRESS) Actor Anthony Hopkins, in Spain to promote the film 'Hannibal', confessed today that he never wanted to play the good guys of Shakespeare. "I�ve had the luck of never working in a comedy and never getting the girl in a movie. I�m thankful to have had the opportunity to give life to solitary and romantic characters.� 'Hannibal' comes to be the second part of the five times oscarizada 'The Silence of the Lambs.� This time, the American-nationalized British actor again gets under the skin of doctor Hannibal Lecter, in a film directed by Ridley Scott and costarring Julianne Moore, as the FBI agent Clarice Starling.

This second act of Hannibal Lecter�s life begins in Florence, where Lecter took refuge ten years ago now, having escaped a maximum security hospital for the criminally insane. But FBI Agent Starling has not been able to forget to him, nor he forget her. The sixth [sic] victim of Lecter, Mason Verger, also remembers him: he managed to survive, though disfigured, after one of Hannibal�s attacks. Hopkins, who visited the capital with producers Dino and Martha de Laurentiis, after the film played in the International Festival of Cinema in Berlin, recognized that giving life to characters with a dark side has perhaps made reality of �a childhood fantasy.�

�The interesting and solitary characters I play are perhaps the projection of a childhood desire; I loved the films of Humprey Bogart and I always wanted to identify itself with that type of character," assured Hopkins, a man who also likes solitude in personal life. According to Hopkins, this type of role "has always pleased the public."

**Hopkins has been selected as an Oscar presenter for 25 March in Los Angeles.

**And to round out the morning, updates from IMDB:

"Anthony Hopkins Just Wants To Be A Hunk"

Sir Anthony Hopkins is delighted he commands such respect in the movie industry - but he'd rather be considered a heart-throb. The veteran Oscar-winning actor has been praised for his virtuoso performances as characters such as Dr. Hannibal Lecter, and has won countless awards for his art. But despite the public recognition, Hopkins admits sometimes he'd like to be admired for his hunky good looks. He says, "People say nice things about me, like I disappear into the roles, but there's disadvantages to being known as the 'character'. I'd like to wake up and look like Brad Pitt in the morning, but I don't. I look in the mirror and I see me."

muchas gracias, Cleolinda hermoso!

02/20/01 -- Firstly, click here to see some cool and scary Hannibal-inspired art from our scooper, Gary!

Since I put everything off the week before Hannibal to obsess, I am now scrambling to catch up on the other struff in my life. Thats why I thank God for the lovely cleolinda for continuing her tireless research into all things Hannibal! She has dug up some amazing treats, including details about the different endings shot, new articles, new images (seen above) and new places to find out about Hannibal! That's my girl!

****Corona has updated the Red Dragon page and also added an �Untitled Lecter� page in case the next film is not a prequel remake but a sequel.
**"This time, try to keep your eyes open the whole time."
**Huge overseas box-office!
**Check out Ananova: �Cinema manager offers to reveal end of Hannibal when projector fails�
** �How Julianne Moore mastered her role in Hannibal.�
** �With Gladiator and Hannibal, Ridley�s on a big roll�
** �Hannibal a horrific treat�
**And this link, courtesy of my (meaning cleo's) roommate here at school, the fair Valerie: �Killer Appetite�. Warning: This review is rated R for some, um, adult content (!).
** �Undercover stars� (re: Gary Oldman and Mason Verger makeup)
** �Gray matter delicacies,� the Kansas City Star (a discussion of real-life [animal] cuisine prompted by the film)
** �Theater bill may be rated P for prison�: Scary future law?
** Real �Doctors who kill,� from Moviefone.

And now, the piece de resistance...

The amazing American Cinematographer Magazine article interviewing Hannibal D.P. John Mathieson about various things including the three endings shot for the film, with cool pictures!

But wait, there's more:

**"Less is more like it." An interview with Hopkins, with reference to the alternate endings!
**RealPlayer clips at Film.com!

**Ebert revisits the great films, including Silence of the Lambs...
**"Real Hannibal 'still on the loose'", scary.
**"Hannibal stays at the top in America"
**(my favorite du jour)"Lecter lookalike cashes in on new film"
**"Hannibal makes a mint on both sides of the Atlantic" (Popcorn)

**"Charlize Theron: Anthony Hopkins is hot"

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