Choosing the right skin care line is important for maintaining healthy skin. Some people may want to address a particular skin problem, while others may simply wish to establish an effective maintenance routine for their skin. Knowing your skin type, care objectives, and consumer preferences will help you decide from among the myriad beauty products available on the market. With a little homework, you can come away with a skin care line that’s safe, effective, and beautifully suited to your needs.

Determine your skin type. Knowing your skin type is essential to finding the right products to care for it. The basic types are normal, oily, dry, and combination. Your type is determined by the size of your pores, the degree of oil and moisture in your skin, and its sensitivity to environmental irritants.[1]
  • You have normal skin if you have few imperfections, no significant sensitivities, and small pores that are barely visible.
  • Oily skin generally comes from large pores. It leads to dull or shiny skin that is prone to blackheads, acne, and other blemishes that arise from clogged pores.
  • You have dry skin if your skin is rough, scaly, or dull. It also may be spotted with red or itchy patches. Your pores will be so small as to be practically invisible.
  • Combination skin that combines areas of oily, normal, and/or dry skin is common. For instance, many people have larger pores that produce more oil on their foreheads, noses, and chins.
Decide if you have sensitive skin. Besides knowing your skin type, you should also note if you have any significant sensitivities to environmental irritants. If your skin sometimes itches, stings, burns, and/or breaks out in a rash when you use beauty or hygienic products, then you have sensitive skin.
  • If you do, you should go for beauty products that are for sensitive skin, hypoallergenic, and free from dyes and fragrances.
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    Assess any conditions that affect your skin. Besides catering to a particular skin type, many skin care lines are aimed at improving specific, treatable conditions that affect your skin. Ask yourself what problems you are trying to correct or prevent so that you can pick products to address them.[3]
    • For instance, do you want to get rid of acne, acne scars, rosacea, dark spots or pigmentation? Are there wrinkles or other signs of aging that you’d like to address? Would you like to minimize large pores or treat blackheads? Is the skin under your eyes puffy or discolored?

Consider your complexion. Is your skin fair, light, medium, or dark? While this won’t make a difference for many products, it’s useful to keep in mind when you’re buying products that are tinted to match your skin (such as tinted moisturizers). It’s also helpful to think about when considering the degree of sun protection that you’d like your skin care products to provide.[4]
  • If you have fair skin, it’s likely that you burn easily and should go for a skin care line that offers a high SPF of 30+. If you’re light or medium in complexion, pick products that offer some protection in the 15-30 SPF range. If you have darker skin and only rarely burn, you can choose a line with minimal to no sun protection.
Record your findings. Make sure that you keep notes about your skin assessments for your reference. Many skin care products are made to address specific skin care needs and issues. You want to have your skin type, condition, and tone on hand as you select beauty products to help you make the best choices.
  • For example, your skin may be dry but also sensitive, so you need products designed for both dry and sensitive skin, as opposed to something heavy that may be hydrating but also irritating. Perhaps your skin is combination and patchy in its coloring. You may want products that balance the skin's moisture and tone.