
LinkExchange Member


By: Branton

     Since the age of 12, 1 have had an intense interest in the 
subject of UFOlogy, which was sparked after reading Frank 
Edwards' book FLYING SAUCERS, SERIOUS BUSINESS.  This led to an 
interest in the investigation of subsurface anomalies, followed 
by a still later fascination with conspiracy research (all-
together, they represent the study of that which is Above, Below 
and Within).  I will refrain from explaining how I came to the 
following conclusions, as it would take an entire volume to list 
the various sources of information that I've encountered in the 
past 22 years.  If you are interested in the original sources, I 
would suggest that you obtain a copy of the MOJAVE/COSCON 
database (7th edition) on 3.5 disk that is making the rounds.

I will state however that it is my "opinion" that there are 3 
"general" alien forces at work in this center of the universe.  
Each of these groups can be divided into sub-groups and so on, 
yet I will not deal with these aspects at this time.  These 
groupings include:

THE UNITED FEDERATION - This has been referred to by different 
titles.  Originally having its genesis in an ancient Lyran 
(Vegan) alliance with the Murians and Gobians of Terra, the 
Federation consists of a number of colonial worlds near Vega 
Lyra, the Andromeda Constellation, the Pleiades-Hyades open 
clusters (and their anti-matter universe counterparts the 
Koldasians, Dal-ites, Timers, etc.), Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti, 
Epsilon Eridani, lumma/Ummo [Wolf 424] and others.  Mostly of 
human heritage, the "Federation" adheres to a strict 
nonintervention policy.  Federation personnel apparently 
contacted William Shatner in the Mojave desert years before he 
became famous for his part in the STAR TREK series, and certain 
ideas from real life turned up in the "inspired" television 
series.  Even the STARFLEET base was fairly close - the actual 
Starfleet base is not in San Francisco but below the Panamint Mt.
- Death Valley region to the east.  This "Starfleet" does not 
exist a few thousand years in the future as the series suggests, 
but actually began about 3000 years ago when the MU-rians of 
ancient California [apparently in alliance with other 
civilizations that were advanced in astronomy, mathematics, 
medicine, architecture, etc., such as the Greeks, Egyptians, 
Mayas, and East Indians] developed aerial and space technology.  
For thousands of years these "MU-SUVIANS" of the ancient Mojave 
region have been colonizing nearby star systems from their 
massive base below the Panamint Mts. of Death Valley using 
hyperspace propulsion.  Remember that it only took 40 years for 
us to advance from Kitty Hawk to Hyperspace Travel [refer to the 
Philadelphia Experiment], so do not underestimate what can 
happen in a FEW THOUSAND YEARS.  The Death Valley - Panamint 
base is currently one of the largest and oldest Federation bases 
on [or within] the Earth, and consists of vast natural and 
artificial caverns and chambers - some of them miles in diameter 
- which possess differing environmental, atmospheric and 
gravitational conditions to accommodate the various Federation 
dignitaries who are always visiting the base to observe events 
on Earth.  They are in direct opposition to the Reptilioid 
species operating from the "Dulce" base network centered below 
Northwestern New Mexico.  Some [American] Intelligence agencies 
such as the Navy's "COM-12" are allied with these "Benevolent 
Ones" of the Federation, whereas other [Bavarian] Intelligence 
agencies such as the CIA-NSA "AQUARIUS" group maintains a pact 
with and is even largely under the control of the Reptilian Gray 
Empire Collective.  MJ-12 seems to be vacillating between the 
two extremes, and may in fact be a battleground between the 
American Constitutionals [working with the NonInterventionist 
Humanoids] and the Bavarian Globalists [working for the 
Interventionist Reptilioids].

THE DRACONIAN EMPIRE - Originally stemming from an ancient Alpha 
Draconian Antarctican (Terran) Empire of non-humanoids, the 
Draconian Empire is made up of several reptilian species 
including the winged draco (pterosaurians, "mothmen", or winged 
serpents); the tall Reptilioids who control various smaller 
reptilian "gray" species which reproduce via polyembryony, egg 
hatcheries and/or cloning; a particularly malevolent iguana-like 
dark-skinned sorcerer-priest class that is often seen wearing 
hooded robes and stands about 5 ft. tall; and a shorter 4-5 ft. 
tall race of reptilian-amphibians that have been described as 
appearing like "frog faced lizards".  Often a Nordic (mind-
slave) is seen in the company of several of these "Reptoads" 
(for lack of a better word) especially during breeding 
experiments with human abductees.  One "Aghartan" tradition 
described by Maurice Doreal [who, BTW, discovered and translated 
the alleged "Emerald Tablets" of Thoth -d4], a Colorado 
metaphysician who claimed contact with the neo-Mayan residents 
of Mt. Shasta (who are in turn part of the Aghartan "Silver 
Fleet" Alliance), stated that he observed the hidden history of 
the earth in a secret library-repository below the Himalayas.  
The crystal-holographic recordings that he was shown revealed 
the existence of an ancient race of pre-Scandinavians who in 
alliance with a race of human giants dwelt at the center of a 
powerful civilization based on a large island in the midst of an 
inland sea where the Gobi desert now lies.  These blond-haired, 
blue-eyed "Nordics" along with their larger "Nephelim" friends 
waged an intense warfare with a race of Reptilian hominoids 
based in Antarctica.  These creatures had apparently mutated 
(via natural selection, survival of the fittest or most 
intelligence, environmental adaptation, etc.) from the earlier 
saurian bipeds such as the very cunning Velociraptors, and in 
their continued development gained the mental ability to shape-
shift or hypnotically create a physical illusion around 
themselves whereby they were able to pass themselves off as 
humans and infiltrate human society like chameleons.  Several of 
these infiltrators were discovered when they failed the test of 
being forced to speak the word "KININIGIN", which was impossible 
for the reptilian tongue to pronounce.  The war ended with the 
Reptilioids being driven from the surface of the planet, taking 
refuge in underground and off-planet bases.  Some reptilians did 
not escape however, and were caught by surprise when the Nordics-
Nephelim launched an experimental super-weapon against 
Antarctica which obliterated the Reptilian center of power and 
in fact caused the earth to slip off its axis (not an actual 
polar "reversal").  When the earth stabilized Antarctica froze 
over, as well as another area where the reptilians had 
successfully infiltrated a human community - this being in 
Northern Siberia.  These humans and infiltrators in Siberia 
froze instantly, and one legend has it that some of these 
reptilians were revived by Russian scientists from their frozen 
state (the frozen humans could not be revived) and that these 
Reptilians commenced to kill off the scientists, impersonate 
their physical features, and infiltrate the Russian government.  
As for the Nordics, those who did not migrate west to found the 
Scandinavian nations (not to be outdone by the serpent race) 
left the surface and established their own off-planet and 
subterranean bases.  There have been various reports from 
"contactees" describing an ancient warfare that was fought 
between the Reptilian Empire of Alpha Draconis and a thriving 
civilization of Nordic-like humans who had colonized the Ring 
Nebula region of Lyra.  Any connection to the earth scenario?  
The Reptilians have told some of their abductees that they are 
actually returning to their home planet (Earth), from which they 
were driven in ancient times (it is even alleged that they plan 
to reduce the earth's population through their manipulation of 
the "controlled" Bavarian Illuminati, through virological 
warfare, disasters, conventional warfare, etc., to the point 
that they will be able to take-over the planet with minimal 
resistance).  As for the Lyran wars, It was actually refugees 
from this ancient interstellar conflict who escaped in a mass 
exodus to the Pleiades, Hyades and possibly Andromeda 
constellations to establish the great "Pleiadean" network which 
has now become famous among contactees.  The Lyrans did 
reportedly interact with ancient Earth in a powerful way.  So 
LYRA is the stellar region where the genesis of the entire 
Federation is said to have had its roots.  The question to ask 
however would be: Did the Lyrans colonize the Sol system, or did 
the Solarians - Terrans colonize the Lyran system...?  As for 
the Alpha Draconians, they reportedly spread out the tentacles 
of their empire to other star systems such as Epsilon Bootes, 
Altair Aquila, Capella, Zeta Reticuli, and Rigel and Bellatrix 
in Orion (the latter allegedly contains a huge colony of hybrid 
Reptilian-insectoid mercenaries, the result of Reticulan genetic 
engineering).  [Any relation between these Reticulan-engineered 
hybrid Reptillian-insectoid entities and the group mentioned in 
Revelation 9:1-11 which states, "And the fifth angel sounded and 
I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the 
key of the bottomless pit was given to him.  And he opened the 
bottomless pit; and smoke went up out of the pit, like the smoke 
of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the 
smoke of the pit.  And out of the smoke came forth locusts upon 
the earth; and power was given them, as the scorpions of the 
earth have power.  And they were told that they should not hurt 
the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but 
only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 
And they were not permitted to kill anyone, but to torment for 
five months; and their torment was like the torment of a 
scorpion when it stings a man.  And in those days, men will seek 
death and death flees from them.  And the appearance of the 
locusts was like horses prepared for battle; and on their heads, 
as it were, crowns like gold, and their faces were the faces of 
men.  And they had hair like the hair of women, and their teeth 
were like the teeth of lions.  And they had breastplates like 
breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was like the 
sound of chariots, of many horses rushing to battle.  And they 
have tails like scorpions, and stings; and in their tails is the 
power to torment men for five months.  They have as king over 
them, the angel of the abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and 
in the Greek he has the name Apollyon." -d4]  Most Reptilian 
species have a track record of being Interventionist-imperialist 
oriented and have shown little if any regard for human life.

THE ASHTAR - BAVARIAN COMMAND - The following systems are either 
areas that are independent, non-aligned to the United Federation 
or the Draconian Empire, areas of collaboration and/or warfare 
between Humanoid and Reptilioid forces, or members of the Ashtar 
Command-Collective and for the Bavarian (Alt. 003) Imperialist 
Space Forces.  The Alternative 003 [Bavarian] Space Forces, in 
alliance with other Imperialistic humanoid and reptilioid 
species, have - within the last few decades of their 
interstellar travel capabilities - already become notorious 
throughout this sector of the galaxy for their Nazi-like 
atrocities against the peaceful inhabitants of other worlds.  
This is according to one couple who defected from the 
"Alternative 003" crowd (which is made up mostly of super-rich 
Military-industrialist families) after friendly Federation 
personnel contacted them and told them what the A3's were really 
up to.  This is why the Federation has always been so concerned 
about current Terran cultures gaining a foothold in outer space. 
Terrans have been inbred with ages of warrior instinct, and 
this is the "instinct" which the Draconians have successfully 
harnessed via implantation and mind-control to attack their 
enemies in the Federation.  The Reptilians are cowards.  They 
use "human shields" or "mind slaves" to fight their Federation 
enemies and on Earth they hide bravely in their underground 
lairs, making nocturnal visitations to the surface to 
temporarily or permanently abduct those humans - INCLUDING 
CHILDREN - who will serve their purpose.  Richard Shaver 
referred to them as the "Vermin from Space."  They are vampirial 
in nature and feed-off the human life-force which manifests 
itself through the human spirit (emotions), the human soul 
(thoughts), and human blood (plasma)!  If the Alternative 003 
forces could be de-programmed and their loyalties turned toward 
the Federation and against the Draconians, they can be just as 
much a force for good as they have been for evil (after all, 
once the Draconian Empire is conquered there will be enough 
"spoil" to go around for all humans concerned Terrans have the 
right to seek the absolute destruction of the Draconian Empire, 
being justified by the unprovoked war crimes that they have 
committed against the human race and their blatant disregard for 
human life).  Other systems that "might" be placed in this third 
category are systems that have been conquered or infiltrated by 
the Draconians, or systems where things are currently out of 
control.  In any event, the following systems do not appear to 
be entirely loyal to either the United Federation or the 
Draconian Empire, and like the SOL system itself, they are 
somewhat unstable.  Some of these include: Sirius, Arcturus, 
Aldebaran, Procyon, Betelgeuse, Bernard's Star, Bootes Centaurus 
and of course - as I have stated - Sol.  These systems 
[especially Sol] may conceivably go one way or the other 
depending on the future course of events, and the final outcome 
of the battle for planet earth may in fact determine the future 
course of the interstellar conflict itself.  Earth apparently 
possesses something that the reptilian Grays desperately need 
for the continuance of their interstellar activities, something 
which is here in abundance.  Exactly what this is is uncertain.  
It may be several things.  As for the Ashtar or "Astarte" 
collective, it is a massive electronic collective mind or 
intelligence with a nerve-center rumored to be based within a 20-
mile long computer - possibly space-based - into which numerous 
space cultures are tied via electrotelepathic implants.  This 
collective has long since been infiltrated and compromised by 
the Draconian collective at various levels and can no longer be 
trusted.  Be wary of so-called "Ascended Masters" speaking 
through the Ashtar collective, as they are just as likely to be 
Draconian impostors as they are to be enlightened Federation 
beings.  There seems to be a long history of cautious 
interaction between humanoid and reptilioid species in the star 
systems mentioned above, or neutrality and in many cases all-out 
warfare between the two species, often resulting from treaties 
that have gone sour.

This brings us now to Earth, namely to the present 
"battleground" or staging-ground between the three groups, a 
huge subterranean network known as DREAMLAND.  Since the United 
States of America is the most strategic "target" on which the 
Draconian-Bavarian combine has its sites (being the last 
obstacle standing in the way of the joint Reptilian-Bavarian 
Illuminati's NEW WORLD ORDER, which is based after the Reptilian 
collective-mind-control/annihilation-of-consciousness system as 
opposed to the Christian idea of INDIVIDUAL liberty and free 
thought), it goes without saying that the most strategic 
subterranean system below the U.S. (Dreamland) is also a major 

"Dreamland" has been identified as an underground system of vast 
proportions consisting of natural cavernous networks connected 
via artificial tunnels and installations.  It reportedly has its 
main concentration below the Western front of the Rockies of 
Utah, stretches north into Idaho, east into Colorado, south into 
Arizona, and west into Nevada.  All four of these extensions 
reportedly contain joint-interaction bases below the following 
sites: Burley, Idaho; Creed, Colorado; Page, Arizona; and the 
notorious Groom Lake base, Nevada.  Underground extensions of 
Dreamland reportedly connect with the United Federation systems 
below California and with the Draconian Empire systems below New 
Mexico, both of which are fighting for control of the 
"Dreamland" system.  This is not to say that smaller Federation 
outposts do not exist in New Mexico, because they do.  In the 
same manner Draconian outposts also exist in California some of 
the most notorious being Mt. Lassen, Clear Lake/Hopland, and 
Deep Springs near Bishop.  But the major Federation base is in 
California and the major Draconian base is in New Mexico.

I had suspected the existence of this massive underground system 
long before I read the account that I will quote near the end of 
this article.  Since I was a child I've had "dreams" and 
impressions of being taken nocturnally into underground systems 
below the 4 corners region and central Utah., many of these 
dream-like recollections involving apparent "Shaverian" type 
conflicts or interaction between humans and reptilians, hybrid 
children, and the works (many of these "hybrids" by the way have 
human souls, being that they are conceived with stolen human 
sperm and ova and then "spliced" with reptilian or cattle DNA - 
I prefer to refer to these humanoids as hu-brids and those 
possessing no soul-matrix, something which the reptilians 
themselves lack, as the re-brids.  The main differences between 
the hubrids and rebrids would be round pupils vs. slit vertical 
pupils; five fingers vs. four, external reproductive organs vs. 
internal; and crimson blood vs. the greenish fluid used by the 
Grays.  Of course this "test" would not always apply to the 
"Chameleons", which may require an entirely different method of 
identification.  Many if not most of the hubrids are unwilling 
slaves of the reptilian grays, and are being forced to engage in 
psychic warfare against humanity, etc.  Given the chance, the 
Hubrids and the Nordics who are slaves of the Reptilians will 

Some years ago I came across a reference to a "war" taking place 
as early as the 1940's within vast cavern systems below the Salt 
Flats in Utah.  This apparently involved an invasion of human 
territories within "Dreamland" by a joint force of human 
sorcerers working with reptilian hominoids.  This underground 
"Cult of the Serpent" had re-taken possession of the ancient 
subterranean systems that the antediluvian Atlanteans had 
established below the east coast of the United States (New York, 
Washington DC, Boston, etc.), and then had apparently invaded 
the Dreamland system itself.  It is possible that these 
sorcerers were controlled by the Reptilioids and the Reptilian 
Infiltrators - like those "chameleons" that have been seen at 
the surface of the DOUGWAY military installation of Utah, a 
facility which sits atop the Bonneville Salt Flats.  It is also 
alleged that in the late 1930's or early 1940's Reptilian forces 
began moving their centers of operation from Central and South 
America and into the underground systems of the Southwest namely 
Mt.  Archuleta/Dulce.  The Dulce facility was apparently 
constructed originally (the lower levels, that is) by humanoids, 
and later taken over by the reptilian grays over a period of 
time, until the mid 1940's when the U.S. government gained the 
ability to track UFO flight paths and discovered the massive 
underground installations below the Dulce area.  In order to 
remain hidden from the human public at large the Grays opted to 
make a "treaty" with this hybrid (U.S. & Secret) Government to 
buy time for them to take control of the minds of the human 
agents.  They allowed the CIA to possess a few of the upper 
levels and expand them, but the base workers literally "lost 
their minds" to the Alien controllers via implantation.  Below 
level-7 there were ancient tunnels that led to still deeper 
cavern systems - these the Reptilians retained for their own 
purposes.  It is said that some of the returning 
extraterrestrial "Grays" joined up with the taller native 
subterranean Reptilioids operating deep below the Four Corners 
region, which had given the Grays access to the base network- 
These revelations which I learned from THE DULCE PAPERS and 
several other sources merely confirmed my previous suspicions 
that my "underground dreams" may have been more than mere 
fantasy.  Also I realized that I was indeed an implantee, and 
learned something that I must share with others who have 
likewise been implanted.  Through the process of Divine Grace 
(connecting to the Life-Source of All), it is possible to use 
the telepathic implants by which an abductee's mind is 
influenced or "controlled" by the Reptilian collective, and turn 
it back in their face, using it as a weapon against them.  The 
Reptilians are taking a chance by connecting humans into their 
collective via the implants, and I have found that it is 
possible to turn things around and use the implants to probe 
their darkest secrets, intimidate them, possibly communicate 
with the hybrids, and virtually raise all kinds of hell with the 
Reptilian collective mind... PROVIDING that all this is done 
under the direction of Divine Grace.

Also, other confirmations of my "impressions" began appearing.  
A friend of mine who lives in central Utah yet who I will not 
name told me of an abduction that he had as a child (he and his 
sister often met the grays in the basement of their home, but 
retained no memory of what happened next).  He told of having 
flashes wherein he saw himself in a disk flying over the Grand 
Canyon, and traveling through a vast cavern with an ancient city 
at one end and an elevator that ran up the wall, disappearing 
through the roof - also references to a Dulce-like base, hybrids 
and other memories similar to my own.  I personally was drawing 
"plans" for an underground base below the 4-corners long before 
I had ever heard about Dulce.

Other reports that came my way include the following:

o  R.W. of Salt Lake stated that he entered a cave up on the 
bench of the western Rockies northeast of Salt Lake several 
years ago with a friend.  Deep inside they saw an orange colored 
reptilian humanoid coming around a rock.  They left in a hurry 
in absolute terror and never returned.

o  Another young man, R.D., busted into a tunnel near the 
Crossroads Mall in downtown Salt Lake after pulling a locked 
manhole cover up with a chain tied to his truck, prompted by 
rumors of reptilians stalking tunnels under Salt Lake, reports 
that the activity under Salt Lake City is tied-in with the Groom 
Lake scenario, and stories of people who had disappeared after 
entering the tunnel labyrinth.  Things he saw in the 3rd sub-
basement level and below, during this and other explorations, 
included: a long tunnel with an ancient wooden door at the end; 
a room from which a greenish luminescent glow emerged; men 
dressed in suits carrying Uzi machine guns off in the distance 
who were walking through a large chamber; an apparently 
"bottomless" pit; and a large tunnel "big enough to drive a 
truck through" that was strung with lights and led southwest (in 
the direction of Little Cottonwood Canyon).  In this large 
tunnel he saw unusual tracks in the dust made by some king of 
THREE-TOED biped creature (a reptilian?).  Other stories 
connected with the CROSSROADS area: One man who worked in the 
tunnels was startled when he touched a tunnel wall and his arm 
went THROUGH the wall.  Some time later he tried it again in the 
same spot and the wall was SOLID; a Spanish woman who worked 
nights on a cleaning crew in the Crossroads Mall quit her job 
after (what she could only describe as) a "demon" came around a 
corner, hobbled up to her, snarled viciously and went past her 
down the hall.

o  A woman by the name of Barbara who worked as a hair stylist 
in Dougway, UT., stated that reptilians passing themselves off 
as human beings had infiltrated the adjacent Dougway base.  She 
had seen ONE OF THE BASE COMMANDERS transform temporarily before 
her eyes into a reptilian-like entity.  These "chameleons" have 
also been seen working in the surface installations of the 
underground bases near Dulce, N.M.; Groom Lake, NV; Deep 
Springs, CA; and the Madigan facility south of Seattle.  Sources 
have indicated that much of the Groom Lake alien-interaction 
activity has been extended into the Dougway underground and 
similar underground structures below Idaho.  There are also 
reports of "androids" working at the Dougway base as well.  The 
EG&G corporation, which does much of the hiring for the Nevada 
Test Site, is also very active in the Military bases near 
Dougway Proving Grounds.

o  I.D. of Salt Lake City stated that years ago she had heard 
that workers excavating below Trolley Square, just southeast of 
Crossroads, had broken into strange "catacombs" underground.

o  KS. of Salt Lake City reported an abduction near the 
Sugarhouse Mall district, southeast of Trolley Square, during 
which she recalls meeting with a man and a short "gray" in a 
huge underground room, in which she saw several other people - 
possibly abductees.  She remembers, even in her partially-
conscious state, becoming angry at the fact that this guy was 
giving her all kinds of instructions and recalls asking him who 
the hell he thought he was by ordering her around like that... 
She said the man "may" have been human, but she was not sure.  
KS. was also told by another friend of an abduction that had 
occurred to him near this same Mall, during which the aliens 
removed and later re-attached one of his legs.  Other friends of 
hers had told her of encountering para-humans [MIB types] up in 
the mountain canyons east of Salt Lake City, including the 
Parley's Canyon area... these encounters taking place in areas 
where large underground caverns or bases were supposed to exist. 
There have also been reported encounters with Nordic-like 
beings as well as with Reptilians in the canyons east of Salt 
Lake.  In one case the Nordics politely asked one man via a 
telepathic beam from a cigar-shaped craft - fully visible to him 
and hovering above Emigration Canyon - if he would like to come 
with them...although the man refused the offer.  Another man by 
the name of "Dan" was forcibly abducted by tall green-skinned 
Reptilians with large black eyes just to the north in City Creek 
Canyon (these canyons run from north to south beginning with 
City Creek, Emigration, Parleys, Big Cottonwood and Little 
Cottonwood).  This indicates to me that there is a conflict of 
sorts in this area, and KS. did in fact tell me of a very vivid 
"dream" wherein she encountered a blond man in a black 
"astronaut" uniform who asked her if she recognized him.  She 
looked intently into his eyes and then recognized him from 
"somewhere", and he commenced to show her a "Star Wars" type 
battle that was in progress far above the Salt Lake valley 
(cloud cover?).  She saw disks firing beam weapons at other 
incoming craft, the beams would hit what appeared to be their 
shields and arc and crackle around them like one might see in a 
STAR TREK movie, and the affected ship would not drop, but seem 
to lose maneuvering control and drift away.  When she awakened 
from the "dream" she said there were strange bruises on her legs 
that were not there when she went to sleep.

o  Much alien activity has been reported as being located below 
Twin Peaks, SE of Salt Lake City.  On the north slope of the 
Peaks is Big Cottonwood Canyon.  Reports suggest a huge base 
under the canyon was once controlled by "Blondes" tied-in with 
the Mt. Shasta system, but that this may have since been 
infiltrated by Grays and human (mind-controlled) collaborators.  
Officially the Telosians are supposed to be at odds with the 
Grays.  The crown princess of Telos, Sharula, was reportedly 
told by Adama - the spiritual leader of the Melchizedek lodge 
there that the Grays are being asked to leave the planet, BY 
FORCE if necessary.  The last Gray stronghold that is to be 
taken care of is the one near Los Alamos, N.M., which is the 
eastern segment of the Dulce Hub or Terminal which branches out 
for hundreds of miles in all directions (like the Panamint base, 
the Archuleta base is said to be approximately the size of 
Manhattan this is not including the "extension" bases tied-in to 
Dulce).  If there are still "Telosians" below the Twin Peaks 
area who are working WITH the Grays, they are doing so in direct 
opposition to official Telosian policy.  On the south side of 
Twin Peaks is Little Cottonwood Canyon, the site of GRANITE 
MOUNTAIN where the Mormon Church maintains an large underground 
Storage Vault where information on every subject is gathered 
from all over the world and stored after being converted to 
microfilm.  One can draw a rough line beginning at Crossroads 
Plaza and leading southwest through Trolley Square and 
Sugarhouse Mall and on to Little Cottonwood Canyon, at the base 
of which (Draper, UT) this writer lived as a child.

Now, before relating the following account, let me say something 
about the Mormon Church system, within which this writer was 
raised... This church was created by a man named Joseph Smith, 
however the REAL power behind its growth was John C. Bennett, 
who was apparently one of many Scottish Rite agents assigned to 
infiltrate the various religious movements of the world.  If one 
does a thorough study of the Masonic connections to major 
denominations they may discover some surprises (for instance 
Norman Vincent Peale was a 33rd degree mason, as were the 
founders of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Theosophy, Scientology, 
Unitarianism, and so on).  The Scottish Rite, incidentally, was 
created by Jesuits and Masons at the Parisian college of 
Clermont.  Dr. John Coleman states that 13 Maltese Jesuits, 13 
Wicca Masons and 13 Black Nobility members make up the 39 
members of the Bildeberger group, ultimately controlled by the 
BAVARIAN Illuminati through the Scottish Rite.

The Master Mason John C. Bennett convinced Smith to sell out to 
the Masonic lodge (Scottish Rite) and Bennett worked to 
establish an "Order of the Illuminati" within Mormonism, 
according to Klaus Hansen's book "QUEST FOR EMPIRE".  Mormonism 
became a hybrid religion between Christianity (worship of the 
"Lamb") and gnostic Scottish Rite Masonry (worship of the 
"Serpent").  Even today the Mormon masses in Utah believe that 
they are "Christians", and even the majority of the "Council of 
12" - unknown to the most of its membership - are actually 
controlled by the Scottish Rite "Council of 50" behind the 
scenes.  These "Insiders" allow only the oldest members of the 
outer "Council of 12" to become President of the Church.  
Apparently the older these council members are the less likely 
they will be to discern what is going on behind the scenes, to 
make waves or make changes, or challenge the hidden Scottish 
Rite infiltrators and controllers.  One can see a similar power-
play being carried out in the Vatican.  For instance Pope John 
Paul I sought to make some heavy-duty changes in the Catholic 
system, but the "powers that would be" had different ideas.  
After this Pope was assassinated in true Scottish Rite fashion 
only 33 days into his term, a former Nazi sympathizer who had 
earlier in life sold cyanide gas to the Nazis for their gas 
chambers, was elected Pontiff... this new Emperor of the "Holy 
Roman Empire" was the man who changed his name to "John Paul II".
The Scottish Rite has the power to control the media and 
therefore the influence to support or tear-down a religion 
through public opinion.  In their desire to be a "friend of the 
world" and escape criticism, many main-line religions must sell-
out to the Masons or risk "persecution".  Most Mormons outwardly 
profess their hatred of "secret combinations", not realizing 
that they - along with most other mainline denominations 
throughout the world - have fallen victim to that very force.  
They do not realize that they are one of the many "controlled" 
religions that the Illuminati plans to keep in check so that 
they do not interfere with the "New World Order".  In recent 
years various fundamental Mormon factions began warning about 
the "New World Order", that is until those in the seat of power 
in the Mormon Church were given instructions to rebuke these 
Patriots as being out of line with Church policy.  If they kept 
up with their anti New World Order activities, they could be 
excommunicated and their salvation would be on the line.  Is 
there something wrong with this picture?

Ideologies cannot be controlled - this is why the Pentecostals 
who stress ideological lifestyle over organizational structure 
are frustrating the One Worlders, because they are difficult to 
infiltrate and control.  The more STRUCTURED a religious SYSTEM 
is, the easier it is to infiltrate and control... these 
controllers do not believe in Christianity nor even Mormonism or 
any of the other religions, but are actually Serpent Worshippers 
and collaborate with and worship the Serpent Race (Grays, etc.). 
They are also in it for personal profit, at the expense of the 
manipulated masses.  If you don't believe that the Scottish Rite 
is a gnostic (serpent) cult, just take a look at the designs 
inside the HOUSE OF THE TEMPLE, the Scottish Rite Headquarters 
in Washington D.C. that sits atop the PENTAGRAM-LIKE street 
layout of the capitol city.

It should be stressed that the Mormon Church IS ONLY ONE OF MANY 
religious organizations around the world that the Scottish Rite 
(Wicca Mason) branch of the Illuminati has either created or 
infiltrated, or turned into a hybrid Christian-Masonic structure.
I only single this denomination out because of my own personal 
involvement with this religious system.  Many (so-called) 
Protestant denominations such as the Methodists, Episcopalians, 
and Southern Baptists have fallen under the control of the 
Scottish Rite as well, in that a large percentage of their 
congregations have dual membership in the Masonic Lodge and 
their denominational Church organizations.

With this introduction, I will now quote the following 
revelation from a Utah researcher who wishes to be. identified 
only as J.R.:

"...You most likely have heard of the Mormon Church, LDS, Church 
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, here in Utah, of which 
they control the total state in all fields and phases of human 
endeavors.  They have built temples in 100 countries.  The 
missionaries in all these countries, including the USA, work 
with the CIA.

"As the missionaries can get into countries where the CIA 
cannot, they collect information on the people and everything of 
any and all nature, the countries' government and all their 
activities.  All this world-wide information is shared with the 
CIA and it is fed into three of the largest computers in the 
world, church-owned, here in Salt Lake City (these reportedly 
fill the entire top 2 or 3 floor-levels of the "Church Office 
Building" in Salt Lake City - Branton).  This church is one of 
the most powerful and rich organizations in the world today.  It 
has one of the largest and secret police force[s] in the world.  
I have collected this kind of information for 45 years.

"The above is not all they are into.  A high official of this 
church was recently kicked out of the church as he got too 
snoopy and asked too many questions.  He came to me a few months 
ago and told me what happened.  He said that HIS LIFE HAD BEEN 
THREATENED if he told anyone of what he had found out.  So he 
told me that if anything happened to him, to release the 
information he gave me.  THIS INFORMATION CONCERNS A GIANT 

"This cavern has been common knowledge for over 120 years.  Many 
cases over the years [have] appeared in the newspapers of people 
and groups of people going into the cavern, but never coming out.
Several [who] did find their way out, were hopelessly insane.  
At least that's what the newspaper said about them.

"At present the Archaeological Dept. of Utah are down in 
southeastern Utah looking for a certain entrance into this 
cavern, that [a] fellow by the name of John Brewer of Manti, 
Utah, discovered around 30 years ago (around 1960 - Branton).  
He brought out of the cavern quite a few ancient plates of an 
unknown language.  Some of the plates were gold, some silver, 
brass, copper and clay.  He also saw many strange things he 
won't talk about, such as what he thought were weapons of 

"His son was TORTURED AND KILLED by some unknown person or 
persons trying to force the secrets out of him.  The church 
wanted the plates in the worst way - they still do.

"The information I was given by this former member of the Church 
IS VERY CLOSE TO BEING THE SAME AS [the information that has 
surfaced concerning] DULCE, NEW MEXICO.  Like he told me, "After 
all, where on earth would be a better contact point for aliens 
than Utah, with thousands of miles of deserts and places not 
even on the present day maps.  Plus a large and powerful 
organization with hospitals, schools and universities where 
aliens could undergo physical changes, educated in our languages 
and customs, using research labs, some of the best in the United 
States.  A lot of GENETIC EXPERIMENTS AND RESEARCH is also going 
on here in different laboratories (Note: One source has stated 
that a Mr. "Fleisher", now deceased, took part in a training 
mission to acclimate humanoid aliens to human society in a 
fashion similar to that which was performed by the well known 
contactee Howard Menger.  This project was initiated in Salt 
Lake City with nearly 200 alien personnel, and has since spread 
to Arizona and other parts of the world.  One source who studied 
at the Salt Lake Technical College, stated that a fellow student 
confided to him that he was actually from an underground city, 
and was working here on the surface.  There have also been other 
rumors of individuals living in this city who were from 
underground communities... but whether these arrived on the 
surface by choice or were driven to the surface by the 
Reptilioid infestation of the North American substructure, is 
uncertain.  Both scenarios may exist.  There are nevertheless 
suggestions that all three groups from the United Federation, 
the Draconian Empire, and the Bavarian Collaboration - are 
active in this part of the country - Branton).

OF MOST OF THEM, HERE IN UTAH.  The fellow who is giving me this 
information also mentioned that for years now, the Church has 
been working on a vault-like repository in the mountains behind 
Salt Lake [East], PART OF THE UPPER CAVERN, to put all records, 
secret documents, and other valuables for safe keeping (This is 
the aforementioned Vault in Granite Mountain, up on the slope of 
Little Cottonwood Canyon - Branton).  He said for over a period 
of time he helped on this detail.  SEVERAL TIMES HE SAID HE 

PORTION OF THE CAVERN.  He heard motors, dynamos, the high whine 
of generators and voices.  All this he said has been going on 
for over 15 years that he knew of (or previous to 1975 - 
Branton).  He said his curiosity got the best of him one day, he 
slipped away from the work gang he was in and went down to a 
lower part of the cavern.  He came to some BUILDINGS WITH LOTS 
EYES.  When he started back, two security officers caught him 
and escorted him back to the repository vault, where they 
reported his actions and wanderings into the off-limits area, to 
his superiors.  They in turn put him on a truck and sent him 
back to town.  He was warned to keep his mouth shut about what 
he saw.  They told him what was going on down there was a U.S. 
government operation and was TOP SECRET (Note: actually it was a 
CIA operation.  The CIA has an inner-core who work for Bavarian 
Intelligence and an outer-core who are led to believe that they 
are working for the best interests of American Intelligence, and 
in fact former CIA agent Gunther Russbacher has stated that 
there are two factions that are presently fighting for control 
of the CIA itself - suggesting that the outer core of Patriots 
who have fought Communism in the past are now waking up to the 
fact that the inner core of the CIA is actually being run by 
[National] SOCIALISTS.  In this case the statement that this 
activity - taking place within the massive cavern-systems below 
the Wasatch Front of the Western Rockies - is a "U.S. Government 
Operation" would only be a half-truth.  It should also be 
recognized that there is a "Melchizedek" order which is active 
within the Mormon Church, the Masonic Lodge and the Mt. Shasta 
Community, all three of which apparently have some connection 
with the Utah underground.  This does not mean that all 
"Melchizedeks" are presently collaborating with the Reptilian 
Grays - Branton).

"If he talked about [what was going on underground] to any one, 
he would get 20 years in a federal prison or WORSE.  He kept 
asking questions to different members he thought were friends.  
Someone reported him.  In turn he was apostated from the Church, 

"This is the 3rd time in the last 20 years I have heard about 
this activity, from different friends of mine who are members of 
this church.  I didn't pay too much attention to it until I 
received the info [on] Dulce, New Mexico... I think its high 
time to PUT THIS INFO OUT TO THE PUBLIC.  Most people are so 
BRAINWASHED by the church here, and the television, that most 
people won't believe any of it anyway.  But I believe there are 
people in this land of ours who will believe.  Those are the 
ones who need all the information of this nature they can 
receive.  At least they will be aware of the existence of the 
situation and won't be so easily trapped.  They in turn can help 
others... Sincerely, J.R."

Being that the term DREAMLAND has been given to the cavern 
systems below the Four Corners as well as to those below Nevada, 
I believe that it is fair to assume that the massive underground 
system connecting the two can also be given the same appellation.

It is possible that war has raged through the DREAMLAND complex 
[spanning Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Colorado, Arizona, etc.,] for 
centuries.  Apache-Hopi activist Robert Morningsky has stated 
that his ancestors were driven to the surface by the "Two 
Hearts" or the "Children of the Lizard" who invaded their 
underground world and forced them to take refuge in the outer 
world.  Another Hopi legend states that some of their numbers in 
that ancient time turned to practicing sorcery [and if we 
combine this legend with Morningsky's statements, we can assume 
that these sorcerers also betrayed the rest of the Hopi to the 
Serpent Race in exchange for promises of power, etc.].  It seems 
that some things never change.  This warfare seems to compare 
with the Dero - Tero conflicts referred to by Richard Shaver.  
Is it possible that the DULCE WARS (which began in 1979 after 
human scientists discovered thousands of abductees who were 
being held in cages and in cold storage deep below Dulce) and 
the GROOM wars (which began around the same time after a human 
security guard was killed when he challenged an alien dictate 
that human security personnel could not enter alien-controlled 
sections below Nevada with loaded weapons) were actually more 
outward manifestations of a "deeper conflict that has raged 
through the centuries, one that we might refer to as the 
DREAMLAND Wars?      ( END)


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