Rumah Anak-anak Yatim Islam Jasin was established to provide opportunities to children who did not get a proper education and basic needs due to the hardship in life will get fully protection in this orphanage house.

Rumah Anak-anak Yatim Islam Jasin was established on 2005 and now the orphanage house already exist for about 12 years. The founder of this orphanage is YBHG. Hj. Datuk Hj. Sarip Bin Hamid.

The idea to set up this orphanage house was started when the Welfare Bureau of UMNO has invited YBHG. Hj. Datuk Hj. Sarip Bin Hamid to join the committee members of UMNO. Along with that, YBHG. Hj. Datuk Hj. Sarip Bin Hamid feels that he need to contribute something in the name of UMNO and then he set a house of orphans in order to help orphans in this area. However,Rumah Anak-anak Yatim Islam Jasin still need NGO and any other parties to help and support any requirement that needed such as the basic needs that are necessary to ensure that these children receive enough protection and perfect life.

Rumah Anak-anak Yatim Islam Jasin also serves as a home to collect donations items from community likes food, clothing , furniture and other items that can help the orphans. Not only that, there is also a distribution of zakat to all of the orphans.

Rumah Anak-anak Yatim Islam are aim to fulfil all the basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing. This orphanage house also provides the children with equipment and facilities for their education and health insurance.

Hopefully, this effort will not only help those who need help , but will give the blessing of sustenance and life to the community 's help . Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin


  • Ensuring children of Rumah Anak-anak Yatim Islam Jasin get a good education.

  • Train children of Rumah Anak-anak Yatim Islam Jasin in Islamic culture such as nasyid , acting, reciting a poem so as to hold cultural performances to the public .

  • Provides counseling to parents / guardians who are faced with the problem of children including teenagers.

  • Donation given to Rumah Anak-anak Yatim Islam Jasin to other charitable home and those in need in the event there is a surplus .
