Truth Index

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Part 6 – The path to life

a Pilger drawn by Hieronymus Bosch
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Dangers on the path of life

The psalmist prayed

Life can succeed when we are taught,
to act according to love
and to avoid to lie.

Love and truth enable a human being
to build and to maintain interpersonal relationships
and to lead a healthy life.

A human being needs for his life the instruction in love and truth.

ein Diagramm

Dangers on the path of life

The dangers which a man encounters on his path of life are

What is dependency on man?

A human being shall expect and request everything from his God.

Another person is also only created out of flesh and blood.
A human being shall not rely on other human beings but only on his God.

Jeremiah (17, 5) says:

What is idolatry of man?

A man shall be on guard against idolatry of man.

A man who idolizes another person,
breaks the second commandment
and is thus unfaithful to his God.

Idolatry of man occurs in hetero- and homosexual relationships.

What is fear of man?

A man shall not be afraid of another man.

However, when you consider what suffering one person can inflict upon another person,
fear of man is not surprising.
In unequal relationships is the use of fear or the reign of terror not uncommon
like for example in a teacher pupil relationship or boss and subordinate.

The Holy Bible prohibits expressly the fear of man.

God has said:

Hence we can confidently say,


The liberation from
consists in the following of two commandments of love

Additional dangers

There are additional dangers, which a man encounters on his way through life,
which can make him unfree and sick.

Now follow seven pictures, in which one danger is represented by Hieronymus Bosch.
Identify in each picture one of the vices mentioned below
The Latin name of the each vice is mentioned at the bottom of the picture.

Which vice is represented in this picture?

a vice painted by Hieronymus Bosch

Which vice is represented in this picture?

a vice painted by Hieronymus Bosch

Which vice is represented in this picture?

a vice painted by Hieronymus Bosch

Which vice is represented in this picture?

a vice painted by Hieronymus Bosch

Which vice is represented in this picture?

a vice painted by Hieronymus Bosch

Which vice is represented in this picture?

a vice painted by Hieronymus Bosch

Which vice is represented in this picture?

a vice painted by Hieronymus Bosch

The pictures


Vanity is represented with a woman, who admires herself in a new hat, without noticing, that a fool with an outlandish cap holds for her the mirror.


What the woman brings on the table, devour the man greedily.


Lust is represented with the couples in and in front of the tent.


Anger is represented as a quarrel between two men in front of a pub.


A turned down suitor regards enviously a happier rival.


A well nourished gentleman dreaming at the chimney personifies laziness. He neglects his religious duties.


and miserliness are represented through a corruptible judge.

The teachings about vices

The bad inclinations of man have not only been a topic of painters like Hieronymus Bosch or Pieter Bruegel d. Ä. but also monks like Evagrius Ponticus, Cassian, Poimen and others.

The monks worked out a monastery psychology.

Now follows a short introduction into the teaching of the eight vices.

Technique of the vices

Evagrius Ponticus distinguish two fundamentally different techniques of the vices.
Vices can threaten a person through
Worldly people are mainly threatened through things to act wickedly,
religious people through thoughts.

Nature of the vices

A vice disguises itself as an innocent little weakness or as an inclination.
This disguise can blind a person to perceive reality or the truth about himself.

Vices know the weak sides of a person, his inclination and affection,
those they reinforce, unaware to the person himself.

Vices cast a spell over someone hardly perceptible to the person.
Vices hide themselves behind thoughts, inclinations and needs.

Enlightenment about a person

You can recognize what goes on in a person

How can you gain enlightenment about another person?

What can you infer from a facial expression?
What betrays a look?
What reveals our way to walk and posture?

Where do we lead our steps?

Vices imprison a person

Our talking, behaviour and our posture are not insignificant for our religious life.
Vices steer us in a certain direction.
When we do not pay attention, vices lead us all of a sudden into an inner captivity.
In us settles, what our body expresses externally.

When we do not examine critically our words and our behaviour,
it is possible that we become gradually slovenly;
we still think, that our intention is noble and do not notice,
how a negative attitude takes up a lot of room in us.

How to recognize vices

Vices have according to the monks cited by Grün (1979) the following characteristics:

Lack of restraint or excessiveness

All excessiveness or lack of restraint is of evil.

To do the right thing at the wrong time

When you do not take into account the circumstances under which a certain manner of conduct is appropriate, the right thing can be wrong.

When you subject a person under fixed rules without showing consideration for his situation,
this can result in stubborn adherance to principles.
Like that you can lose the human measure and become a lifeless guardian of the law.

For example, it is inappropriate to advise a sick person to fast.
When you advise the right thing at the wrong time, it becomes wrong.

To cause strife among brothers

Strife can easily be provoked,
when you pronounce or pass a bad sentence on someone
or simply through talking inquisitively about someone else.

To wallow in the filth of another person,
makes you blind for your own errors.

Flight into illness

A vice can affect adversely the conduct of life of a human being through timidness and sickliness.

Wicked thoughts

Wicked thoughts look at things always with passion and emotions.
Wicked thoughts can be recognized at their content.
Their content deals for example with,

Bad inclinations of man

The vice of gluttony

Food intake is vital.

This natural impulse can however degenerate into gluttony.
To the covetous part of man belongs the vice of gluttony.

The vice of gluttony makes use of reason.
A man is not enticed to excessive eating, instead
enough reasonable appearing reasons are mentioned,
which speak against fasting.

The method of the vice of gluttony is to rationalize.

The vice of lust

To the covetous part of man belongs the vice of lust.

When the fantasies are filled with sexual pictures and thoughts,
reason can not operate, it sits in the dark so to speak.

The vice of lust uses fantasy.

The vice of greed

To the covetous part of man belongs the vice of greed.

Greed makes someone believe
The vice of greed excuses itself with reasons which speak against poverty and generosity.

The method of the vice of greed uses fear and faint-heartedness.

The vice of sadness

The vice of sadness can be assigned to the excitable or emotional part of a human being.

Sadness emerges sometimes through frustration of wishes or as a consequence of anger.
If you have too high expectations of life,
you can easily become disappointed and
then be depressive and sad.
Typical for sadness is also the attachment to the past.

The method of the vice of sadness uses the affection to the world.

The vice of anger

The vice of sadness can be assigned to the excitable or emotional part of a human being.

Closely connected with sadness is anger.
Sometimes sadness stems from anger.
Anger pushes for revenge.
When revenge is not possible, A human being can be eaten from his own anger.
The vice of anger darkens the spirit of a human being, it robs him his clarity.

The method of danger is a heated emotional surge as a reaction to suffered wrong or injustice.

The vice of acedia

To the excitable or emotional part of a human being can the vice of acedia be assigned.
You don't like to do anything.

The consequences of the vice of acedia are
(Grün, 1979: 38-39).

While anger and sadness are the reaction to the nonfulfillment of the 3 basic drives,
the urge by acedia is repressed into the unconsciousness.

The vice of acedia is based on apathy "null bock" (self-pity).

The vice to seek fame

The vice to seek fame is assigned to the spiritual part of man.

The craving for fame starts when the other vices appear to be overcome.
This vice spoils the striving to overcome vices.

The craving for fame acts with the intention to please people.
The person strives for an enhancement of his feeling of worth.
Thus the person is orientated toward the external and
loses the honest view for him- or herself.

The craving for fame is based on the glorification of the ego.

The vice of pride

The vice of pride is assigned to the spiritual part of man.

Pride leads man to the deepest downfall.
A proud person considers himself to be God,
he believes himself to be the cause of his good deeds
and looks down on his fellowman.
He considers them as having not much sense and being ignorant.

Pride follows anger and sadness,
finally as last evil comes a distraught state or insanity.

The vice of pride is based on arrogance or inflation of the ego.

Can you name the 8 methods of the vices?

1. gluttony
2. lust
3. greed
4. sadness
5. anger
6. acedia
7. to seek fame
8. pride
to rationalize
imagination / fantasy
fear and timidness
affection to the world
emotional frenzy for suffered injustice
apathy, "null bock"
glorification of the ego
arrogance or inflation

What is the common root of the 8 vices?

Eight virtues

  1. abstinence
  2. chastity
  3. without possession
  4. delight
  5. indifference
  6. patience
  7. modesty
  8. humility

Name for each vice the corresponding virtue

1) gluttony      
2) sexual offence    
3) greed   
4) sadness   
5) anger      
6) acedia      
7) boasting  
8) pride   
without possession

How can we deal appropriately with the vices?

Fight against vices

You cannot overcome the vices with a little good will, instead,
Vices seduce a human being into wrong attitudes.
The consequences of vices are bondage and possibly sickness.

Life's battle

Life's battle consists of the daily showdowns with evil,
the behaviour during contestation and temptation through vices.

There are three causes, through which a person can be brought out of balance:
Only the reaction betrays whether a person is tempted by a vice
and by which one.

External things can represent a temptation for a person.

For example, money by istself is no bad.
However the feelings, which the money arouses in a person,
can originate from the vice of greed.

Things are not wicked,
but they can arouse in me reactions,
which bring me out of balance and
force me into a negative direction of thinking and behaving.

Events can represent temptations for a person.

For example, when a mishap occurs,
when a cup is broken,
that is not anything extraordinary.

However the reaction can be caused by a vice.

When a person reacts angry,
he can be tempted by a vice.

Fellow man can represent a temptation for a person.

We project our own wishes and emotions into the other.
It is a vice which puts us into a negative mood.


Projection is "an unconscious, that is, not noticed and unintentional transfer
of a subjective psychological fact of a case in an external object" (Grün, 1993: 13).

When we transfer our own wishes or emotions into another person,
we cannot see the reality in the other person.

We are deceived by our own projections
and are dominated by them.

When others throw their projections on us,
they exercise then a power over us,
from which we can hardly evade.
The projections are like a kind of projectile,
that is shot at us from an evil person
and which can make us sick.

When you become the target of the negative projections of another person,
you can feel the hate of the other person nearly physical like a projectile.

Vices can cause sickness

A person, who is cunning and sly, lies and deceives.

Wicked thoughts can dominate a person so that he becomes obsessed.

How many psychological diseases are connected with vices,
which appear in illnesses like

Techniques used in the battle against vices

The following techniques can be used in the battle against vices:

1. To register our conduct / thoughts

At first a person has to start to observe himself very carefully
to determine,
how thoughts and feelings are connected and
in which order they occur.

Decisive is for example,
to discover the causes for the bad mood.
From which external facts are they dependent and
from which inner dispositions?

When you know exactly your endangering,
you can easier protect yourself against them.

2. To examine the preceding events

As soon as you see through
the connection between thoughts and feelings,
as soon as you have discovered the mechanisms,
which run through again and againg in us,
you have made the first step in the battle against the vices.

It's of no use,
if you complain only about your bad mood, or
about your weaknesses towards certain temptations.

3. To analyse subsequently the situation

During a temptation it is hardly possible
to observe the mechanisms of the vices,
because the state of mind is clouded at this moment.

However during the review of the day
you should reconstruct exactly the situation.

When you subsequently analyse the situation and recognize,
which mechanism ran its course,
you are better prepared for similar overpowering by a vice.

4. To evaluate your own deeds / thoughts

When you know more precisely your weaknesses
you can easier protect yourself against them.
It is also necessary
that we know the differences between the vices and
that we observe the circumstances of their arrival.

An effective weapon in the battle against the vices is to name the vice.

As soon as we name by name
do we gain a certain distance towards it,
do we have it almost under control.

Name the 4 mentioned techniques

These are the four mentioned techniques:

The antirrhetical method

An additional weapon in the fight against the vices is the so called antirrhetical method.

It is of little use, to see through your motives only with the intellect,
to recognize inner wrong attitudes and dishonest intentions.
You need to exert your feelings in the fight against the vices.

Anger dispels out of your mind the thoughts.
This applies to the good as well as to the bad ones.
You can employ anger against thoughts
which try to move you into the wrong direction.
Laughter offers an additional possibility to use emotions,
to become master of your own thoughts.

The antirrhetical method against vices consists of
For each vice follows now an example of the antirrhetical method.

The vice of gluttony

With which word of the Bible could you proceed against the vice of gluttony?

The vice of sexual promiscuity

Against obscene thoughts you can pray as follows:

The vice of greed

Against the thought, which does not allow,
to give something to the needy fellow man,
and to lend money to a petitioner,
you can pray as follows:

The vice of sadness

Against the vice of sadness helps the following Bible verse:

The vice of anger

Against the thoughts of anger, which do not permit a reconciliation,
you can use the following Bible passages:

The vice of acedia

Against the vice of acedia you can pray as follows:

The vice of seeking fame

Against the vice of seeking fame could the following Bible quotation be suitable:

The vice of pride

The vice of pride dresses itself frequently in the robe of arrogance against other people. There the Bible recommends:

Eight steps according to Buddha's teaching

We are responsible for our doings.
Our sufferings are caused by ourselves.

According to Buddha there are 4 noble truths.
The essence of the teaching of Buddha is

a male buddha

a female buddha

What is according to Buddha's teaching the cause of suffering?

The eightfold path

Bock (1991: 102) writes, that the eightfold path consists of the following steps:

1. right realization
2. right attitude
3. right talking
4. right doing
5. right striving
6. right effort
7. right watchfulness
8. right meditation
1. right understanding
2. right thinking
3. right speaking
4. right acting
5. right livelihood
6. right endeavouring
7. right carefulness
8. right concentration

1. Right realization - right understanding

Under right knowledge is to understand the recognition

2. Right attitude - right thinking

Right attitude consists of

3. Right talking

Right speaking means

4. Righteous doings - righteous acting

Right doings means:

5. Right striving - right livelihood

Right striving prohibits:

Name the first five steps of the eightfold path

The five laws of buddhismus

The first 5 steps of the eightfold path contain the five laws of buddhismus:

An irreproachable attitude and a moral way of life are preconditions,
to continue on the path of spiritual perfection,
that is, to continue with the remaining three steps.

6. Right effort - right endeavouring

The correct effort consists of 4 battles:
In order that good conditions, which accrued,

7. Right watchfulness

Right watchfulness deals with instruction about knowing thyself
and gaining insight into the material and spiritual foundations of the way of life
to achieve a clear knowledge of the 4 noble truths and
the path which leads to redemption or salvation.

Four steps are run through:
You should analyse critically your external relations as well as
your inner nature and thereby reach higher insights and
achieve a transformation of consciousness.

8. Right meditation - right concentration

The meditation exercise of the last step of the eightfold path is called immersion or right composure.
There are nine steps:

The eightfold path

The last 3 steps of the eightfold path correspond to meditation, absorption and perfection.

The inspiration happens like an awakening;
who awakens to unselfishness,
dies as an egocentric personality.

a praying monk

Which of the Ten Commandments corresponds to "right speaking"?
Which of the Ten Commandments demands "right action"?
Which "noble truth" corresponds to the 10th law?

The order of life

A human being learns with the laws of God an order of life,
This order of life

"You show me the path to life" Psalms 16

The succession of Christi

(Text on a cross)

Noten für den Text des Wegkreuzes

The path of life

Diagram of a cross

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying:

Truth means freedom

Then Jesus said to those Jews, who believed Him,

Truth means light

In the Gospel according to John is written

Truth means life

Jesus said to them:

Truth means?

The world

Goal of the journey of life

The goal of our life's journey is God.

We experience on our way to God, that there is a lot in us,
which will keep us apart from God.

In us are
You can only move closer to God,
in the purity of heart, in humility, equanimity and
good balance, dispassionateness.

The pilgrimage of life

Hieronymus Bosch has painted the way of man.
He show the human striving for worldly pleasure
at the expense of eternal salvation.

Bosch holds in the paintings "The triumphant procession of the hay cart"
and "The garden of pleasures"
the mirror into the face of man and shows him,
that worldly possessions and honours are devoid of value
and pull man into ruin.

Bosch's Pilgrim goes his way through a deceitful world.
Every person is exposed to the dangers of vices.
Man can overcome the world and the flesh through the imitation of Christ.

"The triumphant procession of the hay cart" painted by Hieronymus Bosch

"The garden of pleasures" painted by Hieronymus Bosch

A pilgrim painted by Hieronymus Bosch

Aus dem Cherubinischen Wandersmann
von Angelius Silesius

Mir nach, spricht Christus, unser Held,
Mir nach, ihr Christen alle,
Verleugnet euch, verlasst die Welt,
Folgt meinem Ruf und Schalle!
Nehmt euer Kreuz und Ungemach
Auf euch, folgt meinem Wandel nach!

Ich bin das Licht, ich leuchte euch für
Mit heil'gem Tugendleben.
Wer zu mir kommt und folget mir,
Darf nicht im Finstern schweben.
Ich bin der Weg, ich weise wohl,
Wie man wahrhaftig wandeln soll.

Fällt's euch zu schwer? Ich geh voran,
Ich steh euch an der Seite.
Ich kämpfe selbst, ich brech die Bahn,
Bin alles in dem Streite.
Ein böser Knecht, der still darf steh'n,
Wenn er den Feldherrn an sieht geh'n.

So laßt uns denn dem lieben Herrn
Mit unserm Kreuz nachgehen
Und wohlgemut, getrost und gern
In allen Leiden stehen.
Wer nicht gekämpft, trägt auch die Kron'
Des ew'gen Lebens nicht davon!

Pilgrim by John Bunyan

Komm zum Kreuz mit deinen Lasten,
müder Pilger du!
Bei dem Kreuze kannst du rasten,
da ist Ruh.

Unter des Gerichtes Ruten
sieh am Kreuzesstamm
für dich dulden und verbluten
Gottes Lamm!

An dem Kreuze trug der Reine
deiner Sünde Lohn.
sieh, wie liebt dich dieser Eine,
Gottes Sohn!

Da stillt Er dein heiß Verlangen,
heilet deinen Schmerz;
Frieden wirst du da empfangen,
müdes Herz!

Trost, Vergebung, ew'ges Leben
fließt vom Kreuz dir zu;
bei dem Kreuz wird dir gegeben

Bunyan (1921/91: 54 - 55)

The reveille of today stands in the internet

A pilgrimage to a blissful eternity

John Bunyan (1993) describes in his novel
"Pilgrimage to the blissful eternity"
in an edifying and exciting fashion
the way of a pilgrim

Goal of the journey of life

The goal of our life's journey is God.

We experience on our way to God, that there is a lot in us,
which will keep us apart from God.

In us are
You can only move closer to God,
in the purity of heart, in humility, equanimity and
good balance, dispassionateness.

On our journey through life we need to face
the battle against the evil in us as well as the fight against vices.

When we have successfully fought this battle,
do we experience a change in consciousness.

In buddhism the eightfold path shows the pilgrim the way
to the goal of his life's journey, the state of enlightenment.

In Christianity the goal of our life's journey is to meet God.


Bock, Eleonore. Meine Augen haben dich geschaut.
   Mystik in den Religionen der Welt. Benziger Verlag AG,
   Zürich, 1991, ISBN 3-545-25080-6.

Bosch, Hieronymus. Zwischen Himmel und Hölle. Benedikt
   Taschen Verlag GmbH, Köln, 1994, ISBN 3-8228-8956-3.

Bunyan, John. Pilgerreise zur seligen Ewigkeit. Originaltitel:
   The pilgrim's progress. Verlag der St. - Johannis - Druckerei,
   Lahr, 1993, ISBN 3-501-00309-9.

Goleman, Daniel. Emotionale Intelligenz. Carl Hanser Verlag,
   München, 1996, ISBN 3-446-18526-7.

Grün, Anselm. Der Umgang mit dem Bösen.Vier-Türme-Verlag,
   Münsterschwarzach, 1979, ISBN 3-87868-123-2.

Müller, Harry. Beziehungen bauen Brücken. Vom offenen Umgang
   miteinander. Hänssler - Verlag, Neuhausen - Stuttgart, 1993,
   ISBN 3-7761-1891-8.

Seamands, David. So kann man leben! Gottes Gebote für unsere Zeit.
   Originaltitel: God's Blueprint for Living. Verlag der Francke-
   Buchhandlung GmbH, 1991, Marburg an der Lahn,
   ISBN 3-88224-913-7.

Silesius, Angelus. Aus dem Cherubinischen Wandersmann. Philipp
   Reclam Junior GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, 1950, ISBN 3-15-007623-4.

Thurman, Chris. Lügen, die wir Glauben. Der Grund Nr. 1 für unser
   Unglücklichsein. Die amerikanische Originalausgabe The Lies We
   Believe. Verlag Klaus Gerth, Asslar, 1996, ISBN 3 - 89437 - 149 - 8.

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