Truth Index

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Part 5 – Truth

a Kiddusch
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To seek the truth

Suche die Wahrheit,
    Seek the truth,
höre auf die Wahrheit,
    listen to the truth
lehre die Wahrheit,
    teach the truth
liebe die Wahrheit,
    love the truth
bleibe bei der Wahrheit,
    stay with the truth
und verteidige die Wahrheit bis zum Tode.
    and defend the truth until death.

Gedicht von Jan Hus
Translated by Petra Hammer

As long as we live, we do not discern the whole truth.

We are born to inquire about the truth,
but to possess the truth,
rests in the hand of a greater power.

To seek the truth means,
to search God in every corner of our life.

In order to penetrate to the ugly reality,
we must cling to God
as the latter valid source of truth in our life.

We must rely on God's help,
when we try to recognize the truth.

When we rely on other sources (writers, philosophers, scientists, etc.)
it is possible that we are misguided through our own pathology,
to succumb to a lie.


There are human beings where one can perceive self-centeredness
in an unconcealed manner.

They circle around themselves and
put, see and set everything in relation to themselves.

It is through love that a human being can be freed from self-centeredness.


How many mistakes are made through ignorance?

Learning is work.

See the algorithm of learning.

Algorithmus des Lernens.

Defensive mechanisms

There are persons who do not want to know the truth about themselves.

A person may have a defensive attitude toward the truth about him- or herself.
There may be little glorious to perceive.

In psychology the following defensive mechanisms are described:

To recognize the truth

We can approach the truth through
The Bible is the directest way to seek the truths of God.

What purpose fulfills the truth?

What we recognize as true serves the purpose
to guide our actions in life.

We must seek the truth and live accordingly,
because that, what we consider as true,
determines decisively our way through life.

To recognize the truth by means of the Bible

We have a guiding principle when we accept the Bible as God's word.
We can learn why and how we can seek in the Bible after the truth.

"All scripture is inspired by God and profitable,

The truth, which we can gain through experience and through divine revelation, can help us,
how we can live a healthy and meaningful life.

We recognize the truth only piece by piece

A human being has to seek the truth and try to put the truth piece by piece together.

It is arduous work to examine, what fits together and what not.

Our lies, the wrong pieces, which don't fit,
didn't get there over night and
they aren't going to disappear over night.

We must be patient with the process,
to replace our lies with the truth.

Truth is a precondition for health

Our selfrespect depends upon our love of truth.

When our life is characterized by our devotion to truth,
do we develop a stable, positive feeling of self worth.


Feeling of self worth

How you answer this question "Who am I?" determines
from where you draw your feeling of self worth.

1. In a productivity orientated society you can draw your feeling of self worth out of

2. The feeling of self worth can also be fostered through honest recognition

you can strengthen the self worth of another person.

Recognition can be expressed for

3. As a believing person you do not have to draw your self worth This persons knows that everything, what he is, has, and can is a gift from God.

What determines the self worth of a person?

In Deinen Händen

In Deinen Händen, Gott, ruht alle Zeit,
ruht aller Zeit geheime Bürde stille.
In Deinen Händen, Vater, ruht die Fülle
der Seligkeit und alles Leid.

In Deinen Händen, Gott, ruht aller Sinn,
auch wenn ich hier nur Dunkel kann erspähen.
Aus Deiner Gnade bin ich, was ich bin!

In Deinen Händen, Gott, ruht meine Hand,
ruht was verborgen meinen Augen noch.
Weiß ich in allen Finsternissen doch,
dass Deine Liebe sich mir zugewandt.

Zu Deinem Herzen, Gott, ziehst Du mich hin. --
Lass mich in Deiner Gnade stehen,
vergehen meine ganze Schuld darin ...

Gedicht von Wilma Klevinghaus-Biehn

What hinders the truth?


A prejudice is a provisional or temporary judgement.

It is as long temporary,
until it is confirmed or refuted.

The emergence of prejudices

"Prejudices" or provisional judgments are formed through
Very often we accepted without verification what we hear from others.

The purpose of prejudices

Depending upon our "prejudice" about another person with regard to
we conduct ourselves towards this person.
My prejudice about another person
my conduct towards this person.

A matching process takes place with a prejudice.
One compares him- or herself with another person and poses the question:
"What benefit could I have through my contact with him or her?"

The consequences of prejudices
(To go abroad for a longer period of time can help to free someone of several prejudices.)

Prejudices hinder the perception of truth

When we hold a prejudice, we have already formed our judgment,
without having verified it in reality.

A human being cannot discern the truth out of a prison of prejudices.


Pride is an inappropriate selfrespect for real or imagined merits or excellence.

A human being can be proud because of
Pride refers to the opinion a person has of him- or herself.

Pride has unpleasant consequences

Pride makes a person defensive and not open to reason.

You can learn from every other person,
if only you are willing to pose questions.
According to Evagrius Ponticus (cited by Grün)
anger and sadness follow pride.
Pride can even lead to a confusion of mind.

Pride is not a good characteristic

When we battle against our "pride"
we are concerned with the honesty against ourselves
and our relationship to God.

It concerns the question,

Why does pride prevent the perception of truth?

Pride can make us arrogantly believe,
that we know already the truth,
whether it's true or not.

What do pride and prejudice have in common?

Not only prejudice or pride hinder the perception of the truth but also
There may be not a grain of truth contained in a conjecture,
a supposition, a speculation and the resulting hasty conclusion.


A conjecture is a formed and / or expressed opinion,
however the truthfulness is unconfirmed or not verified.

A Supposition

A supposition has to be distinguished from a fact.
A supposition may not be confused with facts.

How easy it is to err!
Maybe it was intended by the other person
that you fall for a supposition.
A marriage swindel may operate on a supposition.

Have you received and read my electronic letter?
To suppose you did is not enough you have to know it.


When you get no explanation for the behaviour of another person,
that he or she tells you, why he or she acted the way he or she did,
then speculations can come into being.

Speculations always start there, where facts are missing.

Hasty conclusions

It is possible that we
to a hasty conclusion our
To draw hasty conclusions can lead to misunderstandings or false assumptions.

An example for drawing a conclusion

Fred was in a bar. He ordered a drink.
He was thursty. He left the bar in a good mood.
What did Fred order? (Please enter only one choice.)
There is no right or wrong answer.
Did you select a drink according to your own preferences
or did you try to base you decision on the information you were given?

By hasty conclusions it is possible that you add the facts and
those can be appropriate or not.

Hasty conclusions resemble a game of chance,
they can miss the truth by far.


When a conjecture, assumption or speculation is faulty,
a correct conclusion cannot be drawn.

A conclusion should not be drawn hastily.

Truth is not served with

What hinders the perception of truth?

What do conjecture, assumption and speculation have in common?

Hasty conclusions can

Emotional health - Emotional garbage

A human being, who devotes him- or herself to the truth,
will be rewarded with emotional and spiritual health.

Emotional garbage appears in several variations:

We recapitulate our annoyance

This means,

We reconstruct our sorrow

This means,

We recruit our guilt

This means,
Creeping discouragement is the consequence of it.

The truth is often painful

The truth hurts.

The truth about ourselves and our personal life
can cause pain and upheaval,
before we gain emotional health.

We need determination and alertness,
to advance through the pain to the truth.

"Be alert against yourselves and pray!"

What hinders selfrecogniton?

Doubt is part of the truth finding process

Doubt is an ability, which helps us to check out the truth about that
what we hear.
We should know,why we believe, what we believe.

It requires honesty and courage,
to stand out in the crowd and say:
Christ demanded from his doubting disciple Thomas faith,
once he has shown him the desired evidence.
See John 20, 27.

Why is doubt part of the truth finding process?

The truth can be concealed through

Some lies sound better than the truth

An undramatic truth can be pushed aside through an exciting lie.

Those lies are the most effective, which contain just enough truth,
that they sound true.
In addition, when the hearer likes what he or she hears,
this enhances the temptation, to believe the whole lie.

The exciting lie is a great obstacle for the truth, especially,
when she contains a little bit of truth.

The truth can be hidden through

The truth lasts for ever

The truth is something which is in itself so pure and strong,
that nothing, not even death, can abolish it.

When we regard the truth not as something eternal,
our devotion to the truth will be week,
and we cannot use her for our growth and maturity.

The truth can be suppressed and gagged,
but that does not make the truth untrue.

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