Truth Index

Part 4 – To replace lies with truth

a Mesusa with the Ten Commandments
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How can I build my life on truth?

There are the following methods which can aid us to identify lies in our life
To recognize and fight against self deceptive lies

One of the best methods with which to identify lies in our life is the ABC-method.

What is Self awareness?

How to deal with feelings

Feelings should be observed as follows:

Let go of your wrath!

Forget the past and aim at the future!


What do you have to know about wrath?


Let go of your grief!

Who moans enters into self isolation.
Your self pity builds walls around you.

Instead of bridges are barriers constructed
in the personal relationship to others.

If you want to avoid that,
then don't allow your grief,
that it keeps you caught.

How does grief originate?

What is the difference between wrath and grief?

The difference between wrath and grief

Wrath (anger) and grief (sorrow) are both feelings.

You feel wrath when you personally are hurt through another person
and you feel grief about the misfortune or suffering
that happened to another person.

Guilty feelings

Let go your conscience!

Here it concerns guilt feelings which block
our relationships to other people.

God's remedy for our guilt is his forgiveness,

Overcoming the past

There are three methods with which we can cope with our past:

To recognize and to remove worldly lies

The ABC - method is extended with two points.

By personal decisions

Reduction of stress

To recognize and avoid marriage lies

The employment of mental capabilities can be practised as follows. You imagine

This technique allows you to deal mentally with situations,
in which you normally explode, in a sensible and constructive way.

Practise it in life!

What is empathy?

Good communication

You can recognize good communication that one

Communication is influenced among other factors by:

What is to distinguish in communication?

You have to distinguish between

Four functions of communication have been identified:

sender       and          recipient

       1. the factual,
       2. the representational,
       3. the relational,
       4. the directive function of speech.

1. Information or knowledge content of language

Language is a means of expressing thoughts and serves the transmission of knowledge.
Language serves the communication of

2. Representation of self with language

You provide a lot of information about yourself with language.
Can you list several examples?
  1. your dialect tells where you come from,
  2. your accent says whether you are a native speaker
  3. your choice of words (education)
  4. the voice betrays your age
  5. the height of voice excitement
  6. also the tremble of your voice
As soon as you open your mouth you give a lot of information about yourself.

The representation of self can also reflect:

3. The relationship to others can be analysed with language

Through the speech act contact is established with a listener.
The relationship which exists between a speaker and a listener can be deduced out of the speech act.

The social contact can

How can you assess a social relationship?
  1. at the "social setting"
  2. the social intercourse
  3. the zone of distance
  4. position and status behaviour

Ritual contact

By means of a speech act contact with a listener is established.
Ritual patterns of contact exist by
With language acquisition, role suitable behaviour is learned.
It is part good manners not to forget oneself.

4. Die Appellebene mittels der Sprache

By means of language orders are given.

A listener can be

This directive function of speech can be

What is the difference between communication and understanding?

Comprehensibility in speech or writing

Comprehensibility is a social process between
Interpersonal understanding is the aim of speaking.
A reciprocal adapting to each other is necessary between speaker and listener.

It is a precondition for interpersonal understanding that
speaker and listener agree to a common course of action.
Then you can determine the way to reach the goal.

Habits of communication

Problematic habits of communication you can recognize by the words you use.
It can be

Communication barriers

Negative communication habits are not innate.

They can be changed.
A precondition for change is to be aware of bad habits.

Es folgt ein Aufstellung von 12 Kommunikations-Barrieren.

1. to criticize

    A person who constantly looks out for errors by others
    destroys interpersonal relationships.

2. to label

    To distribute mental labels is the quickest way to hinder

3. to diagnose

    Who diagnoses others quickly as aggressive, impulsive or
    compulsive deadens the dialogue.

4. exaggerated praise

    Praise as an instrument of manipulation is considered
    deceitful and generates wrath.

5. to order

    To order another person around what he or she has to do
    makes passive or elicits resistance.

6. to threaten

    To threaten represents an attempt to control others,
    by threatening with negative consequences.

7. to moralize

    When you moralize you offer another person a ready made
    solution to his problem garnished with a halo.

8. suggestive questioning

    Suggestive questioning is not an honest request for
    information, but intends to lure another person into a trap.

9. to advise

    First, if advice was not asked for, it is not desired.
    Second, the adviser sees often only the tip of the iceberg.

10. to divert

      To divert or distract is the most frequently used form to
      hinder communication. In oder to direct the attention to
      oneself or to avoid an unpleasant topic, a discourse switch
      is used.

11. to persuade

      With persuasion you encounter a conflict with logical
      solutions. The problem is, logic deals with facts
      and ignores feelings.

12. to sweeten

     The other person refuses self assessment. It looks like
     sympathy but it does not help the one concerned.

Communication blockades

Müller (1993) mentions five communication blockades:

laziness - To listen is strenuous and requires concentration.

prejudice - "To think there is only one right way" - is incorrect!
impatience - An impatient listener impedes the listening process.

pride - Pride makes us defensive and not open to reason.

fear - Fear of criticism results, when some one tells us something,

Constructive communication

Communication is not only what you say,
Müller (1993) mentions four principles:

Müller (1993) suggests that speech be seasoned with:

Argumentation or reasoning

A course offering in argumentation comprises seven points.

The single points cover:

A general outline for argumentation comprises six premises

Shortcomings in argumentation

Possible shortcomings in argumentation are:

Resolution of a problem

Conflict resolution requires:

Group dynamics

Group dynamics is a process. It involves:

Identify and stop distortion lies

"To keep a diary"

Write down as often as possible your daily thoughts according to the ABC-method;
then you read what you have written and
try to identify the distorted perceptions in your soliloquy.

Like that you get an insight into which distortions
your are especially susceptible to.
Only what you clearly recognize you can come to grips with.

"Contrary thinking"

Contrary thinking is another method.

The lies which we believe are frequently the exact opposite to the truth.

Force yourself to consider the opposite of your lie.

"To tame the flow of thoughts"

"To tame the flow of thoughts" can also be effektive.

When you stop your thoughts you also control the associate feelings with your thoughts.

One method to stop the flow of thoughts is with a noice, for example,
the rattle of an alarm clock.

What methods have been mentioned to help identify distortion lies?
These methods are appropriate to uncover distortion lies.

What is insight?

To recognize certain patterns in your
Self acceptance is:

Self confidence

Self confidence is displayed when someone can
voice his concerns and feelings without anger or passivity.

To reveal oneself

Transparency is undisguised clarity.

Interpersonal relationships are made more difficult, because

To be transparent

To be transparent requires at least 4 characteristics:

1. to be open to reprimand
2. to be honest
3. to listen to reason
4. to be available

What risks are connected with being transparent?

There are potential risks associated with being transparent.

Already Abraham used a lie to protect himself.
When he was in Egypt he said that his wife is his sister.
See Genesis 12, 10 - 20.

Too much transparency can result in craftiness, hypocrisy and fraud.
In money matters caution is advised even with your friend.

"To make your confession by the devil" means
to tell an enemy or opponent confidential matters.
Consider, you ear lend to everyone, your word very few.
Trust? Look out, whom!

Das folgende Gedicht behandelt poetisch die Risiken verbunden mit Transparenz.


What are the rewards that go begging
When a feeling can not be conveyed
A feeling of joy and of wonder
An ace that can never be played.

A feeling without reservation
A feeling that's given not lent
A feeling that brings with it caring
A feeling with tenderness sent.

How can this sad curse be broken
How can fear be laid aside
How can the promise be realized
When social traditions divide.

Our fathers and mothers both told us
To trust only those we know well
And never reveal all our feelings
Our innermost thoughts never tell.

For surely the flattering stranger
Will use what we say for his gain
What we feel when betrayed won't concern him
But the scar that is left will remain.

So now I have spoken of feelings
Yet even my own I can't share
How can I convey what I want to
What is the reward if I dare.

Gedicht von Andrew Hendry

The following precautions are appropriate

1. the right person
2. the right extent
3. the right motive
4. the right time

Positive consequences of transparency

A person who gives up his masks, can
Openness disarms!

To reveal oneself means:

To solve religious lies with a study of the Bible

To learn Bible verses by heart
and to think about them
is a serious and effective way
to get rid of lies.

The Bible is God's primary way
to teach us the most important truths,
which we need to tackle with our sins.

Sin is a violation against the directions and laws of God.

The instructions of the Lord

The prophet Hosea says:

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments are guidelines to life.
With these laws you can direct your thoughts and actions.
Six of the Ten Commandments serve as protection

                   5 Family
9 Reputation   6 Life           10 Heart
                   7 Marriage
                   8 Property

Personal responsibility
Every human being is responsible for his own thinking and for his doing.
This means:

Why do you have to pay attention to your thoughts?

Personal responsibility comprises not only your action but also your thoughts.

To fulfill your obligations is part of personal responsiblity

Personal responsibility comprises also to fulfill one's obligations.
This is characterized through:

How can you build a life on truth?

When you have recognized the value of truth,
and you know what the possible consequences of lies are
then you start the search for truth.

Lies have been dealt with in part 1.
In part 2 you answered a questionnaire
in order to determine an index of truth.
Part 3 contains biblical criteria for the statements of the questionnaire.

In part 4 and 5 various methods are examined with which we
can identify lies in our life.

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