Truth Index

Part 1 – Lies

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Teaching instruction

Die technische Voraussetzung, um den Wahrheitsindex als ToolBook Programm einzusetzen, fehlten. Den musikalischen Einstieg mit dem Gedicht Wahrheit habe ich ausgelassen. Ich habe Teil 1 des Wahrheitsindexes mit einer Folie unterrichtet. Die Jugendlichen zwischen 15 und 19 Jahren konnten die Frage "Warum lügt man?" beantworten. Bei der Untersuchung der Gründe, warum eine Lüge erzählt und verbreitet wird, wurde das Gerücht erwähnt. Es wurde die Überzeugung geäußert, dass an einem Gerücht etwas Wahres sein muss. Wenn das Gerücht als Technik eingesetzt wird, um einen anderen Menschen zu beseitigen, muss keine Wahrheit zu Grunde liegen.

Das Thema Wahrheit kam als Kehrseite von Lüge mit ins Gespräch. Wie kann man wissen, was die Wahrheit ist? Die Wahrheit muss man suchen. Die besitzt keiner. Nur der Sprecher weiß, ob er das, was er sagt, meint oder nicht. "Ich liebe dich, Schatz, sag dass du mich auch liebst ...." ein Lied von Glashaus. Siehe

Wahrheit - Truth

Wahrheit unergründlich ewiges Sein --
Wahrheit Kampf gegen Schemen und Schein.--
Wahrheit Fehde dem drohenden Nichts --
Wahrheit Sieg des göttlichen Lichts --
Wahrheit Gottes unbeugsames Wort --
Wahrheit des Menschen befriedeter Hort --
Wahrheit Vernichtung von Schande und Schuld --
Wahrheit Gottes Gnade -- Gottes Geduld --
Ewige Wahrheit
geh Du in uns ein
und hilf uns
wahrhaftige Menschen zu sein!

A poem by MML

Truth unfathomable eternal Being--
Truth fight against schemes and pretence.--
Truth feud the threatening nothingness --
Truth victory of the divine light --
Truth God's uncompromising Word --
Truth the people satisfied refuge--
Truth destruction of schame and trespasses--
Truth God's grace -- God's patience--
Eternal Truth
enter You in us
and help us
to be truthful persons!

A poem by MML
Translated by P. Hammer

The Bible prohibits any kind of lie.


God is truth. In the Proverbs one reads:

Lies and truth are irreconciliable

God who is according to his being the Truth,
can not bear our lies.
He cannot have any company with us, when we lie.

Jesus says, one of the characteristiscs of the devil is, that
He says further: "All human beings are liars."

About himself he says:

Definition of Lie

A lie is as follows defined:

Why do we lie?

What is the purpose of a lie?

These reasons can also apply

The biggest lies are those which we tell about ourselves.
We do not tell them, in oder to gain an advantage
or in order to ruin another person,
but simply to make ourselves better than we are.
Jeremiah says:

Selfishness or egotism is an ingredient in nearly all lies.
You obtain something by dubious methods with a lie,
you avoid a punishment through dishonesty,
you represent yourself better than you really are and you
damage the reputation of someone else through gossip.

Classificationen of Lies

There are other kinds of lies.

How does one excuse lies?

Lies of pleasantery are very common.
With "small talk" you tell pleasantness, which does not has to be the truth.

Lies are excused with reasons of self protection.
Personal things about your life you tell no one else.
You could otherwise arose envy or disapproval.
With a lie you can keep intrusive people at a distance.

In the world of work there a different laws at work.
Your income or salary you do not disclose to someone else.
Everything can be used against you.

To tell a lie

Lies can be told, when one thinks, to gain an advantage for oneself.

Lies burden interpersonal relationships.

Interrupted interpersonal relationships are the consequence.

A relationship based on lies carries thorns in itself.

To spread a lie

We can cause a lot of damage,
when we draw hasty conclusions and
spread our own version of the truth.

Additional kind of lies are:

1) Why tell part of the truth?

Part of the truth can be told,
when the whole truth would place oneself in a bad light.

In court you can refuse to give evidence,
if you incriminate yourself with a statement.

2) Why can the wordless shrug of the shoulder be a lie?

We do not only communicate with words.
Gestures can sometimes be more expressive than words.

When someone talks about a person who is not present and
wishes to receive a confirmation of what is being said,
however the other person can not say anything contradictiory,
thus the said cannot be confirmed or refuted.

The wordless shrug of the shoulder signals no consent but
does also not invalidate what is being said.

3) The silent nod

The silent nod signifies consent for what is said.

When someone talks about a person who is not present,
you can indicate your consent for what is being said with a silent nod.

4) The deceitful question

The purpose of a deceitful question is to sound someone out on something,
to take someone for a ride or
to find someone guilty.

Jesus was posed such questions.

5) The hint

The hint is already a dangerous manner to spread falsehood.

How can a person protect her- or himself against implication?

In the news information is sometimes reported with a note,
that this piece of information is not confirmed from public authority.

The testimony of two witnesses is required to confirm an accusation.

6) The insincere praise

Feedback serves to steer the behaviour of a person.

When the feedback consists of insincere praise,
is that a deceitful, hypocritical behaviour.

Social pleasantness or politeness can also employ insincere praise.

A hypocrite feigns something, that is not true.

7) To sow doubt

When someone sows doubt the falsehood becomes dangerous.
Here is the demarcation to rumour nearly revoked.

A rumour becomes effective, when a sufficient number of persons
through their belief create a "social fact",
which becomes effective irrespective of reality.

The affected person can hardly fight back against rumour.

To use rumour as a strategy, to remove an enemy,
should never be employed.


The holiness of God requires of man,
who wants to meet him,
not only external purity, but also
the purity of heart and
the doing of the right.

To spread a lie

The spread of lies can happen through the telling of gossip and rumours.

One can cause great harm to a person, about whom you spread lies.
A lie can ruin the reputation of another person.

Bear in mind:


The origin, the cause and consequence of a rumour can be outlined as follows:

The following elements are part of rumours

How can you stop the spreading of lies?

Every person has to be watchful
in order not to participate carelessly
in spreading rumours.

Avoid, talking about people who are not present.

Analyse your own motives you hold toward this person.
Are you envious or do you hate this person?

When we spread lies and make false hints
this can never be annulled.

To live a lie

You cannot only lie to other people, but you can lie to yourself.
The lie we live, is a lie with which we deceive ourselves.
Who lives a lie, cheats him or herself for his own life.

Life lies can lead to alienation of self, that means,
to a troubled relationship with oneself.

How we deceive ourselves and make excuses is described in
psychology with the scientific term "defensive mechanisms",
a euphemism for the lived lie.

Lies can make sick.
From self deception to self alienation is the way not far.

Cheating of self

With lies you can cheat yourself for your own life.

That can happen for example,
when you don't stay with the person,
whom you love,
but because of
marry another person.

Self deception

With lies you can be mistaken about yourself.

In the choice of a profession self deception is possible.

With all diligence and total dedication it is not possible
to substitute innate talents or capabilities.

We like to think better of ourselves than we are in reality.

Self alienation

You can destroy yourself psychologically with lies.

If you like to have a different figure than you have,
you can get alienated from that what you are or have.

It is the greatest challenge for man to know the truth about him- or herself.

The psalmist says:
If that, what we testify loud and clearly with our lips,

As much as one can harm another person about whom one spreads lies,
as much one can harm oneself, if one lives a lie.

The truth about yourself you come closer through untiring and vigilant self observation.

You have to pay attention, whether word and deed in your life coincide.

To break the habit of lying

There is a rather unpleasant means,
how to give up lying,
but it is truely effective:

To stop lying

God knows the truth about us.

When we admit and regret our lies,
then the spirit of truth works
a wonder in our life.

He leads us out of lies and darkness
into truthfulness and light.

To take up the truth

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