Guitar Scales in Music Notation and Tablature Diagrams

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Einleitung - Introduction
 die Musikerin Petra


Petra Hammer

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The study of scales is essential for the acquisition of guitar technique. Segovia (1953) suggested that the practice of scales will correct faulty hand positions, gradually increase the strength of the fingers, and prepare the joints for later speed studies. He also claimed that "the practice of scales enables one to solve a greater number of technical problems in a shorter time than the study of any other exercise".

Through the study of scales the student learns all the notes on the fingerboard of the guitar, thus enabling him or her to play in various positions.

Technique, fingerboard knowledge, and musicianship are the essential ingredients for an accomplished guitarist.

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Soli Deo Gloria.


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Soli Deo Gloria. = Only to God belongs the honour.

C Major Scale

C Major Scale in Tablature

A Melodic Minor Scale

A Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

G Major Scale

G Major Scale in Tablature

E Melodic Minor Scale

E Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

D Major Scale

D Major Scale in Tablature

B Melodic Minor Scale

B Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

A Major Scale

A Major Scale in Tablature

F Sharp Melodic Minor Scale

F Sharp Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

E Major Scale

E Major Scale in Tablature

C Sharp Melodic Minor Scale

C Sharp Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

B Major Scale

B Major Scale in Tablature

G Sharp Melodic Minor Scale

G Sharp Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

B Major Scale

B Major Scale in Tablature

G Sharp Melodic Minor Scale

G Sharp Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

F Sharp Major Scale

F Sharp Major Scale in Tablature

D Sharp Melodic Minor Scale

D Sharp Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

D Flat Major Scale

D Flat Major Scale in Tablature

B Flat Melodic Minor Scale

B Flat Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

A Flat Major Scale

A Flat Major Scale in Tablature

F Melodic Minor Scale

F Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

E Flat Major Scale

E Flat Major Scale in Tablature

C Melodic Minor Scale

C Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

B Flat Major Scale

B Flat Major Scale in Tablature

G Melodic Minor Scale

G Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

F Major Scale

F Major Scale in Tablature

D Melodic Minor Scale

D Melodic Minor Scale in Tablature

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