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Sago pudding is a sweet pudding made by boiling sago with either water or milk and adding sugar and sometimes additional flavourings. It is made in many cultures with varying styles, and may be produced in a variety of ways.

In Malaysia, sago gula melaka is a sago pudding made by boiling pearl sago in water and serving it with syrup of palm sugar (gula melaka) and coconut milk.

In the UK, "sago pudding" is generally made by boiling pearl sago and sugar in milk until the sago pearls become clear, and thickening it with eggs or cornflour. Depending on the proportions used it can range from a runny consistency to fairly thick, and can be similar to tapioca pudding or rice pudding. In England "sago pudding" is often referred to as "frog spawn" as it is made using pearl sago. Tapioca pudding is similar in that it too can be made using pearl tapioca - it can also be called "frog spawn" but is generally made using flake tapioca in the north which results in a finer, more grainy, consistency.



  1. Boil water and rain in sago, stir immediately to separate grains. Add pandan leaves and cook until the pearls are completely translucent. If there is still the most miniscule dot of white at the centre, it will be fine by the time you drain the sago. Do make sure they are tender by having a taste, to see if the grainy bit in the centre is not prominent. Drain, remove pandan leaf and wash thoroughly with cold water. Fold half a beaten egg white and a couple of drops of pandan aroma pasta through. Scoop the sago into individual moulds that have been lightly greased or into one large one. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate to chill.
  2. On medium heat, melt palm sugar in a small pot with a tiny drop of water. Set aside to cool to room temperature. If using canned coconut milk it may be to the boil and if necessary water down with cows milk so it is consistency of pouring cream. Allow to cool to chill in fridge.
  3. To serve turn out the sago from mould/s and spoon over palm sugar and coconut milk to taste.
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