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My Poetry

Untitled 1

My seeds for you were planted in strange soil,
Far away from our own land,
In a word alien to us both,
With no coal-black skies,
And churning industrial intensity,
Just the smooth flow of a silk river,
The Magdalene spires of our future?

You were gentle and caring,
Terrified of your own alluring femininity,
Lost were the magical seductive powers of the ancients,
Even mystical Shakti had abandoned her servant
Faithful. And I was left alone to close you to my world.

Yet you told me, in so many words,
That another was the desire for you,
And for just a beat of the moment,
Your obsidian orbs seemed a cold ash.
But you smiled at me in the next,
And cycle after cycle you became my morning wish.

I craved for your devotions,
The maternal protector who shall,
Raise you from those world-weary days.

I craved for the pliant touch...
Cold against my hardening nipple...
The erotic rush of warmth against my slender thighs...
And for lips hot and heavy against my own.

But tonight the gentle moon is my only lover,
Suspended effortlessly in the tightening darkness.

I envy her freedom,
The graceful glide of
The moon-soft bathe,
The healing touch of her light.

Yet ever bound is she,
To chase the sun through the shadows.
Cosmic Bondage, perhaps, my darling?

The dawn is rising now,
Weak against the harsh-red walls,
Sterile in its echo.

The sun has put her moon to sleep
And I too lay you to rest...

...At least until the next night
When moon-cycle after moon-cycle
You are my secret morning wish.

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Ascension Night

I stepped in to your church
Aching for that haunting release
Your religion would afford me
And the harsh strains of a dying day
Were dampened in your icons
And gilded death scenes

And I dreamt I saw the vaults fall away
And the heavens were allowed view
The rosy soft air kissing my skin
As she rose from up out of the land
With only the water she was born into
And the music of the silent northern sky
To protect her slender form
No magical circle of the dead as dust
Nor the enchanted rhetoric of her ancients.

And I watched your knights valiant,
Dismount from their frozen walls
Into the bathe of the full-moon shine
Eyes wide like the awe-filled child

The primeval woman, Isis
Raw in her being, Hildegarde
And real in her power, Sappho
Her vital reflection absent from your patriarchal scenery

And knelt those crusaders at her feet
Their reverent gaze bestial at the mother:

The Madonna.
The Whore.
Your eternal dichotomy diffused
Through the fields of Galilee,
The pages of the scholastics,
Into your red-set bricks

My own theophany
My spectacle
Set apart from the meal
As His body was chewed
And His blood sweetly swilled

I watched her Pirouette gleefully
To your choral strains
Dancing ahead of
You and your processional
And as I followed
Leaving your heady incense
I glanced aside

And perched carelessly in the pews
Were Therese and Rosalia and Brigid,
And Joan and Jude and Hilda,

And perhaps, after all, I had
Glimpsed of your god that ascension night.

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Autumnal Musings(Weinandy�s tute 7th November 2001)

Something is moving within the leaves,
Tall trees tugged,
Sway and dance
In time to your music
And their bronzing fruits,
Which clad them through warm months
Fall to carpet our hungry earth.

From through my leaden pane
I yearn to join the power
To feel the changes ripple through my fine locks
And chill my bones into existence,

But silver lines these foreign hills,
And the day shall soon be darkened
Into deep velvet
And I must turn away from my search.


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Losing a Head

Christ is here,
In tomb wall and caverns,
Arching bricked vault museum,
Moyen age, the altar frontal,
With you and I,
Pausing to gaze, bemused,
At contorted hellish writing,
Can we too cheat death?

�And look at this!� you cry,
Before you,
Before me,
Before Him even,
Rough hewn bowl,
Time: coalesced,
Dancing on the head of a pin.

Or shattered, fragmented, particle pieces,
The virgin Mary has lost her leg,
The Christ child has lost his head,
This bowl is no longer whole,
You have no eye,
blooded hollow,
My hand cold on your back,
Womb ripped and bleeding
And Saint Peter has no face,
But his key is whole and hearty

Tantalising depths,
Routes unexplored,
Your blood not yet shed here,
The Paint is peeling from your eyes,
It is a shadow,
Remnant of another age.

Christ is here again,
In Peter�s house,
The slut on her knees,
Only woodworm finding succour now,
In His dry, dark, secret heat.

I doubt we will survive this place,
I see no Saint Christopher,
To ford our sunken depths,
None to calm our storm.

Dark morning has ceased,
Sun bright,
Too harsh,
And I hide my eyes,
From Light.

We weave,
Into French throng,
Babel of colour,
Flash of language.

All foreign.
All alien.

I notice your eyes, different,
Les yeux sont verts,
My mother, my child,
My alpha, my omega,
My judgement.

In later light,
We bask in wine,
Your eyes a sea change,
Skin on fire,
Melting, distorting,
The damned/the sacred.

Haunt me,
Tease me,
Tantalise me,
You eyes plead�
I break your skin
Brand my mark.

No baptism can take away that guilt,
I lived there,
I know.

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Untitled 2

Lilly white lies,
And liquid eyes
All you ever where to me?

I live not where I lie,
For you are a simple soul
And I am far from painless,
And my bed is deceit.

You shall never grace it,
Watch me tease others,
And I shall jealously crave you,
And hate those your lips graze.

And yet still,
Even on this rugged knoll
The air is on edge,
Bitter and still.

A dangerous purple
Streaks my sky
Nimbus black and ragged
Running, dizzying wisps.

But it will break
Unknowing is the storm
Blissful in its unrepentant anger
And blessed unrepentant power

But I cannot break,
Tear and slash?
Oh yes!
But never break.

For Lilly white lies,
And liquid eyes
Were all they say
You ever where to me

Take your battles home oh world
And leave me in peace

"All things have their season.
Again the wheel has turned and brought us To the season of the First Harvest.
A time when we think about sacrifices and reborn hope,
A time when we reflect on what we have sown by what we reap,
A time when we gather our memories,
And from those lessons that we have learned,
We plan for the future.


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You were ethereal,
A slash of silver in my night,
A light unto my nation

And I could not let the vision go,
Grasped at the hope,
Mind teeming with you

Fragile patterns
Faded as soon as begun,
Conceived, but never weaved

And the already weak glow of your affection
Is smothered as my hand
Reaches out for yours already chased away by the morning sun

I looked for release
And you brought me more chains,
Another ghost to drag behind me.

Years have passed away,
Proud empires have fallen,
And our faces betray our time,

She has not been so kind to you,
Dark Mother Earth,
Your face shows lines duration does not warrant.

As your winds blow through fields of ripened grain
Mine have come to rest and harvested upon another,
With clear green orbs and a gentle soul

And she knows, but never questions
And the love still festers,
A chilling cold fiction.


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Growing Pains

I stand among headstones,
Amid the scent of poppies
Heady with debt.
Nothing to bury except memory.

Your life flowed up undetected,
And took innocuous roost,
My hand devoid of commitment
And my youth of wisdom


Daubed in the Aztec sun,
Her shapely legs,
Have measured the alter steps,
And are sustained,
On the flesh of the discarded,
Tossed into the dust,
Ribs prised and baby-heart sought,
Beneath calloused fingers.

Life flowed from death.
Ritual and succour,
Bound and intimate,
My life from yours,
My girl.
Incense circles in the air,
Coals red, hot and angry,
Dispersing its purging aroma.

But it burns my eyes,
As it billows over skin.
The harsh ash: Imposition
Can They take it away,
The Blessed Trinity?

It is the dust of the ancients,
I yielded you to that same dust,
The dust I shall one day disturb,
On pilgrimage to my foremothers.

Oh, where was Cort�s when needed?
Where indeed was Christ?

The scapegoat?
Bitter parsley?
Gold wine?

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Lady Luck

I am a Northumberland Lady,
Proud granite,
Rising up out of the dawn,
The fire tipped phoenix
With blood on her wings,
Once upon a time,
At least.

Now it is vicarious,
Robbed of all rites in a single band
It is my children, who ride out now,
In a flurry of splendour,
A fleeting dash of colour,
Among the low fields.

I stand here, day by day,
On these ramparts,
These bulwarks
And survey the dying domain,
And our growing kingdom,
Not mine in right or name,
Kingdoms fall away,
Village by village,
Field by field,
Woman by woman,
Away from natural law
Under your tutelage

But that�s the way of things now,
Our crest emblazoned,
Every mound conquered
Every stream forded
Every forest, tame.

And I wonder if you heed
In your pale youth,
That the past is unravelling at your feet.

For men stamped and women wove,

This realm was spread at my feet.
A lavish bride
An odd quilt for a marriage bed,
It is the way of things now.


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Untitled 3

I did all but love my musket boy,
With sweet morning dew hands
And sunset eyes.
In waving russet corn field,
Gladly would I lay myself down?

And �neath his ministrations I would cry,
To the echoing hills and vast starlings
Who rose into the vaulted heavens,
Dancing into twisted patterns and departing our bed.

I did all but love my musket boy
In his gallantry
In his strength
And in his pleasure

For twas not my fair warrior with whom I loved
And when old man time removed the spaces between my years
Twas not his feet as which I knelt
But woman
In all her swift rushing tide of maidenhood
And autumn year of copper prime
And graceful winter

Twas at her feet I knelt and wept
My husk laden hair the only sign to our Sapphic crime.

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Arabian Nights

Leaving Bethlehem that night,
I paced out into the dying desert,
Plucking listless at the orphan rose.
As the myriad heavens drifted down among Sin,
All heralding Night as he spewed forth,

The landscape held no moon,
And in this war it was little surprise,
Nature herself shielded from the blasts
Of fanatical shell,
And true god from true god.

My hands smelt of the sea,
As I bowed my faultless head,
Breathing in the dust of mortar,
Drawing in the blood of the soon-to-be-willed death.

Through Tantric wind,
Oozing indolent from my open, bloodied chest,
The pantheons whispered,
One and all�

How her taste was of the night,
Sweet, dark and poignant,
Summer wine against ruby lips.�

How had I forgot?

How like a panther,
She crept into my sheets,
And slipped away,
Melting into the dark,
Her skin and her nature.

Leaving only the heavy hand of my creator,
To guard this body in vulnerable sleep,
The emaciated child,
Beating fist and feet on my ribs,
Pounding in futile panic,
Birthright of the first-born,
In this matrilineal hell.

Artemis, suddenly gleeful,
Cast star shafted light, bursting the sands,
And from the acrid waste,
Fatigued Beelzebub rose at my feet,
His claws ready exposed,
So jaded with our ritual,
That as I slumped,
�Christ have mercy! Take her home!�
He hollered.

I hissed jubilant praise,
As talon parted flesh,
And the sudden gorge of sin,
Ran rivulet down milky torso.

Calm now, I took his hand,
That world-weary devil,
And lead him to the shore,
Asreal joined us there,
And we cast him off,
Watching Lucifer bob on the buoyant waves,
Leaving him to the mercy of Essene pen:
Eighteen centuries in Bedouin cave.

And as Ra courted Prometheus on the West Bank,
I dove in,
Trailing after my floating sin,
The Dead-Sea salt creeping into my chest,
Through those caustic would we had carved in my breasts,
The waves� rush dimming,
My heart slowly stilling,
Head sinking,
And I had found oblivion for another night.

But I visioned in the flush of the battlefield,
And the cool tempo of the deserted,
Twisted Damascus Road,
With its searing, branded stone,
And woke to its mordant taste,
My nails crusted with red soil,
And salt crystal-tart upon my cheeks.

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Poem written between 5am and 6.20 am nursing a cup of coffee in Ed�s kitchen

The footfalls of your child,
Echo on the rich tile floor,
And happy laughter will creep back
Like a soft-silken kitten
Seeking out the warmth
Of home and hearth.

And your children are grown,
And return with an intermittent clatter,
Friends and lovers accompany
In a bewildering stream
Of faces, noise and youth.

Patio doors beckon,
To a childhood garden
Where memories are strewn as though discarded toys,
And the dying strains of a soft summer breeze carry the wails of a grazed knee,
Bundling into the soothing arms of father.

It is peaceful now,
The steady sway of the old clock
Beats our her rhythmic time
As season upon season
The melting years were measured.

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M(is)s Scarlet

The city is sprawled,
Below, down in the valley,
A Twinkling mass,
Dizzyingly intense.

It�s tantalising smell:
Petrol, dust with a hint of death,
Is fierce this night.

Spring has edged her way close, stilted
Into stairwells and under the doors,
And disturbed dust,
Shimmers through our rooms,
And we choke,
Memories catching in my throat.

The summer here is sweltering,
But the North winter smothers,
Close, uncomfortable and endlessly long,
Gleaming land,
Glistening and raw,
My scarlet sin,
Cannot hide in that place.

My father�s quiet concern,
A dysturbed dysfunction,
I ran.
Whipped into the night

Flee this neon mass?
Yes, I will return,
There one day,

But you could not hide there,
I could don my childhood
And slink, imperceptible,
Back into the cracks of my mother�s armour,
But you, dear?
Plain as day.
Our sin as scarlet.

A storm is blowing in the south
With tendrils of cloud,
Begging to lift me back,
Out of hiding,
Away from exile,
Away to my childhood land,
Of emerald trees,
The swollen tear-stained river,
And smoky mountain.

For here, on your plains,
The earth never ends,
Never falls away,
But gently fades,
Day into night,
The child to the woman,

The cobbles feel different,
Trod with an altered gait,
And the bloated sun,
Low in autumn skyline,
Is warm on my skin,
Like your hand in mine.


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The careful dome rises in the sky,
Nursed, hungover, by bleak clouds,
Doors slam.
And the street girls trickle away,
Slipping switch-blades into figure hugging pockets,
Retiring past failing street lamps
To a candle lit bed.

A city worker scatters traffic cones,
A glaring orange barrier
To the enveloping commuters
And night closed her eyes and rested.

South side: Concrete towers slink out of the river mist,
And the oriental rice child
Basks in august contemplation,
His mescaline love,
Bright skin and wax eyes,
In tarot and teacup remains
Her raw life will be mapped.

The Moon is stirring now
And the sewer splutters,
Sailing past the briefcased Apache
As his feet enter the tavern,
Drinking to the reservation riot,
The crimes of exoteric religion:
A curious knowledge.

In the iridescent mist of this alley
He can hear the crying mother
And the knowledge of his barefoot sister
Bursts with sour fury
And Memory of Pine Ridge

Yet the wail of futile sirens
Echoes, like buffalo thunder
As Venus highlights White Mountain,
Even through this smog.

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Untitled 4

It was a gothic night
And Rose had long since blown away,
Passing like the sweet mystery of April
A tantalising gale.

But only when sullen snow
Had covered the burnished ground
And dark portent hung in the sky
Did I fall hard.

In the black night air,
Flushed cheeks
And fiery eyes,
Liquid deep.

And like a babe beside me
Short-cropped hair nuzzled my neck
And my slender fingers stroked soft flesh.

Black Silk River,
Flows beside the window,
I travelled hopefully down my memories,
Ignoring the deep melancholy pools,
Oozing like tar

But I paused,
And drowned in you,
The tender ache which I still nurse,
And sweet longing overcame me.


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The Telephone Call

Your voice was warm,
Through the miles of time
The air grew sweet
And my day grew welcome.

Rich and deep,
Cadence over cadence
The years settled with
A disturbing peace.

I dreamt that night of the battlefield,
And the cool tempo of the Desert,
Twisted Bethlehem street
With it�s searing, branded stone
And woke to its acrid taste,
My nails crusted with red soil
And salt tart upon my lips.

My waking was fevered,
And gentle hands reached to calm,
But I slipped from their assurance
And left the warmth beneath.

Garden air was clean
And I marvelled,
How you disturbed with such ease


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Idle Thinking (To my mother)

Flying fast to the foothills of your future,
Straight-set on the Old-Man�s way,
The rolled black asphalt, and cats eye light,
Delving deeper,
Fleeing from the shoddy,
Spinning, wailing Jenny,
And the rough, clumsy hands,
Of night-lamp Luddites.

To old Brigantes seat,
Taken so canny,
By feet,
Hundred upon hundred,
Sandal, Sword and Shield,
Calm ordered possession,
And sealed was their pact with this land,
This carpet of culture allowing hearth and home,
Sold with the blood and the bread and Saint Paul.

Pail line drawn: Here Stands Civilisation!

As Keatsian Urn,
This past is cold-time,
A fleeting footprint,
Perhaps impertinent youth,
Danced through his future,
Still in construction,
A fluid, hardening foundation.

You stand abreast,
Proud on fortified knoll,
One hundred and seventy centuries apart.
Their measure: our measure,
That travelling empire,
We still legacy bound,
To honour,
And live.

Maybe the swirling shipyards,
And ever rambling road,
Would offend the logistic supply-line eye.
But he too could understand,
The judgement of time in its quantity,
And the inner working of under-floor heating,
And the etiquette of the steam room,
Peak-Times Gym, 15 Ember Road.

But did he understand frail symbiosis,
How the bread,
rough and pitted against his hands,
as its pieces lay,
in his crafted Samien bowl,
How it was only ever,
Can only ever be,
Someone else�s waiting meal.

A shift in the sands;
A turn in the wheel;
And the yellow eyes of death�s horse;
Frozen patient on the native's kismet card,
Meant a few centuries later,
The brief Romano-British season,
Is over at the Stadium.

And the land,
With her deep ruins,
That mathematically architectured scar tissue,
Yields to all,
From the fire breathed waste,
Of a Norman war-dragon,
To the firm tramp of doomed Jarrow men,
Serenely allows all.

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All works contained within this page are the produce and property of Ms J F Thomas
Copyright J Thomas 2002

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