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Delta quadrant dayS

The warship Voyager streaked elegantly through space, the small craft it was pursuing tacking wildly in an attempt to avoid capture, phaser fire cutting sleek lines through the void of space, glancing harmlessly off the hull of the larger ship.

�Alien vessel break off your chase. Pursuit is irrelevant.� The female voice broke into the quiet of the bridge startling the red haired Captain.

�Harry?" she barked.

He shrugged, �Don�t ask me, she tapped into the communications array.�

The Captain merely raised an eyebrow and glanced across at her first officer who was brooding in the seat next to hers. They were usually a good pair, she had the brains he had the brawn, and he wasn�t a bad fuck on occasion either.

�Do you wish for me to destroy the vessel captain?� Tuvok enquired from behind.

�Federation standard technology, enough skill to bypass your security protocols and a cute attitude to book, no I don�t think so Tuvok.� The rebuke was evident in her tone as she tapped into the astrometric data and smiled lazily. �There�s a planetoid bearing 379, let�s try venting a little plasma at the next shot. I feel a little playful today; softly, softly, catchy monkey, Tom.�

�Aye ma�am.� He grinned as his commanding officer stood up gracefully, her full breasts straining slightly against the federation T-shirt visible through her open jacket. Must be heading up to that time of the month he thought, still staring at the plump mounds as her nipples tightened.

Grinning at the attention she saunter over to tactical and mounted the slight step, leaning against the console she raised an eyebrow. �Coming Tuvok?�

Her only answer was the slight turn of his mouth and a raised eyebrow as they prepared to leave the bridge.

�Kathryn?� Chakotay asked and hurried over to her side, unaware or not heeding the narrowing eyes. �What�s going on, where are you two going.� He snarled at Tuvok the ever present jealousy at his close relationship with Kathryn showing.

�I�m going to play with some alien babe Commander, and Mr Tuvok here�well let�s just say he isn�t coming to take notes. You�re going to stay here and mind my ship like a good Chakotay.� She patted his arm and turned again to leave.

�Kathryn.� He tried again grabbing her arm. She spun back toward him, nodding to Harry as her steely eyes swept back to his. Chakotay felt his hand roughly pulled from contact with Kathryn�s by Harry and she took a step forward.

Harry grinned as his groin tightened and he moved into flank Chakotay as his commanding officer began to speak. �On this bridge Chakotay I�m Captain. Do you need a little lesson to remember that, because I�m such there are more than a few people who would be willing to administer a little bit of hard justice.�

It was almost poetry Harry thought as he pushed his groin into the firm flesh of the first officers ass and felt the big man stiffen before his shoulders dropped in defeat. Kathryn laughed and turned her head to Tuvok kissing him briefly, open mouthed and hard.

�Tell you what I�ll leave Kim here in charge of the bridge and if you so much as scuff the floor he�s got free reign. Use what few cells you�ve got left rattling around in there Chuckles.� She taunted, tapping his forehead with her knuckles as she marched the short distance to the turbo lift, pausing as the doors opened. �Keeping me waiting again Tuvok?�

Paris huffed a laugh and turned back to his helm as the doors shut and Harry vaulted over the command chairs, taking his seat with barely a pause. �Boy he�s been working out� Tom noted with interest. It was a good day in the delta quadrant.


�Janeway to bridge we�re ready.�

Chakotay slumped further into his chair and punched the arm rest hard before calling up the flight path of the shuttle. Fuck her. She constantly undermined him and he could never quite work out how. Maybe if he kept watching what the shuttle was doing he�d at least have it figured out when she got back, surprise that pointy eared shit with his skill. Time was he had a ship, and if not respect then fear from this crew, and any lay he wanted. Now he served as lapdog to a hard nosed �fleet bitch. He�d had enough. Next time she called him he wouldn�t jump. But fuck she looked hot in black panties. Perhaps if he kept his nose clean she�d let him join in with her and B'Elanna. As he watched the shuttle veered away from Voyager and the small craft, it�s heading firmly in the opposite direction, before tacking in sharply around the other side of the slowly spinning sphere. Maybe he�d go and see Seska tonight, she always made him feel better, she appreciated a proper man. If his luck was in maybe she�d let him cream her ass, that always got her going. He glanced lazily around the bridge as his arousal grew. Wildman was manning the science station, now that was something he wouldn�t mind taking a piece of. If Kathryn hadn�t left that prick in command of the bridge right now he could have had her lips round his cock, or at least a quick tit-fuck in the ready room. Such were his thoughts he almost missed Voyager changing course. He did miss the sharp lurch to the left that threw him from the chair, his engorged prick contacting with the deck.

�Fuck!� He declared loudly, rising to his feet to find Harry smirking at him.

�Want me to kiss it better, Sir?� he asked derisorily turning back to his console.

Chakotay contemplated taking a step forward, pulling the jumped up shit from the chair and wiping that smirk off his face, but he knew Kathryn would only enjoy making him pay for it later. Instead he turned and stormed off the bridge.

�You going to do anything about that?� Paris asked from the helm.

�Nah, the Captain can do something later if she wants.�

�Never know, you might get to be a part of it Har.�

�You think?�

They laughed.


Kathryn glanced through the sparse foliage into the clearing where a blonde woman was making repairs to the small vessel that her attack had forced to land. She felt a swell of pride at her crew, they always knew what she wanted and they always delivered. Like a carefully choreographed dance, or good sex. She leant back against the tree and picked out her people dotted around the periphery of the small clearing, Tuvok, Ayala, Bayhart and Megan Delaney, all quite taken with her latest trophy. The woman was tall and slim, graceful in her movements, but willowy you couldn�t call her, looked like the could pack quite a punch. Kathryn�s mouth watered, she�d make a good contrast to Bel; blonde to dark; cool to fiery, what a sight the two of them fighting would be. She shifted against the tree as, not for the first time, her uniform felt a little restrictive, watching prey was such sweet torture. She looked almost innocent in the shafting sunlight spearing down through the tree tops, some lost angel in a halo of soft hair. Her movement had caught the attention of the alien woman and her head jerked up, the aura of innocence lost to the harder edge of self preservation and the glint of metallic implants, as she noticed the red colour of command. Her stomach flushed warm as she watched the comprehension the she�d just lost a game register in the woman�s eyes, and then flipped as it hardened. Strength was so sexy. The futility was almost endearing. Almost she thought as at her signal the five of them moved as one, four approaching the woman and Bayhart slipping inside the vessel. The woman reached for her phaser which was lying unassumingly on the open engine casing. She had the grace to look startled as Tuvok effortlessly shot it from her hand, �oh let�s hear it for Vulcan reflexes Kathryn� smirked. She kept a steady pace towards the woman whose eyes were darting too and fro rapidly, looking for any kind of escape route. Eventually they stilled and came to rest upon Kathryn, glancing briefly down the length of her body before returning to her face, a hint of challenge in the blue orbs.

�Hello.� Kathryn purred as she stilled before the woman and waited as Megan drew a tricorder over the specimen. �She safe?� She queried as the device was snapped shut.

Megan nodded as the woman spoke. �My ocular implant enhances visual acuity, the webbing on my hand improves my efficiency of movement. My original body parts were damaged in a crash that killed my parents� She lifted the hand and drew it towards Kathryn pausing as the security detail tensed.

Ignoring the reaction of her officers Kathryn took the proffered hand, running her fingers over the intricate work. It was warm and yielding and she pulled the woman flush to her, her other hand lazily cupping a large breast.

�And who enhanced the acuity of the rest of you then?� She asked lasciviously.

The woman opened her mouth to respond but was stilled when quickly Kathryn�s hand moved from her chest to her lips, pressing a single finger to full lips. Not releasing her hold of the tall woman Kathryn turned to Bayhart as he appeared in the doorway of the vessel.

�The chief�s going to love this, it�s like Christmas in there. So much jerry rigged technology in there the thing shouldn�t actually hold together, engineer�s dream. Oh and that�s Annika Hansen by the way.� He said as he turned back inside.

�Annika�� Kathryn breathed as she trailed the hand from the woman�s lips around her delicate face. �Let�s get back to Voyager Tuvok. Tell B'Elanna to meet us in the cargo bay, I think we�ve got something here she�d like to see.�

�And the vessel Captain?� He queried dryly.

�Tractor it later.� She said dismissively and she took the metal hand of her new toy and tugged her gently ensuring she fell into compliant step.

Tuvok would deserve a reward later, his sharp shooting had been good and he always had a witty one-liner somewhere up her sleeve. He�d get his reward right after she got bored.

It was a damn good day in the delta quadrant.

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