Bus and Other Transport to Tirupathi

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buses to tirumala tirupathi balaji darshan

Trains To Tirupathi

Tirumala is in tirupathi. Lots of trains go to tirupathi.

Daily Express trains travel to tirupathi from these places:

Hyderabad, Kakinada, Visakhapatname, Chennai, Howrah, Vijayawad, Ernakulam, Kothapur.

Non-Daily Expresses from the following Places

Nagarcoil, Ernakulam, Mumbai,Puri Renigunta railyway junction is just 10 KM from tirupathi , and this station is on the main line of howrah- Madras:

Trains to Renigunta:

Daily Express Trains from following places

Chennai, Mumbai, Knayamumari, Dadar, Madurai, Kothapur, New Delhi, Trivandram

Non Daily Express Trains from :

Mumbai, Nizamuddin, Trivandrum, Ernakulam, Mangalore, Madurai, Jammu Tawi, Kanyakumari, Coimbattore, Nagarcoil, Howrah, Yeshwantpur.

Buses to tirupathi/tirumala

Tirupathi is linked by regular Bus Services with all important places like Chennai (130 Km) Bangalore (240 Km) Hyderabad (572 Km) Vijaywada (380 Km) Chittoor (61 Km). Daily Buses would be plying atleast three buses from each of the places. From Tirupati to Tirumala buses leave every half hour. People traveling from Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Chennai, Visakahpatnam and Bangalore can actually buy link tickets to Tirumala and on arrival at Tirupati board a bus straight away to Tirumala from a special bus station adjoining the railway station. Tri wheelers can be hired at 30 rupees per head between tirumala and tirupathi.

Flights to tirupathi

Regular flights from Hyderbad to tirupathi flying, four days in a week on monday, wednesday, friday and sunday.
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