Guru's Corner
text by dave
Hi, it's me Guru! Dave is back to type for me so no more spelling erors. Dammit dave! You made an error! You misspelled "error"! And you didn't capitalize your name!!! and I think you misspelled "misspelled"!!! BAHHHHHHH!!!!! (Guru smashes Dave w/piece)
martch one ate
We tok uff sum pix becuz we r runin outta spayce

Marsh forth
HEAH! Hello! I have not ritein 4 a while. I am typingg bet er! CCJ is so eefil and Edned skares me!! HEAH!! whoa...WHOA!!!!! OPen the the nooo!!!!

Janyewairy 27th
Me am Majin Guu! Me make you into cookie and EET YUU!!!!

Janyewairy 13
SHITZ! It's been SOOOO long! Well, I really dunt half mutch 2 say except KYLE MARKS wiil DIEEE!!!

Aygust 26!!
Hye! Ets Gururu! We have 2 wallpeeprs! they ROCK MY SOCKS FUKIN OFF!!!

ayeghust 22
heey, gooru here! Hows every1 doin? en cayse u didntt know, Gary iz gune . Dende uzed a magic knife..if fukin burnded likee helll!!!!!

Sorry I didn't updayt, ill be guud. I hupe yu lyke the art 2 tha lepht! ALL $ NOWWW!!!!!

Abril seffenth 2002!!!
HI ETS ME GOOROO! I halfent tocked fer a while sew I thot eye'd say "hellow" and eye'm gunna make a moovie thiz summer sew be un the lokout!

Martch twenny therd 2002!
I was on earth doin my dj green jiant thing. it was fukkin fun! I killed a lotta ppl and got wet in the rayn,

Martch 13, 2002!
I made lil gUru! My piece hurts. Gary needs 2 eggsersize more (thas what thu doktor sayz) Time to eat!

Feb Brew Airy sexth
Hell-o...I half killded Dave and Dende and now Kargo hats me. I dunt wunna tok rite now...

Janu Rarey tenty sex
well, eye half de-stroyed "Erth"! They ruended my moovie and I ruendid their planet! I am givin them tha finger!!!!!

Janu Rarey forteeth
I'm on erth in a muvee theeter! sum kid in a bakwerds hat let me borrow hiz lap tup! Ben Affleck is in ah moovie and et will rulse!! maybde eye will meat him un erth!!!! gatta gow bi!!!

De Sember forth
Eye ate an apple 2day un eerth! It taysted lyke shit but then i fund out that et waz shyt and i thru up on dave! HAHAHA

Nofembur fifteenth
I have "opdayted" mai syte! look to tha left! C thu linkz? they take you to speshel picturez!

Nofembur 5th
mye berfday is dun! Im goin to erth! whee! Kargo iz my new pal! were buddiez! I luv the guy as much as ben!

Ucktoober 27th
My berfday iz sooo soon! Gooberzfest 1999 wuz fun. shawn and atm showded up and we had phun! I serfed them sum drink that me und dark gooroo made. it wuz made of pop, milk and jooce! I laffedd so herd when they drunk itt! MEHEHAHAHAHAA! id tell more but you had 2 be ther! byres 4 now! XD XD XD XD XD KAWAII!!!!!

Aktoebur 13

heye evurywun! itz mee gooroo! meeheehaha!!! mai burthdei iz in phiphteen dayz!!!!!

Octoober nineth
C the counter? HAHA! NEwhay, ive ben gone for a bit butt im back! My comic 12 came out today 2! REED IT! I LOVE BENJEMMIN!

ANDY C-"Guru naked!"
Interview 1
Interview 2
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