The Story of Gundam Wing
  Gundam Wing has a complex story line that spreads for 49 episodes. I have tried to break it down into major points and areas for those who are new to Gundam Wing, or who are not very familliar with the story of Gundam Wing. Please forgive me if I miss out on something important.

  Gundam Wing takes place in the year AC (After Colony) 195. Humans have created space colonies during the past century. The United Earth Sphere Alliance brought peace through force of arms. They seized control of the space colonies in the name of justice and peace.
   OZ and the Romelfeller Foundation are oganizations that manipulate the Alliance. In retalliation, the rebel colonies sent 5 Gundams and their pilots to the Earth in disguise as shooting stars. This was known as Operation Meteor.
   The Gundams unite and cause major disturbances in the plans of OZ.
   Lady Une is sent by OZ to assasinate Relena's Father, who is of major importance to the colonies. Because of this action, it becomes more difficult to bring peace between the colonies and the Earth. Relena becomes determined to bring justice to her fathers death, and to bring his ideals to life.
   With absolute power over the Earth, OZ prepares to take over the colonies. At this point, the development of Mobile Dolls are in progress. Mobile Dolls will allow OZ and the Romefeller Foundation unmanned mobile suits.
   The pilots and their Gundams return to space to defend their home colonies. During this event, OZ easily persuades the colonies to welcome themselves as liberators. As the Gundams return to their colonies, they are no longer known for fighting on behalf of the colonies, but now are prosecuted for being troublesome in working out peace between the Earth and the colonies.
   Lady Une develops a second personality that seems to be kinder and less cruel.  As her normal cruel self, she captures the 5 Gundam scientists and order them to create two new mobile suits that are better than the Gundams and the Tallgeese. Heero and Trowa are captured and are ordered to pilot the new mobile suits, the Mercurius and Veyeate. Meanwhile, the 5 Gundam scientists upgrade the Gundam Deathscythe and Gundam Shenlong.
  Quatre returns to the scenes, but arrives crazed in a new mobile suit, the Gundam Wing Zero. The Wing Zero was an old design that was stored in the computer of the Winner family.
   Now, OZ splits up into two different groups. One remains loyal, and the other follows the leader Treize.
   In space, OZ retrieves the Wing Zero. They use the Wing Zero to collect data that could be added to enhance the mobile dolls. They later use the Wing Zero to attract Zechs to the scenes. Zechs finds the Wing Zero and steals it from OZ.
  Treize introduces a new mobile suit to Heero Yuy. It is known as the Epyon. When the Romefeller Foundation defeated the Treize Faction, they turn their attention to destroying the Sanc Kingdom.
   Heero meets Zechs and they duil. They become crazed from the Zero system installed in both mobile suits. They decide to exchange Gundams and they depart.
   A new group forms. It is known as the White Fang. They represent all the Space Colonies. They meet Zechs and ask him to become their leader. He accepts and they depart to space.
   The Gundams destroy Barge, a large weapon created by OZ.
   The White Fang create a new space fortress known as Libra. With the orders of Zechs/Milliardo, Libra fires its main weapon upon Earth. To prevent further damage to the Earth, and possibly the colonies, Peacemillion crashes into Libra's main cannon, leaving it useless.
   The World Nation, with the leadership of Treize, travel to space to destroy the rest of Libra, and the White Fang.
   Wufei kills Treize in a final duel. Lady Une is awe stricken and orders the surrender of the World Nation.
   Even though the World Nation declares its surrender, Zechs and Heero duel for the last time.
   With Libra crippled, a section of it has started to decend toward Earth. The Gundams try to destroy it, but Heero saves the day with his Wing Zero and its twin buster rifle.
   As they celebrate, Zechs disappears into the darkness of space.
   Representatives from the space colonies make peace with the World Nation. They establish the Earth Sphere Unified Nation.
   Lady Une now serves humanity and the Gundams retire from battle.
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