Our Father, which you are in the skies, sanctified is your name. Your kingdom comes to us. Your will like that be done in the land since(as,like) in the sky.  Give us today our bread of every day. He(she) excuses our obligations as well as we excuse(excused) our debtors. You do not leave us to fall down in temptation and free us of the evil, Amen.  God saves you Maria, flood you are of grace(thanks).  The Gentleman is with you, blessed you are between(among) all the women and blessed it is the fruit of your abdomen, Jesus.  Santa Maria, Mother of God, begs(requests) for us the sinners now and in the hour of our death, Amen.


Highways? Not, thank you!

Like the plane next to the track of the airport is the transport in the whole department.  All the trips are done by air or by water, very costly both economically, but more viable and with fewer environmental costs than highways and bridges.  The engines out of hut are wild to spend(consume) petrol, but it(he,she) is you solve at sight. They are not easy to implant, but they would be achieved in a few years, if it(he,she) shows himself(herself,itself) interest.  In Inírida himself I listened that in Villavicencio they were selling engines out of hut to solar power, which they were not very rapid, but they were moving to a considerable speed.  With it it(he,she) is sufficient to stop consuming a good quantity of drums of petrol, of oil for engine and his(its,her) "normal" streams on the river.

In Australia they use the ultrafrivolous(ultralewd) ones to move on the immensity of his(its) desert and of his(its,her) corals.  This country is a power in ecotourism, with practices worth imitating in many aspects.  It is the case of the expeditions to the jungle, where first they give lessons to the tourists, them to remember that they do not go to any "resort" and that what matters is the direct contact with the nature.

In the Guainía well it might make(become) something similar and up to(even) better. To fly over the jungle and to contemplate the hills and the late afternoons, in ultrafrivolous(ultralewd) with the landing gears adapted to alight on water on tubes and rivers; to organize educational excursions with the communities and the colonists, and campaigns of getting concience initiated from the same agencies of trips.  There would no be need to construct either tracks or highways.  Rather, there would be need to not construct them.  The colonists would have a more nearby opportunity to see what they have, to see conscience and to feel proud of the privilege that today they are turning smoke.  But ¿ he(she) can be thought before think something similar about the inhabitants of the region? In order that someone you concientice* has to be concientizado* firstly.  Nobody can give what does not have and of Bogotá and caleños difficultly they can been called a conscious people. How concientizar* entire populations with burning cane, industrial avoidable pollutions and departments of adornment?

The culture of the U.S.., the domineering one, has turned the car into another member of the family, has opened place in the middle of his(its) house and his(its,her) cities.  In his(its) country they reign the plains, the mountains are not niches of big cities.  Colombia is everything opposite: In the plain almost there are no people.  The rest of the regions have to support the precipices on the highways and the falls of bridges to every while, attacked by the nature and I rumple administrativly.  The mountains are not designed to be roadways, simply they are there.  The plains of the east are full of jungle and we must choose between(among) preserving them or to pave them.  The colonist takes advantage that can enter(approach) the vehicles to enter with everything.  His(its) mentality is not it of entering the jungle and living in her(it), but her(it) of finishing and to construct above his(its) city. The animals, the plants(floors), the oxygen, all abundances of possibilities, all(all) creations of , are replaced by creations of the man, much more capable to the mistake.

Colombia can be thrown to the air, everywhere.  To make small tracks all over(everywhere) and favour the small air transport.  A caleño developed an little plain who only needs 100 meters to land and petrol of car uses. It(he,she,I) would be preferable a transport like that to the small one coupé, because it(he,she,I) would not need to transform the environment of so drastic way.  The highways and all his(its) infrastructure are very costly of supporting, imply an administrative capable attention of burocratizarse* and become corrupt.  The small airplains only would need air.

The peasant next to the highway, which the gun-sight as if out his(its) umbilical cord, he(she) gets bored with his(its) reality and he(she) believes that the life in the city is the best.  Any place, in the measurement in which the whole world wants to go for there, increases his(its) power.  If the field was overvalued symbolically, since today it happens with the city, I believe that his(its,her) conditions would improve.  The men raise his(its,her) structures following(continuing) his(its,her) dreams and such it(he,she) seems that today almost nobody dreams the rural thing.


Our Father, which you are in the skies, sanctified is your name. Your kingdom comes to us. Your will like that be done in the land since(as,like) in the sky.  Give us today our bread of every day. He(she) excuses our obligations as well as we excuse(excused) our debtors. You do not leave us to fall down in temptation and free us of the evil, Amen.  God saves you Maria, flood you are of grace(thanks).  The Gentleman is with you, blessed you are between(among) all the women and blessed it is the fruit of your abdomen, Jesus.  Santa Maria, Mother of God, begs(requests) for us the sinners now and in the hour of our death, Amen.
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