Our Father, which you are in the skies, sanctified is your name. Your kingdom comes to us. Your will like that be done in the land since(as,like) in the sky.  Give us today our bread of every day. He(she) excuses our obligations as well as we excuse(excused) our debtors. You do not leave us to fall down in temptation and free us of the evil, Amen.  God saves you Maria, flood you are of grace(thanks).  The Gentleman is with you, blessed you are between(among) all the women and blessed it is the fruit of your abdomen, Jesus.  Santa Maria, Mother of God, begs(requests) for us the sinners now and in the hour of our death, Amen.


Oppositions and corruptions

It(he,she) took To 95 himself(herself,itself) to end a strike summoned by the teaching.  In the department, the only ones that have done a march, besides the military men, they have been the teachers.  In the marginal zones, as those of the Pacific Ocean, it(he,she) is common to find more educators that(that) professionals of other areas.  They are the state union nearest to the people, of few ones that can show certain independence with regard to politicians and merchants.  There was a group of indigenous educators who was calling himself(herself)"Waniwa", in allusion to the name indigenous to Jupiter.  This planet is the most brilliant after Venus and appears in the sky in hours of the dawn.  According to the indigenous cosmology, Waniwa is in fight with the Sun and one does not want to see it, because of it it(he,she) goes out when there is no the most minimal sheen of the late afternoon.  " We are like Waniwa", the biggest in the sky after the Sun, that one that appears when there goes away the one that dominates everything.

The members of the CRIGUA were working all with the FER, the educational regional fund, a decentralized entity that was not falling down very well between(among) the politicians, because he(she) was handling resources with autonomy.  But with the decentralization, everything it of the FER would happen(pass) to be administered by the local authorities.  An advantage or a disadvantage? It(he,she) was investigations realized(fulfilled) by anthropologists and educators and supported for the FER, which was practically known for educators of other dependences of the condition(state).  The same bottom(fund) was fighting for an audio study, to produce his(its,her) own(proper) programs.  While, the local issuer, of property of the department, was fighting to diary against the precariousness. Coordination was needed to do that the entities were working as a whole; but the resources of the condition(state) are in the habit of being looked as a booty, not as a way of solving common needs.

The question already has up to linguistic expressions, as the verb viaticar.  Who was saying it! A corrupt verb! Some employees travel, not to to consult a problem, to look for such-and-such program to apply or any another thing that can serve him to the community.  Not. It's about "viaticar".  What means viaticar? To go for the travel allowances.  What is interested is the silver, the rest they are "pendejadas" that one fills the report or any pod that(that) be necessary to fill "! And the communities? If you do this question with regard to viaticar, the most probable thing is that they answer him(her) with an evasion, or with any little joke, since(as,like) " the communities are nice, thank you! ", in the middle of snickers and giggles.

It(he,she) Is common the employee who treats you very well, and says things to you since " we are friends not? Later us we collaborate(collaborated) not? " Today for you, tomorrow for me.  The same employees will ask you tomorrow that " you are not going to bedaub her ", that " not you put your self in pendejadas ", in other words that you are not so "huevón" since(as,like) to give them to you of honestly.  And they will look for the ladito, this way, very smiling, very nice.  A vision of solidarity that(that) me retuerce the stomach.

And the gravest thing is that are not isolated cases.  When it(he,she) was employed as editor at a newspaper at Cali, it(he,she) was common to find these things. I lived through it in Acuavalle, in Invicali, in the council.  It is a custom that does part(report) of the corporate culture of the condition(state).  The same one that closes the doors of the hospitals to agonizing persons and only it(he,she) opens them when one sees them soaking blood, or that allows that to a doctor the scalpel should remain inside a lady whom they made Caesarean.  The amiability finishes them with whom more they should have her(it).  Anyone who between(among) in the condition(state) will feel her(it); there can that is in a subtler(finer) form, but it(he,she) can that present him(her) in the more direct or more brutal one.

Another traditional option, the private initiative, which is in the habit of thinking as solution, will not approach you unless him(her) you produce benefits.  The sectorial tables of employment failed almost all, because in the first one they it(he,she) made clear that the resources were coming directed exclusively to the persons who were unemployed during a considerable time, and that were of extreme ages: Or very old or very young.  In the following table almost there had no people, removed to end due to the fact that there came representatives of the rural sector.  When the urban public was called nobody came.  The merchants, the groups of construction teachers, the young men and all those who could be interested, did not come.  The summons were done by the means that were had available, the same ones that them brought the first time.  The case is that did not exist with whom.  The priest parson and the employee in charge of the table were not proving to be very optimistic. Both were coinciding for new paragraph(apart) with that the people were summoned and was as if at all(nothing). A gentleman who appeared as a poor man, who was saying not to have anything any more than a factory of brooms, the community identified it as one of the persons who more lands had in the people(village). The same one admitted afterwards(later) that it(he,she) had a big plantation of cocoa in the river Guaviare, and it to receive a benefit that was coming across the DRI; if not, we would not have realized.

Our Father, which you are in the skies, sanctified is your name. Your kingdom comes to us. Your will like that be done in the land since(as,like) in the sky.  Give us today our bread of every day. He(she) excuses our obligations as well as we excuse(excused) our debtors. You do not leave us to fall down in temptation and free us of the evil, Amen.  God saves you Maria, flood you are of grace(thanks).  The Gentleman is with you, blessed you are between(among) all the women and blessed it is the fruit of your abdomen, Jesus.  Santa Maria, Mother of God, begs(requests) for us the sinners now and in the hour of our death, Amen.
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