Our Father, which you are in the skies, sanctified is your name. Your kingdom comes to us. Your will like that be done in the land since(as,like) in the sky.  Give us today our bread of every day. He(she) excuses our obligations as well as we excuse(excused) our debtors. You do not leave us to fall down in temptation and free us of the evil, Amen.  God saves you Maria, flood you are of grace(thanks).  The Gentleman is with you, blessed you are between(among) all the women and blessed it is the fruit of your abdomen, Jesus.  Santa Maria, Mother of God, begs(requests) for us the sinners now and in the hour of our death, Amen.


Appendix 2

I Realized the practical Option Colombia in Inírida, the capital of the department of the Guainía.  This municipality is small enough, more or less of Jamundí's size.  His(its) population is composed principally by colonists coming from different parts(reports) of the country, in approximate proportion of 60 %.  Other one(different) 40 % integrates(repays) it natives of several ethnos who live(inhabit) the department to rural level and of an important percentage of indigenous groups that have migrated of the Vaupés.  The majority of the persons does not possess an educational level over the baccalaureate; the professionals who live in Inírida have come all across Bogota to work with the municipal or departmental government.  Only process of communication are the river Inírida and both airlines, Satena and AeroRepública, which come two or three times a week. 
The department of the Guainía is located in the oriental end of the country, in the limits with Brazil and Venezuela, surrounded by Vichada, Guaviare and Vaupés.  Most of his(its) territory is jungle and water.  His(its,her) leaders consider the department inside the corpes of the orinoquia for political and economic convenience, but in the strictly geographical sense, only the rivers Guaviare, Atabapo and Inírida end in the Orinoco.  The rivers Negro, Isana, Cuyarí and Guainía belong(concern) to the amazonia. The whole territory is crossed by infinity of tubes, which end in turn in the principal rivers.  The majority of the population there agree native (according to the DANE they are 98.8 % of the population, but the royal(real) number ranges between 70 and 80 %) of the ethnos curripaco, puinave, guahibo, sikuani, yeral and others.  In total sound approximately 24 cultures, but the puinave and the curripaco are a majority, difficult to quantify for the mobility of the population.  This ethnos lives(inhabits) the banks of the rivers, distributed in small communities of not more than 800 inhabitants, very distant between(among) yes.  Only Inírida, the capital, has near 14 thousand inhabitants, with a percentage of floating population near to 25 per cent.  In the river Inírida it(he,she) predominates over the ethnos puinave, in the Atabapo and in the Guainía, the curripaco; in the Isana-Cuyarí and in the Black river the above mentioned share the territory with the yeral; and the Guaviare is lived(inhabited) by different ethnos, principally the ones coming from of the Vichada and the Vaupés. 

In what to my practice it(he,she) concerns, I leaned the presidential program of the Net of Social Solidarity.  My work consisted of coordinating sectorial tables of health, education, housing and employment, the departmental table of solidarity and of doing the follow-up to the projects of the following programs:

- Integral improvement of the urban housing and his(its) environment
- To live Better through (rural housing) - Program of generation of urban employment (PGE) - Program of generation of rural employment (rural PGE)

To The moment to come, it(he,she) was taking these activities to end the secretary of planeación departmental, for order of the governor.  According to the operative regulation of the Net, the members of the collegiate management (the governor, the mayors of the municipalities, representatives of the community, of the ONG, of the executing entities, the churches and other civil movements) were the managers of the management of every program, but for the complicated thing to do a meeting of all these personalities, normal age that was delegated in an institution that had a general vision of the problems of the department.  In the majority of the departments of the country him(her) it(he,she) corresponded(fitted) to the delegation of the PNR, but in Guainía this one did not exist. Only until March oficializó the appointment of the delegate, and us it(he,she) corresponded(fitted), to my companion of Option and to me, to collaborate with the organization of the new delegation and to do the times of secretary and messenger, while they were nominated the correspondents.
Anyhow, the work of the Net is an interdisciplinary work, in which they control all the state institutions, so much the departmental and municipal secretaries as the institutes decentralized (as the ICBF, the Agrarian Box, etc.); with all of them we had to see.  In every sectorial table there were sitting down the technical personnel of every institution with representatives of the community (or the community itself), to deciding about what the resources were used in some programs and/or which were the communities or the benefited persons.  For example, in the sectorial table of housing there were meeting a representative of every neighborhood of the municipality, representatives of the communities of the rivers, a representative of the mayoralty, one of the departmental secretary of planeación and minimum one of the Net of Solidarity.  In occasions there were present representatives of the secretary of public works, of the PNR, the Agrarian Box and of the INURBE.  Between(among) all they decided which it was the neighborhood with major(bigger) concentration of poverty in the Inírida's urban hull and which it was the departmental micro-region that had more basic unsatisfied needs and had not been attended by the programs of rural housing of previous governments.  The resources that would feed the programs were coming from the bottoms(funds) of cofinancing, since(as,like) they are: That of solidarity and social emergency (FOSES), that of rural integrated development (DRI), that of infrastructure vial (FIV), that of social infrastructure (FIS), that of urban infrastructure (FIU) and the financier of territorial development (FINDETER), besides the institutes of urban reform (UNCITY) and familiar(family) well-being (ICBF) and the departmental municipal secretaries of education and and health. 

For us it was an obstacle to come to a department where there was no delegation PNR.  The persons in charge of the programs of the Net in planeación departmental were expecting much of us and knew very little.  This, joined the training - lightning that they gave to the students in Bogota before dividing for the regions, generated his(her) problems. We had to ask for everything given: Computers, paper(role), typewriters, telephone.  Less badly than in the department they were very nice with us and they did not complain about the inconveniences that we cause(caused) them.  Almost all the decisions we had to consult them with the central level; the telephonic communications are difficult and the congestions are a bread of every day for the precariousness of the equipment(team) that has local Telecom. We were lucky to meet in the airport a person who knew the region, of not being like that, we had come without at least to know where the government was staying. Anyhow, the department us collaborated with 2 months of lease and nourishment.
Another obstacle was the scanty possibility of visiting the indigenous communities directly, for the distance and the extraodinary consumption of petrol that mean the engines out of hut.  Only I could be with the communities in three occasions, of two days each one.  In the department the centralization is very difficult to avoid, since there are communities to a distance of 15 days for river and those who are connected for it(he,she,I) angers(anger) only they have flight every 15 days, since they are the populations of Barrancominas and San Philip.  As for the central levels, the regional ones of the "decentralized" institutes are all in Bogota or in Villavicencio, which complicates very much the pods.  Calling is an almost constant need, the distance increases the costs and the small of the urban hull of the municipality does that the telephonic congestions are common.  Often the employees were not, after 40 minutes of insistence (when less), or they did not want to answer for " to be very occupied ", which would not also be of surprising, since the regional ones are or for the whole orinoquia or for the orinoquia and the amazonia you join. 

To whom he(she) benefited my work? I believe(create) that principally to the presidency of the republic and to the delegation of the Net.  There is supposed that it(he,she) was for benefit of the community, but it(he,she) is difficult that the community takes the most important decisions.  The normal thing is that the people are accustomed to that they do everything without taking part, or that is other one(different) the one that knows how it(he,she) is that the things are done.  The employees are not accustomed that the people take part, if someone asks them answer the small thing that they know and set it to turn or to do tail to speak with the governor or the mayor.  Only a few employees handle the totality of the problems.  In a poor department since(as) the Guainía there is no an office of information to the public, when what would be needed they would be more than four. 
The secretary of departmental government and the municipal secretary of planeación (both managers of his(its) local authority for absence of the holder) said to me almost to the unison in a meeting, which " it was not possible to be so democratic " on having asked them that they should endorse the community participation.  The departmental coordinator of sheriffs mentioned informally a saying of the region: " not even the tapioca is eaten not the Indian is a people ".  The Tapioca is the base of the indigenous nourishment and consists of a flour of brave yucca to which they have extracted the poisonous juice and have dehydrated her(it).  A saying since it looks like to this me a clear manifestation of racism and worries that comes from an important employee in the department.  The indígenas has a different way of behaving, handle terms(ends) in his(its) own(proper) language, but it(he,she) finds it hard them to understand those of the Spanish in a technical level.  They it listen to one, say and do as if they were dealing this way they have not understood anything.  For them the ignorance is a little a shameful supremely and is not normal that accept her(it) opposite to whom it(he,she) represents an authority.  I them do not know the sufficient thing, but for what I lived, believe that only they accept her(it) opposite to known, confidences persons, who do not seem " to be doctors ".  There is supposed that the Direction of Matters Indigenous to the department of government has an office to attend to all the problems that they present them to the communities with the state authorities and things for the style, but only an anthropologist and a pilot of indigenous launch are those who attend.  Only a person to attend as minimum to four cultures in a department two times more extensive that(that) the Valley! Him(her) we add(added) it the colonists who look at native as a low ethnos, which say that are lazy, that they seem to be animal(rude), that they do not have any ambition and this way. The anthropologist must explain whom he(she) does not want to understand and to answer to communities that expect much of them, they are attacked by side and side. If to it we add(added) him some complicated, lazy employee or with strange political ambitions, the pod us turns(becomes) a terrible disorder. Whenever one speaks with a colonist on native one would come to the conclusion from that they are "so poor" because they can not do anything.  And from the Andean - industrial point of view it(he,she) is true, they do not know anything of what there would know a worker of any company.  But, in the great majority of the communities of the rivers Isana-Cuyarí and Guainía - Negro, where only there have come the miners and a few representatives of the Colombian government, the indígenas them they has devised to extract everything (drinkable water, nutrients, transport, remedies, housing, etc.) Of the jungle and of the rivers. But in the Guaviare and in the communities near to Inírida, where the settling is increasingly intense, one feels(sit) between(among) them the shame to be what they are. The natural and traditional products are pushed back to consume food produced in the trade, with a contained nutritional minor and to that they are not accustomed; the traditions of sharing the things in community, of respect to the ancient authorities and to(on) the environment as slightly sacred they are strongly attacked by the acculturation. The colonists, in turn, are an equal manifestation of problems of complexes and that have to see with the growth of the population, the violence and the unemployment in the Andean zone and the so called agricultural border. There is a species(kind) of contagion.  The Indian already does not cultivate like before, prefers buying cookies, Fresh air(fresco) Royal, bread, arepas, vegetables and being going to spending(consuming) his(its) money in the saloons and Inírida's billiards.  Some of them decide to mount his(its) very little small grocery and enter the trade clear conditions of inferiority.  The nourishing products of the interior of the country come all for plane, which raises his(its,her) prices, but it(he,she) fills them with status.  The indígena prefers putting sheets of zinc in his(its,her) roofs that(that) to follow(continue) doing them of palm since it(he,she) is traditional, because the palm is going out.  The elders were raised to the plant(floor) and cutted the leaves(sheets) that they needed, were arming(assembling) the houses between(among) all when someone could not, but " the targets ", since they call us, they arm(assemble) the easiest and rapid roof and they it(he,she) lasts more.  These advantages disappear with the climate, and they all those who construct his(its,her) messes that way have to leave in the night or in the midday, for the heat. The palm is fresher, but it(he,she) uses as coat for mice, cockroaches and other animals that transmit diseases. Both ways of constructing have his(its,her) advantages, but the young men of now cut the palm from the base, the work to be avoided of her(it) raising, which generates the shortage every time major of the species(kinds) used for housing. Now they have to look for her increasingly far, which does that his(its,her) ways of constructing are relegated. To it it is added that(that) constructing since(as) the target is(am) something "modern" and "worthy("worth") of imitating. Many families puinaves about Inírida's surroundings already do not speak in his(its) language to the interior of the family and are also a lot of(many) the bilingual teachers who teach(show) only in Spanish.  The communities have hierarquized the Spanish, of the same way since we make it we with the Englishman.  If one checks the names of native of the Guainía he(she) will think that already almost does not exist of indigenous origin.  They all are called Roberto, Juan, Pedro, Maria, Yokel, etc. And the great majority has Hispanic surnames. The registraduría and the office of a notary know of anthropology and indigenous languages the same thing that of spatial trips and it is reflected in his(its) work. They write the things since they hear them, as if it was a question of conqueror(conquering) Spanish of the century XVII, this that they wrote Lima instead of Rimac or Cundinamarca instead of Guantina Masca.  In the clans the surname is not used, but they call in agreement to a historical or legendary relation with any animals. Some them they have devised to relate his(its,her) ancestors with the cultural Colombian authority for similarities, as calling García the members of the clan of the Heron, or to look between(among) the knowledges of the colonists for a surname of lineage it to adapt, as some nobles puinaves that now use the surname Sáenz. On the other hand, the date of the birth of an indigenous child is not remembered(reminded) not celebrated every year. It(he,she) seems that they are not interested in it, none remembers when it(he,she) was born or when it(he,she) expires years, it is like a step more demanded by the municipal entities and only they remember(remind) it looking at the bond(certificate). The indigenous women continue being for me almost a mystery. I spoke almost all the time with men, who are those who give the orders; what I knew of them I knew across an anthropologist that it(he,she) was employed at the Educational Regional Fund and little I contact that I had with those who were serving in the restaurant where every day were having lunch. I knew that they start working from very small.  In our cities the mothers of today want to look like youngsters, in the Guainía it(he,she) is upside-down. It(he,she) is common between(among) the indígenas and colonists to find elders married youngsters.  Such a practice they assures the sustenance, in a sylvan - rural environment, where the experience of a fisherman, farmer or hunter increases with the age; besides, the wisdom of the major man seems to be very valued between(among) them fewer aculturados* for the "modernity", the family is in the habit of turning concerning(around) a father-in-law or a grandfather and the organization of some communities follows(continues) this organization physically.  The indigenous young men are engaged in groups of to 5 or of to 3 minimum(minimal), speaking in his(its) language and dressing blue jeans and slippers.  A strange image that recorded me in the Inírida's principal street: A young man conversing in puinave and using Light Gear (these sports shoes that have small red lights in the soles).  Caranacoa's community uses three panels of solar power for the batteries of the lighting of some few ones(little,few) you marry or for the use of the radiotelephone.  The communities have television, VCR, recording, radioes. They know our technologies and they have adapted them.  In the engines it(he,she) was it(he,she) embroiders they take a considerable advantage to us, can repair and maintenance do them if they manage to extract the hand in an inopportune moment them, but they need Inírida and his(its,her) distributors for the supplies(replacements). Since(as) the Colombian television it(he,she) was coming to them to dose, they preferred the Peruvian who was transmitted by the antennas of the municipality when the recipient of native was damaged, or when the same people were asking for it. The indigenous children play at being ninjas and the adults know that the best marks of engines for boats are Yamaha and Mitsubishi, both Japaneses. One finds Venezuelan products, Brazilian miner and Peruvian television throughout. The national identity dissolves and steadies itself(himself,herself) of strange ways in zone of border. Something that it(he,she) surprised me was the absence of the Venezuelan television, since it(he,she) was not coming having the neighbor to less than 10 km and the Peruvian was coming to a distance 40 times major.


It(he,she) is not of all known how the condition(state) works, it is a privilege of the small some, which have worked with the government or with someone of his(its,her) administrative entities.  But we all have an idea, at least those that we know that there are elections, which this is a republic and things like that.  Well then, I worked six months with the condition(state) and I come to a conclusion: The condition(state) does not work. It(he,she) prevents that things that work continue working.  It is a hobble, prevents that the communities are realized for yes same and allows that men eager to be able should use the incautious ones.  In spite of the fact that I sit(feel) about that(that) I am speaking too hardly, it(he) is clear that the excesivity of steps, the suppositions of " communities organized ", of statistical information, of ways of thinking of the people, of working and of working do not do but to transform something that it(he,she) was nice and not exactly to improve it. The condition(state) actuates as if something round wanted to put for a square hole - to blows if it(he) is necessary - and that continues being round ultimately. It(he,she) frustrates me to think that I try to do the same thing with the condition(state), but if the condition(state) does not transform, us we will delay the double in reaching a few social and different goals they will never be reached.
We put the case of the methodologies of the DNP (administrative department of planeación native). They demand to the departments information of community participation in every project, and these every day they fill with one "yes" and at the moment of the truth they fix up since it(he,she,I) is(am), without the people matter if to informed or not, since the managers of doing the interventoría* are the same that they do the projects of cofinancing.  A mayor can make a project, say that the community agreed, to make a small meeting in a neighborhood for if there are complaints and realize his(its) project. He(she) does not want to say it that abogue* for the centralization, since in Bogota the things are the worst.  La Plata " embolata* ", nobody knows where it(he,she) is, is eliminated as the missing persons of Rubén Blades's song.  I endorse the highest level of democratization to the interior of the society as solution.  If we do an examination to him(her) to the national democracy, as well as examinations do him to the university students, very probably it(he,she) would(still) remain in 2 or 3 of average, that is to say, difficultly it is possible to call him(her) democracy.  The money of the people manages to his(its,her) backs, the participation is almost void, since the people tire of reporting(conversing) with deaf.  The ignorance of the majority does that the buy and sale of votes campee* as if we were in the 50.  The parliamentary aids were revived silently by the Congressmembers with the permission of the president.  In the Guainía one speaks about them as if it was a question of a "noble" and "beneficial" activity, and the politicians do not hide himself to say it.  Even they seem to be proud! " ¡ they will not be able to take them from us! " A Congressmember said to us for the Guainía. The whole world in Inírida knows that the pavement of the principal street did with an aid. One asks on that pavement of the principal street and they ask him " Which one? That of the aid? " They are too many things, flagrant all of them.  The same day that I came, in the moment to stoop the plane, I saw five columns of smoke about the airport.  The people, natives and colonists, are burning the jungle to sow. They are ancient methods, which are come realizing since the field is known, but one is leaving the habit of stopping to rest the land and already cows are seen in Inírida's surroundings.  The settling is not only to physical level, but also mentally.  The jungles of the orinoquia move back, of them almost nobody knows nothing and they are exactly the same to those of the amazonia.  The colonist wants to transform this zone into an Andean landscape of the Quindío or into another plain as those of the Vichada or the Casanare.  And it(he,she) is doing it! Native, as the majority of the inhabitants of the Colombian field, do not know what is the democracy. They are accustomed to fighting with the politicians clientelistas* of always and for them a change of constitution does not mean very much.  The laws are known by some "guru" that work for the condition(state), who say it to him(you,them) whom they want and when they want, but the common one of the people little knows.  This it would be the normal picture of our society, but it(he) becomes pathetic and up to(even) perverse when it(he,she) destroys indigenous traditions that survived the conquest and turns smoke - literally - the biological patrimony of the humanity informs.  Feeling that everything valuable moves back to give place to a little(some kind of,some,something) pig is not precisely a pleasure.  An example: The indígena guainieño is in clean end in his(its) community, does not throw(shoot) a paper(role) to the floor(flat) and sweeps to diary the leaves(sheets) of the trees in the public sites(places). In Inírida, instead of which the colonist learns of the cleanliness of native, it happens upside-down: The Indian throws(shoots) the garbage to the floor(flat), any packing that empties in the craft throws it to the river and accumulates hills of bags(stock exchanges) full of wastes in the corner, as any of Bogotá one. In the communities that I visited, the houses follow(continue) an order livable, with a space of a meter(underground) or more between(among) them. In the " Indigenous Zone ", Inírida's neighborhood of indigenous majority, the houses are crowded, since(as,like) in Siloé or City Bolivar. The population of the capital of the Guainía grows intensively, for taste of his(its) leader class.  In one of his(its,her) meetings it(he,she) can hear that they were considering the like synonymous growth of the city of progress.  In a discussion with personnel of the departmental secretary of public works, only they saw the development possible by means of roadways and were thinking that the massive utilization of the solar power was a " a setback ", that what they needed they were industries to generate employment.  The government already was speaking about a project of hydroelectrics, a bit less destroyer that a common and current dam, but it(he,she,I) would imply the destruction of the form of life of all the riverside settlements downstream.  All the communities live principally of the hunt and the fishing, a dam would prevent that a great quantity of fish(pitches) was coming to them, they would be removed by one of his(its,her) principal sources(fountains) of proteins and one would force them to displease Inírida and to repeat the tragedy of the suburbs of our capitals. As if it(he) was small, the extinction would provoke of big varieties of fish(pitches), of for yes decimated by the indiscriminate fishing and the pollution generated by the mining industry in the bed of the river. Something like that would be a catastrophe for the banks of the river, since almost all the wild animals feed in some form of the fish, and the first ones are the second source(fountain) of proteins for the indigenous communities. Now, if we speak(spoke) about the social and cultural consequences of an indiscriminate industrialization in a place where difficultly employees of the entities come fiscalizadoras* once every six months, two days are and go away... The indigenous Amazonian cultures are fragile of for yes, are moving back before the simple peasant and the itinerant miner. Putting them next to a city would be to condemn them to disappear. If not more the sport, something that seems to be so inoffensive, generates changes that can be irreversible. For native the sport did not exist as such, the physical activities group were not competitive, they are friends' meeting, of you are equal, not a demostration(proof) of superiority of a community on other one. It might use the phrase " in the spor t what matters it(he,she) is to compete, not to win ", but it this count already it nobody eats up. It(he) is not necessary to penetrate very much into the customs of a fan of football to realize of that(that) he(she) thinks everything opposite(opposite). It is possible to speak very well about the Olympian(Olympic) ones, but also they are a sample of being able and a business that moves millions. " They come for the gold " it was the motto of the games of the Pacífico. In the Guainía what can not do with the miners, who contaminate the waters with the mercury that they use to wash the gold. The condition(state), in the last years, has turned(become) protector with the indigenous groups. It(he,she) has allowed them to obtain the royalties of the extraction of the gold and his(its,her) political ones look like to favor them.  The colonists feel that resources come to them to the indigenous communities and complain about that they devote each other privileges when they also spend(pass) need.  But the money that really comes is retained, reduced, if it(he,she) comes, also it(he,she) is very probable that the same indigenous authorities drink them in Inírida's bars or are going to stop to obtuse projects supported by the political departmental chiefs.  In the river Guainía only it(he,she) is long-legged in a community of between(among) more than thirty.  In her(it) the secretary of health endorsed a project of a lagoon of oxidation for the fecal dregs, but the water volume was not had in bill in the winter and in the summer.  The result: black stagnant Waters and a breeding-place of long-legged and other similar insects.  The central government hoists the flag of the green progress, one speaks about his(its) new department and makes the ecological topics fashionable, but the reality is the same of always and deteriorates.  But he(she) does not even wash well his(its) image. I remember(remind) very well the possession of the president Gaviria, where the Wayuu sang the national anthem in his(its) language since(as,like) " a sample of the new political indigenist ". I will not forget the laughs of newly handed on having heard the anthem in a strange language, presented in I live and directly to the whole country.  And it is exactly the " new political indigenist ", a jeer.  A "graceful" bottle of rooster of our leader class.  There is money for the communities, it is.  But for what? Native to which the help of the condition(state) has come are them more aculturados*, suffer hunger since they have lost the customs that allowed them to live during more than thousand years.  The leaders behave as a people(village) of this European, who hopes that everything it does the condition(state).  They themselves gave to me the solution to the problem, on having asked them " why they do not do anything without depending on the condition(state)? ", since they answered me: " For what? For it they go away, leave us alone and we remain(remained) like we were before! "

The things that happened to us are like to mark anyone. They marked us? It(he) is very prompt to say it; besides it depends on each one, about what my companion of Option has decided in the last months, in what I should solve after this experience.  The relations that we have with the nation, this if that have changed. It(he,she) is evident.  Our perception already is not the same.  To work with the condition(state) allows us to see it within, to know of some of his(its,her) strange movements, to stop, to disillusion so many people and to acquire commitments so big addressed to others...  Maybe this others know what they are doing, but I doubt it. They are too much far from us since(as,like) to catch something. Definitively I believe that his(its,her) movements only consider us to be a number, a face lost between(among)so many multitudes. So massive societies - so monstrously massive - since those of our cities destroy our possibility of communicating, of understanding ZZZself as beings, as persons, and they relegate us to us supporting, namely that you are there, in a bus for example, with your problems and quite(everything), but that I can not do anything to solve them. Few communities are capable of generating one " be saved who can " so drastically as ours, in cities that not only are too big to be lived and understood, but, as if it(he) was small, they grow of a constant way. I know neither city of Mexico, nor New York, but I imagine them. The massive order does not eliminate the impersonalización, on the contrary, accentuates her(it). The Amazonian communities have lived for centuries in human groups not major(bigger) through 800 individuals and his(its) desperation comes from feeling less. They come to the cities in search of the illusion, o f it that does not exist and that no city will be able to give them. There are situations of poverty, of technological lag, which if we see it from our standards of life will seem to be to us excessively low. But our system is in yes a lag while it(he,she) limits the possibilities of accomplishment of each one opposite to the community. It(he,she) di sperses us, there prevents us a cohesion that would be charitable still(yet) for an economic system that only looks for the money. Because men who do not have anything jointly either will reach common goals. I refuse to think that such a situation is given by a leader class that does it to conscience. There does not exist possibility of reason that considers a socia l climate to be profitable as the one that develops to the interior of big cities of Latin America. I believe that our great dilemma is exactly in since(as,like) reforming it. The cultural, social criteria, of class, are not sufficient. Much more when our vision is made(become) more precarious in the measurement in which the city grows. The Inírida's urban hull is living through a population explosion with consequences difficult to control. The displacements caused by the war against the drugs, the guerrilla warfare, the economic difficulties in the agricultural neighboring(similar) regions, the increasing power of the condition(state) in the Guainía and his(its) professionals' need. We might do what in order that the mistakes that were committed with our societies do not return to repeat? The Colombian leaders are showing to be so obtuse as always at the moment of defending the indigenous territories and the biological wealths of the amazonia and the orinoquia. The participation of the politicians - merchants in the administrative occupation of the region is making way for him(her) to the mining industry as economic principal activity. There might be thought that the gold is the solution to the problems of liquidity of the territorial entities of the region, but the social and environmental consequences that it(he,she) has generated show everything opposite(opposite). The foreigners, the miners and the merchants coming from other regions of the country have been more beneficiaries. A precious(beautiful) metal in the indigenous communities can generate behaviors very similar to which it(he,she) generates the drug trafficking in other regions. After everything, it is a question of the same problem: traditionally poor Communities that they enrich overnight. The situation me appears more horrifying if I fall down in bill of which " mafia of the gold " is not other one(different) that the corruption of our political system. The merger almost that absolute between(among) economic and political interests stops externally of the benefits to the great majority, if it(he,she) is that not to the whole population. The environmental responsibilities - local, national and international - of the condition(state) are fraudulently left aside to make way to the wealth in the short term. The ignorance of the inhabitants has not been removed, far from it attacked, since(as,like) to say that there is a national interest for the region. Suddenly one sits down touched(tempted) by the offers of some inhabitants of the region, to force a conflict with Venezuela for these territories, to to see if this way it(he,she) gives them the attention that they deserve, since little it(he,she) looks like to import to our of Bogotá friends the life of these regions beyond his(its) mere possession. The nation me takes a fancy as the small child that shouts " me(mine,my), mine(my)! " On having seen that equal other one wants to take his(its) toy from him(her), this that already does not look because he(she) got bored with it(him) does while.



Our Father, which you are in the skies, sanctified is your name. Your kingdom comes to us. Your will like that be done in the land since(as,like) in the sky.  Give us today our bread of every day. He(she) excuses our obligations as well as we excuse(excused) our debtors. You do not leave us to fall down in temptation and free us of the evil, Amen.  God saves you Maria, flood you are of grace(thanks).  The Gentleman is with you, blessed you are between(among) all the women and blessed it is the fruit of your abdomen, Jesus.  Santa Maria, Mother of God, begs(requests) for us the sinners now and in the hour of our death, Amen.
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