Tombstone Arizona Allen street 1882
The Gunfighter's
The Gunslinger
Doc. Holliday Facts
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John "Doc." Holliday
   Early summer 1880 Doc. and Big Nose Kate arrive at Tombstone. Doc had met up with Kate during a stay in Prescott and was said to have left town with quite a bit of the good folks cash, the sum of around 35,000.00. Not to bad for 1880. But again that was just rumors. Doc. was about to meet a few more of the Earp brothers. Morgan was coming from Montana, Wyatt and James from Dodge City and Virgil whom Doc. had already met was coming from Prescott where he had been made U. S. Deputy Marshal by Crowley Drake.
    Kate wasted no time in Tombstone, rounding up a few girls, a few barrels of whiskey and opened up for business. Tombstone now had its first Gentlemen's club, or shall we say sporting store. Doc. mean while hung his hat most of the time at the Oriental Saloon.
    Late Oct. 1880 Doc. and Johnny Tyler got in a fight at the Oriental Saloon. Mutual friends disarmed both men and Tyler left the Saloon. Later Doc. and Milt Joyce one of the owner's of the Oriental got into an argument over the altercation. Joyce physically threw Doc. out of the bar. Doc. returned and ask for his pistol, Joyce refused and Doc. left only to return with another pistol, and started shooting. Milt somehow hit Doc. over the head and knocked him out. When the shooting was over Milt was shot in the hand, the bartender was shot in the toe, and Doc. had a knot on his head. Doc. was arrested for the incident and later fined 20.00 for a reduced charge of assault, No one showed up in court but Doc.
    The events that happened on Oct 26, 1881 at the OK Corral have been debated every since that day and will continue to be for all time. There are statements that were made at the time, but there were so many people that took sides its still hard to come to grips with what happened. The fight lasted only 20 seconds but its said that Doc's guns were deadly, killing Tom McLowry. Later Doc. would ride with Wyatt Earp and the so called posse, killing his share of the remaining Cowboys.
    Late May 1882 finds Doc. in Denver, Colorado where he was arrested for the murder of Curly Bill Brouius in Arizona. On May 30, 1882, Doc's troubles were over, the state of Colorado denied Arizona's request for extradition for the charges.
    Doc. left Denver and went to Pueblo for a while and then on to Leadville, where he ran into Billy Allen and Johnny Tyler old enemies from Tombstone. Allen had made threats to Doc. in public. On Aug. 19, 1884 Doc. strolled into the Hyman's Saloon and went to the end of the bar. Billy Allen walked into the saloon about 5:00. Doc. pulled his gun and shot. The first bullet put a crease on the side of Allen's head and the second shot hit him in the left arm. Lucky for Allen some of the local's rushed Doc. and disarmed him before he could get off the third shot. Doc. was later acquitted of the charges placed against him for the shooting.
     Doc. went west in 1873 hoping that the climate would help heal him, or prolong his life. After a few years he new that his health was not getting any better and it was just a matter of time before he would die. Doc. had a death wish and it was not to die in bed. He often said that he would die with his boots on, either drink himself to death or die of lead poison. Doc. led a dangerous life, not caring if he lived or died day to day.
     On Nov. 8, 1887 Doc. awoke in his bed at the Glenwood Springs Sanitarium. Clear was his eyes as he asked the attending nurse for a glass of whiskey. After drinking down the shot, He looked down at his bare feet and spoke his last words. Ain't this funny. One of the most deadly men of the Old West Doc. Holliday was dead.
All the pictures of Doc. that I've ever found
Lots of true facts on Doc. and I'll be adding to them often.
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