Spectre by William Shatner
4 the colony on Chal was established more than a century ago by Klingons and Romulans. A military installation to house a doomsday weapon, in case the empires lost what they expected to be an all-out war with the Fed
8 Memlon, lived two farms along the road to the City from Kirk and Teilani’s place, his features combined Klingon head ridges with a slight Romulan point to the ears. Member of Teilani’s weekly reading group
Two years ago virogen had reduced Chal’s islands to desolation
11 ordovers, the horned, horselike beasts of burden of Chal
14 ghojmoHwI’ teacher
there’s an opera about Kirk on Qo’Nos
49 Klingon nerve toxin, two darts fatal to human Sloan
62 just over a year ago the Klingons had engaged the Cardassians in a devastating war
cadets read about Kirk’s first encounter with savage parallel dimension, almost every officer in Starfleet aware of Bashir and Kira’s visit five years ago. Their classified logs of conditions in the mirror universe were tremendously disturbing.
106 Picard struck a blow to the mouth breaking the Klingon’s front teeth. A fountain of pink blood sprayed into the air as the wounded warrior shook his massive head. The Klingon fixed on his foe, snarling like a ravenous beast. Hair wild, blood from his torn mouth streaming down to his dull metal armor, the warrior pulled his d’k tahg from his belt in a single fluid movement, flicked open the weapon’s side blades with an ominous click 
Jean-Luc Picard’s greatest chief of security had been Klingon and Picard had not wasted the opportunity to learn unarmed combat from one of the galaxy’s most renowned masters of the art
Worf experienced an entire spectrum of alternate histories
163 if a band of present day Orion pirates had kidnapped Teilani, or a renegade Klingon crew, then Starfleet’s experts would know exactly what to do about it
Goldin Discontinuity in the Badlands
her hair was drawn back in the Klingon style, intricately braided with glittering Klingon bloodstones, the gift of a warrior.
A couch, table, chairs and cabinets all of Klingon manufacture. Tall candlesticks of burnished metal stood on the table
Her hands came up in what Picard recognized as a Klingon defense posture
heavy Klingon glove
tiny Klingon inscriptions beside power display on disruptor, indicate stun setting
302 pulled d’k tahg knife from its scabbard, pressed the hilt release and the outrider blades snicked into position, guaranteeing that any deep enough wound the knife made could not be closed before the victim bled to death
cutting hair of Klingon a mortal insult, forgivable only by death
319 Teilani – I’m half Klingon, so I know what the guards here are like. And I ‘m half Romulan, so I know what they think of me
Alexander, Worf’s son, was far too gentlemannered for a Klingon
Two incandescent shafts of twisted golden energy writhed forward from the disruptor, splashing, flashing across his body like a ravenous liquid, engulfing him even as that light burrowed deep within, to bring hellfire to his eyes, his mouth, a dozen random places on his body, so that light streamed from him, dissolving him, changing him, if just for an instant, into a luminous being.
Teilani’s elbow found the Klingon’s temple and crushed it with a single blow
The guard hit the platform without even a whimper or the sigh of death
342 the Klingon armor was lightweight and would provide some protection against disruptor fire
rolled her thumb over the disruptor’s power gauge, setting it to full   ALTernate Mirror timeline
  Dark Victory by William Shatner
Teilani one month pregnant, agrees to marry Kirk
21 the battle suit was of Klingon design, smoothly sculpted to depict the heroic musculature of Kahless himself, dull metallic finish so deeply red it verged on black, built for easy of motion and the speed and grace and intimacy of hand-to-hand combat. Rounded jewels and bloodstones were embedded on the arms and across the chest. To any other warrior of Qo’noS they told the story of the wearer’s victories in battle. 
No Klingon would bother opening a large black storage container labeled in Cardassian as dehydrated vole bellies.
35 Klingon combat environmental, suit. Extreme Klingon design
95 the color combination was Klingon blood-lavender on an almost metallic silver-gray. Communicator pin yellow red and green Klingon trefoil.
The Klingon huffed as if preparing to do battle
130 Klingon wedding garb. Red leather wedding dress. Leather outer dress. Red leather headgear.
139 Kirk and Teilani married by hulking Chal magistrate, much more Klingon than Romulan. Leather surplice. Memlon holds two rings in folded piece of targ hide. Rings made of three strands of braided metal: gold-pressed latinum for their love, silvery diargonite, an alloy found only on Chal, for their home; and gleaming white duranium, a key component of a starship’s hull, because Teilani had insisted. 
141 Kirk - jiH Saw SoH, be’nal
Teilani – jiH nay SoH, loDnal
It had taken many nights of practice, but Kirk could now quaff Klingon bloodwine without gagging. He holds crystal wineglass for her to drink from, then she took it and held it so he could sip. Then the magistrate wraps the glass in a square of white cloth, placed it on the ground, and together bride and groom step on it until it shattered, sealing their vows of love with this remembrance of the past and their hopes for the future. Then the magistrate cleared his throat noisily and with Klingon bluntness, delivered the final words of the ceremony that Kirk and Teilani had chosen together. 
They are loDnal je be’nal
Then the magistrate clamped his massive hands on each of their shoulders, forcing them together with a hearty laugh, as he proclaimed a traditional Klingon wedding benediction: You may now have your way with each other.
Slow roasted targ was unearthed from the pit it had been buried with heated stones two days before.
Chal insects, fire sprites, leave tiny comet trails in their wake, a chuppah of stars
The bloodstirring beat of a Klingon stalking song
Frail Admiral Demora Sulu, with two of her great grandchildren
An incredibly complicated Klingon reel
156 Garak eating at small round table in the Klingon café. a large Klingon brushed past Garak with a tray of steaming bowls of odiferous skull stew.
163 Klingon medical literature is full of descriptions of the effects of various venoms produced by indigenous life forms. The convulsions, bloody froth, and finally coma, in a Klingon, they would all be indications of a n animal bite of some kind
most local insect venoms capable of producing fatal effects in a fully grown Klingon don’t progress through symptoms quickly and there is a characteristic skin mottling.
There are 23 species of animal in the Audubon catalogue for Klingon land and air life forms. Another eight in the sea-dwelling categories, that could be source of toxin causing Teilani’s illness. None suitable for a pet, at least in the EMH’s opinion.
Female tree-dwelling firespitter attains a length of 4 meters and a mass of 220 kg. 
Burrowing crested ratifer usually grows no larger than 400 centimeters, with an upper mass of 6 kg. Size of domestic cat or small dog. 
Magistrate came to wedding riding on an ordover.
Teilani’s aunt Elanea
Sovereign,out from Chal, four days away from Qo’noS 
247 at the Klingon café a huge Klingon finally appeared at the table and M’Benga asked fro a fresh pot of hot rg’h tea
ALTernate Mirror Timeline
  Preserver by William Shatner
4 Klingon nerve toxin poisoned Teilani
11 McCoy at one of the most secure medical facilities on the entire Klingon homeworld of Qo’noS. regular communication channels jammed, shielded
McCoy, age 149, had finally mastered Klingon anatomy, Klingon language was another matter
Klingon antiseptic
Klingons just as advanced as Starfleet in medical isolation and sterilization fields but their old battlefield traditions died hard. Klingon physicians, staff and equipment were ritually and regularly bathed in cloying fermented liquid that killed virtually all bacteria on contact. Cinnamon, lemon burnt meat scent. 
McCoy hadn’t enjoyed any of his visits to Qo’noS
15 Dr. Kron, heavy books clanking on the metal floor. Klingon medical facilities tended to be well armored, with low ceilings and thick, metal clad walls. Traditionally recapturing the feel of the deep-underground military facilities built during the Age of Heroes, when worldwide wars had engulfed Qo’noS for generations
Kron’s armor also spoke of centuries of tradition. Its most prominent feature was a slash of blood-pink gemstones across his heart. A d’ktahg dagger of surgical steel, perfect for performing field phlebotomies
On Klingons phlebotomies did some good
Klingons were happy only when they expected the worst
Kron, his heavy brows knit together in the sadness of the moment
Nurse, two and a half meters of solid muscle in black leather armor
It is time for a new warrior to join then ever-ending battle for honor. Qapla’!
White leather surgical scrubs
Two Klingon nurses had begun a mournful chant
48 glowing letterforms of pIqaD
Picard can read some Klingon script
The quick conversation between the guard and the physician was in clipped Klingon
71 Montgomery Scott had studied the Klingons’ sensor records, not a transporter but a replicator
Almost 8 months ago the Enterprise had been captured by a force of Klingon and Cardassian infiltrators from the mirror universe.
136 the cold air of Qo’noS smelled like blood
wirebraid trees, shed leaves in this region of the world, at this time of the Klingon year, russet trunk, gray spiked branches
the Klingon bodyguards waited discreetly, almost out of sight, but with weapons held loosely, always at the ready
estate, with grand lodges and streams, hunting forests and private guards. The river lodge. Entrance hall. No beaming, walk from perimeter gate. 
Twelve gold-tipped kreffin horns that angled out from dark wood-paneled wall, cloak hooks
Massive wooden beams blackened with centuries of woodfire. Acoustics deliberately designed to make footsteps echo noticeably, made guests sound impressively massive and make sneaking up extremely difficult. Trust the Klingons. 
Main hall, food kept laid out for guests, long wooden plank tables with vats of steaming brain stew and shifting bowls of writhing gagh.
Fireplace 10 Klingons wide
Iron cage of firewood. Individual power converters for heating visitors’ bedrooms, rest of lodge fireplaces sole source of warmth
Food kept in storage gel
Picard had contacted Worf on DS 9, who had contacted someone on High Council, who had arranged estate for Kirk and Teilani’s use
Imponderable complexities of Klingon politics and familial connections
152 thick Klingon jacket, pockets
isolated military estate on Qo’noS, sealed off with forcefields, staffed by armed guards, ringed by webs of high-resolution sensors designed to locate prey for Klingon ritual hunts
blazing light of the hearthfire and torches of the Klingon lodge’s great hall
enterprise one day out from Janus VI when Fed declared war on Klingon Empire, first broadcast Code 1 alert in history. Pivotal defining moments for an entire generation
the wind roared outside, the beginning of a full-scale Klingon storm.
178 Commander Stanton, bearded, heavyset Klingon, in Starfleet uniform, crew of Heisenberg under Captain Radisson, a hologram
190 Starfleet has located three duplicate Earths, four duplicates of Qo’noS, two Vulcans, on duplicate Andor, done by the Preservers
First Hospital’s pediatric center. Massive metallic desk, looked carved out of a single block of irregularly melted nickel-iron meteorite, oversized Klingon chair
Given the current state of affairs in the Alpha and Beta quadrants, without Captain Spock’s diplomatic contacts it would not have been possible for any Romulan to travel within a dozen parsecs of the Klingon homeworld
217 glob fly swatters provided at the Klingon lodge. Glob flies an annoyance, can carry disease
362 Teilani, her Klingon temper, her Romulan intensity
415 in a storm as powerful as any of nature he had seen on Qo’noS
Memlon, of Chal ALTernate Mirror timeline
Who Mourns for Morn?
Worf – Morn was an excellent sparing partner, I will miss our weekly sparing contests in the holosuites.
Jadzia used to have a little crush on him. Worf did not realize. Morn wasn’t interested. Jadzia bringing small basket, to sustain Morn in afterlife. 
Many Klingons on Prom, heading to memorial service. 
Morn slept in mud, ran a shipping business.
Jadzia plays tongo with Quark
Far beyond the Stars
novelization by Steven Barnes
P157 Benny sees Worf the Klingon, in full battle regalia, his eyes blazing from beneath scarred brows, eyes that had seen a thousand battles, which had exalted in the death of countless foes, that welcomed the possibility of death as a test of his own mettle. Today is a good day to die, virtually the credo by which he lived.
P23 Worf, Sisko's Klingon friend
P258 the raktajino was excellent, every sip worth savoring
Chakotay gets a letter from the person who recruited him to the Maquis, Sveta. Chakotay goes first to B’E to tell her something terrible has happened – the Maquis cause is over, there are no more Maquis. B’E asks after Atara, Roberto. Everyone except us is either dead or imprisoned. 
B’E – Don’t try to console me. I don’t want to be comforted! Those were our friends, good people willing to put their lives on the line for something they believed in. it’s not right! I’ll make someone pay, I swear I will. If we ever get back.
B’E is not expecting a letter from home.
B’E to Harry re: Seven – You might as well wear a big sign that says I’m in love. Everybody knows it. B’E is sure Starfleet contacted family of all crewmembers.
B’E calls Tom down to Astrometrics when a letter comes through for him. He acts uninterested.
B’E – you may be able to fool someone else with that ploy, but you’re talking to me, Tom.
Tom – What I have on Voyager is so much better than what I had back there.
B’E – You’re not the same person you were four years ago. What makes you think he is? Excuse me if I can’t feel terribly sorry for you. I learned this morning that a lot of my friends are dead. I have gone from being so angry that I wanted to kill someone, to crying for an hour, and now I’m just trying to accept it and move on. 
Tom hugs B’E – That’s awful.
The Hirogen ships have a stalking mode, and the Hirogen collect relics of their prey.
B’E delivers Harry’s letter personally, couldn’t retrieve all of Tom’s, suggests he think the best.
One Little Ship
Ancient Klingon tradition, to commemorate an important event with a poem. Jadzia asked Worf to write one for the occasion of shrinking the runabout Rubicon to investigate accretion disk, key to creating transwarp corridors through space. 
Jadzia is sure it will be inspiring.
Worf should have anticipated Jem’Hadar attack
Worf had told Bashir that Jadzia does not have a light touch
Back on DS 9 at Quarks Worf works on poem, orders bloodwine. It is Worf’s first poem. He has worked very long and very hard on this. Jadzia promises not to ridicule it. 
This is the story of a little ship that took a little trip
There is nothing on the pad, they laugh.
  Q-Space by Greg Cox
p4 Deanna thinks maybe her mother will get easier to deal with someday, and maybe Klingons will become vegetarians, too
p7 the Fed has always accepted the barrier of the edge of the galaxy, as have the Klingons and the Romulans, because there has always been so much to explore within the galaxy. 
Deanna recalls Worf married a Trill, with only the slightest twinge of jealousy. I wish him only the best, she thought.
P37 Riker glared at Q with a ferocity that was nearly Klingon in its intensity
P39 Q - sniffed the air. Could it be I no longer detect the barbaric aroma of the ever-feral Mr. Woof?
Lieutenant Commander Worf, Picard corrected him, as accepted a position on Deep Space Nine.
And good riddance, I say. I must congratulate you in unloading that Klingon missing link. I'm sure he'll fit in perfectly, in a depressingly 'honorable' sort of way, with all the other malcontents and misfits on that station.
P79 Ens. Percy Whitman, age 25, is writing a holonovel about a sensitive young artist who works nights at a kindergarten for nocturnal Heptarians until he is recruited by Starfleet Intelligence to infiltrate the Klingon High Command. He was already up to chapter 7, where the hero, Whip Parsi, fights a duel to the death with the treacherous heir to a hopelessly corrupt Klingon household. His mighty bat'leth sliced through the sultry night air, keening a song of vengeance, as Whip struck back with all the skill and fury of one born to battle.
P83 Lt. Baeta Leyoro, the new Security Chief on the Enterprise. Just for a second, Picard wished that Worf had never accepted that post at DS 9. A former  Angosian soldier, who has repelled a Maquis raid with nothing more than a single shuttlecraft and a malfunctioning photon torpedo
P100 the Klingons or the Romulans could have slipped a cloaked ship past the Fed boarders. The Klingons were supposedly the Fed's allies once more, but Picard knew better than to trust Gowron too far, especially when there was revolutionary new technology at stake.
P111 Picard felt much as Moses must have felt when he first beheld the burning bush, or when Kahless drew the original bat'leth from the lake of fire.
P119 Picard argues that the Klingons or  the Cardassians have a higher claim to social progress then the Q Continuum
P132 Riker thinks of Security Chief Leyoro - you can take an Angosian out of the war, but you can't always take the war out of an Angosian. Not unlike a certain Lt. Cmdr Worf.
P135 Riker thinks the female Q looks almost as imposing as a Klingon woman.
P157 not even the legendary lake of fire within the Klingon homeworld's famed Kri'stak Volcano compared to the raging inferno inside a star
P171 Q abducting Picard during the current crisis makes Barclay nervous, it was enough to make even a Klingon nervous, maybe
P173 one of Barclay's greatest holovictories was outwitting Commander Kruge before the Genesis Planet completely self-destructed. It was one of his proudest moments; after 73 tries he'd actually managed to save Spock without sacrificing the original Enterprise, which was even better than the real Kirk had been able to do. Perhaps next time he could save David Marcus, too. 
P178 Riker speculates maybe the Calamarain are like the Klingons, and only respect aliens who fight back. Then again, it took the Federation close to a hundred years to come to terms with the Klingon Empire.
P189 there was a Klingon term, Riker recalled, for such an instance of wordless communication in the midst of battle. Tova'dok. He and Deanna were sharing a moment of Tova'dok.
p198 could it be that the people of Tagus III were the direct descendants of those ancient beings who had indirectly contributed to the eventual evolution of the human race, the Klingons, the Vulcans, the Cardassians, and every other known form of humanoid life? They called themselves the Imotru.
P204 Q explains it is a form of sports or theater, public entertainment, like matadors or bull dancers on earth, or the 'Iwghargh rituals of the Klingons.
P208 young Milo has been working on a plastic jigsaw puzzle featuring a striking illustration of a Klingon bird of prey for about an hour, and is half done
P232 Picard had been on whirlwind tours of the Klingon Empire that had moved at a more leisurely pace than his journey with Q
P245 the icy plain reminds Picard of the old Klingon penal colony on Rura Penthe, known to history as the aliens' graveyard
P266 the sign at the customs booth: You are now Entering the Q Continuum. No peddlers, vagrants, or Organians allowed.
  Q-Zone by Greg Cox
p15 the eerie voice of the Calamarain makes Riker decide he prefers the computer's ordinary tone, or even the harsh cadence of spoken Klingon
p36 no doubt Worf or Miles O'Brien would be happy to introduce Picard to Odo on DS 9
p69 little Kinya's face turned as red as Klingon disruptors when she cried.
young Milo watches as his father, Professor Lem Faal, goes all Klingon at another adult, very upset 
  Q-Strike by Greg Cox
p54 Q points out the Organians, relative youngsters compared to the Continuum. a bunch of upstart, idealistic kids, really, with doctrine of pacifism and noninterference.
They were semi-mythical beings in Picard's time, legendary for their historic role in averting a bloody war between the Federation and the Klingon Empire decades before Picard's birth. The Organians had largely kept to themselves since then; Picard had never thought that he might actually see one in person.
The Federation of Picard's time owed a lot to the reluctant peacemaking of these people or their descendants. The Organians were content to stay on the sidelines during the Continuum's struggle to subdue 0.
P190 0's drink makes Klingon bloodwine taste like Chateau Picard in comparison
P199 facing attack by the Calamarain, Picard rather regrets that both Worf and Chief O'Brien transferred to DS9.
P229 Q scrolls through the holodeck programs - Bat'leth Practice; left behind by the redoubtable Worf? Camp Khitomer; too Klingon. Klingon Calisthenics; God, no. 
P249 as they fought their way through the snow and wind, Leyoro took stock of the simulation in which they were immersed. Rura Penthe? She guessed, citing the infamous frozen prison asteroid where the Klingons once exiled their political prisoners
B’E jumped on by member of Species 8472
Paris vs. the mouse through Jefferies Tube 32
  The Ones Left Behind, Strange New Worlds III
no Klingon content
  Touched, Strange New Worlds II
B’Elanna’s stamina and dedication to making her devices work impresses Quator
  Seventh Heaven, Strange New Worlds II
the female Borg, species Klingon, designation Ohm, works with Hugh, sings and writes opera for the other Borg with Hugh to perform
    Double Time /comic/ by Peter David
no Klingon content
Honor Among Thieves
Raimus of the Orion Syndicate wanted three Klingon disruptors, induction coils burnt out, don’t work. The Klingon Ambassador to Farius Prime provides Starfleet Intelligence induction coils for O’Brien’s undercover work. Klingon technology isn’t easy to come by.
O’Brien – There’s a Klingon ambassador here? Gowron must not like him too much. 
Vorta and Orion Syndicate member Raimus plan to kill Klingon ambassador to Farius, with Klingon disruptors, to make it look like he was killed by a rival house. The Ambassador has been advocating that the Klingons break off their alliance with the Federation and concentrate on defending the Empire against the Dominion. Chancellor Gowron is adamantly committed to the alliance. Vorta are going to make it look like Gowron ordered the assassination. The ambassador will be seen as a martyr and his cause will gain strength. If all goes well the Klingons will retreat into their own territory and all the Dominion will have to deal with is the Federation. 
Embassy has anti-transporter shield. Klingons detected O’Brien’s infiltration into power grid. Starfleet Intelligence not worried if Klingons go after Bilby and the Orion Syndicate.
B’E and Ashmore hold Seven back when she hits Koven
Change of Heart
Married two months
Jadzia playing tongo with the Ferengi. Worf looks on from balcony. Worf has no idea how game is played, but he has developed a deeper appreciation for the game since he married a tongo player. He is sure she will beat Quark. Would you care to make a wager on the outcome? One bottle of bloodwine against one bottle of scotch whiskey.  I like my bloodwine very young and very sweet.
Worf – nesta! Par'machi!
Worf would rather loose a bet on Jadzia then win on someone else
Worf and Jadzia retiring to bed
Striped fur covered bed, with pointy stakes at head, on one side of room, one long pillow, Jadzia dresser, Worf candle alter with Kahless statue in cabinet. Pillow, with tiny tassels, for kneeling on at base of cabinet. Worf lights alter candle from side candle. Kneels and opens cabinet doors. Places his hands one on top of the other on his upper chest. Diffused red light inside cabinet. Statue of Kahless simply standing, no heroic pose. Worf not to be disturbed for a moment. ?eyes closed.
Wedding picture on bedside table.
Worf proposes hike across Vulcan’s Forge, in summer, as honeymoon spot. Worf also thought of Andor climbing expedition. Jadzia in favor of Cassperia Prime.
Surrender, very bad word.
Worf - I am a married man, I have to make certain adjustments in my life.
Jadiza – You’re practically easy going, what’s next, a sense of humor?
Worf – On the Enterprise I was considered quite amusing.
Jadzia has to sleep on the same side of the bed every night, brush her hair 50 strokes, set in her ways even though she’s changed bodies several times.
Cardassian defector Lasaran - Don’t work your brain too hard, Klingon. How far I have fallen, risking my life on the word of a Klingon.
Jadiza – There you go again looking for the cloud in the silver lining
Worf is looking forward to trekking through hazardous jungle
Only took Dax two weeks to win first game of tongo.
Quark – refers to Worf as Commander Boring. He was sure it wouldn’t last, gave them two months. Bashir only gave them a month. 
Klingons don’t like cold, Trill’s don’t like heat.
Enjoying your honeymoon? More pain.
When Worf was a boy his father, Sergey, used to take himself and Nicolai for hunting trips in the Ural mountains. They would listen to wolves howling. Worf remembers being seized by urge to rip off his clothes and run into the night and live in the forest and become something wild. 
Worf gets Jem’Hadar with mek’leth.
Jadzia seriously injured
Worf was trying to be something he is not, let his guard down, ignored his duty, put his wife and mission in jeopardy.
Jadzia will follow Worf through the Gates of Hell
Worf promises to smile as much as Jadzia wants after mission
Starfleet officers must complete mission despite personal feelings, Lasaran has invaluable information.
Worf goes on without Jadzia, but turns back to save Jadzia. Throws mek’leth into tree.
Worf quotes story about first two Klingon hearts, how nothing could stop them, how they even destroyed the gods who had created them. Worf has heard that story since he was a boy, but he never understood it. Really understood it, until he was standing in the jungle, heart pounding in chest, and he found that even he could not stand against his own heart. He had to go back. It did not matter what the consequences were. Jadzia was his wife and he could not leave her. 
Sisko – Starfleet won’t file any formal charges, even a secret court martial might reveal too much. But this will go into Worf’s service record. Probably won’t be offered a command of his own after this. Worf and Jadzia are not to be assigned on a mission alone ever again. Sisko wouldn’t have left Jennifer, either.
Worf – I have been in trouble before.
Jadzia – I know how much your career means to you.
Worf – You come first, before career, before duty, before anything. I regret nothing, and I would do it again.
The Killing Game
Klingon simulation – great warrior, with two other members of the House of Mo’kai
Janeway in Klingon simulation, mek’leth, studded mace vs. bat’leth battle, yelling
This battle is yours today, but the House of Mo’kai will never yield.
You should have killed me when my back was turned. 
Look closely and you’ll see your own destruction.
I am no one’s prey.
Neelix in Klingon simulation, barren sandy caverns and cliffsides
Sound of the cry of a targ, long hooting
You would hunt down a simple beast even in the midst of our enemies?
There is no enemy as great as hunger
Drinking around fire at Cliffside. 
I’m as dry as the crater at Tarpahk, in the middle of the dry season.
Share with your brothers, it’s the eve of battle.
I may be drunk but I can still send your soul to the next world and leave your body here to rot. Though from the stench of it has begun to already.
Sent by what house?
We’d be honored to fight beside such great warriors.
Drink in skin bag.
Drink= san-roh t'potoh cha! 
Doh-cha scree = Let another make the kill. 
Pu'cha = Klingon fighting word. 
 'Ro-cha Loh keech
 Ro-cha Loh keech
 kor-tah tah tah-tah
 tah-tah tah deech roh
 tah-tah-tah-tah-tah deech roh'
the battle has begun. Our plan is to penetrate the enemy’s position, cut his forces in half
you will lead us into battle great warrior
To-kah, lead the attack. 
lead the attack or die by my hand
even half drunk, Klingons are among the best warriors in the galaxy. 
They’re Klingons, not kittens
Wrongs Darker than Death or Night
Jadzia and Worf at Quark’s
Jadzia – the Saratoga put in this morning
Worf – we are not having another party. 200 people jammed into our quarters, eating, drinking, laughing.
Jadzia promises no laughing, best party Worf has ever been to. Theme party, everyone come as their favorite Klingon. 
Worf goes to exercise in holosuite.
Kira in a bad mood – We’re not here to drink raktajinos and catch up on the latest gossip. Let’s get to work!
Something tells Bashir he’s going to need a lot of raktajinos today
Bashir gets Worf’s order of gagh
General Martok told Sloan that Jem’Hadar removed Bashir to solitary for 7 [5] days, after Bashir complained about a cut in rations
Humans more adaptable than Klingons to incarceration. Martok was under a lot of strain.
Sloan’s son’s ship attacked by 3 Jem’Hadar ships after convoy dropped out of warp to rendezvous with a Klingon bird of prey
Vis a Vis
Tom forgot about eating with B’E. he’s spending a lot of time hiding in late 20 th century garage Grease Monkey program
  Tales of the Dominion War The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned by Keith RA DeCandido

Lwaxana hates replicated food.
Betazed amra-skin couch; Eridat rug in family for generations.
Early Dantric and Torinese style of architecture.
Neo-Valdane style architecture
Blue-leaf salad
Oscoids, shellfish
Sparkling water with a jakarine twist; espra cheese like swiss
Lwaxana, powerful telepath, her emotions affect those around her. Bleeds out.
Lwaxana is up to any challenge
Lwaxana survived the Sindareen raids
See and feel your child's emotions
Ian Troi installed Betazed orbital defenses, 50 years ago
Admiral Masc, head of Tenth Fleet.
Lwaxana's marriages, widowed, Campio dead, Odo annulled, end of marriage to Jeyel over custody issues.
You think like a mundane. Looks aren't everything.
Vorta Luaran oversees invasion of Betazed
Barin can sleep through anything. House collapses in attack.
Nathan and Elain Gold die at Lwaxana's house in invasion of Betazed. Son of Captain Gold. Two daughters Danielle and Simone.
Sacred Chalice of Rixx and Holy Rings of Betazed lost
Fistrium blocks sensors

In the Pale Moonlight
Leslie Wong, Captain of the Cairo, was instructor at Academy when Jadzia a sophomore. Disappeared in Romulan Neutral Zone, attacked by Jem’Hadar.
Graython Tolar – blue spotted skinned, head ridged crested male, Sitting in Klingon prison awaiting execution. The Klingons were going to execute him tomorrow, of course they say that every day, its one of the little games they like to play. Sisko arranged pardon from Gowron. Tolar had to promise to stay away from Klingon Empire and he has to create special holoprogram for Sisko. 
The Klingons are preparing to go on the offensive
If Tolar’s datarod doesn’t pass, Sisko will send him back to the Klingons where Gowron can take his time executing him.
Worf takes security precautions for secret Romulan visit to DS 9
Garek – Always a pleasure to see you, Mr. Worf.
   Tales of the Dominion War Blood Sacrifice by Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz

Romulans very anti-Breen. More disgusting than allying with Klingon savages.
Saavik in command of Vulcan's defenses after being wounded
Praetor Neral, temporary alliance with the Klingons, distasteful but Breen sufficient grounds for breaching neutrality agreement. A very temporary alliance. Savages they may be, but they can fight.
Hiss like an Honor Blade drawn from its sheath
Neral's family killed by Klingons.
The Fed's plan of using Klingon shock troops to weaken Dom shows almost Romulan cunning.
The Breen don't even have a word for honor.
Emperor Shiarkiek assassinated, reluctant emperor, wise shrewd scholar.
Dead Romulans go to the Halls of Erebus.
Romulan hero Azeraik tears open wounds and laughs while doing it. Azeraik ripped open his wounds and died rather than accept life from his enemies. He drew no weapon.
Romulan concept of Final Honor. Romulan concept old dishonor themselves by their continued existence. Should be set on the path of honor. Of Final Honor.
Romulan hot beverage khavas needs to be strong enough for an honor Blade to stand in.
Archpriest N'Gathan murdered elderly Emperor, falls into Gal Gath'thong, aided by Ruanek
Spoken of deceased – may he sleep in honor.
Damn you to the eternal ice of Remus

   Hollow Men by Una McCormack
There was nothing in Emony's memories that might help
Dom War – Fed retreated from Kepla Sector
Dom War – Romulans free Benzar system
Dom War – failed Fed offensive in Sybaron system. Fed Seventh fleet held, did not advance but did not retreat, significant losses
Glintara sector – covert base for Cardassian military, a highly fortified section of the Cardassian border
Roms and Klingons and Sisko to Earth for summit to lay ground work for coordinating military strategy. Hardly natural allies. Plenty of room for misunderstandings. The blustering of the Klingons, the insinuations of the Romulans, the homilies of Starfleet. A couple of Gowron's senior generals at summit. The Klingons were blunt with their offers and their refusals
Fleet Admiral Shanthi, f.
Ross talked with Klingon generals with easy bonhomie
Councillor Huang, f, from Alpha Centauri, embassy in London
Jadzia youthful charm, Dax old low cunning
Curzon did not like Sisko's friend Tomas Roeder, from the Livingston
trikolat – Cardassian stringed instrument, also percussive
Bajoran silk deer
Bolian tonic water
the Presati, a race, with pantheon of deities
Lissepian prayer beads
optolythic datarods
Hamexi space, far from DS 9, species all look alike to non-Hamexi, social cohesion, reclusive
Klingon liaison officers on DS 9
Kaga at the Klingon restaurant buys old Whitaker and Lambert replicator at DS 9 auction
Ferengi Rule 183 – When life hands you ungaberries, you make detergent [not ungaberry juice]
219 Autarch of Tzenketh, possible plot to overthrow, possibly involving Garak
Judith Sisko, professional musician, cello

The Omega Directive
no Klingon content
His Way
Worf prefers Klingon Opera to Vic Fontaine’s lounge act
Dax doesn’t know what a lightbulb is
Worf doesn’t understand slang term Harvey
Worf and Jadzia obviously newlyweds
Jadzia wants to go back to Vic’s for a little gaming tomorrow night.
Vic performs for Dax and Worf a few evenings later
Jadzia, over the span of seven lifetimes has had a few moments of perfect clarity. When it comes to you, it’s important to act right away.
no Klingon content
Potential baby index: Chakotay/Kellin
Prophecy and Change
The Devil You Know by Heather Jarman

Jadzia didn't like couch in her quarters with Worf. Too lazy to replace it.
Random rapidly cycling scenes occasionally broke into her consciousness during high intensity experiences.
Andorian Dr. Setheleyis th'Rasdeth, Starfleet Academy counselor, convinced Jadzia to go back to initiate program after Curson washed her out
One of Sirella's steaming spicy blood-based puddings.
Page 226 the patience of a lIngta' hunter sitting still in the bush
Jadzia and Bashir participate in Project Blue Sky, a war think tank with the Romulans
Worf's life shaped by Romulans, Forced himself to put aside old hatreds for the greater good.
Worf placed his hopes on General Martok believing that the Klingons might be able to hold back the Dominion threat long enough for Starfleet to find their footing
Tobin encountered Romulans during the Earth-Romulan War.
Romulan agents broke into Audrid's lab
Jadzia – a double raktajino with shot of cream
Dax had predisposition to mistrust Romulans
A couple of Klingons also involved with Blue Sky project.
Jadzia and Worf spent an hour in the holodeck, re-enacting a chapter from The Final Reflection, one of Worf's favorite novels
She muttered a few potent Klingon curses that Curzon had been particularly fond of.
Some of Benjamin's diplomatic finesse came from the time he'd spent with Curzon
Curzon spent time on Vulcan, sampled native delicacies shav'rot beverage

The Reckoning
Worf gossips with Odo and Bashir at Quark’s about the inscription Sisko and Jadzia found at B’hala on Bajor
Klingons in the background at the replimat.
General Martok has detached three attack cruisers to bolster the defense perimeter around the Dorala system.
Sisko – I hope they can hold out until Starfleet sends in reinforcements.
Kira – The Klingons will hold out. Martok will see to it.
DS 9 is crucial to battle against Dominion, can’t let it be destroyed in The Reckoning.
Worf not sure he could have let Dax be a vessel the way Odo respected Kira’s beliefs.
Worf is standing by in Ops to release chroniton particles, if necessary.
Living Witness
The Doctor describes B’Elanna Torres as intelligent, beautiful, and with a chip on her shoulder the size of the Horsehead Nebula. She also had a kind of vulnerability that made her endearing. 
  Personal Log, Strange New Worlds IV
B had refined the Doc’s physical subroutine to have shoulder slump project dignified resignation rather than defeat.
Klingons in Quark’s when drinks replicator on the fritz.
Quark in love with Jadzia, it kills him that she’s married to Worf.
Jake has a raktajino on the Valiant
Worf knows area of Dominion held space the Valiant reported missing over 8 months ago.
  Dorian's Diary, Strange New Worlds III
Nilz Baris, retired Federation Agriculture Minister, spend years dealing with Klingon threat in his youth. Great great grand daughter Red Squad Academy cadet Karen Farris killed on Valiant. Karen’s parents died 3 months ago in shuttle accident. Lived on Sherman’s Planet near Klingon border. Nilz Baris wealthy, writer of a few holonovels, wife, son, granddaughter. 
B’E concerned about missing Tom and Harry. Chakotay thinks she’s too close to keep a cool head. He’s damned right. If someone you loved was missing you’d be the first one out the door and you know it. She recommends Seven as a cool head if Chakotay wants one.
Neelix threatens to teach everyone the classics of Klingon opera – la la la
Profit and Lace
Worf checks that there are no reports of Dominion activity near Ferenginar
B’E became a Maquis through Chakotay, he saved her life
B’E never in long term stasis
  Pathways by Jeri Taylor 
27 Chakotay mentored by Hiromi Sulu, mid-30s. father of 3 daughters. grandson of legendary Hikaru Sulu, patrols Cardassian border. 
58 Chakotay, Lt. Commander on Gettysburg, Captain Madolyn Gordon. At time of Cardassian treaty. 
Svetlana Korepanova, Sveta, Ice Maiden of Russia, cadet with Chakotay. Served 8 years in Starfleet then married a farmer, twin boy and girl, settled on Riva Prime, one of the planets most devastated during the war, repeated attacks by Cardassians. Her family killed while Sveta off getting medical supplies. Orbiting battle cruiser wiped out settlement. 
64 Chakotay’s home on Trebus attacked by Cardassians. Sveta knew Chakotay would contact her. She procured a ship, packed with weaponry, he named it Liberty. Sveta put him in touch with Seska, met on Bajor. Motivated by vengeance. 
76 Chakotay’s Maquis ship the Liberty. 
B’E’s arrive seemed to send Seska into a paroxysm of jealousy. When Tom Paris arrived, obviously attracted to B. 
On short recon run to test perimeter of Cardassian territory for defensive measures, gathered data on weapons depot that was secreted on a small moon, came on a surveillance probe. Tom blew it up, alerting Cardassians to their presence.
108 Harry team leader of cadet survival group in Sierra Nevada mountains, Harry and George, Kevin O’Connell, two Vulcan females, Slisik and T’Passa, one male Klingon, Tagar. They had spent four weeks under Commander Nimembeh studying survival techniques. 
Tagar was standing at a remove from the rest of the group. His gaze was fierce and penetrating, as through to show everyone what a formidable warrior he was. Harry wondered why it was so important to the Klingon to assert himself in this way. Harry realized defensiveness might be a natural response to what was still an unusual situation. There hadn’t been more than a handful of Klingons at the Academy in the last ten years, even though relations between the Empire and the Fed had thawed. Harry decided to treat him in as welcoming a way as he could. 
Harry – You’ve got the most important job of all. Finding us food and water. 
Tagar – That will not be a problem, unless anyone here has qualms about what they eat. 
Tagar had already constructed a solar sill by digging a pit three feet deep. Placing the bucket in the bottom, stretching the plastic sheet over the opening, weighting it with rock. Condense on underside of plastic and drip into bucket.
Harry admired Tagar’s thoroughness in insuring they would have water until a stream was located
The Klingon spoke without looking at Harry – I have already located several varieties of fungus. They should provide adequately for our nutritional needs. However, I plan to hunt and trap small game as well. 
Tagar was following survival training to the letter. 
Tagar all the while avoiding Harry’s eyes. It was as though he wrapped himself in a protective cocoon of indifference. Harry didn’t think appropriate attitude in a team situation. He’d have to break trough Tagar’s defenses. 
After 5 days, only Harry and Tagar were left. 
Tagar drew up slightly at Harry’s harsh tone, for a moment Harry thought the Klingon might protest, but he locked eyes with his last remaining team member. Glaring, and eventually Tagar muttered something guttural under his breath and turned away.
O’Connel had kept the group energized with tales of terrible beauty of Ireland, their poetry and passion. 
Now a tense silence bound Tagar and Harry. Walked four hours without a word. Harry signaled for meal. Tagar stood over Harry looking at the meager offerings of berries with disdain. He shook his head brusquely and marched off, presumably to find something else. 
Tagar’s hands held squirming mass of grubs, beetle larvae. 
Tagar grunted and began shoveling the grubs, still squirming, into his mouth. 
Tagar challenged – Are all your people this squeamish? 
Harry’s team failed to act like they were in enemy territory and open to attack.
140 what happened next was truly horrible and would haunt B’s dreams for a long while. The guards send yellow energy vapor into the crowd of spectators, the people burst into flame. The guards clear a path to the combatants themselves and incinerated them. The guards cremate anyone in range. Prisoners set on the charred bodies, eating them. 
B found that she wasn’t reluctant to chronicle her life, was in fact almost eager. She would do anything that would take her away from this wretched site. Even if that meant speaking of the greatest pain that had ever assailed her. 
144 B eight years old. Of her father’s leaving, B remembered nothing. She remembered a strong deep voice. Arms with dark hair. Jumping into those arms from a platform in a lake, the scent of the plains of Nessik after a summer rainstorm. Her hair being tied in tight braids. Voices subdued and angry. 
B’Elanna, HighoS! Come out this minute. I won’t let you hide in your room like a cowardly puff cat. 
B – I don’t care! I’m not Klingon!
Her mother’s voice had taken on a new and more definitive tone, it was one with which B was familiar, and which ordinarily struck dread into her heart. Today, she steeled against it. She had activated the electronic lock on the door, and would stay in her room until she died. Under her bed with her stuffed cat, Gato. 
Prabsa Torres. Her mother’s face, ridged and bony. Black eyes. Pointed teeth all but overflowing her mouth. 
You came running home as through you were being chased by Fek’lhr himself and slammed into your room
The children of the outpost of Nessik were indifferent to B
Her mother would be proud of B if she had gotten into a fight, but that idea went unspoken. 
Prabsa drew a sharp breath, clearly vexed. She looked for a moment out the window as though to gain control, then she began speaking
Once, when Kahless had been walking in the desert for eighty days . . . and so Kahless came out of the wilderness, and entered the world once more, choosing to live among the people he was dedicated to lead, even if that meant suffering the pain that others inevitably bestow. That was the lesson he learned from the serpent of Shrika. 
Do you understand what Kahless learned? That a Klingon can’t hide from his destiny. That confronting your fears will conquer them, but flying from them gives them power. 
Prabsa – I won’t let you be weak, B’Elanna. All I can give you is a sense of your own strength, and I will do that. We’ll have a party at the lake, invite all your classmates, show them you won’t be intimidated.
B terrified at idea of party, where human children would snicker about the Klingon women, the friendless, belligerent child and the overbearing mother, whom they surely found the ugliest creatures they’d ever seen
B rolled her eyes again, another Klingon story with a lesson to be learned. Why did he mother inflict these morality tales on her? They were foolish empty stories that B found embarrassing. She couldn’t believe her mother actually thought she might learn something from them. They were all alike, long, rambling legends featuring the exploits of one Klingon hero or another, all ending with some nugget of wisdom
Pre-Squares, the game that provided the foundation for the adult sport of Parrises Squares. Ball-kicking techniques.
No one was better at Pre-Squares than B. intricate patterns of ball handling came effortless to her. Antigrav ball hovering low to the ground under her control. Keeping the ball zipping from knee to elbow to ankle. 
B felt the ridges in her forehead flush, she hated that, they always looked worse when reddened. 
B, as part Klingon, had keener hearing than most humans
149 the first thing B, age 10, noticed about Qo’noS was the noise. Her mother decided it was time she come face to face with her heritage, booked transport from Runii to Minis Prime, where they got space on a freighter bound for Gostak, which was just inside the Klingon Empire. Shuttle from there to Qo’noS long wretched journey. B first time in space. spartan accommodations. Her mother abjured her right to take Starfleet ships.
Quiet of Terran colony of Nessik, houses clustered in landscaped parks, animal life abounded.
Prabsa had extolled the wonders of Qo’noS, historical battle sites. Splendid cultural centers, natural wonders that defied description. The richness and diversity of Klingon society. Prabsa had not been back to Qo’noS for over 10 years. Giddy with anticipation, babbling endlessly. B had a habit of tuning her out.
Go to the shrine of Kahless first. That’s obligatory. Or many the battlefield of Mithrak, to give an understanding of the context Kahless sprang from.
Prabsa couldn’t know how completely B had shut out her ceaseless teachings
They were disgorged from the final shuttle flight into a vest spacedock thronged with people, all of whom seemed to be talking at the top of their voices. Prabsa entered into the verbal fray right along with the rest. 
Move aside, we’re passing through, watch yourself, ghargh, your smelly feet are in the way. Prabsa kept up this oral bombardment as they pushed and shoved their way across the huge floor of the docking area. Hurling insults to anyone who was in their way, snarling with what B assumed was feigned rage and in general behaving as rudely as everyone else there. 
B was horrified. She had never seen people conduct themselves this way, people all shouted and reviled each other, no rules of decorum, no manners. 
Finally they were at the transport area. Her mother pulled them into a group that was ready to dematerialize, ignoring the shouted protests of the transport engineer. Prabsa and the engineer exchanged a volley of insults that made B want to shrivel in shame, but finally the man backed down and they were transported to the surface. 
Crowds were everywhere on the surface. A hurly-burly mass that never seemed to move in a discernible pattern or toward a common goal. Move against any tide they encountered. And they continued to yell. Even general conversation at earsplitting level, often with loud guffaws of laughter.
The edifices of Qo’noS were certainly imposing, the buildings all loomed large and dark, ornately constructed and richly appointed, a dazzling display of architecture as an expression of national ideology, vaulting towers and pillared courtyards, one couldn’t escape the sense of haughty pride, strident militancy, reverence for ritual and tradition.
Home of B’s maternal grandparents,
Torg, grandfather, huge barrel-chested man with long unkempt hair, full beard, mustache.
Kor, uncle
B’Kor, grandmother – She’s been traveling for a week, you lummoxes. She’s a bit scrawny. A month of good Klingon food and she’ll fill out nicely. Make way while I get her some food. 
Room where a huge table stood, laden with food. Roasted meats, strange vegetables, runny cheeses, dishes of creatures who seemed still to be moving
A huge smile showed her twisted Klingon teeth to full advantage
A big slab of blood pie
Another room full of trestle tables and benches, designated for the children. No utensils. Plunge into the meal with both hands, tearing meat from bones and licking greasy fingers with gusto. 
yellow mealy things squirming
boys and girls of all ages, toddlers to adolescents, all with unfettered energy and high spirits and loud voices
K’Karn, age 15, a smile that would have been attractive if it hadn’t been for his teeth. Nephew to B’Kor. B’s second cousin. A genial confidence that was infectious. 
Lanna, girl, K’Karn’s first cousin, age 10 - Not so, you QIp. My mother Toksa’s is far better blood pie than B’Kor.
She’s just a stripling now.
Lanna’s ridges flushed, infatuated with the dashing K’Karn.
K’Karn was describing his latest exploits in mock battle, his preparations for the Ascention rites. Lanna seemed enthralled.
Never had anyone asked B her feelings. Her father had disappeared, her mother proceeded to tell her how she ought to live her life. 
K’Karn and Lanna both realized B was about to cry. K’Karn rose and crossed round the table – Come on, cousin, this isn’t a night for tears. Lanna, let’s show her the caverns. 
Outside, an hour later in an amazing glowing cavern, whose walls were studded with tiny moth like insects that were iridescent and beautiful, sating a light from within. 
B told her cousins of her miserable life on Nessik
When she was done, K’Karn’s face had hardened and he rose to his feet, seething with energy, pacing the floor, low growls occasionally punctuating his diatribe. 
VeQ ngIm. Humans don’t have the courage to settle things in an honorable fashion. You should challenge them, B, and then they’d know immediately who was superior. How is your warrior training coming? What level of fighting skills have you achieved? Surely you’ve begun, at least the martial skills. 
B embarrassed to admit she had no desire, no intention to train as a Klingon warrior. 
You must stay here and enter the training program at Ogat as soon as possible. You can live with Aunt B’Kor, she’d love to have a young person in the house again.
Live here, on this crowded, noisy, chaotic world with inedible food and rude people who pushed and shoved and yelled their way through life? 
No one ever understood why Prabsa left in the first place. Her roots are here, and so are yours. This is your true home. 
B could only imagine the terrors that awaited her on this planet of wild people. 
K’Karn and Lanna babbled endlessly on the walk back home about the fun they’d have, hunting, fighting and preparing for their warrior rituals.
The adults had been drinking ale and had become more raucous. Two men were amusing themselves by running at each other from opposite sides of the room, heads down, and ramming each other as hard as they could. The blows left them reeling but seemed to afford great sport to the others, who let out rousing cheers each time they butted heads. The noise level was higher than ever. Loud music of some dreadful cacophony permeating everything. Scent of greasy meats and strange pungent spices 
B fainted, woke in a huge bed, cool damp cloth to her forehead. 
An unusual expression came over her mother’s face, both amused and serious at the same time
Nessik is our home, I have my laboratory there, and it’s important to me. I love my family but I decided long ago that my place wasn’t here on the homeworld. 
Puq Doy’ tired little girl
It was a moment of uncommon closeness between them
B felt the dark question unfold in her mind like a black flower. Why did my father go away?
Her mother hummed a plaintive tune
158 B accepted by young people on Nessik when she was 14. B unaffected by puberty changing others. 
B swam every day in huge lake near colony. Redundant lungs gave her ability to stay under water long time
Loved to sail, small racing sloop, master the waves, conquer the elements.
Each time she set forth she told herself it could be her last, and that to survive she would have to sail with consummate skill. These thoughts were strangely titillating to her.
She had no way of knowing her serene aloofness made her more desirable to the young men at school
An island in lake as a child she played fantasy games that she was a princess, a famed explorer, a famous poet. 
She thought of attending Starfleet Academy as her father had
Her mother had told her that a Klingon had been accepted at the Academy, a boy whose parents had died at Khitomer and who had been raised by humans. She had a book, left by her father, with pictures of the fabled school. She didn’t really dream of a career in Starfleet, a likelihood out of reach, but would simply study what she enjoyed. Art and literature. 
She wanted to study history of Earth, she longed to know more of her other heritage, the one that seemed nobler. Had never visited earth
She had been drowned in Klingon history by her mother’s endless stories. 
James Chesney and Robin Beckett, two boys from her class
Wheezer, teacher at Nessik school for 30 years, bolian literature.
Aren’t Klingons, passionate? Uncontrollable urges. Supposed to get violent. I’m not some Klingon slut you can corner in the woods and have your way with. If you want my company, you’re going to have to treat me with more dignity and appreciation than you’ve ever treated anyone.
A stream of pent-up indignation that had been years in the accumulating
Went out with James Chesney for the last years she was on Nessik, stable and fulfilling, he supporter her application to Starfleet Academy. She was always completely in control, an empowering feeling, the message it had given B was of the potency of sex. 
Two months after entering Academy B completely unprepared for rigid discipline, every minute of cadet’s day programmed. Unbearably lonely without James’ friendship. She had never developed socializing skills, didn’t really know how to do about making new friends. She began to challenge her teachers, question regulations. Temper more intense 
Her mother had opposed B coming to Academy
166 B in unauthorized Tresorin III holoprogram self defense exercise, 5 hours a week required, second year
B already on report for causing a melee on the hoverball court
Second infraction means 4 day suspension
Surly tone gets another day for insubordination
instinctual reactions, crouch low, ready to spring, anticipate, use his bulk against him
B thinks of big monster figure as Mother
Something feral was loose in her now, a heat in her blood that burned away restraint and urged her to slake her blood-thirst
Swimming up from a consuming fire
Every pore cried out for her to leap on him, fingers raking his face, thumbs plunging into the eye sockets
Roommate Mary Ellen Regan, Mellie, the most perfect person B had ever met, lovely, intelligent, musical gymnast. She made B feel unworthy and even unclean
B’s father sends her a message – I’ve been in deep space for over a year and I just learned you were at Starfleet Academy. I’m so proud of you. I’d love to visit you. Please let me know if that’s all right. Seven messages, increasingly urgent. I didn’t leave you and your mother because I didn’t care about you. I love you B’Elanna. I’ve missed you every day of my life. I’d do anything if we could find each other again.
She decided she was going far away, somewhere where her father couldn’t find her
172 B engineer on Bolian freighter, 4 decks of cargo, Bolian tidiness. Mesler the Bolian pilot. She had to be endlessly creative to keep the ship running, humanitarian supplies to the colonists in the DMZ, actually, unknown to B, Starfleet weapons
don’t you ever call me a Klingon fool again, don’t denigrate my heritage again
B knows pressure points on Bolian
Cardassians board the ship, in DMZ. Cardassians routinely harass tenacious colonists
She hated it when people addressed her simply as Klingon.
Gul Tancret – Be careful, Klingon. Your people may be brave warriors, but you are a lone woman and unarmed. I enjoy the feel of you. You’re wonderfully firm.
It seemed wrong to show weakness
Mesler killed by Cardassians, skinned, Bolian skin considered a rare treasure on Cardassia Prime by Cardassian women
Gul Tancret – Shocked, disgusted? I thought Klingons were made of hardier stock.
She picked up his other hand in hers and began sniffing it, the instinctual Klingon prelude to mating. She nipped gently at his hand. The gesture seemed to arouse the Cardassian
B battles Tancret in cargo hold, rescued by darkly handsome human male with strange marking on his temple
Freighter goes to Riva, planet in DMZ. B taken aboard Liberty. Seska treats B’s injuries
Mesler was a good friend of Maquis, Chakotay
Longing for Chakotay emanated from Seska, Seska sings and plays instrument
25 crew on Chakotay’s ship
B often craved real meat
182 B remembered sitting in her father’s lap, listening to her mother tell a story of a legendary Klingon hero, mythic tale of courage and honor
happiness unfamiliar emotion 
B and Seska work on damaged shuttle they salvaged from a Fed ship’s graveyard
Seska says she and Chakotay have been having a affair for more than a year, but secret.
Six months later Chakotay, Vulcan pilot Setonak injured during fracas with the Cardassians, brings in Tom Paris from Marseilles. B disliked him on sight. Appraising look like she was an ornament. Disliked seductive timbre, he was trying to tell her her business.
Setonak’s stoic restraint was calming to B
It was because of Tom’s skill as a pilot that they began to explore the Badlands, mapping the area, m-class planets, the Terikof Belt. Set up a cabin. Tom saves B from drowning in stream
A day later they were attacked by two Cardassian vessels. Liberty badly damaged. B a concussion. Tom sent in shuttle for help, never returned. 
Adrenaline had always been like a narcotic for B. danger heightened her senses, elevated her mood, pleasurable excitement
Yuri Terikof, navigator, fearless in battle
190 VeQ ngIm!
B not like any Klingon Tom has ever known
Tom and B were at Academy at same time, Tom wasn’t noticeable, but everyone was aware of B. there aren’t many Klingons who attend the Academy. 
B’s father was Starfleet, left when she was 5. His name did get her permission to take the entrance exams
B doesn’t know why her father left
She had yielded to her Klingon temperament, created her own isolation, driven others away
She’d heard tales all her life of glorious Klingon battles, the heroes who died in horrible, if honorable, circumstances. 
196 Chakotay returned from Bajor with Tuvok. As calming an influence as Setonak had been
B sent messages to father in Mexico, mother on Nessik
A reconciliation with her mother and a relationship with her father were tangible possibilities
Two days after she sent messages, Caretaker took them
Janeway reminded B of all she didn’t like about Starfleet
199 B had never before told Tom of her strong feelings for Chakotay
tom had learned more about B last night when she told her story than in over three years on Voyager
268 A growing number of people, humans, Vulcans, Bolians, Ktarians, were banding together to protect themselves. The Maquis.
Torres struck Tom as passionate, driven woman, completely focused on her her work and uninterested in developing friendships. his response was to keep baiting her. Three decade old Antares-class ship, the Liberty
P278 B took Tom’s arm and pulled him down and they fell asleep in each  other’s arms
B builds a portable transporter to help the Voyager crewmembers escape the prison camp.
Time's Orphan
Jadzia brings baby Kirayoshi home, when Worf knows she has a comet she’s been looking forward to studying for weeks. He offers to look after Yoshi for her.
Jadzia – Worf, lets face it, you’re not good with babies.
Worf – I raised Alexander.
Alexander was 4 years old when he moved in with Worf. Worf knows Jadzia has had 9 children, 5 as mother, 4 as father. 
Worf – I can handle a 14 month old child.
Yoshi squalls in Worf’s arms
Worf fed, changed, told Yoshi and story and sang to him until his throat was raw, Yoshi will not go to sleep.
Worf – I am a Klingon warrior and Starfleet officer. I have piloted starships through Dominion mine fields. I have stood in battle against Kelvans twice my size. I courted and won the heart of the magnificent Jadzia Dax. If I can do these things I can make this child go to sleep.
Worf feels Jadzia is judging him on his fitness to be a parent.
Worf- I have proven myself to be a worthy husband to you, but you are not convinced I would be a good parent to your children.
Worf was instructing Yoshi in Hogh Duq, a hand eye coordination exercise for Klingon children so they will go up to be good warriors. Yoshi acquitted himself well.
Two Klingon gentlemen want the holosuite, for some afternoon carnage, now.
Kirayoshi took a little fall, Worf was pretending to be a grint hound, a four legged Klingon animal. Yoshi was laughing so hard he didn’t look where he was going and fell against the edge of the table. Worf called in Bashir. Worf feels he was too rough, careless. Jadzia was right to question Worf’s fitness as a father. 
Worf – I failed Alexander, I failed Kirayoshi, I would have failed our children as well. Jadzia, I’m sorry I failed to prove myself to you.
White couch, double bat’leth display behind in their quarters.
O’Briens invite Jadzia and Worf for dinner to thank them for looking after Yoshi.
Yoshi shakes his rattle and says Gung Gung Gung. 
Hope and Fear
B’E investigates slipstream ship Dauntless. She devises a method for emergency shut down of drive.
B’E wouldn’t go so far as to describe herself as eager to return to earth. 
Seven points out that B’E, as a member of the Maquis, will be held accountable for a multitude of crimes on earth.
B’E – That’s looking on the bright side. Let’s put it this way, I’d rather face the music at home than spend the rest of my life in the Delta Quadrant
B’E – People will resent an ex-drone, too. We’ll be outcasts together. Seven, that’s a joke. Work on that sense of humor, it’ll help you make friends on earth.
Arturis, after he angers B’E by almost hitting wrong button – 'Ku cha mee-roch'
B’E looks taken aback, answers – No problem. You speak Klingon. 
Arturis – I do now. Your captain allowed me to review your linguistic database.
B’E – I only speak a few phrases myself. 
Arturis - oh, shame. It’s a robust language
B’E  smiles – A little too robust for me.
  Seven of Nine by Christie Golden 
P54 Torres takes an instant dislike to the Skedans. Tom can’t understand why. Torres didn’t have the normal human tendency to get all mushy over cute kids, but she usually respected others unless they had done something of which she disapproved. Whatever was bugging her extended to Tom. He hadn’t been able to put an arm around her recently. Anything more was out of the question, but she wouldn’t give him a reason why. After all they been through together Tom thought he deserved an explanation. Instead all he got were more blasts of Torres temper. Too bad they couldn’t bottle her vitriol – it’s made a hell of a weapon.
P61 Torres once told Seven about Harry’s fondness for nursery rhymes, how his knowledge proved useful in a fact-finding mission once. 
P99 displays of temper make B’E feel better. Vorik suggests they take a break. He would like to buy her a cup of raktajino. Her hostility and frustration is affecting her performance as head of Engineering. A bracing cup of icy raktajino, strong dose of caffeine. Whatever was going on between her and Tom was not going on right now. She would keep her worries close, as she had kept secrets and fears all her life; in her heart for her alone to see, to take out and examine on long nights when she couldn’t sleep. To hell with Tom Paris. She loved him, yes. She’d faced her demons by telling him. She has peace, of a sort, in her heart. B’Elanna Torres. Half-human, half-Klingon, fully welcome in neither world, was used to loneliness. 
P132 Torres suddenly felt energized. Her mind was clear and focused, her body strong and relaxed. All she felt was a calmness, and in that pool of calm her love for Tom rose like a shimmering bubble to the surface.
P196B’Elanna Torres moved fluidly, with a half-smile on her face. Tom had been the perfect gentleman last night, taking her to the most romantic holoprogram he’d ever designed for her – sunset on the beach of Talos IV. He’d ferried one of the native crafts along the shore, and they had swum in crystal clear waters. He’d even packed a picnic lunch with real food, using up half a week’s worth of rations. The perfect gentleman. Until the time had come when she hadn’t wanted him to be the perfect gentleman and had let him know it in no uncertain terms. Her mind on their wonderful evening, she moved through a routine maintenance chore.
The Sound of Her Voice
Kira and Odo to the Klingon restaurant for lunch. She hasn’t been there in ages, and she has been craving krada legs. The broiled lower appendages of a small animal.
Worf against depleting phaser reserves to increase speed to save Captain Cusack.
Jadzia has to explain an Irish wake to Worf, it sounds almost Klingon. Sing songs, laugh, cry, remember the dead. 
  The Fall of Terok Nor by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens 
47 first Enterprise launched 27 years after the first contact with the Klingon Empire, a disastrous meeting that clearly proved that not everyone in the quadrant shared the Fed’s belief in coexistence.
Jadzia and Worf holoprogram Kirk, Kang and Beta Entity
The glittering antique uniform of the Imperial Navy
I am Kang, captain of the Thousand-Taloned Death, and you are my prey.
That was not a deathblow
Pink blood
Flared his nostrils in a sign Jadzia knew all too well of intense pleasure
There was nothing a Klingon liked better than a caring loving mate who know how to play rough
The w’Han Do. A warrior’s strategy. Knowing you must lose, choose to attempt to take your enemy with you
Worf threw back his massive head and roared approval
Jadzia slashed her sword back and forth in an intricate display of k’Thatic ritual disembowelment, taken host Audrid more than 8 years to master
Worf had been transfixed by Jadzia’s dazzling swordplay
Worf’s eyes widened in alarm at the thought, and also, Jadzia thought, more than a touch of anticipatory excitement
Jadzia defeats Worf on Enterprise Beta Entity holoprogram by tickling him. The Beta Entity was not pleased with the change in mood, envelope them and drained them of life energy
The Klingon version of the holosimulation
Say rumtag
Worf reduces Jadzia to helpless laughter by tickling her
Worf’s sexily rippled brow
It is Worf’s understanding that the evidence against Quark is not so circumstantial
Old-fashioned gold-fabric sash
Worf is DS9’s strategic operations officer, it is his job to know the station’s security weaknesses, just as it is Quark’s to know them for smuggling operations
She bit his earlobe, hard
114 Quark thinks Sisko’s goatee makes him look half Klingon
the Andorian Rite of Kanlee, to maintain the balance of good and evil in the universe kill someone who has killed. The Andorians are a passionate people
123 at time of Cardassian withdraw from Bajor and Terok Nor, the Vulcan science vessel the Solok was at Qo’noS, remapping the Praxis Ring
142 Worf – For Quark to say that he has lost his memory to provide an alibi for his actions at the time the Cardassians were killed is ludicrous
167 Jadzia offers to buy Sisko a raktajino at Quark’s
Base, old friend of Quark and Rom’s. unusual black hair, not headskirt. A meter tall at most. A Ferengi smuggler who operates in the Klingon empire. Sisko recalled that the dismemberment and vivisection penalties Klingons assessed on captured smugglers tended to keep most Ferengi from becoming involved in illegal shipping in that region of space. Base has a number of warrants outstanding among the Ferengi Alliance, so by law he can’t conduct business with any other Ferengi. 
Base is still going to charge them for the raktacrappos!
How can Base stay in business with an attitude like that? He does business with Klingons. 
Enmity between Klingons and Ferengi
182 before joining Jadzia had a particular curiosity about Vulcans, but for now she was more than happy, deliriously happy in fact, with her sweet cuddly-bear of a Klingon mate. Jadzia suddenly giggled as she recalled the look on Worf’s face when she’d startled him with the endearment at precisely the wrong moment
calling  a rough, tough Klingon a sweet cuddly-bear, blamed it on Audrid
if Worf had been unable to transcend his insular Klingon heritage enough to fully admit a Trill into his life, Jadzia had little doubt that her heart could have been won by Julian
201 Vulcans embrace logic, Klingon find honor in battle
ten thousand years ago Vulcans were bloodthirsty savages, Klingons were less than Vulcans, Cardassians were still swimming in swamps, Bajorans were peaceful, advanced, united world. The others reached out to the universe, Bajorans stifled by Prophets.
232 the Klingon Café
263 Worf – The main computer has been compromised, it is a prelude to attack!
267 Sisko has the code, only Worf had the key to the code and his reply, as usual, was to the point
272 Sisko – since we’re using heavy stun, feel free to shoot first and ask questions later
O’Brien – Careful, sir, you’re starting to sound like Worf
284 trussed up like the Friday night special at the Klingon café
like a targ to the wedding feast, Quark had climbed willingly into the sack
301 Base jumped up on the bar waving aloft his comically puny bat’leth. Base twisted his bat’leth in an expert blue and deflected both daggers from the Andorian sisters, Satr and Leen. He hadn’t even tried to duck. 
I can throw this a skrell of a lot faster than you blues can run
Bat’leth with Ferengi plasma-whip circuits, neural disruption
Base spun his bat’leth around his wrist just like Bus Betar in the old Marauder Mo holos, the classic ones, not the remakes. 
Arrested by Odo for dealing with the Andorian sisters and Vash for lost Red Orb of Jalbador, Base is claustrophobic
312 Quark sells treasure maps for Qui’Tu, classic stuff, regularly
344 Bajor’s moon Jeraddo tapped to produce power, an ingenious concept first developed by the Klingons. Initial concept’s design flaws had caused the spectacular destruction of the Empire’s main generation facility on the moon of Praxis. The flaws had since been corrected by assiduous Fed engineers focusing on low level subspace inversion field on the moon’s core. What had once been a class-M world was now a class-Y demon world, toxic corrosive crimson clouds, atmospheric pressure waves, wildly fluctuating gravity fields at the moon’s core. 
391 For Jadzia, Quark even hand-mixed a raktajino
  The War of the Prophets by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens 
13 the Boreth, a battlecrusier of unmistakably Klingon design. Large irregularly-shaped Klingon viewscreen. Hard Klingon chairs. Dark, rusty walled Klingon hallway. Typical Klingon oxidation stains.
Boreth was the world to which the Klingon messiah, Kahless the Unforgettable, had promised to return after his death.
Hair usually tied back in a Klingon-style queue
34 the color of the k’Roth ch’Kor, the ancient Klingon trident that was the symbol of the Empire. Teal and gold and red
Klingon pessimism and Jadzia’s seven lifetimes of experience were enabling the two to come to the same conclusion
Dense capillary network beneath a Trill’s spots made them prone to copious but not life threatening bleeding from minor cut or scrape
122 Jadzia attacks guard, only then did she turn back to see how Worf had fared, confident that he would have been looking for the same opportunity she had and that he would have made his move in the same instant. Sure enough, Worf was crouched over sprawled guard.
Jadzia knew that as far as Worf was concerned there never was a good time for a joke. 
Worf considers Jadzia missed two earlier opportunities to take out guards. 
Worf gave Jadzia a look she knew all too well, the one that said he was the warrior in the family and she was the scientist.
Trill and Klingon, bound by love and duty
134 Odo had seldom pushed his shape changing ability to the extremes of anything as small as a Klingon glob fly, a creature only half the size of a Terran mosquito
O’Brien had identified the four main barracks-type rooms, 21 bunks, as enlisted men’s communal quarters, a living area typical of some Klingon warships
Quark – It’s like when customers at my bar complain about the menu prices and I tell them about the food-poisoning deaths at the Klingon Café. 
206 old Klingon calendar system reverts to the Fourth Age of Kahless on the same date Earth’s calendar starts a new century with the first day of 2401 A.C.E.
215 Normally Jadzia didn’t like to see her husband give himself over to the typical Klingon confrontational techniques, but there were too may questions and too little time to use diplomacy
Klingons could be so messy. It was one of their most endearing traits, Jadzia thought, as she regarded her mate with loving pride.
Worf – I know my parents have passed on to Sto-Vo-Kor. 
I would rather die battling my enemies than wait passively for the universe to end.
You know how willful Klingons can be
That makes you my enemy and deserving of death
You have attacked me. I am now justified in defending myself.
Prepare to take passage on the Barge of the Dead.
It is not like my people to plan for defeat. 
Worf grunted – A worthy deception. It sounds like the work of General Martok. 
Worf growled fiercely in what Jadzia knew was a challenge. 
Worf – This future cannot be permitted to happen. We must go back somehow and prevent this.
It was unfortunate, Jadzia thought, that the direct Klingon approach was not always the best. And it was always so difficult to explain that to her mate.
Jadzia made a playful fist and lightly tapped her knuckles against Worf’s heavy brow ridges – Just as I thought, no evidence of brain matter. Solid bone throughout.
Her mate glared at her – This is not the time for levity!
Jadzia - What do I always tell you when you make such grand glorious plans?
Worf – We can do anything that we choose to do.
They must prepare for the battle ahead, just as the first Klingon male and female had done before they had stormed heaven and destroyed the gods who had created them.
Worf can get into Sto-Vo-Kor – An easy matter. I have eaten the heart of an enemy. 
There are many qualities a warrior must possess. Among them is the ability to inspire great actions in the hearts of others. So, if a great warrior does not fall in battle, he is not necessarily denied the reward of Sto-Vo-Kor. If those who know him dedicate their own great battle to him, then there will be a place for the fallen among the honored dead. 
In its way, the Klingon religion was also humane, in that there were many chances for personal redemption, even after death. 
With perfect warrior’s inflection Jadzia said in Klingon – Then know this, my husband. That if you should die outside of battle, I will dedicate each battle I fight for the rest of my life to your honor and to your place among the honored dead.
Worf trailed his fingers thought her long dark hair – You are the most romantic female I have ever known.
Jadzia took his hand and lightly bit his fingers
It will be our sons who will win glorious victories for us both, that we might sit at the table of Sto-Vo-Kor.
A Ferengi’s business prowess is the equivalent of how Klingons judge their own ability in battle
Jadzia dated a Ferengi once, kind of cute
278 Worf hit by three disruptor beams, almost killed. Taken to Phoenix sickbay, treated by entire holographic team, even though they weren’t programmed for Klingon physiology. Superficial burns. 
345 the Phoenix had no medical equipment set for Klingon physiology, what would have required 15 minutes had become a week long ordeal of daily bandage changings and the constant threat of infection. Jadzia was clearly worried about Worf’s weakened condition. Thick bandages wound around his torso. ALTernate future
  Inferno by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens 
23 Worf son of Mogh battled unceasingly upon the flat black rocks beneath the storm-filled sky and felt the thunder of the fire geysers as they shot upwards. He was not sure where he was or how long he had been here. In his hands he held the Sword of Kahless, and that weapon’s edge was true and sliced through the flesh and bone of his enemies as if the fire of Kri’stak still burned within it.
Romulan warriors fell like wheat before his scythe
wading through the Romulan invaders as did Kaylon at the battle of the Straker Dome, when the two Empires had ended their first war with the Romulans so deservedly crushed
Worf wondered if this was Gre’thor, the land where the dishonored were consigned upon their deaths. 
Lose himself within the pure and absolute sensations of combat and he would know that in some way, he had arrived at Sto-Vo-Kor. All he had to do was vanquish enough Romulans and he would arrive at the doors of the Great Hall where Kahless himself would greet him and invite him to join the honored dead and the bloodwine would flow for all eternity
Endless battle, what better use for eternity could there be for a Klingon?
He swung his bat’leth so swiftly the edge of it glowed and sparks flew as it carved thought his enemies’ armor. 
Humans wearing the earliest uniforms of Starfleet, Worf knew they were from the time of the atrocities of their first contact with the Empire and that they deserved death even more than did the Romulans.
He brought his weapon down across her shoulder to fling her head from her lifeless body
Now his boots crushed chittering tribbles, wild targs nipped at his legs
Every enemy of the Empire he fought here and now, fought and vanquished
The Sword of Kahless no longer thrummed, it sang. Worf added his voice, chanting the Warrior’s anthem.
For a timeless instant Worf knelt, braced for the inevitable impact of a dozen blades, but death did not come. The Trill female was fighting in his place. He had no doubt that a female could be a warrior bound for Sto-Vo-Kor. He knew the Trill species to be valorous and fully expected to find warriors of other worlds at Kahless’s table.
Somewhere, deep in the memories of whatever his existence had been before this time, he knew this female should never be placed in danger, ever
He brought his weapon into perfect synchronization with hers
A Breen’s cryodagger
They were in perfect balance, aligned, finely tuned, two warriors fighting as one, what higher ideal could there be? What greater eternal reward could be bestowed?
Worf bared his teeth in a full-throated growl of victory at the blood-drenched face of the female.
I am Worf, son of Mogh, warrior of the House of Martok! Identify yourself!
I am Jadzia, symbiont of Dax, warrior of the House of Martok!
How was it possible that she, an alien, had been admitted to Martok’s house? The only way a Trill could ever join a Klingon House would be through marriage
It had to be a trick, an illusion to break his fighting spirit.
She kissed him so hard that his bottom lip spilt and he tasted his own blood as he remembered he had on his wedding night when his bride had
42 Worf - if we have experienced the end of all existence, the Vorta must be killed. It might be that our fate is not in question. Under the circumstances, it is possible that we are in Ko’th. Limbo. A state of non-being between Sto-Vo-Kor and Gre’thor. In human mythology it is the equivalent of being the damned. If there anything that those in Ko’th can do to change their fate? Worf’s tone remained neutral though he held himself unnaturally rigid – They must commit an act of vengeance, for right or for wrong, in order to proceed to one destination or another, Sto-Vo-Kor or Gre’thor. Killing Weyoun could be our act of vengeance, if we are the damned. If the universe had ended, what else awaits us but eternity? If our existence ends before we have killed our enemy then we will remain in Ko’th forever, knowing neither victory nor defeat. even Gre’thor is preferable to limbo.
Heghl’umeH QaQ jajvam
69 Klingon communications settings for radio exist but seldom used. In the event contact was made with an emergent pre-warp culture
80 Klingon science station, half the size of the flight console and in true Klingon tradition about one fifth the size of the weapons station
120 je SoH, Brute? Quark said sadly. Odo doesn’t understand
131 well known Klingon saying – The bat’leth’s blade always points toward Sto-Vo-Kor. Basically it means people are more likely to turn to religion when they’re facing death
166 incandescent stream of relativistic ions shot forth from the Andorian’s stinger
201 Jadzia is the one to stay behind and allow all the others, even Worf, to escape. Worf can’t be the one, he doesn’t have the technical proficiency. And he has Alexander to think about. Jadzia has had seven full lifetimes
Klingons don’t see the need for the same sort of safety protocols as Starfleet. Garak finds the trait makes Klingons rather endearing.
Like most Klingon technology designed for field use by warriors the Klingon radio’s controls were simple and intuitive. 
252 Continue, Worf said, the suggestion issued Klingon-fashion, as an order. 
Positions on map Tagged with yellow Klingon tridents
Worf – Does this knowledge provide an advantage to us, or is it simply interesting? Worf’s tone left no doubt about what the Klingon position was regarding applied versus pure research.
302 Worf – you will have no protection against my attack. And I promise you I will rip your heart from your chest.
Worf attacks Grigari nanite infected Arla with a roar that shook the bridge. the Klingon’s face was awash in bright blood, his left arm flopped uselessly, his one good hand still strained to hold both Arla’s arms in check. 
Romulan fusion blade
The plasing beam had sliced deep into one of Worf’s hearts
Medikit has drugs marked for emergency use in cases of major Klingon bleeding. 
Jake patches Worf up
335 Jadzia knows Worf was always afraid that she would die first
Boreth destroyed, fragments suggest some undocumented Klingon design. ALTernate future
Tears of the Prophets
Worf and Jadzia at ceremony Ross gives Sisko Christopher Pike medal.
Worf and Jadzia coming down from holosuite bat’leth exercise. Kept Bashir waiting 20 minutes. Not exercising, talking for an hour and 45 minutes. They’re thinking about having a baby. Worf wanted to keep it private from Bashir and Quark. Bashir told Jadzia before they were married that it wouldn’t be easy, from a medical point of view, to conceive a Trill-Klingon child. 
Quark – It’s bad enough she married that Klingon psychopath. A baby means their marriage is going to last a lot longer than Quark and Bashir thought. 
Sisko and Martok and Ross examine Jem’Hadar 5 squadrons at Chin’toka as a weak spot. 
Martok – Convincing Romulans to join them will not be an easy task. They’re an arrogant and untrustworthy people. We will succeed. Mark my words, by this time next year, the three of us will drink bloodwine in the halls of Cardassia central command. 
Romulan Senator Letant – Really Captain, I see no reason why I should sit here and allow this Klingon jackal to call me a coward.
Martok – this Klingon jackal has more courage than the entire Romulan senate. This is not the time for calm. We must strike the enemy and strike them hard. This Romulan patah would rather sit home and count his dead. What good is an ally who will stab you in the back.
Letant – look at the primitive rage in his eye, the uncontrolled brutality. Klingons  can be quite entertaining, can’t they. Every Romulan zoo should have a pair.
Martok grabs for his knife, Worf and Sisko restrain him across the table from Letant. Klingons stand around table with Fed and Romulan aides to leaders.
If Sisko doesn’t let Jake on the Defiant, he’ll go with Martok and get the story from a Klingon point of view.
Martok in briefing on Chin’toka.
Martok – Leave it to a Romulan to run at the first sign of trouble.
Letant – Leave it to a Klingon to jump to the wrong conclusion. We live up to our agreements. Romulans don’t believe in luck.
Martok – All the better. Leaves more for the rest of us. 
Kira said a prayer at the shrine last night for Worf and Jadzia having a baby. The Prophets can be helpful in such matters. Jadzia hopes they’re listening. Worf going with Defiant invasion to Chin’toka, Jadzia staying in command of DS 9. according to Dr. Bashir Worf and Jadzia need all the help they can get to have baby. 
Jadzia – Just remember when you get back we have a lot of work to do.
Worf – I don’t consider that work. You are going with me, in here.[heart]
Dip kiss.
This is General Martok to all ships, assume tactical formation. We are moving out.
My attack wing is closest to those Jem’Hadar fighters. Preparing to engage. 
15 Klingon ships crippled or destroyed. Assistance will not be necessary. Commence firing on weapons platforms. Klingons, Romulans, Fed line up right to left. Large and small Klingon ships. 
Bashir gave Jadzia ovarian resequencing enzymes, they appear to be working
Jadzia goes to thank Prophets. Dukat, possessed by a Pah Wraith, beams in and zaps her.
Martok – Well done, Major. We will begin transporting ground troops to both planets immediately.
Worf hurries off Defiant when it docks. Bashir managed to save the Dax symbiont. There was nothing he could do for Jadzia. Worf bends close over her.
Jadzia – I’m sorry. Our baby would have been so beautiful.
Worf gives death yell. Intones Klingon over her body. 
Neh Tah Kronos
Hegh Bat'Lhqu Hoch nej mah
Neh Tah Kronoas
Yay je Bat'Ll Manob Hegh
Jadzia funeral service, body in torpedo tube with Fed flag draped over. 
What Worf meant to say:
taH Qo'noS neH
batlh Hegh DInej Hoch
taH Qo'noS neH
yay batlh je nunob Hegh
Kronos alone endures
We all seek honorable death
Kronos alone endures
Death gives us honor and victory
  Ninety three Hours, Strange New Worlds III
Newly joined Ezri Dax asks to listen to Klingon opera. Jadzia wanted her child to look like Worf. Bright pink the color of Klingon blood, a well known fact even to Trill children. Starfleet files on Dax symbiont mentions Curzon and Jadzia’s friendships with Kor, Koloth, and Kang.
   Battle of Betazed by  Charlotte Douglas and Susan Kearney
Battle for Rigel system. Two weeks ago. Four other Fed ships destroyed.
Enterprise port nacelle damaged at Rigel, by Cardassian Galor-class warship. in for weeks of repairs at SB 133.
Lost all communication with Betazed four months ago when Dominion invaded.
Sentok Nor, Dominion Cardassian space station over Betazed, command post in this sector. 
Betazoids detest violence, gave up war centuries ago.
Barin, son of Lwaxana Troi.
Lwaxana with Betazed Resistance, plans strategy against Jem'Hadar. 
SB 19 a few hours at warp from Betazed.
12th fleet, 36 ships destroyed, SB 19 practically obliterated. Dominion preemptive attack against gathering Fed forces. 
Worf and O'Brien ordered by Admiral Ross to divert Defiant to SB 133 just after successful completion of mission to Bolarus. The Defiant and crew are to assist Enterprise assault on Betazed. 
Worf seemed more distant than usual, given his recent loss.
Worf and Deanna brief embrace, fleeting romance
Adm. Ross has assigned the Defiant to get Deanna and extraction team to Betazed 6th planet Darona under cloak.
Jem'Hadar possess countermeasures to detect cloaked vessels. 
O'Brien working to improve effectiveness of Defiant, rotating field harmonics
Deanna had hoped to spend a few moments alone with Worf but his duties as captain of the Defiant occupied him.
Through his fierce Klingon demeanor Deanna could feel his devastating grief over Jadzia.
Betazed deadly poison of the zintaba root, toxin kills instantly.
Worf deposits Deanna and team on Darona then takes Defiant away awaiting transponder signal to retrieve team.
Defiant assists Enterprise in assault on Sentok Nor.
Worf - I have several scores to settle with the Dominion. I regret we cannot remain to finish off these Dominion vermin. We are expected elsewhere.
Sentok Nor destroyed.
Cardassian Dr. Crell Moset prisoner aboard Enterprise. Trying to create telepathic Jem'Hadar from Betazoids failed.
Worf  - The Dominion has taken too much from me already. Today I repaid a few debts.
Worf and Defiant retrieves Darona team, wounded Vaughn, objective telepathic killer Tevren later dies.
Deanna has telepathic killer Tevren's knowledge.
Deanna's team returns to Enterprise. Worf and O'Brien and Defiant return to DS 9.
Lwaxana persuades Betazed Resistance to attack Jem'Hadar by invasive empathy. Betazed freed, 40 percent Betazoid telepaths dead.
Vaughn born on Berengaria VII 2276.  Academy class of '97. Consultant. Informed Lwaxana of death of Ian Andrew Troi. Ian Troi saved Vaughn's life once. Vaughn involved with civil war on Beta IV, genocidal holocaust  on Arvada III, the Tomed Incident, Betreka Nebula. Daughter, recent Academy grad, Ensign on USS Sentinel.
  Tales of the Dominion War Mirror Eyes by Heather Jarman and Jeffrey Long

Rigellian Fungus with brown algae
Enterprise tows survey ship Damask Plain to DS 9. crew of 28, survivors of covert mission. Exposed near Trivas System to bio or chemical agent engineered by Dom particularly lethal to Vulcans. Dominion bioweapon. The Vulcan Scourge.
EMH transferred to DS 9 makeshift med ward.
Nurse Seret, Romulan agent on DS 9, Tal Shiar. Intellectual kinship with Morn.
Her Romulan physiology provides cure for Vulcan Scourge.

  Prophecy and Change Foundlings by Jeffrey Lang
General Martok grilled Garek on Cardassian opera. He believes that a peoples, soul can be gleaned by how they present themselves in their high arts. If he can understand the soul, he can crush their spirit
Cardassian operas are discursive. Arias are sotto voce.
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