Star Trek The Amazing Stories  Life Itself is Reason Enough  by M. Shayne Bell
SD 47736.1
Ever since Worf and Deanna had shared dinner and champagne on his birthday, it had been harder not to smile when she was near.
His pleasure at seeing her lifted her spirits
Deanna was a fellow officer, his co-pilot on this mission, but none of that seemed to matter when she smiled at him.
She knew Worf had genuine confidence in her and her training but that wasn't the only reason he'd  been eager to have her assigned his co-pilot
Worf and Deanna jump hang glider out of attacked shuttle during rescue mission on ice planet Nunanavik.
Never wait for death. Fight to live.
Deanna injured in crash
Worf carries her to town Anvik before planet atmosphere collapse. Three old women help them. Ilingnorak, Amalik, Nenana.
Worf - you rescued a Klingon from freezing to death. I will not leave you to freeze now. Come with me - all of you.
Brave and loyal, all the best things I've read about Klingons.
The three old women tell Worf he loves Deanna.
Worf - What other name was there for what he felt?
Crusher regenerated 40 percent of Worf's lungs, frostbite scars on feet and hands.
Worf felt deep sorrow for those who hadn't got in the domes to survive. He respected them for their courage in the face of death.
Deanna - how many times did you save my life? Thank you.
Worf touched the place on his forehead where she had kissed him.
Worf will figure prominently in Inuit legend
I will let them know how I honor them.
Those women would be a credit to any people.
Save 65000
That Deanna had felt so small and fragile surprised Worf because she had always seemed so strong. Her strength was what originally had attracted him to her, after all.
Skrreean men, growling, flaky skin and heads wrapped in rags, are constantly fighting among themselves, it is their favorite thing. women run things. [what happened to them on Draylon II, near X Prime when the Klingons invaded Cardassia and during the Dominion War? They wanted to settle on Bajor, would they ally with others attacking Bajor to acquire it?]
no Klingon content
  Arcade by Diana G. Gallagher
P67 during virtual reality simulation against the Borg, young Jake Sisko finds a Klingon disrupter. The Klingon disruptor would short-circuit the Borg’s systems, killing it, but the weapon lacked the precision of a Federation phaser. The beam might also destroy the dock and the rowboat beyond.
The Pegasus
Riker doing bat’leth moves with Worf. Thinks he busted lower left rib. Jabbed when he should have blocked. Worf got Riker right in the side. Good thing they were using the sticks instead of the real blades. Riker was distracted. Real bat’leth might have killed.
Twelve years ago Federation developing cloaking device, in violation of Treaty of Algeron
Adm. Pressman takes control of Enterprise, asks Worf to take Picard to quarters. Worf stands back and folds arms. No one comes to Pressman’s aid.
Picard places Pressman under arrest and Worf escorts the Admiral, and Riker, to the brig.
The Alternate
Jake’s homework was to study a Klingon opera for music test on Friday. He’s done it, but Sisko says You can’t learn to appreciate Klingon opera by cramming for the exam the night before. 
Jake - What am I ever going to use Klingon opera for?
Sisko theorizes that Jake may find himself among Klingons in a job, somewhere. 
Jake counters that even if he did, they wouldn’t be going around singing operas
Sisko responds that it helps to understand a person’s culture.
The last time he listened to Klingon opera he was Jake’s age. If he suffered through it, Jake has to too.
Sisko suggests Jake invite Nog over and they can listen to the Klingon opera together, as they both have the same test. 
Jadzia invites Bashir for a raktajino on the Promenade before calling it a night.
Worf beams down to Boraal II. 
4 years since Dr. Nikolai Rozhenko and Worf together. Nikolai knew Enterprise was in sector and sent distress call. Hoped Worf would come. He was cultural observer at observation post on planet. 
Worf takes security team to investigate power drain on Deck 10, holodeck 5.
Authorization Worf theta 619.
Worf always worried too much.
Nikolai has disgraced himself and Worf and Worf wants nothing more to do with him. We are not a team. I am here because Picard ordered me.
Worf – You still expect people to solve the problems you create
Nik – I’m not here to work out the problems of our childhood
Worf – you never think of the consequences of your actions. everywhere you go you create chaos. How many times did our parents lay awake at night wondering what kind of trouble you were in?
Nik – Worf, the perfect son.
Worf – I was not perfect. But I was not wild and disobedient.
Nik – too busy doing your duty.
Worf – I would rather be accused of that then of making our mother weep.
An old argument
Worf – as usual you are only thinking of yourself
Nik –as usual you are here to point out the error of my ways
Worf – you have treated Dobara with dishonor.
Things were never easy between Nik and Worf.
Nik was never good at drawing, how will he keep the village chronicle? Worf takes the previous village chronicle with him, ?as a memento?
Worf- I will have to explain all this to mother and father.
Nik – They won’t understand.
Worf – They may. I will tell them you are happy. 
Nikolai fathered a child with Boraalan Dobara, and stayed with them on Vacca VI.
Draygo IV, within 3 ly of Cardassian space, constant border disputes.
Potential baby index – Worf/Tarrana
  Q-Squared by Peter David 
p47 Worf made full report on his difficulties encountered upon returning from the Klingon competition. he knows alternate timelines. in his full report, he still couldn't mention the encounter with the Enterprise that was a refugee in a Borg-infested universe. Worf aware that during the first major Borg incursion, it had been a margin of bare seconds that allowed Enterprise to turn the Borg. Worf had not slept well for a few nights, thinking of other types of universes. he would look over to his sleeping son and imagine the child existing in that sort of universe. Worf had seen little need to inflict that knowledge upon anyone else. Worf covers himself by saying the most drastic was actually the one where he was married to Counselor Troi. Deanna smiles at that, How horrible it must have been four you, she says dryly
p56 Worf on his feet first, unable to contain an audible growl, when Q arrives on bridge. Trelane taken aback by the ferocity of Worf' s reaction, but Q not in the least perturbed.
Q- don't worry about Worf. he's almost as amazing an anomaly as space phenomenon they are investigating
a war of words always seems to break out between Worf and Q
p73 Q and Trelane impress Mrs. Clarie's class. Alexander Rozenko tells Trelane he wishes his father was fun like Trelane. Q thinks of Worf as Alexander's scowling beetle-browed progenitor.
p76 Worf reports that his security guards have been under assault by a plush yellow bear, of very little brain, and his associates. Trelane brought Winnie-the-pooh to Mrs. Claire's class, children disappointed when they vanish.
p81 Worf stands guard outside Q and Trelanes's quarters. It never occurs to Worf to check for someone trapped in the mirror, because that would have been a silly notion, and if there was one thing Worf most definitely was not, it was silly
p147 Worf takes an angry step toward Q, but Picard tells him sharply to stay back. Worf's sense of duty and fealty to his captain served to stop Worf, but he was still clearly seething.
Q calls Worf a throwback
Worf - you would be amazed, Q, how little your feelings of difficulty mean to us.
Picard sends Worf and security teams to find Trelane.
p151 Worf tries to pry the turbolift doors open. The doors hiss open and Worf staggers, almost toppling into the turbo shaft. Riker and Picard grab him by the arm and uniform and pull him back
Q - you needn't have worried. he would probably have just landed on his head and been spared seriously injury.
p159 Trelane cause Professor Martinez to fall down turbolift shaft and die. 
Worf breathed in Klingon - You dishonorable bastard.
Trelane understands what Worf says. Glass houses, Mr. Worf, Trelane responds and revives Martinez
p160 Picard sits down in a booth in 10 Forward and instructs Riker and Worf to join him. They are uncertain of what was happening, but acting as good officers and obeying orders they join Picard.
Picard tells Worf forcefully to alert Starfleet immediately and circulate a full feed of all related log entries on Trelane.
Picard - Trelane may have managed to dispose of Q, something that I know won't particularly upset you, Mr. Worf, but Q could have been a valuable ally against Trelane
P259 Picard – Be on the alert, for anything, Mr. Worf
Worf – I always am, sir
P285 Picard – now, if soon-to-be ensign Worf would kindly release me, I will explain
P305 that clarified a great deal to Worf. Obviously they were dealing with multiple universes, something he had a sizable experience with. Not only had he once become an inadvertent dimension jumper, but he had witnessed firsthand the spectacle of thousands of Enterprises emerging from a rift in space. All this went through Worf’s mind in one second. In the next second he immediately discerned the three distinct dimensional tracks. In the third second he made his decision, he stepped forward and lied to Tasha.
P315 Worf and alternate Tasha fight together in the corridor. Klingons are less sensitive to changes in temperature. Bizarre temporal warp. That, Worf rumbled, is an understatement. No Commander, I’ve encountered this type of dislocation before. We are experiencing dimensional jumping. Worf thinks the best idea is to take one of the Picards hostage to control the other groups. 
P326 Worf to Riker and Tasha – it has been a privilege working with you. It would be very nice to toss back a few drinks and laugh about their experience with Tasha. Perhaps a prune juice.
ALTernate timeline
Sub Rosa
Worf reports extremely large storm on planet, and malfunction on environmental controls on ship.
Armageddon Game
no Klingon content
Lower Decks
Worf supervises Ens. Sito Jaxa alpha shift battle simulation.
Argaya system close to Cardassian space. 5000 kilometers from Cardassian border.
Worf with Sito at bar in 10 Forward. He recommended her, a tactical officer, for Ops position. She’ll try not to let him down.
Worf assigns Sito to guard Sickbay.
1200 hours, alpha shift, Worf at tactical, relieved, by young asianish man. Riker takes comfy chair.
Worf, Riker, Crusher, Troi, LaForge poker game. 10 Forward waiter Ben comes to wipe them out.
gik’tal, very ancient Klingon ritual, tests proficiency at mok’bara. Test must be unannounced. Yeah, right. 
It takes courage to question fairness of test
Sito knows gik’tal means to the death in Klingon.
Worf has always demonstrated confidence in Sito. Picard requested her assignment to the Enterprise to make sure she got a fair deal after incident at Academy. Worf stands at shuttlebay watching shuttle leave. Wait 30 hours for return of escape pod. Worf recommends launching probe to help search, a treaty violation, Picard approves. Find debris of pod. Cardassian report mentions Bajoran prisoner killed in escape attempt.
Worf sits alone in 10 Forward. Ben directs Worf to Sito’s friends. Ben happens to know that Sito considered Worf a friend. Worf goes to sit with Ogawa, Taurik, and Lavelle.
  Field Trip by John Peel
no Klingon content
no Klingon content
Thine Own Self
Crusher stands in for Data on night shift occasionally. Thin guy at tactical, arabish.
Holo Worf and Geordi in Deanna’s engineering qualification, Bridge Officer’s Exam. 
  Balance of Power by Dafydd ab Hugh 
P1 Worf and Geordi temporarily assigned Klingon scoutship Strange Legendary Klingon Fish That Hides in Rocks and Spies on Enemies of the Warrior Gods. Geordi could not pronounced the actual Klingon name
Peak-roofed main corridor. Commanded by Worf’s brother Kurn. Retrofiting the Hiding Fish’s sensor to detect subspace damage done by traveling faster than warp five.
Worf – I sorrow for your loss. I know what it is like to lose a comrade. It is sad that he could not have died in battle as a true warrior.
Worf has suffered the pain of seeing one of my instructors from the Academy die in bed like a shopkeeper.
Worf called out bridge in Klingon.
The lift rose deck after deck and then headed out the long neck for the scoutship toward the bubble section. The doors slid open with a woosh. Kurn lounged in his command chair, legs crossed, staring at a tactical display of the historical battle of Gamma Amar IV, in which the Klingons soundly routed the Federation forces 75 years ago. 
Tachyon emission belt frequencies, new cloaking field. shield and disruptor projection points.
Kurn has a commodore examination to take in a few days
P3 Kurak, Commander, executive officer of the Hiding Fish. Gorgeous Female. She started out in engineering, has been following Worf and Geordi’s project
tlhIngan bIQDepHey Huj So’bogh naghmey ‘ej veS qa’’a’ jaghpu’ ghoqbogh ‘oH
Data is programmed with every known language, pronounced the Klingon name perfectly
The Klingon Empire does not have time to waste on such frivolous banter!
I have important tactics to consider for the exam, for the greater good of the Klingon battle fleet! I shall not tolerate this foolishness any further! Terminate communication. Get busy with that cloak detector.
Second attempt of Kurn at examination, first went quite badly.
Beehivelike catacombs of Klingon engineering department.
P6 Dakvas, Lieutenant in engineering. watch-stander.
Some Klingon families have taboos against excessive praise
All transmissions to and from Klingon ships are monitored. Establish private channel from personal quarters. Dakvas, as watch stander, goes around the corner to pass info to Kurn about Geordi's private call with Picard
Geordi and Worf’s quarters were decorated in old High Klingon style with various bladed weapons handing from the walls amid harshly representational painting of socially useful activities. Tiny room two decks up from engineering department.
Communications viewer, disconnect a particular fiber for privacy. Data reader output.
Geordi recognized a particular interference pattern around the edges of the screen, the Klingons are running the transmission through a pattern-search subroutine, trying to break the encryption.
There are still unresolved problems relating to the succession of Emperor Kahless. Starfleet concerned that weapons not fall into the hands of some of the more exuberant members of the Klingon High Council who are having trouble accepting the new emperor
Only another minute or so before the Klingons either decrypt the transmission or give up and have a sudden equipment failure
Bradford Zorka holding an auction for his father’s weapons inventions. Klingons, Bajorans, Cardassians, Ferengi invited
Worf stood stiffly near the shields console in the engineering section, with two beefy Klingon liaisons.
Commander Kurak smiled, looking deadly and amused at the same time
May I call you by your familiar?
Kurak to Geordi – is it really that harsh a penalty to have to spend a few more days with me? It is so rare that I meet anyone, human or Klingon, who knows enough about engines to have an intelligent conversation.
Kurak grabbed Geordi’s arm, dragging him next to her – Let me show you a little something in my quarters. It is a holomorphic model of an antique warp coil. I made it myself.
Commander Kurak is the political officer. She watches the rest of the crew, including Kurn, and reports on any deviations from the political orthodoxy of the homeworld. She is most certainly a member of the security service and a trained killer.
Klingons do not torture, it is not honorable.
Massive doors to the engines department rolled shut
P35 the Klingons have agreed in theory to the warp speed limit but they routinely violate it. Kurn will interpret his orders literally and run for Novus Alamogordus at the scoutship’s top speed which is warp 8.3
Kurn is pretty grumpy about being unable to decrypt the transmission
If a Klingon warrior is given an impossible task, he does not complain about things he cannot change
Harsh clang of the ship’s intercom
Worf put on the official Klingon warrior’s scowl
P38 tlhIngan bIQDepHey Huj So’bogh naghmey ‘ej veS ga’’a’ jaghpu’ ghogbogh ‘oH   [two typos]
Kurn sat in his command chair in the posture of the hu-man statue the Thinker. Chin on one balled fist. Worf decided his younger brother had exceeded allowable familial rudeness.
Must I call the Emperor Kahless himself to announce me? It was quite a snotty Klingon insult, since of course seniors did not announce juniors.
The effect on Kurn was startling. He leapt to his feet, staring wildly at his brother – How did you know about that? You were spying on me!
Worf – What are you talking about, you theoretician?
Kurn bristled at the new insult but it was within limits allowed by their close relationship.
Kurn sneered – I am too busy doing warrior’s work to explain horticulture to a nonreproducing minor. My female assistant will instruct you. 
The Klingon High Council has decided that Lt. Worf will represent the Klingon Empire at the auction for military equipment.
True to his heritage Worf did not complain or object
Stoic as the warrior he was, he bowed his head.
I accept the great honor which the Emperor Kahless has bestowed upon me through the High Council
Kurn, obviously hurt and offended that the Council had selected Worf, a Klingon who had joined the human Federation over Kurn, a Klingon who had faithfully risen through the ranks of the Klingon fleet itself. 
Worf, as the elder brother, was obliged to represent his family at all formal occasions.
Lights on Kurn’s ship do not respond to voice commands
Commander Kurak may have too sharp a blade for you
Worf began to snore, rasping like an old-fashioned ion-drive engine
Half Klingon half human bodyguard of Ferengi Tunk
P68 the half human half Klingon bodyguard, knocked headfirst into a bulkhead, climbed to his feet, smacking his head to clear the stars
P73 lately Deanna had begun to suspect that the ever-efficient, growling bear Worf had designs on her, designs she was not completely averse to exploring
Lwaxana Troi – Do you really think that human and especially Klingons are emotionally stable enough to handle such a treasure trove of powerful devices?
P78 the Klingon bodyguard towered over Wesley, arms folded, wearing a scowl that might have been truly terrifying except to a boy who had grown up tripping over Worf. Wesley knew that if Worf were present, he could roll the bodyguard into a ball and pitch him out a porthole.
P90 Ferengi Tunk paced up and down, his Klingon bodyguard loyally if absurdly shadowing his every step
Maybe Wesley could goad the Klingon guard into giving some sort of offense to Worf. Wesley was not above wanting to see the brutal guard knocked onto his hard as chaseum Klingon posterior
The Klingon’s pupils had contracted to pinpoints and he looked distinctly dazed
P99  the Federation still in the process of negotiating with Emperor Kahless regarding warp 5 limit. The emperor’s spokesman Dagragas Nai indicates that the main sticking point is
P103 Worf, with an amazing amount of patience for a warrior
I am not enough of an engineer to make tooth or claw of it
The engineering section was quiet, only a single young Klingon watching a few dials across the room
There was nothing Worf hated more than being compelled by honor to undertake an impossible task, knowing he would doubtless fail, but there was nothing he could do. He had been selected by the Klingon High Council and the duty of a warrior and representative of the House of Mogh was to obey when commanded. The Council acted for the emperor himself.
Worf dimmed the lights and sat quietly, imagining himself as Captain Picard; if he could figure out what the captain would do in this situation, Worf might be able to think his way through.
On the bridge of the Hiding Fish Kurn paced nervously. He had to phrase his request exactly right, for the last thing he would want to do was dishonor Worf before the Council, first because to dishonor Worf was to dishonor the House of Mogh, thus Kurn himself! Second, because if Worf found out, brother or not, he would tear Kurn’s ship, and Kurn, apart with his bare hands.
Kurn honestly believed, however, that he would make a better representative of the Klingon Empire than his older brother, he could not ignore his duty to the homeworld. He composed himself as best he could. He had donned black leather of the special Mogh cut and also the armor of an admiral. The last was a difficult call: Technical, Worf should have been the only one to wear an admiral’s rank, being the elder, but Worf was no longer a member of the Klingon Defense Force, having rejoined Starfleet.
Kurn had decided on a bold statement of his central theme; Worf had been absent from the culture for so long, there was no way he could bid with the heart of a Klingon. 
The viewscreen displayed the ensign of the empire while ComSec inspected the transmission for dangerous frequencies or hidden key sequences that might trigger a remote bomb
Kurn waited for the secretary of the Council to answer
Emperor Kahless himself answers
To date, Kurn had seen the returned emperor only at the convocation and at special speeches. Normally Kahless greeted the full Council, then retired with the representatives of the ruling factions
Despite knowing the peculiar history of the entity who called himself the emperor, Kurn could not help thinking of him as the real, actually Kahless. In a very real sense, he was Kahless; he had Kahless’s entire genetic code and all of Kahless’s memories, the body and soul of a man dead for centuries.
P107 Almost paralyzed with anxiety, lest he speak rudely and bring dishonor and discommodation upon the family of Mogh (again) Kurn coughed a few times and unconsciously adopted the inspection stance he had learned at the Turn War College
Your Highness, Emperor Kahless, I must make an application that appears to be against my own brother. But it is not, not really. I have great respect for Worf of the House of Mogh. Had he remained in the Defense Force, he would surely be an admiral by now, serving in the High Council instead of me. If that were the case, we would not be having this conversation. But it is the case. Instead, Worf has chosen a different path. He has not turned his back on our people and the homeworld, let me not suggest that he has. He has taken an oath to a foreign power however, and that limits his effectiveness as a representative of the empire.
Kahless – Good point, Kurn of the House of Mogh. I have been thinking about this ever since I appointed him our representative at the auction.
Damned strange, thought the young captain, I can face death at the hands of a hundred without fear, yet one old man who is not even what he thinks he is causes me to break out in a sweat.
Kurn – My brother is a warrior to make any house proud. He helped put, ah, restore Your Highness himself to the legendary throne of the empire. But he has little experience with the delicate negotiations that are required to adequately represent the homeworld at an event of this magnitude.
Kahless – Yes, I have worried about that, too. Worf has great honor, and he honors the House of Mogh. Is it fair I wondered to myself, to ask Worf to bid on unknown equipment, invented by a hu-man, a scientist working for Starfleet?
Kurn – Such an appointment requires a diplomat’s touch; it requires the touch of a man who has sat in the highest councils, advising the makers of empires of the delicate nuances of the Federation. The representative of the empire must surely be a warrior! But not only a warrior. 
Kahless – you show surprising wisdom for one so young, Captain Kurn. I shall eagerly await the results of your commodore examination; if you gain the score I expect, I shall take personal pleasure in placing you in command of a true warrior’s craft. I have decided to accept your recommendation in its entirety. This task is beyond Worf of the House of Mogh, though I cast no dishonor upon Worf’s house and your own by saying that. One does not use a Bat’telh to perform surgery.
Kurn – You prove yet again, your Highness, our own wisdom in restoring you to the imperial throne. Your arm is strong and your head is full.
Kahless smiled slightly – I shall shortly have a new set of orders for you and your brother, Kurn of the House of Mogh. Until then, continue upon your present course.
Kurn – I obey, Your Highness.
Kahless – Kahless, out.
Kurn – May you reign a thousand years, Sire.
Kurn let out a war whoop that brought raised eyebrows from Commander Kurak.
Kurn stalked up and down his bridge with a clenched fist.
Make sure you do not mount your enemies’ heads before you cut them loose
The Klingon coat of arms
The ferocious aspect of Emperor Kahless
Kahless – Captain Picard, it has been long since we last met
P110 Picard – I hope we can meet soon in person so you can continue the tale of The Warrior Taruf Sadan and the Autocrat in Green
Kahless blinked in surprise; Picard’s unaccented Klingon startled the old emperor
Kahless – if I do not complete the tale for twice a hundred years, I will not repeat the part you already heard, for you shall still remember it then.
Kahless signaled to an off-screen technician
Kurn was gloating and Worf was trying to be stoic in the face of humiliation
No matter how peaceful the content of his words were, Kahless managed to make each a declaration of war. 
Kahless was a born warrior
Kahless – I have thought long and hard about this decision. in the end I accepted the analysis that Worf of the House of Mogh has lost touch with the Klingon mainstream, however Kurn, the younger brother, is simply to inexperienced. 
Worf turned sadly to Kurn – My own brother has plotted to dishonor me before the emperor himself?
Kahless to Picard – I recall, of course, your delicate negotiations to put me onto the throne, as well I read of your expert mediation between Gowron and the sisters of Duras, Lursa and Betor[sic]
Kahless grinned – you do not understand my words, Jean-Luc. I did not ask whether you wanted to lead the Klingon bidding delegation. I sent a subspace communication to the Federation Council before I contacted you. They were reluctant at first but then they agreed to order you to immediately begin making preparations.
Picard – Are there no Klingon council members more qualified than I to bid for the empire.
Kahless smiled, then he began to laugh, a booming warrior’s laugh – captain Picard, you have such a wicked sense of humor! Are you quite sure you do not have a trace of Klingon blood?
P112 Which council member? Dorak Halfhand? He would suffer a fatal accident from some partisan of the House of Namal. Tivanazt? House Duras would make its objections known most eloquently. Or perhaps we should hunt down Duras’ sisters?
Any Klingon hero who sits on the High Council or owns a ship or two has a dozen other heroes who would as soon see him dead! Even Worf was a choice of expediency: There are many one the homeworld who think your lieutenant would look much prettier with a skat knife in his chest.
Picard – Klingons have tried to kill me as well
Kahless shrugged – All men have enemies, great and small. You are safe aboard your own ship, however, which is more than many council members and generals can boast.
Picard – Kahless, if you have some influence with the Federation Council, and even with Starfleet, I must ask a favor of you.
Kahless – Anything within the bounds of honor and reason
May you reign another 500 years
Kahless used his influence to good effect and Adm. Boom authorizes Enterprise to go above warp 5 limit
The avatar of the emperor
P125 the photonic pulse cannon, in simulation, punched through shields of ships reminiscent of Federation, Klingons, Romulans, etc.
Worf bids for the Federation at the auction on Novus Alamogordus, while Picard bids for the Klingon Empire. 
Worf had already located the upstairs holosuite, the only interesting ride on the planetoid. He found the weapons animation amusing but the rest of the technomarvels were over his head. Worf had never been comfortable with the duty, mainly because he had no idea how to carry it out properly. What should a proper warrior do when the bidding exceeds the price, but only by a little bit?
Worf considered Picard a much better choice for this abstract gamesmanship
Worf was still sitting and steaming
Geordi, as excited as a young boy after his first Rite of Ascension.
Simon, and his Klingon friend, his cheese-headed partner, body guard for Ferengi Tunk, paid off and leave
Cadet Crusher became aware of a huge Klingon sitting next to him. He edged away, worried about jostling the fellow and getting a demonstration of the traditionally bad temper of Klingons.
P143 Intuition is fine for shopkeepers and money-lenders! How is a warrior to know when to drop out of bidding?
Worf gestured expansively with one arm, knocking the cadet forward – I beg your pardon
P156 at auction The Klingon signaled by quickly pumping his fist. Finally Worf hesitated when his turn came around, with a snarl he shook his head, having presumably exceeded his authority. 
Major players The Federation, the Klingon and Cardassian empires, the Tholians, and the Ferengi
P195 Worf snarled, forgetting himself for a moment – I will kill that earlobed Ferengi! He has insulted and dishonored
For an instant Worf’s anger flared so bright that Riker half-expected the gigantic Klingon to leap right through the comm link screen. But his lip still curled in a dark Klingon snarl.
Worf – Even without killing him I can frighten him into fleeing Novus Alamogordus.
Worf spoke in what only a Klingon would call a whisper
Instead of bidding the Grand Nagus Zek leaned forward and leered drunkenly at Worf. Worf stared back, vaguely repulsed, but aware that his best response was not to respond. 
The Klingon understood the vicious beauty of the double-pay rule
Worf could certainly claim his place again with a meaty forefinger tapping on the shoulder and a polite but menacing pardon me
P210 Geordi is about as inconspicuous as a spiked brazif lizard in a gymnasium
P214 Worf muttered under his breath in Klingon, he did not seem to enjoy black-bag work
All Ferengi looked alike to Worf
Cardassian Gul Fubar, looking as if he had just tried Klingon food for the first time
P238 Simon and his Klingon friend win at 400 bars of latinium at dabo, they go off to be gentlemen farmers on planet on the Cardassian federation frontier
Smyth drew a data-reader from his belt like a Klingon drawing a disruptor.
P256 Data and Commander Kurak had spent four days assembling the photonic pulse canon. 
Commander Kurak fixed the human professor with curled lip and suddenly parked out a short like in Klingon.
Invincible is the enemy, but you are merely invulnerable.
Raymond Redheffer stared at the mohawked Valkyrie, saying nothing.
Kurak misquoted Tyrdak the Battleflag.
Redheffer cleared his throat, then recited the harshly sonorous Klingon:
Invincibility comes from your enemy, but invulnerability comes from within
To attack invincibly, the enemy must move from his place
In that moment, he becomes vulnerable.
Worf’s memory of the poem matches Redheffer’s recitation
Commander Kurak gasped, raising her fist, then she turned the attack into a polite bow – I yield to the human’s superior learning, she oiled. She smiled but the cold glitter in her eye made Geordi shudder.
Redheffer barked orders to Worf and Kurak, who glowered but finally obeyed. Neither of them had any experience with testing weapons systems
Kurak counted slowly from 8 to zero in Klingon.
Kurak turned to Geordi – Was that what you humans call a wolf whistle? I did not know I was so attractive.
it took La Forge several seconds to realize that Kurak had actually made a joke, a rare event indeed for a Klingon!
She counted down from 8 again
?Klingon poetry
and all at once they sang Our island home
Is far beyond the wave; we will no longer roam
Severely compromised the security of both the Fed and the Klingon Empire by paying an amount likely to cripple defense spending for some time to come
If Kurn cooperates Worf believes they can produce a fraudulent test firing. His warrior’s heart did not take kindly to victory by deception. If we stoop to such chicanery, we are no better than Romulans, he spat the last word as if tasting something nauseating
P271 the interior of the Cardassian ship was cold, gray, and dreary, even Klingon ships were more colorful
P276 outbound from Novus Alamogordus, a planet in space disputed between Federation and Cardassians, Captain Kurn’s ship will pass through Sector Zero-Zero one on its way back to Klingon space. 
in his capacity as representative of the Emperor Kahless, Picard will ask a personal favor for Kurn to take Wesley back to Starfleet Academy, for his service to the Klingon Empire
two hours before Kurn ready to break orbit and leave
Wesley could not imagine why Deanna would be more attracted to Worf than Riker 
Kurn’s ship, the Hiding Fish, broke orbit and tore away toward Klingon space, dropping its shields just long enough to beam Wesley Crusher aboard as it passed Enterprise
Aboard the ship Wesley was greeted not by Captain Kurn but by a beautiful, muscular, hard-edged commander named Kurak. Despite her very pronounced foreridges, savage uniform, and mohawk, Wesley felt a powerful attraction to her. She was extremely intelligent but Commander Kurak had an intuitive, abstract grasp of supspace that almost equaled that of the Traveler. Wesley decided the feeling was mutual; else how could he explain her especial delight in shoving him around, boasting of her superior fighting skills, and offering to wrestle him, man to man? She offered to show him her holomorphic model but Wes decided he was not quite ready for what she obviously meant by that invitation.
During the night, while the Hiding Fish crawled along at warp 5 – even the Klingons had temporarily accepted the environmental speed limit, Wesley lay on Kurak’s own bed in her own quarters, wishing she were with him and simultaneously thanking his lucky stars that she was not
Two hours before, Wesley discovered that all the extra racks in the Hiding Fish were occupied by the Klingon observers who had arrived with the Fed technician. Wesley was so exhausted and haggard that he found a quiet corner of the engineering division and tried to sleep.
Kurak nudged him awake and brazenly insisted – You must share my bed, human.
Wesley stammered, attempting to refuse, but she grabbed his arm and propelled him to her cabin, where she pushed him into the bed and left. He realized she meant share her bed literally; he could sleep in Kurak’s rack while Kurak stood watch, then when she returned to sleep, she booted him out as politely as a Klingon female commander is capable of ejecting a hu-man cadet
Wesley felt incredibly ambivalent toward the sexy, frightening Klingon girl; she was older, at least 28, and she exuded a confidence and sense of self that so far eluded Wesley. Kurak knew who she was and what she wanted to become, a warrior and a scientist, both.
Wes lay all night in the dark, eagerly awaiting his Klingon warrior Kurak, dreading the possibility. She finally did come, but only to shake him awake roughly and tell him he had 15 minutes before he would be beamed to Starbase 2, again en passante.
Kurak smiled – Here human. Reaching up, she raked her claws across his face so suddenly he had no time to flinch.
Kurak – There, now you can never forget me. She was gone.
When she met him to say a formal good-bye, she made no reference to his gouged cheek or the unwiped blood, she did not even look at it. The soldier manning the transporter noticed but said nothing. 
Wo/We at auction
potential baby index - Sisko/Cassandra, technical clerk
  Gypsy World by Ted Pedersen
P9 Commander Sisko is a fair man, unless his rules are violated, then his wrath is terrible enough to intimidate even a Klingon.
P61 when the Siskos were living on Mars, Jake competed in the Starfleet Youth Olympics and faced an overwhelming Klingon foe. It was only supposed to be a game, but Klingons take even their games with deadly seriousness. Jake had been afraid, but his father coached him to accept his fear and move through it, Jake did, and to his surprise, won the match. Jake remembers that moment with pride. 
P100 Jake tries to remember the Klingon fighting techniques he practiced in the holosuites, when facing the Fjori boy Kala, he also tries to remember Ferengi wrestling techniques Nog taught him
Worf told Crusher and his mok’bara class he’s going to teach them some throwing techniques today, or falling techniques. Last time he did that, Deanna was sore for a week. 
Worf sets up phaser blast to shatter comet, revealing D’Arsay archive ship.
Emergency reported in 10 Forward, Worf on the way. Worf and two security find temple being built in 10 forward. Receives reports of other areas of ship being transforms. Weapons off line to destroy D’Arsay archive ship. Suggests manually altering torpedo.
Worf clears deck of personnel so deck can be transformed into Masaka’s temple.
The symbol suggests antlers to Worf, horns.
Data knocks out two security guys at his door.
Picard suggests getting god Korgano to get rid of goddess Masaka.
Worf counters - Would we be better off with him?
Worf estimates they have less than two hours before there is nothing left of the ship.
potential Odo/Lysia Arlin [Bolian]
  Dragon's Honor by Kij Johnson & Greg Cox 
P2 a G'kkau warship, S'ssr'ss class, crew of 150 G'kkau raiders. Reptilian conquerors long a threat to peace in a neighboring sector. No genuine menace to the Federation, the Romulans, or any of the galaxy's known superpowers. 
Beneath the bony ridges of his forehead, dark eyes smoldered with barely banked fire.
Picard thought he heard a rumble of disappointment in his security officer's deep voice; no doubt the Klingon had looked forward to a glorious battle.
Both humans and Klingons had evolved from predator species and yet both peoples had proven themselves capable of acting in a civilized manner, even if, Picard conceded, Klingons had a somewhat different idea of what constitutes civilization.
They are cowards and without honor, Worf said, pronouncing judgment on the entire G'kkau species. Doubtless he regretted a missed opportunity to test his martial skills against the G'kkau.
P12 Worf made a derisive snort. One solar system hardly constitutes an empire. Not by the standards of the Klingons.
The Pai of the Dragon Empire place great stock in an individual's military prowess. Ah, Worf said approvingly, an honorable people. Troi could not suppress a smile at the predictability of the Klingon warrior's response.
P17 Klingon society remained somewhat patriarchal but Klingons at lest prized aggressiveness and defiance in their women. Picard could no more imagine Worf attracted to some shy, delicate flower of a woman than he could see the fierce Klingon warrior doting on a pampered poodle. Klingons expected their mates to disagree with them at every opportunity, and enjoyed the ensuing conflict. given the growing affection between Worf and Troi, Picard wondered what that said about Deanna.
P28 the slowly simmering romantic triangle between Will, Worf and Deanna was a source of private concern to Picard. So far it had not interfered with the smooth running of the Enterprise. Picard remained acutely aware of the potential for friction.
Worf had elected to stay aboard to insure the security of the ship and watch for the reappearance of the G'kkau warship.
P48 Picard's palate was trained by years in Starfleet to try anything from live Klingon gagh to Ferengi grubs
P64 with an assassin clearly on the loose in the palace, Picard preferred Worf here.
P84 the guards' rigid bearing and stern expressions reminded Picard of Worf at his most Klingon.
P95 Riker had been in enough barroom brawls, not to mention any number of Klingon get-togethers, to know that trouble was brewing.
P103 Klingon legend held that even the fierce Kahless had shown mercy toward the women and children of his enemies. Beverly knows this.
P128 the servant who led Worf moved very fast, so that even Worf's long stride was barely able to keep up. So far, the Klingon warrior did not think much of Pai. Any race who so elaborately decorated buildings and clothes was decadent, soft, obviously lost to all sense of proper discipline. minute decoration a waste of time.
In true Klingon fashion Worf automatically assessed the stranger's potential as an adversary. The armor reminded Worf of illustrations he'd seen in his human step-father's history books concerning the old Asian empires on preindustrial earth. A scar testified to its owner's violent past. Worf nodded approvingly. The man's battered-but-unbowed visage was the first thing he'd seen on this jewelry box of a planet that he could identify with.
Worf - Honor demands I obey the commands of my captain. I cannot do otherwise.
Chih-li - I am Imperial Grand Minister of Internal Security. Your very presence insults my honor. It is a matter of honor.
That was good enough for Worf. He suspected Picard would not approve of this duel, but failed to see any alternative. He could think of no greater way to offend the Pai, and sour relations between Fed and Dragon Empire, than by refusing to respect their standards of honor. Honor, to his mind, was the only universal verity strong enough to unite such disparate peoples as the Pai and the various component races of the Federation, not to mention the Fed and the Klingon Empire. Honor, mutually accorded, was the cornerstone of the Klingon-Fed alliance, just as it was their shameless lack of honor that made accommodation with either the Cardassians or the accursed Romulans unthinkable. 
His lack of armor put him at a disadvantage Worf realized, but only a coward would refuse a challenge on those grounds. Besides, he did to intend to grant first blood to the Pai.  Worf could see the effort and the determination written on Chih-li's face. His opinion of the Dragon Empire rose by the minute. He didn't want to kill Chih-li, and not just for the captain's sake, the Pai had proven an honorable opponent. One good blow would bring the duel to an honorable yet bloodless conclusion.
Pai servant girl - The mini9ster is battling a demon from hell!
Worf felt mildly offended.
Despite his best intentions he felt the fire in his heart growing hotter by the moment, he wanted to spill blood.
Worf fought to keep his berserker rage under control.
He should have spent more time in Barclay's Three Musketeers scenario.
Chih-li sprang upward with the speed of a stampeding targ
Dark Klingon blood dripped from his palm.
A Klingon never surrenders. Worf retreated a few steps and a dark shadow fell over him. The shadow of death, he thought fatalistically. 
The Klingon warrior in Worf hoped the Pai would choose to resume battle, but the Starfleet officer longed for a more sensible decision.
His blood still burned with the fire of battle. He struggled to restrain his fury. 
P145 six Starfleet security officers stood posted around the wedding gifts. Worf nodded in approval. Ideally, of course, a battalion of Klingon warriors would provide real security; unfortunately there were not yet enough Klingons in Starfleet to fill out one security roster. Thus far, Worf's example had not inspired many of his fellow Klingons to follow in his footsteps; this troubled him sometimes, although he would never admit it, not even to Deanna.
All this pomp and circumstance for a mere wedding? Worf was unimpressed. A Klingon wedding, by contrast, was short, direct, and admirable uncomplicated, requiring little more than an exchange of vows between a warrior and his or her chosen mate. On the Homeworld he thought, this wedding would have been concluded hours ago. Entire wars could be fought and won in the time it took to marry off a pair of Pai.
Worf - it is understood among my people that failure to protect could best be atoned for only by death.
We have lived the way of honor for ten thousand years.
P148 Going behind commander's back considered treason, most likely, but it could also be seen as refusal to follow the orders of a dangerous commander. Dangerous to himself. In the Klingon Empire an individual committing such an act of treason would, if caught, be forced to run barefoot over k'atha blades. If he saves his leader's life with such disobedience he would be permitted a pair of sandals. 
Worf doubted that any Klingon female worthy of the name would allow herself to be bartered like Pai concubines.
P174 the noxious aroma, like a Klingon locker room right after a particularly frenzied battle
P183 a sark, a herbivore good for pulling wagons. In the Klingon Empire, a sark goring another sark would require the death of the offending sark and a payment of five thousand Huch. According to Klingon law, we would cut off the hand of an offender only if they appeared too cowardly to discipline their own sark.
Worf declared sincerely - I am proud to have fought several battttles as a member of Starfleet.
Slack justice, like rehabilitation, would never work among Klingons.
Lt. Nanci Atherton, tall blond woman on Worf's security force.
P190 most human weddings, in Worf's experience, are stressful
P202 it is the Pai warrior's duty to fight on until stopped by death. Riker wondered if the Pai could possibly be related to the Klingons.
P204 a Klingon's honor was based on his deeds
P219 Worf's sharpened canines ground together in exasperation. He clenched his fists so tightly that his nails dug into his palms. His forehead throbbed beneath his bony ridges. If I remain I will eviscerate them all. They did well, he thought, to fear an angry Klingon. Demonstrate the efficacy of Klingon forthrightness. The Pai talk about honor, but the Klingon achieves it. 
P231 Worf wondered at a match between Klingon reflexes and Pai. No time for another duel, no matter how appealing the prospect. Two against one, honorable odds indeed. The Pai warrior sneered at the Klingon in a manner Worf found most insulting.
P237 no self-respecting Klingon fortress would come complete with hidden escape routes, a true monarch would rather die than retreat from his own palace. 
Worf was aware that other cultures did not share the Klingon's profound contempt for self-preservation
Worf finds Sherlock Holmes overly cerebral and disappointingly bloodless.
P246 Worf would have been willing to bet a hundred Huch in Klingon currency that the left-hand tunnel led to the harem
Worf did not know whether to condemn the girl for her disobedience or applaud her for her spirit. In the end his own duty compelled Worf to return her to her father.
P274 Worf and Chih-li agree to settle their duel by playing a game of poker.
Eye Of The Beholder
Worf and Riker climb up to starboard nacelle tube in emergency.
Worf works controls while Riker tries to talk jumper down.
Picard orders Worf and Troi to work together to get him information about the suicide.
Worf recognizes Napean art design
Worf scanned the room after Deanna overcome with empathic feelings in empty rooms. He offers to accompany her next time in the room.
Worf has sought visions in fire. There are things we do not understand, yet they exist nonetheless.
Worf drinks in 10 Forward, sees Riker with Lt. Corelle
Worf - Are you involved with her?
Riker – Why, are you interested in her?
Worf – No, no. if I were I would of course discuss the situation with you before proceeding further. I would never want to come between you and someone your were involved with, or had ever been involved with.
Riker – Is there someone in particular?
Worf – No. Is there someone in particular you would rather I not be involved with?
Riker – You sound like someone asking his friend if they can date their sister.
Worf – No, no. never mind. Walks out.
Worf and Deanna go back to tube room, they continue the investigation. 
When Deanna comes out of hallucination, she hugs Worf, glad to see him alive.
If Worf hadn’t been there, she would have jumped.
On bridge aft rail Worf asks Deanna why she was relieved to see him alive. In her hallucination he was killed. 
Worf – May I ask by whom?
Deanna – Well, you know what they say, Mr. Worf, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. 
Deanna hallucination 
Playing God
Jadzia is a night owl. Trajok coaches Jadzia in Galeo-Manada style wrestling. Field training with Curzon Dax was the nightmare of the Docent Corps on Trill. Curzon was initiate Jadzia’s docent, he recommended she be terminated from program.
Klingon restaurant – now self serve buffet. Sit down tables and stand up tables. Chef sings and plays small black accordion, wearing dirty whites. Jadzia taught the Chef Ak’la bella doo, a Klingon song he’d never heard. Chef and Jadzia speak Klingon. lach'tel = boyfriend
Don’t get any ideas, she’s mine.
Arjin’s racht moves itself around on his plate.
  Highest Score by Kem Antilles
P25 Rom waiting on table of rowdy Klingons clamoring for drinks. Rom bungles their orders. 
P50 a tough looking Klingon with a deep, savage scowl, is one of the guards with Kwiltek’s latinium mining operation
Rebecca Smith, new tactical officer.
Worf supervising tests of new weapons and tactical upgrades. Worf has enhanced the targeting system for increased accuracy on improved photon torpedoes. Two hits, one misses, veers off course. Malfunction in guidance system.
Picard – Worf, you should consider analyzing your new guidance system
Worf slams console. He has performed 13 diagnostics on the weapons array, guidance system, found nothing wrong with it. Riker hovers over him. Must you stand so close?
Riker asks if Worf is alright. He has been working for 6 hours straight. You’re tired, take a break. That’s an order Lt. 
Worf goes to 10 Forward and pigs out. Deanna comes up, Thanks for waiting.
Worf – Do not approach me unannounced! Especially when I’m eating.
Deanna – We were supposed to be having lunch, together, remember
Worf – I was hungry. Worf gives big burp. Stares at waitress.  Tears food.
Worf chats with Deanna – It has been a difficult day. The torpedo guidance system failed. It was my fault. 
Deanna – You always say that.
Worf – I designed that guidance system.
Deanna – Calm down, I think you’re under more stress then you’d like to admit. Get some rest. 
Worf – Perhaps you are right. If you will excuse me. throws food down and stalks off.
Worf in stripped pajamas runs around gathering pile of upholstery stuffing to sleep on in middle of living room. Pokka dot sheets, weapons display above bed. Stringed art piece lamp bedside. No door to sleeping alcove. Ball thing in corner of common room. Kahless and Molar on coffee table in front of leather couch. Weapons display above couch, on side wall above wall shelf. Second room beyond.
On bridge, Deanna and Worf battle over environmental controls, she is in the comfy chair. She wants it warmer, he thinks it’s already to hot. She goes for a bath and leaves Lt. Worf in charge.
When Riker in charge on the bridge, female with dark curly hair at Worf’s station.
Deanna, in bath, Worf comes in. I had to be near you. Get out of that water now. He grabs her wrist and swings her around so he bites her on the right cheek from behind. Blood on his lip.
In sickbay Deanna has huge gash on cheek. One young black security guy stands in front of Worf. Worf has venom sacks on jaw. not responsive to Crusher. Spits blinding paralyzing venom on Crusher. Runs off. 
LaForge organizes 7 security teams out looking for Worf, level 2 security alert.
Level 1 security alert. 
Worf devolves to earlier form of life on homeworld. Large, 200kg, heavily armored with an exoskeleton. Back head ridge, tusks, pincher claws. Roars. Very aggressive. Predatory instinct. Tries to break into medical bay to mate with Troi. Mating instinct is quite strong in Klingon biology. Klingons have very powerful sense of smell. 
Worf chases Picard through ship.
Profit and Loss
Quark has acquired a handheld cloaking device, works from engine core.
Journey's End
Worf begins preparations to remove inhabitants from Dorvan V.
Wesley come on Worf issuing orders to his security people to be discrete, lay out confinement beam trace around village. Do not alarm people. Transporter coordinates for a security perimeter. It may be necessary to remove these people by force. Worf tells Wesley what he is doing, and Wesley blabs to the villagers.
Worf in middle of extremely volatile situation on planet. Calls Picard to notify and ask instructions. Wesley freezes the moment.
Gul Evek allows Native American colony to remain on Dorvan V under Cardassian jurisdiction.
Wesley stays on Dorvan Colony to learn about thought and energy plane of existence for a while.
Blood Oath
Odo has a ‘Klingon afternoon’ every time Klingons visit the station. There’s a drunken Klingon in his holding cell, must be a hundred years old, singing songs. Even his best friend, who’s 150 years old, won’t have anything to do with him. Kor, Dahar Master of the Klingons. Announces his name after winning the battle of Klach D’kel Brakt. Was his friend’s name Kang, no Koloth. 
Curzon, dear friends, I lift my ghoptu to Curzon Daz. [hand]
Scorcher burn on Kor’s 14th rib. Left QiVon aches every time his ship hits warp eight. Enough information to identify Curzon Dax to Kor after 81 years, gray beard.
Dax a kyamo looking woman [beautiful]
Curzon my beloved old friend
White beard Koloth, in military leathers, cuts cake with knife, little children practice cuts and thrusts with their food. A sharp eye is nothing without a sharp knife. 40 years since Koloth eye’s was good. Koloth never had much use for the Federation. Called Koloth, D’akturak, Iceman, because no proposal, no matter how reasonable, how favorable to Klingon Empire would satisfy Koloth. Toughest man Curzon ever faced across the negotiating table. 
Koloth – this must be a mistake. Kang must not have known.
After 81 years Kang has found the Albino, and brought the four of them together
Kang and Kor dressed in furs, not military clothing.
First time Curzon and Kang sat together over bahgol, at the Korvat colony, Federation and Klingons were still enemies
Curzon Dax godfather of Kang’s son and Koloth’s son
Kang and Koloth don’t take drink, ?bahgol in small cups. Kor does drink. bahgol best served warm
Dax took bloodoath to seek vengeance. Curzon felt as one with Kang’s family. 
Seven years ago on Dayos IV Kang met one of the Albino’s discarded wives. He fed and clothed her, told her the story of their sons. She still feared Albino and told Kang nothing. Three weeks ago she died, and messenger delivered amulet to Kang. Location of Albino’s sanctuary inside. Kang has confirmed Albino still there with traders who supply him. Forth planet of Secarus system. Hiding there for nearly 25 years. Kang told he has only 40 men. Very lax in waning years. The traders will never warn anyone again. This time we will reach the Albino. Kang will rip his heart out and eat it while Albino watches with dying breath. 
Kang did not know about Curzon, did not want to risk contacting Dax via subspace. That’s how the Albino learned they were coming to Galdonterre. Albino has ears that reach across the Galxay, Kang doesn’t know how. Tell me about my good friend Curzon, did he die an honorable death? Curzon died in hospital, yelling at Doctors trying to keep him alive for one more miserable day. That is a pity, good man deserved to die in battle. It pains me that I will never see him again in this life. Curzon was decorated many times for his diplomatic achievements, but no honor touched him as deeply as Kang’s – for a Klingon to chose a Federation official to be godfather of his son. Curzon Dax opened the door to peace. Curzon first Fed diplomat Kang ever met who truly seemed to understand the Klingon nature. There was always a bit of Klingon nature in Curzon. His blood oath to Kang was very important to him. 
Kang asks – Would you eat from the heart of the Albino, Jadzia Dax? Kang knows about the Trills from his long friendship with Curzon. Knows each new host has no obligation to past commitments. 
A Klingon blood oath can never be broken. 
Kang – the old Klingon ways are passing. There was a time when Kang was a young man when the mere mention of a Klingon empire made worlds tremble. Now our warriors are opening restaurants and selling racht to the grandchildren of men I slaughtered in battle. 
Kang states that things are not what they used to be, even blood oaths
Jadzia says she knows Kang, he doesn’t believe that.
What Kang believes is no longer relevant, Jadzia is released from Curzon’s oath. She owes nothing to any of us. 
80 years ago a band of depredators, lead by an Albino, raiding Klingon colonies. Three Klingon warships sent to stop him, one of the Captains a close friend of Curzon’s. Mission successful, most raiders captured, but Albino escaped. In his last message to the Klingons the Albino promised to take revenge on firstborn each of the three captains. A few years later he kept his word. Infected three innocent children with genetic virus that killed them. One Curzon’s godson. Took blood oath to avenge his death. Jadzia remembers boy’s funeral, named Dax after symbiont. Jadzia owes it to Curzon. 
Kor at Quark’s with ladies, students of Klingon history, and tankard of drink. Jadzia, not interested in the ladies, certainly doesn’t share Curzon’s priorities. 
Kang thinks too much, Koloth doesn’t feel enough. Kor thinks of the splendor of fighting and killing, a bloodbath in the cause of vengeance, who wouldn’t want to come?
Koloth spends all his time practicing in the holosuite, listens to no one. If Kang has made up his mind, there’s nothing Kor can do. 
Jadzia to Kor – and you call yourself a history teacher. What of your own history? You are Kor, Dahar Master of the Klingons, they cheered you at Klach D’kel Brakt, your voice weighed heavily in the course of Klingon events. 
Kor, jaw working – You shame me. The only weight I carry now is my own bulbous body. Kor was once far more than he has become. Dax’s memories are still of Kor, a great warrior. 
Quark, you devious little ha’DIBah, bring wine
Fire lit cavern Koloth practices bat’leth exercises
Koloth – Curzon Dax was a politician. It was a diplomatic ploy for him to bond himself to us in a blood oath. Jadzia says that’s a lie and Koloth just sputters. Jadzia’s presence will jeopardize the rest of us.
Jadzia’s bat’leth – tip to tip 116 cm. weight 5.3 kilos, exterior hand gripping diameter of 5 cm, blades, composite baakonite. A warrior’s configuration.
Koloth’s hand would never slip, unless he has become old and feeble
Come on, Koloth, surely you can take me down
Koloth swings mostly one handed, right handed.
Kor – there is tension on your face, Koloth. You ought to drink more.
Your presence against the Albino will do honor to our cause. Slight head bow.
Kor - Well, that’s a surprise, from the great stone face
Kang still against Jadzia being part of their quest
Kor to Kang – why do you dismiss her like some useless – mera. 
Kang to Kor - we cannot go to an enemy stronghold with your sickly chest announcing us.
Kor – nothing wrong with my chest. I need no nurse’s hand
Jadzia – you can’t deny my right to vengeance
Kang – you try to speak like a Klingon, but the words do not fit in your mouth.
Jadzia – you said that to me before, do you remember- the Korvat colony, first day of negotiations, Curzon walked out right in the middle of that long winded speech of yours. The look on Kang’s face. No one had ever had the kajanpak't to show their back to the great Kang before Curzon did.
Kang – I almost killed Curzon that day. 
Jadzia – I knew I had to get you very very angry or my mission wouldn’t succeed. Getting Kang angry with Curzon was way to begin to create a bond between us. 
Kang – Curzon understood Klingons. 
Jadzia – and he understood what he as doing when he took a Klingon blood oath. You can’t expect me to stay here and not avenge my own godson’s murder. You can’t ask me to live with that kind of dishonor.
Kang – I cannot dishonor myself by allowing you to die in Curzon’s place. 
Jadzia – You dishonor yourself already, by placing your honor above mine. No Klingon warrior would leave a comrade behind while he goes off to battle. Perhaps Kang is right, Klingon honor isn’t what it used to be. 
Kang – are you trying to anger me again? You think the same trick would work twice?
Jadzia – I know Klingons
Kang – Alright, it worked. Come and be damned
Sisko never understood Curzon swearing to murder the Albino – whatever else Curzon had a fundamental morality. Condoning murder.
The Klingons have their own set of laws, this is justice to them
Jadzia has chosen to respect their codes of honor in this matter
Fly in bird of prey. Wall display of ship in green, in white circle.
Table Diagram displays Albino’s compound. Kang has information on power plant, walls, sentries and guards. 
N’yengoren Strategy involves sneaking in to attack. Kang is against it on principle. I want him to see us coming. Direct attack boldly through the threshold, overwhelm guards to glorious victory, or glorious death, it is a good day to die.
Come old comrade, for the last time let us sharpen our blades.
A Klingon warrior is always prepared to die
Loyalty blinds Kor and Koloth
When amulet arrived, Kang went to Seccarus system to see if it was true, the instant he arrived the Albino knew he was there. He contacted Kang. Sent an invitation for one last glorious battle, said he was tired of lifelong pursuit, said he would send 40 of his strangest warriors against us in honorable battle, and Kang agreed. Because this is your last chance, if we cannot reach the Albino, at least we can die an honorable death trying to reach him. A death a Klingon Dahar Master deserves.
Jadzia thinks Klingons embrace death too easily. Almost like a lover. 
Kang knows the Albinos defenses, there is no chance of victory
Jadzia knows bird-of-prey disruptor banks can be remodulated to emit tetryon particles to neutralize every directed energy weapon. 
Who among the Albino’s men could match our skills with the bat’leth?
Perhaps it is a good day to live
The Albino promised Kang honorable combat at the threshold. The Albino has placed a gravitic mine there.
That’s what you get for making a deal with the devil, Kang
Koloth goes to ask somebody if the Albino is home, a most helpful sentry
With all due respect, none of you are as quick as you once were.
May Kahless guide us on this day of vengeance, hand clasps
Kor gets one guard
Jadzia blows up the Armory.
The Albino has a Klingonesque forehead, pale skin, short Andorianesque white hair and beard.
The three take out a guard, Kor hands Jadzia a bat’leth, they move into the house.
Albino – I don’t want that Klingon filth to get in this house
Kang – look upon your executioners, killer of children
Koloth jabbed by guard in stomach, goes down. Kor calls to him. Koloth sinks against wall. Kor goes over to Koloth.
Koloth – I didn’t see him coming. 
Kor – even you cannot have eyes in the back of your head, my friend. quiet now, rest, I still have work to do
Kang and Jadzia battle on
Kor get one in the side, staggers over Koloth
Koloth – I will not die before you do, you trounderous bulk
Kor – the story of your courage will never die. I will sing the story. The children of all Klingons will know of this day. 
Koloth dies
Kang and Jadzia battle on
Kang comes to the Albino on the stairs
Albino – you’ll die far quicker than your son did
Kang’s bat’leth blade breaks on the rail, Albino stabs him with bayonet on short rifle. Kang goes down
Albino – no vengeance today, Kang
Jadzia comes up the stairs to challenge Albino, disarms him. Albino puts his neck against Jadzia’s blade, dares her to kill him. Run me through the belly and cut out my heart.  Isn’t that what your bloodoath promised? Laughs at her. Kang stabs Albino from behind with d’k tagh
Kang – thank you for saving the death blow for me. You have honored me one last time, godfather to my son
Kor staggers through bodies.
Koloth is dead.
It is a good day to die. Kang falls back 
Kor begins to sing
No death yell
Rene Echevarria
Quarters – mantle like shelf in doorless bedroom, candles crossed weapons display. Metallic throw over foot of bed. Alexander’s room is through door at foot of bed.
Living room – crossed long straight knives, pointing downwards. D’k tahg knife on wall like a light sconce. Shrine to Kahless doors open. Metallic disk on wall near Worf’s bedroom door.
Worf in robe practicing speech for Alexander – Not inevitable that a man becomes a warrior. A warrior must be forged like a sword. Tempered by experience.
Alexander comes in with friend Eric, throwing water fullerenes from chemistry class.
Worf asked Alexander to come home directly after school. Alexander forgot.
Worf – You forgot because you allowed yourself to be distracted by foolishness.
Worf has candle display set up. Alexander kneels on floor.
The path of a warrior begins with the First Rite of Ascension. Fighting skills tested. Knowledge of the teachings of Kahless. Parent help child prepare. The kor’tova candles represent the fire the burns within the heart of a warrior. Lighting one signals young person’s intention to become a warrior. Light big candle from smaller one. If you do not participate in the rite before the age of 13 years you will never be able to become a true Klingon warrior. It is an important part of a young Klingon’s life.
Alexander is approaching the Age of Ascension.
Alexander – Mother always said I didn’t have to do any of this Klingon stuff if I didn’t want to.
The second Rite of Ascension is with painsticks.
Worf inattentive at briefing. In future he will make sure personal affairs to do interfere with duty. Confides in Picard he is having problem with Alexander. 
Picard – Alexander has had little opportunity to spend time with Klingons. you know, the festival of Kot’baval is tomorrow. If he could take part in that I’m sure he would more fully appreciate what a rich cultural heritage he comes from. There is the Klingon outpost on Maranga IV. I’m sure they’ll be celebrating the festival. 
Picard orders Enterprise to go to Maranga IV, around Vodrey Nebula.
Maranga IV outpost – sandstone buildings. Metal scaffolding towers. Inhabitants in civilian and warrior garb. Notched archways. Carved glyphs on buildings. Street sellers of gagh in for coins. Fire in city square at night. K’nor and Br’el, children living on the outpost. Banners with Klingon letters in red and orange and yellow.
Kot’baval Festival – man, in long black patchwork robe, and tyrant Molor, in long red patchwork robe, combatants sing, and duel with bat’leths through street. Standard bearers with standard on pole with bells follow them. Molor vanquishes opponent. Molor sings, asking if anyone else will have the courage to stand up to Molor. Worf steps up, takes bat’leth from defeated man. Sings the ritual Ki'rok Molor Ki’rok. Crowd grunts in response to simulated contacts of bat’leths. They never actually make contact, Worf is knocked on his back. Crowd boos and hisses. Molor holds bat’leth triumphantly above head. Worf sings, reaching out to crowd. He looks at Alexander, who comes in, takes bat’leth, ki’rok Molor ki’rok. Actual bat’leth contact this time, Molor forced back, down. You wounded me!
Alexander doesn’t know what happens next. 
Kahless appears, in shiny paneled garment, headband, bat’leth, Kahless sings – Molor gi’tal
Alexander is enthralled.
Firedancers in the evening. Scam artists sell viewings of Molor’s head in a box for 50 darseks.
Molor was so strong no one could stand against him.
Kahless would rather die than live under Molor’s tyranny.
K’mtar has arranged four civilian men to approach Worf and Alexander. K’mtar fires blaster, scaring one. Worf sends Alexander running for safety. Worf battles other two. K’mtar comes in, yells at them, Niokor bak’to! they run off. K’mtar picks up dropped knife.
K’mtar – Qapla’ Worf, you were too much for them.
Worf – I have seen you before.
K’mtar shows signet ring on index finger of right hand – A friend
K’mtar, Kurn sent him here to protect Worf. gin’tak to the House of Mogh. An advisor so trusted he has become part of the family. 
K’mtar resists talking with Riker – It is a Klingon matter. It is not your concern. 
K’mtar says - Recently, rumors began to circulate on the homeworld that an assassination attempt was going to be made on the family of Mogh. Kurn sent K’mtar to make sure nothing happened to Worf. K’mtar says he tried to contact Worf over subspace. He was told Worf was not aboard. Forgive me for being blunt but when it comes to protecting the house to which I have pledged my life I trust no one. 
The design on the jagged edged dagger represents the House of Duras. 
 K’mtar says – We have other evidence that indicates the Duras sisters were behind the attack. They are after Kurn’s seat on the council, of course. 
Worf – We cannot allow their attack on our house to go unanswered. 
Riker knows Lursa and B’Etor were on DS 9 trying to sell bilitrium explosives. 
K’mtar knows it too, that was months ago. No one knows where they went from there. 
A message K’mtar sends to Kurn will not be received for days. Kurn has gone to the Hatarian system.
Worf criticizes K’mtar for being rude to Riker. K’mtar smiles.
K’mtar – I may have been rude by human standards. I meant no disrespect. What is the matter Worf, have you been living so long among humans that you have forgotten how Klingons behave. Someday Alexander may be called upon to lead the House of Mogh. Kurn has no male heir. Kurn wants to make sure Alexander is preparing himself. 
Worf- Does my brother doubt my ability to raise my son as a Klingon?
K’mtar picks up pole with curved notched blade at both ends, flips it around expertly.
Worf would be grateful for any help K’mtar can give to spark Alexander’s interest in his heritage.
K’mtar is a head shorter than Worf.
Alexander’s quarters – boxy musical stringed instrument on wall. Wall hanging with some orange circular design above bed. Short bottle and tall narrow bottle on bedside table. 
Alexander has a head shot of K’Ehlyer, in simple silver frame, by his bed. K’mtar picks it up
Alexander – She died when I was little
Brown metallic pajamas. White sheets and pillow. 
Alexander has never been to the Homeworld. 
At Kurn’s house there is a very clear lake, good for swimming.
Alexander has cousins there. They want to meet Alexander. 
Alexander is afraid, he doesn’t know if the homeworld is safe. Alexander didn’t know what to do to help when Worf was attacked on the planet. 
A Klingon warrior always feels safe, because they know how to defend themselves. 
Good night, dream well
In morning K’mtar stands over Data researching Duras sisters. Starfleet has no record of them after they left DS 9. did I not tell you as much?
Quark tells Riker Lursa and B’Etor, big talk, small tips, he heard a rumor they were trying to buy some second hand mining equipment, they had learned of a magnasite deposit in the Kalla system, Kalla III. It belongs to the Pakleds but those fools don’t even know it’s there. 
16 hours from Maranga IV
could not he have been lying
K’mtar uneasy, he did not think it would be possible to find the sisters.
K’mtar created holodeck program for Alexander, recreate colony city square.
Size is not the most important thing. Skill, cunning, powers of observation are the most important weapons. 
Worf fights knife against warrior with bat’leth. Alexander fight with bat’leth against warrior with knife. Worf castrates his guy. K’mtar instructs Alexander, firmly.
Look what this ko’tal is doing
Alexander knocks his warrior down, but can’t finish him. 
You should have finished him when you had the chance.
If this was real, he’d be dead by now.
On Kalla III, a shaft has been cut through the outer crust, machinery.
Magnasite interferes with bioreadings on Kalla III
Gorta, business partner, stranded on planet, they took the ore, every last thing. The sisters are magnificent.
K’mtar comes to Worf at bar in 10 Forward to apologize for being harsh and angry with Alexander. 
Alexander knew nothing of Klingon ways when Worf first knew him, Alexander often reminds Worf of the things K’Ehlyer said. Worf tries not to disregard her wishes. He wants the boy to honor his mother. 
Alexander’s fighting skills are years behind other boys his age. Worf knows. Alexander does not practice. K’mtar suggest training Academy of Ogat. Kurn is an influential man. 
How can you expect him to lead our family when all he knows is life aboard a Federation starship. He will never be able to defend us against our enemies. 
K’mtar – I would be well within my rights to invoke ya’nora kor. 
Worf – You would question my fitness to raise my own son?
K’mtar –For the good of your house.
K’mtar tells Alexander a story – Kahless was determined to teach his brother a lesson because he had told a lie. But Morath refused to fight him and instead ran away. Kahless pursued him across the valleys, over the mountains. And down to the edge of the sea. And there at the shore they fought, for 12 days 12 nights.
Alexander has heard this story before.
K’mtar – It is important to tell these stories even though we already know them. 
Alexander – Why was Kahless so mad about the lie his brother told?
K’mtar – It made him look like a coward.
Alexander – If Kahless would have explained what happened maybe they wouldn’t have had to fight about it.
K’mtar – You’re missing the point
Alexander – Why was it so wrong for Morath to run away? Maybe he didn’t want to fight his brother. He didn’t want to have to kill him.
K’mtar – he ran because he was a coward. No more questions! These are our stories. It is important for a warrior to learn how to interpret them properly. Your head is filled with foolish human notions about how things are. You are a Klingon! It is time you began to act like one. 
Alexander – I am part human too. 
K’mtar – Listen to me, Alexander. When a human looks at you he does not see himself. He sees a Klingon.
Alexander – It doesn’t matter what I look like. 
K’mtar – you are different from everyone else aboard this ship. The only way you will feel you truly belong is to leave here and go and live with your own kind. 
Ogat would prepare child for Rite of Ascension
Alexander doesn’t want to leave the Enterprise, he thought K’mtar was different, thought K’mtar understood him. But he’s just like Worf. All you care about is me becoming a warrior. 
Enterprise goes to Ufandi system, where Duras sisters might be trying to sell ore they mined on Kalla III. They have transferred 500 kg of 10,000 kg magnasite ore to Yog, Yridian, freighter when Enterprise arrives. Cloak. Riker ignites magnasite ore in space to reveal cloaked bird of prey off freighter’s starboard bow. Tractor beam. 
Klingon ship hails Enterprise. 
Lursa – Release our vessel at once
B’Etor at console behind her, triangle at throat – We’ve done nothing wrong. We were conducting a simple business transaction. 
Riker – I want to talk about the assassination attempt on Lt. Worf.
B’Etor – What assassination attempt? This is the first I’ve heard of it.
Lursa - Too bad it didn’t succeed!
They laugh, B’Etor slaps Lursa in jest.
Riker – We have evidence that you’re behind it
Lursa – That is outrageous.
B’Etor – What is this evidence?
Riker – Beam over, we’ll show you
B’Etor – We’ll be there, shortly.
Worf and K’mtar sit in meeting with standing Lursa and B’Etor. 
B’Etor startled instantly at sight of crest on knife.
Lursa – Someone must have given it to the assassin.
B’Etor – In order to tarnish our good name. 
Worf – You cannot tarnish a rusted blade.
Lursa leans over desk spitting – Ji’ko to’val!
B’Etor restrains her
Worf – gir’nak sto-vo-kor!
B’Etor notices something about the crest – Bet’ala noto
Lursa is stunned – Impossible
B’Etor – These markings represent the members of our house. This symbol represents our father, myself, my sister. And this represents her son.
Close up of symbol of house of Duras,
Worf – I was not aware you had a son
Lursa – I do not. But I am with child.
B’Etor – She found out only a few days ago and told no one but me. how can this marking be here? Where did this come from?
Lursa in shock, B’Etor aggressive, protective. Holds hand.
K’mtar comes to sleeping Alexander with disruptor. Worf attacks him, pins him to the ground. Alexander sleeps through the whole thing.
K’mtar cries out – Father Stop I am Alexander, I am your son. I have come to this time from 40 years in the future. 
Worf could have recognized the face as anyone he saw on the Homeworld, not just the trusted member of Kurn’s household.
Worf – if you are Alexander you would remember your mother’s last words before she died.
K’mtar – I was three years old. She was dying when we found her. She barely managed to whisper my name. And then she took my hand and placed it in yours. Then she died. And then you howled in rage and said Look upon her, look upon death and always remember. And I always have.
K’mtar met a man in the Cambra system, give him a chance to change the past. He had the ability to send me here to this time. K’mtar contingency plan was to end his own life, young Alexander. He was hoping to change things, change himself. Could not, and now everything is going to turn out like it did before. I cannot let that happen. Worf will be killed. Because Alexander was too naïve, too weak to be able to protect you. I saw you murdered. I was to blame. I did not become a warrior. I was a diplomat, a peacemaker. When it came my time to lead our family I thought that I could single-handedly end the fighting between the great houses. I publicly announced that the House of Mogh would be the first to end the feuding. That there would be no more retribution, no more revenge. You tried to warn me. you tried to tell me that I should not show weakness. But I thought you were a foolish old man. I told you you were a relic from an earlier time and that new era of peace was at hand.  But you were right. My enemies saw my weakness and moved against me. and unless I stop it right now that boy will see his father killed on the floor of the Great Council chamber. If I had listened to you, if I had become the warrior that you wanted me to be, you would not have died in my arms.
K’mtar staged the assassination attempt to try and frighten Alexander, make him realize that he must follow the way of the warrior. 
Worf – Who knows what the future will be now that you have disrupted time? When I die I would like an honorable death. The only way that is possible is for you to accept yourself as you are, and stay true to what you believe. The cause of peace is a just cause. The struggle must continue. 
K’mtar –it is a futile struggle. I cannot change things.
Worf – You have already changed things more than you realize. I have changed. You have given me a glimpse into my son’s future. And I know now that he has his own destiny. And I believe it will be a great one.
Hug. I love you father. And I you Alexander.
Alexander ready for bat’leth practice in Maranga IV city square holoprogram, K’mtar Alpha-one
K’mtar never said good-bye to Alexander. 
Worf- There will be plenty of time for training. Takes bat’leth, they walk off.
Alexander's friend is Eric Burton
Alexander is Klingon age 10
Kahless actor sings 'gik'tal, to the death, in his battle with Molor

The Maquis
Starfleet Commander Calvin Hudson, old friend of Curzon and Ben, becomes Maquis
Picard has Worf assign security detail to Jason Vigo. Male and female shadow him very closely. Lt. Sandra Rhodes.
Camor V suffered during Cardassian War. Many orphans in 2358.
Jason Vigo, petty criminal, he has friends on Camor who will make it worth DaiMon Bok’s while. There is no profit in Bok’s revenge, and he’s not a DaiMon, his crew disarm him.
Jason wants to go back and straighten out his life.
Picard gives Jason Gorlan Prayer stick.
?Jason get involved with Maquis 
  Cardassian Imps by Mel Gilden
P4 Quark has a new holosuite program K’lshi: Klingon House of Terror, an adult program.  Young Jake Sisko has no doubt the program involves slashing, bashing and getting dirty. Commander Sisko is not in favor of his son experiencing the program. 
P36 Jake has seen Klingon ceremonial blades, daggers with extra side blades, his father made a comment about them – Quite a toad-sticker. 
P41 Commander Sisko drinking raktajino, good to the last drop
Blonde woman, with hair in ponytail like Worf, at aft rail.
Worf, Riker and Data investigate train holoprogram in holodeck 3. Worf doesn’t play along with holodramas easily.
Worf – If the Enterprise is becoming sentient, what does it want? 
Worf, Deanna and Data investigate holoprogram.
Worf protects Deanna when building collapses
Deanna volunteers Worf for steam engine duty, shoveling coal.
Deanna, Worf and Data clink champagne glasses to celebrate train’s arrival.
Do Worf and Deanna attend Data’s performance of a scene from The Tempest?
  The Naked Truth, Strange New Worlds I
no Klingon content
The Wire
Garek gives Bashir a book – Meditations on a Crimson Shadow by Preloc. A story that takes place in the future, during a time when Cardassia is at war with the Klingon Empire. The Cardassians are triumphant over the Klingons. 
  Antimatter by John Vornholt 
P21 Curzon had often taken the lead, especially in terms of hell-raising and womanizing he was famous for across the galaxy. Devil-may-care attitude. Jadzia serious and level-headed. Curzon would have bedded a fair number of the female staff. Jadzia hasn’t bedded a single male on DS 9 yet. Curzon had been able to party all night. Scientific and humanitarian exploits of Curzon Dax. Jadzia always hears of his romantic escapades and death-defying adventures. Her merged memory was full of them. 
Curzon used to eat a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches, they look like something a Denebian slime devil would drag into its nest
P40 two rapacious looking Klingon birds of prey shimmered into view, a mircosecond before their phaser banks opened fire on the two Starfleet cruisers. The Klingons weren’t fool enough to fire on the tanker full of antimatter. They lock on to the tanker with a tractor beam. The Klingon ships are renegades, no official markings on ships, the High Council is offering rewards on the captains’ heads. Higher if you turn in only their heads.
The crippled Starfleet cruiser suddenly came to life, it raked the nearest Klingon ship with an array of photon torpedoes at point blank range. Because the Bird-of-Prey had been using its tractor beam, its shields were down, it sparkled. The second cruiser came out of warp drive, phasers blazing. The other Bird-of-Prey went reeling under the blast. 
One of the Klingon vessels had backed away from the main battle and was steadily emptying its phasers into the tanker, whose shields were holding. 
Sisko – Klingon vessel, if you continue firing at that tanker, our families will be screaming the death howl tonight.
The brutal face of a Klingon appeared. His bony brow was crosscut with a variety of ancient scars and he wheezed a sickly laugh – My family screams the death howl every night, for they have been told of my death a thousand times. By lying scum like you!
P43 He spit in contempt – vIjonta!
Klingon – We want one thing, human. We want the tanker to lower her shields. Tell her, or we keep firing.
A civilized Klingon wasn’t easy to deal with, and a renegade Klingon was a hundred times more reckless. 
The second Klingon cruiser was limping away at impulse power, the first one kept firing at the tanker. 
Tanker is being boarded. Din of hand-to-hand combat, which shouts, screams and blunt weapons striking targets of flesh. 
The runabout wouldn’t even be a mouthful for a Bird-of-Prey.
The Klingons go out of sensor range.
Several Federation, Klingon, Ferengi, and other vessels had gone through the wormhole, but not many of them had returned yet to report.
What did the Klingon renegades get out of it? Not the antimatter. We assume they were paid for their participation. 
P68 Ferengi Gimba owes a lot of money to those Klingons 
P79 DS 9 is at the ends of Federation space. Cardassian empire all around them. This sector is full of Ferengi and renegade Klingons who don’t owe allegiances to anyone but themselves.
P85 Jadzia had not been a sensual person. That facet of life had been fully appreciated by Curzon Dax, and the power she wielded over the masculine sex was for part of her a new experience.
P93 the Ferengi Gimba used certain Klingons who don’t care much for the Federation. There’s our problem. The Klingons got paid hard currency for their part in the activities. 
P102 Rizo the Bajoran renegade – we can’t count on Klingons and Ferengi to help us.
P262 two Klingon birds-of-prey uncloaking at fifteen thousand kilometers. They didn’t go away after tanker episode. Stayed close enough to monitor wormhole. Tow vulturelike warships shimmered into view. 
Bajoran on Klingon ship – With the help of our Klingon friends, we will put an end to Cardassian space stations and Federation meddling in Bajoran affairs. 
Captain Rachman and the cruiser Regal go after the Klingon ships. The Klingon ships blinked at ship bearing down on them. They made graceful pirouettes in space and were already going into warp drive.
Preemptive Strike
Several small Maquis ships attack Gul Evek‘s Cardassian warship. Several Fed model vessels, and a small bird of prey. Enterprise comes to Cardassian aid. Worf detonates a torpedo spread between Cardassian ship and Maquis.
Some of the Maquis are former Starfleet officers.
Cardassian paramilitary civilians destroyed a Juhrayan freighter.
Klingon woman talking with black Bajoran woman and Vulcan at table in tavern on Ronara. She gets up and brushes past Worf when he enters. Stands on stairs by entrance. Worf and Data do the ‘We’re looking for’ thing.
Ro meets with Kalita, Santos, Macias of Maquis on Ronara. Santos has Starfleet contacts. Macias killed in attack by three Cardassians in vedek robes.
Ro spent 10 years in the camps.
Riker puts on Bajoran nose and earring to pose as relative to join Ro in raid. Picard wants Worf to take Ro into custody when she returns, but she beams to Maquis.
Klingons are in DMZ village

  Rogue Saucer by John Vornholt 
P15 the Maquis operative the Architect deals with Timothy Wiley for Klingon small size disruptor pistols, sleek weapon with molded grip and phase-disruption chambers. No stun settings on this baby. He has come from Klingon space. 
P22 Picard could face Borg, Romulans, Q, even Worf’s relatives, but Vice Admiral Alynna Nechayev was the only force in the universe that chilled him to the marrow.
P36 Worf watched the Andorian fakir, wondering if he truly was going to lie down on abed of laser styluses and crystallized pumice. The gleaming shards looked impressive but Worf suspected they were not sharp. The pulsating styluses, however, would etch through flesh. Worf nodded grimly at the notion of subjecting a person’s backside to an array of etching tools. If the Andorian’s religion demanded such suffering, it must forge a spirit of great nobility, Worf concluded approvingly.
Worf had been going to visit the Osstan Terrarium on Starbase 211, which housed a collection of reptiles from all over the galaxy. If he was lucky he might witness the feeding of a Tangolese Hechid, a sluggish lizard with a symbiotic creature, the Machud, living in its mouth. To witness a pair of these creatures feeding is to witness admirable teamwork.
Deanna captures Worf’s attention much more effectively than the fakir. 
Atonal music with endless repetitions was not Worf’s idea of stimulating entertainment. Often he felt like giving in to his growing attraction for Deanna Troi, but just as often the differences between them became all to apparent.
P83 Retreat, Captain? Asked Worf with surprise. The Klingon wouldn’t have considered retreat this early in the battle.
Picard sends Worf to pilot a shuttle alone to find the saucer section, get their status, and report back to drive section. 
Worf bulled his way into the turbolift, Shuttlebay three! snarled the Klingon.
Worf began to jog down the deserted corridor and Data kept perfect pace beside him.
Perhaps Riker, LaForge, Nechayev were dead, a prospect he wasn’t eager to accept or report to the captain. He raged inwardly at the senselessness of a great ship brought down by a nonexistent foe and a runaway computer program!
P89 Qa’Plah! He cursed, I will avenge you!
P107 Club 19, an old-fashioned door with antique knocker and large peephole, set between travel agency and store that sold security devices in the staid commercial wing of Starbase 221, at a card table in the far corner of the room a young Klingon sat, shuffling the cards with impatience. Upon seeing Deanna Troi, his glower changed to a look of suspicion. I though we were going to play poker, he grumbled. 
The Ferengi Plerbo brings Deanna to sit in for a hand or two. 
The Klingon crossed his beefy arms and glowered at the intruder – My mother told me never to play cards with a Betazoid. But I would like to watch.
Deanna – Watch then, if you haven’t got the courage to play.
The Klingon frowned at her and growled – Count me in! One hand, What are the stakes?
Deanna shuffled and got a cut from the Klingon.
The Klingon glowered suspiciously at her after she dealt, and she assumed it would be a battle to keep him from folding.
Now the betting was up to the Klingon, and his scowl deepened as he looked at the loot on the table, then at the attractive Betazoid, then at his cards.
Deanna – Are you in or out?
I think I will listen to my mother. He tossed his cards facedown on the table.
P144 Picard – Offer to surrender
Sir? asked the Klingon in amazement. With a look of extreme distaste on his rugged features, Worf obeyed his captain’s orders.
The Klingon looked as if he were swallowing his own bile.
Worf grinned, showing his sharp, canine teeth.
P198 Worf unaware of the famous short story The Lady or the Tiger, where young man finds himself having to chose which door has the lady and which the tiger. Story ends before he makes his decision.
Worf’s scowl went all the way up to the ridges on his forehead – That does not sound like a very satisfying story. It has no ending.
Picard – That’s the point, Mr. Worf. It places you in the situation of making the choice. You see, he could also run away and desert the lady. Not open the door at all.
Worf cleared his throat – If that were a Klingon story, I know how it would end. He would bravely select a door and throw it open. The tiger would be behind it, and he would fight the tiger to the death. Then his people would mourn him as a great warrior.
Worf gives Picard the idea to do exactly that.
P211 even a glancing wound from a Klingon disruptor was impressive.
P270 Geordi passes on the news to the Maquis that the crew of the freighter Shufola was destroyed in action. Several of them died fighting Cardassians.
Crossover mirror universe
All Good Things... 
Worf takes Deanna on Black Sea at Night holoprogram. She finds it incredible. He wears casual blue, Deanna in Grecian pink long dress
Worf – If was very stimulating.
Deanna talks about next time doing Lake Cataria on Betazed.
Worf – Deanna, perhaps before there is a next time, we should discuss Commander Riker.
Deanna – why? Is he coming along?
Worf stutters – If you and I are going to continue, I do not wish to hurt his feelings.
Deanna – I think it’s alright to concentrate on our feelings, yours and mine. 
They move in for a kiss, but get interrupted by Picard.
Worf runs security scans, for evidence that Picard ever left the ship. Riker comes to report negative results. Worf handles communications from Adm. Nakamura.
In real past, after welcoming ceremony, there was a reception in 10 Forward, Deanna introduced Picard to Worf and others. 
Worf and Deanna have plans for dinner tonight. Riker clues in.
Picard tells crew of future he experienced, how they all changed and drifted apart.
Worf out of poker game with Riker, Data, Crusher, Geordi. Worf wonders how Riker always wins. Riker and Worf agree to let somethings never happen in the future. Deanna joins game, sits next to Riker. Picard comes in, sits between Deanna and Riker.
Anti timelines
Alexander told his father he knew he'd just been with Troi because 'you're always in a good mood after you see her.'
The Collaborator
no Klingon content
  Space Camp by Ted Pedersen 
P4 the Ferengi are not great space warriors in the class of the Klingons, or even the Cardassians
P11 K’am, a young Klingon attending Starfleet Academy Space Camp on planet Rijar. He looks, like most Klingons, as if he’d started body-building exercises in nursery school.
P19 Klingons not particularly noted for their social skills, though K’am was a lot more subdued than the average Klingon, also a proficient conversationalist. Comes from his mother, assigned to the Klingon Embassy on Earth. K’am has learned the art of walking softly from her. Though he still carries a big stick, thanks to his father. 
P29 K’am jogs up and falls into stride with Jake during brisk morning run around perimeter of camp. K’am tells Jake he should job every morning, its god for you. K’am comments that Nog is trying to do the run. It must be very hard for a Ferengi. 
P32 K’am acts as Security Officer in ship simulation. When threatened with collision with another ship, he notes We have the firepower to stop the ship before it hits. Jake thinks that is the typical Klingon response, precise and effective though not very humanitarian. K’am on away team to other ship. He suggests perhaps the empty ship was attacked by raiders, and hopefully the crew managed to get to escape pods. K’am is delegated to determine if that is the case. With fellow camper Dyan they are to check for any signs of life. To get anyone they find off the ship before it explodes, and get themselves off, in 17 minutes. Without a word K’am and Dyan exit the control deck. 
P42 K’am brings up the rear, after Nog, during rock climbing. Nog having a hard time and K’am asks if he wants to stop. This type of exercise was child’s play to a Klingon, but he had the courtesy not to make it seem too easy. K’am pulls Nog up by the security line when Nog slips. Relax, K’am yelled at him. You’re perfectly safe.
P44 illustration teen Klingon K’am
P52 At Jake and Nog’s bickering , K’am notes, For good friends you two always seem to be at odds. K’am, ever the diplomat, made a conscious effort to walk between Jake and Nog. 
P55 Deserted their posts. The snarl in K’am’s response tells Jake that beneath his diplomatic exterior there beat the heart of a true Klingon. Duty onto death, no matter what. 
P58 K’am chose a bat’leth, the Klingon sword of honor and ritual weapon of combat for the solo combat exercise at Space Camp. Jake hears a noise behind him and thinks it might be K’am, but no, the Klingon would have made a more obvious approach, confronting him directly and challenging Jake to battle. Or would he? Klingons are brave and filled with honor, but they are not stupid. Jake had a phaser, while K’am had only a bat’leth. A formidable weapon in close quarters, but no match for a phaser at a distance. 
P66 in his last instant in the simulation Jake saw K’am bring the bat’leth down on Nog in a symbolic death arc. K’am, working as a team with Dyan, teenage Betazoid girl, win the simulated test of initiative and  courage
P69 during desert sandstorm K’am falls into a pit. It was a stupid mistake, especially for a Klingon. K’am admits this to Jake after Jake falls in too, K’am had a way of defusing situations, which was a very un-Klingon trait. K’am suggests they explore the entrance they find in the pit. 
P87 K’am concerned about security devices previous inhabitants might have left behind. 
P92 illustration of teen Klingon K’am.
P94 the Klingon’s strength was enough to keep Nog and Jake from falling into quake fracture. K’am investigates the fault and find a narrow ledge past blocked entrance. We have to make it, K’am said determinedly. And without further hesitation the Klingon let himself down onto the ledge and began to move along it, clinging to the rock outcroppings.  K’am helped Jake up into the tunnel, then waited to assist the others. 
P102 K’am – I would suggest that those pulsating beams are part of the security system. Then, to prove his point, he pulled the buckle off his belt and tossed it at one of the beams. There was a sharp zap as the buckle dematerialized. To find disabling pulse one of us must attempt to pass through the gate. And that person will suffer the same fate as my belt buckle. K’am immediately set his tricorder to scan, he adjusted his tricorder, then placed it on the ground in the center of the gateway. The security beams vanished. K’am, and everybody, hope the blue tubes are the ones to pull first. K’am becomes mentally linked with Jake through Betazed Dyan to disable Rijar defense system
P108 illustration of teen K’am
K’am arrives at Space Camp a novice, but leaves after two weeks a candidate worthy of applying to Starfleet for admission to the Academy. 
P115 K’am invites Dyan to the farewell party, and she accepts, though she wishes Jake and Nog had asked her sooner.
Two weeks ago Maquis disabled Bolian freighter near DMZ and stole a supply of photon launchers. Launchers but no warheads. Raymond Boone Maquis. 12 residents of DMZ were on DS 9 that day. Maquis man visits Bashir to tell him Boone is not a Maquis. Volon III, a planet in the DMZ.  Cardassians feel situation has become untenable
  Morning Bells are Ringing Strange New Worlds 8
4 years past Disaster
Worf asked in his humorless voice

  The Brave and The Bold Book 1 by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Before Jem'Hadar
P152 raktajino, like drinking an oil slick
Curzon introduced Sisko to it
Declan Keogh, Captain of Odyssey for 5 years knew Curzon. Deco Keogh.
Curzon had a smile whenever he said something guaranteed to embarrass you.
Curzon knew Declan Keogh as a brash young lieutenant. Curzon was a cranky old male ambassador on the Lexington hosting a conference with the Antedeans 25 years ago. Curzon caught Keogh in compromising situation with Ensign Rosita Perez. Curzon later with Ens Rosita Perez himself.
Keogh had looked up to Curzon, emulated him, until Altair VI. Deco a wild man, women and drinking. Security chief on the Lexington. Night before the ship arrived at Altair Vi for presidential inauguration, coup on Altair VI, an-Jirok rebels attacked, SF Lexington 5 security killed. Inauguration at Altair VI every three years, ship crews live in dread of getting the assignment, boring. 
Amb Alynna Nechayev was in charge of the Maquis mess in the DMZ.
Raktajino bitter liquid
P261 Over the years the Klingon Empire had built a large base on Narendra III proximate to both the Romulan and Fed borders, it was the site of a treacherous attack by several Romulan Warbirds. Only the sacrifice of the Enterprise under Garrett enabled the base to survive.
The Jem'Hadar
Odessey patrolling Cardassian border
Jem’Hadar Third Talak’talan hoped the first race he’d meet from the other side of the Anomaly would be the Klingons, he had heard they are effective warriors. What’s that weapon they are so fond of? The bat’leth. Dominion already well informed about Alpha Quadrant. I was really hoping to meet a Klingon, he gets  Humans and Ferengi instead. 
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