Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 
P10 Nimbus III, a once-fertile planet near the Neutral Zone, claimed by three mutually hostile governments: Roms, Feds, and Klingon. Far from any trade routes. Had possessed timber, fossil fuels, some dilithium, all quickly depleted. Fed diplomat from Altair suggested all three governments develop the planet, legislated no weapons. The Planet of Galactic Peace. For several years the concept almost works. The three governments were drawn into arguments over details. Most settlers had come to escape execution or imprisonment. Ecosystem destroyed by deforestation, strip mining, outlawed chemical toxins from farming. In 20 years Nimbus was a desert. Homesteaders fought one another for dwindling resources. 
P32 Romulans, Klingons, humans, Andorians, Tellarites, a dozen other races, in saloon on Nimbus. The different groups keep to themselves except to fight. An Andorian leaned over to address a table of surly Klingons. Their response was a fist in the face.
The Nimbus representative of the United Federation of Planets St. John Talbot sat conversing with the consul from the Imperial Klingon Empire Korrd, in storage area of saloon. Both too drunk to notice Caithlin Dar. The Klingon drank directly from a dust-covered flagon.
Dar exchanged hostile glances with the Klingon. Technically the Klingon and Romulan empires were allied, a result of economic necessity rather than mutual admiration. 
Korrd, old and immensely obese. His narrow eyes glittered as a result of alcohol. He emitted an earthshaking belch.
Dar – I expect that’s Klingon for hello.
Korrd not trained on Romulan social customs, doesn’t even speak English.
Dar considered It was typical of the Klingon government to send a delegate who was unprepared to converse in a common tongue with the other diplomats
Korrd’s tunic, though decorated with dozens of medals, was stained and covered with wrinkles and it was too small to cover Korrd’s expanding bulk. Korrd’s bronze-colored stomach bulging out under the hem of his tunic and over the waistband of his trousers.
Dar doesn’t speak Klingon, Talbot does.
The three governments have generated a complex maze of laws, and now argue about how to enforce them.
Korrd let loose with a guttural barrage of Klingon that sounded suspiciously hostile. He said he hopes you’ll enjoy your tour of duty here.
Talbot’s and Korrd’s illustrious careers have culminated on Nimbus III.
When Talbot chokes Korrd pounded enthusiastically on the Terran’s back.
Talbot translated the word volunteered for Korrd; the Klingon threw back his head and laughed scornfully.
The settlers conned into coming to Nimbus III were the dregs of the galaxy.
Korrd tried to make a difference and it landed him on Nimbus III.
Korrd suddenly acme to life, he spat out a disgusting mouthful of Klingon then leaned back in his chair and roared with laughter at his own wittiness.
Talbot winced, Dar understood that she had been insulted.
Korrd said the only thing he’d like Dar to open is her blouse, he’s heard Romulan women are different. 
Dar spoke only one particular Klingon epithet. She hurled it at Korrd with venom and hoped her accent was correct. It was. Korrd hoisted his ponderous girth out of the chair and hurled the flask aside.
Screw you, too! He snarled – in near perfect English.
Korrd had deceived Talbot all this time about not knowing English.
Korrd snorted at the idea of someone invading the city, but he strode from the back room out to the dirt street outside. Korrd fled back into the saloon. Dar found the Klingon behind the bar, pouring the contents of an upended bottle down his throat. 
Korrd has a pistol.
Korrd reeked of ethanol
Korrd let loose a roar and reached for the pistol at his hip. Four soldiers pointed their guns squarely at the center of the Klingon’s massive chest. For a tense moment the old warrior seemed to consider trying to take some of the soldiers with him, but he was clearly outgunned. With a gurgle of impotent rage, Korrd let his own weapon clatter to the floor.
P70 Korrd lay slumped across the table, still passed out as a result of the incredible amount of liquor he’d imbibed in anticipation of his capture. snoring
P76 First officer Vixis of the bird of prey Okrona. 
Helmsman Tarag.
Captain Klaa.
Vixis shrewdly had notified Klaa the instant the Earth probe of ancient origin was spotted in Klingon space. she knew humans would have venerated it but she also knew Klaa would be anxious to deal with the device personally. She had not served under Klaa long. He would never have forgiven her if she had left its disposal to the gunner.
Klaa broad shouldered, stocky, muscular, emanated power and strength. Of all the captains who had graced Okrona’s bridge, Klaa was the most respected and the most envied. He had received the ship as a reward for heroic action on the Romulan border during a skirmish in which he, a gunner, was solely responsible for the destruction o three Orion vessels and the salvation of his own ship. Even before the incident Klaa had been widely hailed as the best gunner in the Empire. Now he was its youngest captain.
Vixis did not smile, too much simpering could be interpreted as a sign of weakness.  Yet she doubted Klaa failed to notice the attraction she felt for him. If he did, he did not show it. That perplexed her. She knew without false modesty that she was beautiful and that Klaa was an unattached male. 
Probe most difficult to hit.
Klaa glanced meaningfully at her as he spoke, an indication that he was pleased with her performance. 
Vixis nodded then turned quickly and sat down at her station, before her expression betrayed her.
Klaa sat in his chair and began to strap himself in. Okrona had been outfitted especially for its new captain with an elaborate gunner’s rig at the command console so that the phasers mounted on the ship’s wings could be individually controlled from the captain’s station.
Klaa ordered – All weapons to my control.
The gunner Morek. Vixis sensed a surge of hostility from him. Morek had been gunner long before Klaa’s meteoric ascent to command. With Klaa, Morek’s responsibilities were severely curtailed, limited to the most menial duties. Still, even he had fallen somewhat under the spell of Klaa’s forceful charisma.
The target scanner, a custom-designed device that lowered from the ceiling like a periscope, leaned forward to peer into its sights.
His large hands hovered over the controls then pulsed in an incredibly quick movement
Klaa was clearly taking his time, enjoying his prey.
The bridge reverberated with the crew’s cheers
Shooting space garbage is no test of a warrior’s mettle. I need a target that fights back.
A true warrior would scarcely be satisfied with an unthinking opponent
But where in the Empire would they find an antagonist who could match Klaa’s skill, Klaa’s cunning?
The communications signal on the first officer’s console flashed, a computerized voice instructed the Okrona to prepare for a priority message.
We are receiving a priority message from Operations Command
Klaa placed a hand on her shoulder, Vixis flushed but pretended not to be aware.
General Krell appeared on the screen – A critical situation has developed on Nimbus III. The three diplomats there have been taken hostage by a rebel group. You are hereby ordered to proceed to Nimbus III and take whatever action is necessary to free them. Details follow. 
Klaa – Since when does the Empire worry about what happens on Nimbus? But his voice held a tremor of anticipation. Nimbus was in the Neutral Zone, and the Neutral Zone offered many opportunities for combat.
Krell’s message was taped, leaving no opportunity to respond or to question orders.
Klingon script scrolled across Vixis’s screen. She read one of the hostages is a Klingon – General Korrd. She frowned slightly, puzzled that the Empire should suddenly be concerned about Korrd, whose career had culminated in disgrace and the assignment to Nimbus. And then she remembered a certain fact about Korrd’s sister. Korrd is Krell’s brother in law. 
Helmsman, plot course for Nimbus III.
Klaa – my whole life I have prayed for this, the chance to engage a Fed ship.
P83 Korrd was quite a famous warrior until one day he became sick to death of killing. Lost his two youngest, a son and a daughter, in one of those useless battles the Klingons love to stir up. Korrd had risen to the High Command when he finally spoke out publicly in favor of Nimbus, of trying to get along better with the Federation. After all, they had a treaty with the Romulans. The rest of Command went along with it. After all, Korrd is related to the number two man in the HC. They couldn’t exactly shut him by assassination, so they managed to make him an ambassador and a laughingstock at the same time. To the Klingons, Nimbus is a joke. The shame of the assignment was too much for him. 
Did Sybok’s rebels use a mind-sifter on Talbot?
P95 Kirk - Klingons don’t negotiate. They annihilate. They’re liable to blow up the hostages just for the chance to revenge themselves on the kidnappers.
Adm. Bob Caflisch – I know.
McCoy – We’re bound to bump into the Klingons, and they don’t exactly like you.
Kirk – The feeling is mutual.
Scotty –We’ll beat those Klingon devils if I have to get out and push.
P97 Klaa paced the cramped confines of the bridge. Could not control nervous pacing. Sheer anticipation of the fight. Also realizes that he had become captain through a single heroic act and that some, such as his thick-skulled gunner Morek, resented Klaa’s meteoric success and were praying for a chance to bring him down, to see the invincible young captain fail.
Klaa had not tasted battle in the month since he had become captain of Okrona
Nimbus III closer to Fed than Klingon territory.
Okrona could cloak before arrival then quietly steal up on Enterprise.
None disputed that Klaa was the Empire’s best gunner, but many suggested a ship of his own was too great a reward. Klaa had heard the gossip; the most jealous called him an idiot savant, a genius behind the gunner’s rig, an imbecile when it came to command. Klaa needed another incredible victory to cement his reputation as captain. 
Morek’s thick balding head. 
Klaa was going to smile at Vixis but frowned instead. It was more in keeping with his portrayal of the intense, restless young captain, eager for battle.
Vixis’s eyes shone, her golden complexion flushed.
Klaa felt like throwing back his head and roaring with joy at the second gift the gods had just dropped in his lap, but he restrained himself in front of the crew.
Kirk, the criminal who had killed almost an entire crew of Klingons, stolen their vessel, developed the Genesis device with the intention of committing genocide against the Empire. 
To destroy James Kirk and his ship would be the achievement of a lifetime, of a thousand lifetimes. 
Kill Kirk and the Empire would reward Klaa with an entire fleet of vessels.
Klaa folded his arms tightly across his chest and permitted a low laugh to escape. 
There will be no peace as long as Kirk lives – Ambassador Kamarg’s deathless words to the Fed Council.
Vixis – Our Empire’s highest bounty has been placed on his head.
Vixis was statuesque, of elegant beauty and bloodline, Klaa noticed that she watched him.
Klaa trusted no one, a trait that had served him well thus far. He did not know her well enough yet to trust her, though in truth Klaa found the prospect altogether appealing.
Vixis would be the first officer, and possibly someday, the consort, of the Empire’s greatest hero.
Klaa – James T Kirk. I’ve followed his career since I was a boy. A man I admire and hate.
Klaa’s career gave promise of paralleling Kirk’s
Vixis – If Klaa could defeat Kirk he would be the greatest warrior in the galaxy.
Klaa turned like a whip to face Tarag, the helmsman, seated next to Morek
Yes, my captain
Morek’s expression was now one of subservient respect.
Klaa turned to Vixis and saluted her with a fist struck against his heart
If all went well perhaps he would offer her the chance to be his paramour as well as his first officer. Perhaps, if she remained loyal and kept his interest.
P102 Kirk recognized General Korrd, older and heavier. He has apparently fallen out of favor with the Klingon High Command. His appointment to Nimbus appears to be a form of banishment. Korrd was one hell of a soldier. His military strategies were required learning when Kirk was a cadet at the Academy. 
P120 Nimbus corridor through the Neutral Zone, no one is supposed to attack anyone in corridor. 
McCoy – you think when the Klingons see Enterprise they’re just going to say Drat! We’re in the Nimbus corridor. I guess we’ll just have to wait to blast them to kingdom come.
Klingons don’t hang around Nimbus very much, there’s nothing for them to steal, no one looking for a fight. 
Kirk – I can’t sit around waiting for Kruge’s relatives to find me.
Klingon Bird of Prey now entering this quadrant. Estimating one-point-nine hours until her weapons come to bear.
Even the stubbornly resistant Korrd were Sybok’s to command. Sybok leader of the Galactic Army of Light
If the Klingons arrived first, Paradise City would be blasted, hostages killed
P128 A Klingon warship will arrive within the hour
P142 The Klingons would arrive and blow the planet and the Enterprise off the charts.
P147 the aging, jowly features of the Klingon general. Kirk was regarding Korrd with a mixture of admiration and pity. 
P155 Klaa and Vixis glued to the scanner readout at her station. Both of them started as Enterprise appeared with a loud blip on the screen.
Klaa composed himself. After exchanging a triumphant glance with Vixis, he drew a hand briefly along her strong graceful shoulder before moving to his gunner’s rig.
Estimated attack range, 8000 kellicams
Klaa fastened himself in and lowered his targeting sight. His fingers trembled slightly in anticipation of the glory to come. 
He snapped at Tarag – Stealth approach. Slow to one quarter impulse power. Prepare to cloak.
The siren howled, the bridge pulsed with red light. Klaa felt his heart beat faster. Klaa congratulated himself silently on his ability to keep the excitement from his tone.
Okrona would cloak, steal unobserved into firing range and with one or two well placed hits destroy the Enterprise and all aboard her and James Kirk would never know who had killed him. In a way it was a pity. But Klaa’s ultimate dream was now within his grasp, and he would not jeopardize it by announcing Okrona’s arrival
Chekov understood the Klingons would remain invisible until they appeared without warning and fired on the Enterprise.
P160 15 seconds, a eternity during which Enterprise will be vulnerable to a Klingon attack. General Korrd. Tell them.
After a moment’s consideration Korrd said in a deep bass voice – Kirk speaks the truth. If my people are cloaked, they intend to strike. My people have a quarrel with Kirk. there is a bounty on his head. I have no doubt they intend to destroy the Enterprise and they will certainly destroy this shuttle if they discover he is aboard. Sybok’s plan is in grave jeopardy.
Aboard Okrona Klaa and bridge crew listened to the exchange between the shuttlecraft and the Enterprise. Klaa was ready for the instant the starship dropped its shields to bring shuttle aboard.
Klaa threw back his head and howled in triumph – Kirk! He’s aboard the shuttle! Tarag, alter attack course. 
Tarag complied as quickly as he was able. 
Klaa peered into his targeting scope.
The gods were being kind, almost too kind. 
He could blast Kirk out of existence this very second, but Klaa realized if he was patient he could have more that just Kirk, he could have the Enterprise as well. A single undeflectred blast right into the open hanger doors would rend the ship in two. 
Klaa’s trigger finger twitched slightly on the phaser control.
Stand by to decloak for firing, he told his helmsman. 
He held his breath and waited for the tiny craft to swim into his target crosshairs.
Klaa gaped in surprise as shuttle, in a shocking burst of speed, moved out of his sights and into hanger bay. 
He uttered a curse that shed doubt on the fidelity of Kirk’s mother and positioned his weapons directly on the closing hanger doors. Klaa still had a chance to blow both Kirk and Enterprise straight to hell.
Klaa thundered at Vixis – Bear on Enterprise!
Vixis answered immediately; she was an excellent strategist and had anticipated Klaa’s order – Enterprise targeted.
Klaa squeezed the trigger. The Enterprise disappeared. Klaa’s wasted shot dispersed in the void of space.
Klaa could not let Kirk go, he had been humiliated in front of his crew. If he failed now to destroy both Kirk and the Enterprise stories of his failure would circulate throughout the Empire. Klaa the Invincible, vanquished by a human criminal, James Kirk. not so invincible after all.
Klaa would follow Enterprise, pursue Kirk all the way to Earth itself. 
Sourly he detached himself from his gunner’s rig and climbed back into his chair. The crew of course, knew better than to speak to the captain after his ego had suffered such an outrage. After a time Klaa shook his head and muttered under his breath. He was thinking about James Kirk, and admitting to a certain degree of grudging admiration. He is good.
P170 the Enterprise had sailed out of the Bird of Prey’s firing range.
P175 Korrd kept a pistol trained on Sulu’s head, one hand resting on his huge belly – These two will be useful. Korrd stepped forward and shoved the barrel of his pistol square in Sulu’s chest, with such force that it knocked the wind out of him. 
P178 Ganjitsu was a sparsely populated border planet in an area of space whose ownership was disputed by the Fed and the Klingon Empire. Settled by conservationists. Hikaru Sulu home, age 11.
Mr. Weisel was always complaining, about the damn Klingons – Damn Klingons, they’re behind all these attacks. Let them try to lie about this one! Twenty-six killed day before yesterday down in Tamaka. Damn Federation. The Klingons can kill us all but will the Federation lift a finger to help us? No, they’ll just try to work it out diplomatically. 
Pirates attack Sulu village of Ishikawa, late afternoon. Destroy buildings, set forests on fire with phasers.
P214 Vixis  leaned over the subspace transmitter at her station. Her accent was flawless, the humans had been completely fooled. Triumphant, she looked over her shoulder at her captain. She pretends to be Starfleet command receiving Kirk’s distress signal at Great Barrier
Klaa’s face was that of one obsessed. Vixis feared as much. Klaa had no choice now but to kill Kirk or lose face before his entire crew. Yet Vixis understood quite well the risks of nearing the Great Barrier. The fire in Klaa’s eyes told her that he was willing to risk it, and more.
Klaa growled and stomped back to his chair – Where Kirk goes, we follow.
Vixis’s admiration for her captain dimmed somewhat. Klaa was indeed brave, brave enough to risk his life, his ship and all aboard her, but not brave enough to risk the contempt of his crew.
Okrona came hard about and swooped after her prey.
P224 dark corridor to Vixis’s quarters. 
Call out private access code at door. Computer lock recognize voice and sequence and open
Vixis deeply agitated, torn between admiration and attraction for Klaa and her duty as first officer of Okrona.
Klaa’s insistence that Okrona follow Enterprise into Barrier and certain destruction taxed loyalty beyond its limits. Indicated that the captain’s arrogance had become megalomania.
There were no regulations in the Empire’s service that allowed her to simply relieve Klaa on the grounds of incompetence; it was assumed that irresponsible captains would be the victims of assassination or exile by their own crews.
Vixis reluctant to act, not merely because of her loyalty to Klaa but because she knew Klaa to be a formidable enemy, mad or not. 
If she succeeded in killing him, there remained the task of convincing Command of the need for such a drastic measure. 
At the moment Klaa had many influential supporters, supporters who would be swift to avenge his murder.
Morek inside Vixis’s quarters.
Vixis did not think Morek shrewd enough to override security on her quarters
She was not in the habit of asking questions for which she already had answers
Morek understood that Klaa probably monitored the corridors, and that jamming devices installed in Vixis’s quarters made it safer to discuss topics such as the captain’s assassination
Vixis uttered a soft command. The room brightened.
Vixis – Speak, Morek.
She scowled without answering
Morek – As you can see I have discovered a means to override the security on the officers’ quarters. Few women in the Empire have managed to attain the rank of captain, Vixis. If you were to take Klaa’s ship, you would be much honored.
His tone became wheedling. 
And the target of Klaa’ friends and family, she added bitterly.
Vixis - Do not try to flatter me when we are speaking of murder.
Morek’s expression darkened with anger – the alternative is to become victims ourselves, of Klaa’s insanity. Are you willing to die to soothe his ego?
Vixis – I am first officer. The captain heeds my advice. I hold your rank, and your life, if I so choose, in my hands. Remember that before you dare touch me again.
She saw a flicker of rage cross his face before he gained control of himself and adopted a servile expression. 
I ask forgiveness.
For your sake and the sake of the crew, I ask you, do not allow Okrona to be destroyed to appease a madman.
Vixis responded coldly – I would never allow it. 
Morek – Go to him. I have seen the way he looks at you. Go to him, distract him and I will see to the rest.
Vixis studied Morek’s crude, thick features carefully and saw deceit written there. 
Morek ranked one grade below her, with the first officer and captain gone, Okrona would be his to command.
P231 the Klingons call it Qui’Tu, the source, heaven, Eden, the dream of a place from which creation sprang.
P243 Vixis’s nerves were frayed, the result of being constantly alert. She could trust no one, not Klaa, not Morek.
Buzzer on captain’s door, press it
Klaa sat at his desk, looking at the terminal monitor. Graphic on screen, a representation of Enterprise enclosed in web of glowing filaments, the shields. Klaa had used Okrona’s scanners to gain access to structure of Enterprise’s shields. In haste the Enterprise crew neglected to affix a security code to design of new shield structure. Chair across from him
His expression smug, almost gloating.
Vixis searched his face for traces of insanity but found none.
He interlaced his fingers and rested his hands on the desk, then leaned forward, inviting her to speak.
Vixis collected herself, she had considered her actions and their consequences most carefully.
If it was necessary for Klaa to die he would die by her own hand, not the hand of a dishonorable creature like Morek.
He did not seem surprised. She got he impression they were both playing carefully scripted roles.
Vixis – I have come to warn you of a plot against your life. A certain member of the crew
Klaa interjected – Morek
Vixis – Yes, Morek is concerned that Okrona will be destroyed when we enter the Great Barrier. It is a valid fear.  He sent me here to distract you, at which point he intends to strike. I have no doubt he means to kill me as well as then take command himself.
Rage flickered across Klaa’s features, then faded, replaced by an expression of gratitude. 
Klaa – it is all as I expected, Vixis. I appreciate your loyalty. You will be rewarded.
She smiled thinly. Even if Klaa really was mad she knew he would be grateful to hear of Morek’s treason.
If she found it necessary to assassinate Klaa in order to protect the ship, it would be far easier now that she had gained his trust.
Klaa – Congratulations, first Officer. You have passed the test. 
In a flash she understood Klaa’s motives. She knew that he had behaved irrationally in order to test his crew, that he had forced Morek to reveal his disloyalty in order to be rid of him legitimately, without giving Morek’s relatives cause to seek vengeance. 
Vixis – Shrewd, my captain, very shrewd
Tarag called Klaa’s attention to a dramatic alteration in Enterprise shields some hours ago.
Tarag is working to restructure Okrona’s shields the same way, they protect a ship from the Great Barrier
If it is a trick, those aboard Enterprise will die, either from radiation or Okrona’s phasers.
Klaa when he spoke again his voice was low and soft – First Officer, I fi had insisted on taking Okrona into the Barrier unprotected, you would have killed me, yes?
Her heart began to beat faster, but she fixed her gaze on him fearlessly – Yes.
He smiled, faintly pleased – That is as it should be. 
She glanced up, uncertain what to expect. She rested a hand on the phaser concealed beneath her belt.
Klaa reached out to touch her face, and gently drew a fingertip over the soft skin between her jawline and neck.
Klaa – Morek expects you to distract me, does he? We must not disappoint him.
She rose and embraced him.
Vixis sleeps with Klaa.
The sound of a door rushing open, a bolt of red pierced the darkness.
Klaa spoke softly into her ear – Do not be afraid. We are safe.
For an instant she thought she had witnessed her own death. With the bolt came a cry of pain, anger and defeat. 
Klaa’s small cabin.
The sound of Morek’s death cry still reverberated
Well done, Tarag! Klaa exclaimed.
Tarag placed his phaser on his belt and saluted – I am grateful, my lord. 
The door snapped shut.
Vixis released a great sigh and sank back into Klaa’s arms. She was not captain of Okrona, but perhaps that was to her advantage. With the discovery of the new shield design and the death of James Kirk, Klaa would be the Empire’s greatest hero, and Vixis, as his first officer and paramour, would share in his glory.
P250 activate
Klaa’s gaze lingered admiringly on his first officer for an instant. On the bridge, her demeanor, which had been forthright and delightfully unrestrained in the privacy of his quarters, was once again consummately respectful and efficient. He had done well to trust her.
Morek’s conspicuously vacant chair.
Okrona’s main viewscreen
The sight of Enterprise entering Barrier evoked within him an intense excitement. The chase was on, he would follow Enterprise into the unknown, destroy her, and return not only a hero but a discoverer as well. At the same time he was filled with wonder and an awareness of his own insignificance compared to the cold, vast beauty of the cosmos.
Tarag – Enterprise has disappeared!
Klaa – Follow.
P260 Kirk reaches for a phaser before exploring world at Core.
Sybok – Do you really expect to find Klingons here?
Kirk – Force of habit.
Even Korrd was smiling – Qui’Tu, he corrected Talbot. They both laughed.
Dar, Talbot, Korrd marvel at the view on the screen
The unattended Enterprise defense station at the helm blinked, then emitted a low warning beep as the graphic of a Klingon Bird of Prey appeared on its console screen. A warning flashed: Klingon vessel in Quadrant. Recommend activation of defense systems. Awaiting command.
P266 Khosarr, the ancient Vulcan god of war, dark green the Vulcan color of war. His warrior consort, the goddess Akraana. 
P271 when entity beyond Galactic Barrier revealed to be less than perfect, Korrd growled deep in his throat.
P280 Korrd’s great warm hand rested on Dar’s shoulder. 
Dar – None of it means anything at all.
Korrd said quietly in his bass voice – Untrue. Sybok died well, as a warrior should, looking death in the eye. He has saved us and the ship.
The unmanned Enterprise defense station displayed the graphic of a bird of Prey, and a message; Estimated Time of Intercept; four minutes.
The graphic of the ship dissolved; the message flickered and changed into a warning; Cloaking Device Engaged. Position unknown.
Vixis smiled down at the tiny representation of a Fed starship on her terminal monitor. The bridge viewscreen showed the real Enterprise. 
Vixis reported triumphantly, half swiveled in her chair to exchange smug glances with Klaa – Enterprise defense systems are down. They don’t even know we’re here.
Klaa smiled, he crossed to his gunner’s rig and settled in with relish – They will, they will.
P285 the Klingon captain wishes to name his terms. 
A smug young Klingon, arms folded across his chest. He sat in the commander chair on the Bird of Prey’s bridge as if it were a throne. He wore an expression of triumph, total arrogance that sagged slightly as his gaze met the Vulcan’s. Spock got the impression that he was most disappointed to find a Vulcan in command.
This is Captain Klaa of the Bird of Prey Okrona, he gloated in Standard. Attempt to raise shields or arm weapons and I will destroy you. You are alive for a single reason. The renegade James T Kirk! Hand him over, and I will spare your lives. My transporter stands ready to beam him aboard.
Spock quite naturally did not believe him; the moment James Kirk was handed over, the Enterprise would be destroyed. 
Spock – Captain Kirk is not among us.
Klaa lunged forward in his chair – You lie!
Spock – I am a Vulcan. I cannot lie. Kirk is on the planet below.
Klaa – Then give me his coordinates!
Spock swiveled to face General Korrd. Korrd glanced up, startled.
Spock – I am in need of your assistance.
Korrd – My assistance? I am of no help to you now.
Spock nodded toward the screen where larger-than-life Klaa scowled.
Spock – On the contrary. You are his superior officer.
The Klingon shook his head – You misunderstand. My assignment to Nimbus proves I am in disgrace. I am no more than a foolish old man.
Spock studied Korrd’s jowly face carefully. Klaa would not wait much longer. 
Spock – Are you willing to see Sybok’s death become meaningless?
Korrd began – Klaa will not
Spock – Damn you, sir, you will try.
The bridge became oppressively silent as Korrd considered Spock’s words. And then the old Klingon moved over to the command console.
He glowered at the Klingon captain on the viewscreen – Klaa! This is General Korrd.
The younger Klingon’s eyes widened slightly in recognition – General.
He saluted cursorily, but it was clear he considered himself Korrd’s equal, rank or no rank.
Korrd narrowed his eyes and glanced briefly at Talbot and Dar, then Spock, then back at Klaa.
Spock began to wonder if he had made a fatal error in trusting Korrd.
The general bellowed, switching from Standard to Klingon – Klaa! Jo-ii-chu!
Korrd’s bulky form dissolved into the twinkling shimmer of a transporter beam and vanished. Simultaneously Klaa’s image disappeared from the screen.
McCoy – My God! The bastard’s saved himself so the Klingons can destroy us!
Talbot murmured – No, I refuse to believe it.
They were in Korrd’s hands now.
Korrd materialized in the transporter room of the Bird of Prey and was immediately greeted by an armed escort who led him to the bridge. After the spacious, well-lighted Federation ship, the Bird seemed cramped and dim.
Inside the bridge, the first officer, a most attractive female, Korrd noted with a certain amount of lechery, turned from her station to call out excitedly – Captain, we have located a human life-form on the planet surface below.
Klaa exclaimed – Kirk! I have him at last. 
He slapped his hands together and laughed, a sound of pure victory.
Korrd strode over to the command console. The young captain’s chair was outfitted with a gunner’s rig, a rather obvious display of Klaa’s vanity, Korrd noted, a trait he resolved to use to his advantage. Klaa settled into the rig, eager for the hunt.
The first officer smiled dazzlingly at her captain, in a way that convinced Korrd she was more to Klaa than second-in-command - Success, my lord!
The atmosphere was charged with excitement. Klaa was a charismatic, persuasive leader, much as Korrd had been in earlier times. The memory evoked a nearly forgotten sensation; the feel of power. Korrd breathed in its scent, basked in it, felt himself grow stronger.
Klaa began – Fire ph-
Korrd barked – Captain! 
All the bridge turned to look at him; Korrd relished the attention, and the fear in their eyes.
Klaa rose and saluted – General, welcome. You are about to see Enterprise destroyed and the criminal James Kirk executed. After which I may soon have the pleasure of addressing you as an equal. He grinned arrogantly. 
Korrd eyed the young upstart coldly. It was impossible to dislike him entirely, for he reminded Korrd too much of himself in his younger days.
Korrd – Not so fast Klaa. By virtue of my superior rank, I am commandeering this vessel. 
Murder flashed in Klaa’s eyes; furious, he gestured toward the guard who had escorted Korrd from the transporter room. Before the captain could utter a word, Korrd reached for him and lifted him off his feet by his throat. Klaa’s face darkened to a deep shade of purple; he made a strangled noise of pure rage.
No one dared to come to the captain’s aid.
Korrd smiled, giddy with rediscovered power. If he wished, he could take command of Okrona and destroy the Enterprise and James Kirk himself, and redeem his name totally. On the screen Enterprise hovered, vulnerable and waiting. It was a most tempting prospect.
Korrd eased his grip on Klaa’s neck and allowed the captain to collapse into his chair. Klaa wheezed and gulped air noisily while Korrd spoke – I have a plan. One that will bring much glory and honor. You may claim the victory, Klaa, but for now, I have the power.
P292 the Bird of Prey dropped out of the racing storm clouds and strafed the creature with a phaser barrage, forcing it back down the mountain. The Bird of Prey descended, then hovered over Kirk. in a horrible flash of understanding Kirk knew that Spock and the Enterprise would not have allowed a Klingon ship to come this far, unless the Enterprise had been destroyed. 
Kirk cried out defiant with grief – So it’s me you want, you Klingon bastards! Come and get me!
The sky wavered then disappeared in the uncertain sparkle of the transporter beam.
Kirk found himself in unpleasantly familiar surroundings; the transporter room of a Klingon vessel. Even more unpleasantly, two oversized Klingon guards seized him, one to an arm and propelled him out into the dim, faintly noxious-smelling corridor. 
The Klingon Bird of Prey was designed strictly for battle; the size of its crew and its interior was roughly one-fortieth that of the starship, which was designed for exploration. Therefore, it was only a matter of several steps before the guards arrived with their prize at the doors to the bridge.
Kirk’s grief was overwhelmed by anger, at himself, at the Klingons who had murdered his son and now had killed his friends.
If he was going to die, he would, as the Klingons said, die well. Flanked by the two guards, he walked onto the tiny bridge, intending to lunge forward and throttle the vessel’s commander. At least that way, death would come more swiftly. The back of the captain’s chair faced him, so that its occupant was not immediately visible. Jim's eye was caught by a surprisingly familiar face off to one side: General Korrd, who stood straight and proud, for the first time in recent days, with his hands clasped behind his back. Korrd looked Jim in the eye and beamed with pleasure; his expression was entirely devoid of both scorn and ill will. The disgruntled young Klingon standing beside Korrd wore the insignia of a Bird of Prey captain. 
Spock unstrapped himself from the gunner’s rig. 
Korrd spoke in booming, guttural Klingon to the guards, they exited the bridge. 
Klaa and his first officer had come aboard Enterprise, as polite as you please, never mind the fact that they had just tried to blow the Enterprise up. Now they were being feted like a couple of VIPs. The reception had been Korrd and Dar and Talbot’s idea, to promote galactic peace. They’d been able to pull it off largely because Korrd had a brother-in-law named Krell. 
P299 no lingering aftereffects from Sybok’s mind-meld.
What Spock said about Sybok’s death impressed everyone deeply. Dar, Korrd, and Talbot have decided to devote themselves to improving conditions on Nimbus, to showing our governments that it can work. Perhaps someday there will be peace among our peoples.
Nearby at the buffet, General Korrd, wearing full diplomatic regalia and feeling decades younger, set down his half-empty glass of fruit juice and frowned at the daunting array of beverages. He wanted something stronger. Not that he wanted to get drunk; Korrd figured that over the past five years or so, he’d consumed enough liquor to last ten lifetimes. No, he wanted to drink a private toast, and fruit juice would not do. As a diplomat, Korrd knew enough of Earth’s customs to understand that it would be unseemly for him to taste each one of the beverages displayed. Scott, from the uniform Korrd placed him in engineering, was pouring himself a drink and noticed Korrd’s dilemma. He spoke English with an accent Korrd was unable to place. His tone was polite enough, but there was more than a trace of cold hostility in his eyes. This was a man with a deep grudge against Klingons.
Korrd was determined to do what he could to ease that hostility. 
I was looking for a drink. Something stronger than this. I want to drink a toast.
Scotty hesitated; Korrd saw him weigh hatred against kindness. Scott offers scotch whisky.
Korrd was uncertain whether it would be rude to ask to smell it first. Korrd sensed that a refusal or even a hesitation now would be a grave mistake. In the interests of peace, he raised his glass, earth-style, at the human.
Korrd toasting Sybok – In my culture, it is a custom to drink in honor of the dead.
Korrd intoned – to Sybok, a great warrior who died well. 
He raised his glass to his lips and inhaled the fragrance of fermented grain, a complex, faintly smoky smell. The alcohol content was far lower than what Korrd was used to, but it would serve the purpose.
Scott interrupted – Warrior? Sybok was no warrior. He dinna believe in violence.
Korrd lowered his drink – A warrior for peace is no less a warrior. 
It was the right thing to say, and besides, Korrd sincerely meant it. 
Korrd drank and smacked his lips with slightly exaggerated relish – Excellent! What did you say this was?
Scott – Scotch, single malt scotch whisky.
Korrd – A superior drink. I will most certainly remember. Might I have a bit more?
Not quite the truth, but then Korrd suspected he would be forgiven this one small lie. It was, after all, told to promote interstellar fellowship.
Scott – To tell the truth, General Korrd, I never though I’d be drinking with a Klingon.
Korrd clasped Scott’s hand – To quote an old Earth saying, Times change, Times change. 
He left Scott beaming. Korrd, you wily old diplomat, he congratulated himself. Between you and Krell, you’ll have the entire Klingon Council in your camp again. Can the Fed and the Roms be far behind? To think he owed it to a Vulcan. 
Korrd spotted Captain Klaa and his first officer off drinking by themselves in a far corner of the deck. Glass raised, he walked toward them and boomed in a loud voice – To the greatest hero in the Romulan and Klingon Empires and the Federation!
Th first officer, Vixis, drank with grace and enthusiasm. Many heard and raised their glasses in a toast to Klaa. Korrd recalled the old Earth axiom that flattery did little to advance one’s cause; in regard to Klaa, this was certainly not the case. Klaa smiled, clearly relishing the attention. Yet there was a trace of sullenness in his eyes. Korrd noted it and determined to win him over; if his plans for Nimbus were to succeed, he would need Klaa’s support. The young Klingon already wielded great influence with the High Command, as much as old Krell himself and after this latest triumph, perhaps even more. 
Klaa asked so softly that only Korrd and Vixis could hear – But where was the victory? There was no battle.
Korrd – A victory for peace endures longer than any gained through bloodshed. Think on this Klaa, sometimes there is more glory to be found in life than in death. If you had killed James Kirk, you would have achieved fame within our empire for a generation, then been forgotten. But now your name will be known not only to Klingons but to Romulans as well, and to all intelligent species within the federation. And you their children and their children’s children. And they will remember you with gratitude. Even more so if you assist us in making Nimbus a success. 
Klaa sipped his drink and savored it, and the glowing vision conjured by Korrd’s words – Hmm, You are a shrewd opponent, General, and very quick to understand another’s psychology; it is a quality I can appreciate. I also appreciate the fact that it is your brother-in-law who will make the final decision as to my promotion. 
True. Korrd said with feigned innocence.
Klaa smiled with the admiration of one brilliant strategist for another – But I will consider what you have said, Korrd. It has the ring of common sense.
Korrd smiled back and, with his free hand, saluted the young Klingon. Success, captain.
Klaa returned the salute – Success, General.
A wake? Korrd had never heard the term. The celebration of the dead one’s life, a worthy custom.
Korrd swallowed his second scotch. The flavor was actually not bad. Perhaps, in the interest of furthering diplomatic relations, he would talk to Krell about arranging the legal importation of the stuff to Nimbus III.
Korrd remembered the slow dissolution of his life and wondered where it would have ended had Sybok not arrived.
Korrd threw back his head and bellowed with laughter. The sound reverberated through the observation deck, causing people to stop midsentence to stare at the old Klingon.
The reception had been Korrd’s idea, it honored both the recovered hostages and Captain Klaa of the Okrona, their rescuer. Both Talbot and Dar had sworn to get their governments to decorate Klaa as a hero, not only of the Klingon Empire but of the Romulan Empire and the Federation as well.
Klaa sensed that he was being watched; he glanced up and met Kirk’s gaze. There was a trace of respect and admiration in the Klingon’s eyes. Kirk responded with the Klingon salute. Klaa returned it with a faint smile. 
  In the Name of Honor by Dayton Ward
SD 7952.4  Earth year 2279
K’tinga class battle cruiser emerges from cloak, first pair of torpedoes spat forth at Oberth-class USS Gagarin, Andorian Captain Gralev. Ambush Orbiting Nuvidula IV, a barren and unexplored planet 3 hours at warp two from Klingon Neutral Zone. The region was only sporadically patrolled. trace amounts of dilithium. 
The Klingons had been uncharacteristically quiet of late, without so much as hostile words exchanged. Monitoring stations along the Neutral Zone had reported only sporadic ship movement on the Klingon side of the border for months. Rumors had run rampant, everything from a virulent plague ravaging the Empire to an unknown alien race attacking from the other side of Klingon space. In all likelihood, the Klingons merely hadn’t had a reason to be bothered with the Fed. 
Dilithium was just as valuable to the Klingons as it was to the Fed. Unfortunately for the Empire, there were fewer planets rich n the ore within its borders than there were in the Fed. Inevitably the Klingons would have to branch out beyond their territory in search of additional resources. It made sense for them to target remote planets on the fringes of neighboring regions of space. 
Klingons wait for the opportunity to storm aboard a Fed starship, lay waste to its crew, plunder its contents.
Oberth-class science vessel no chance against k’tinga class. Capable of destroying in a single attack run. 
Cruiser’s forward torpedo launcher glowing red as it prepared to fire. 
Klingon ship orders Gagarin to surrender and prepare for boarding.
Captain a large male, with dark skin and narrow eyes. Menacing. 
Gralev hadn’t seen this variety of Klingon in quite some time. He and other crew didn’t possess the high cranial ridges she’d seen with increasing frequency during the past several years. Instead of flowing hair and full beard, this captain kept hair cut fairly short. A thin goatee and a long drooping mustache surrounded a wicked smile. 
Dim illumination offered by the bridge lighting.
The expression of one who knew he had his prey cornered.
P10 I am K’lavut, commanding the Imperial cruiser Vo’taq. 
By the right granted to those with the power to conquer the weak.
Gold sash draped over shoulder, knife attached to his belt. 
If what she’d heard about Klingon treatment of prisoners was true, those members of the crew who were already dead might end up being the lucky ones. 
K’lavut – it is no wonder your vessels are crewed by weaklings. You rely too much on technology to fight your battles for you. This is why you will ultimately fall before the Klingon Empire.
There were few races the Klingons did not detest, Andorians were not in that group.
K’lavut – if the decision were mine, this ship and your crew would already be destroyed. I have no use for prisoners, but my superiors are concerned that the Fed might be making a push into this region of space. If that ball of dirt you were studying is any indication, there are rich resources to be exploited in this area. The Fed cannot be allowed to hoard them for themselves. 
K’lavut praises impressive response of tactical officer on science vessel during fight, then punches him across jaw. 
Fed border patrol ship had a few run-ins with Klingons and pirates from time to time.
K’lavut – I’ve heard about such skirmishes. Well fought, for the most part. The fact that you stand here today is a testament to your abilities. You pathetic worm. Giving up a position on a ship of battle for this. Was your stomach too weak for the challenge? Was it necessary to seek shelter from the hard realities of war? Tell me, Bolian. Do you enjoy taking orders from an Andorian, and a female one at that? 
P13 There are Klingons who would rather choose Hegh’bat rather than a life of such loathsome servitude. 
Pungent odor of his breath, testimony to the vile meal he had recently consumed.
You will transfer command of this ship to me, so that I may present it to the Empire as a trophy. If you refuse, I will present them your head instead, as well as the heads of every member of your crew.
Klingons loathed Andorians even more than they hated most of the species that composed the Fed.
A much as he hated Andorians, he knew they never willingly ended a fight while there was still a chance that they could either win or at least deliver a last-ditch sneak attack. 
Captain Gralev and Commander Stephen Garrovick destroy Gagarin, rather than suffer years of torture and abuse at the hands of the enemy.
SD 8461.7  Earth year 2287.
P22 General Korrd, a month after Nimbus III incident, initiates peace talks. Starbase 49.
Even though he’s not exactly high on the Klingons’ list of favorites, he still managed to convince their High Council that new peace talks were in order. Several previous rounds of talks, Fed initiative.
P23 Klaa, young and eager commander of rogue bird of prey, seen opportunity to gain glory from a battle against the Enterprise and Kirk himself. 
Korrd said the two governments needed to sit down and talk. There are a lot more young excitable ship commanders out there, on both sides. Sooner or later, there’ll be another incident.
Degebian mountain goat
Fed Council views meeting with Klingons as very important. A chance to bury some hatchets, maybe even once and for all.
Reports that someone may try to sabotage the conference. Either side. Subspace has been jammed with people speaking out against any sort of treaty with the Empire. 
Heightened tensions between the Fed and the Empire in recent years, some of which Kirk had contributed to. It wouldn’t take much to set off conflict between the two powers.
Time had eased the agony of the horrible day David Marcus, his only son, had died at the hands of a Klingon.
Kirk personal distrust of Klingons.
At least with a Klingon you know where you stand most of the time.
P34 jaH!
Garrovick, 5 other Gagarin crew kept prisoner for eight years, mining on jungle planet.  
Captain k’lavut had used his ship’s massive cargo transporters to move 28 Gagarin crew to his own vessel  before Gagarin exploded. Captain Gralev, tortured to death on jungle prison planet. Outwitted K’lavut, albeit temporarily, in front of his subordinates. Penalty for disrespectful behavior.
Klingon guards, sharp haircuts, trimmed beards, shiny uniforms, stun batons. No disruptor pistols or even bladed weapons.
Baton deliver electrical shocks of varying intensity capable of incapacitating or even killing 
P36 Khulr, leader of the guards. Known for his exceptional cruelty.  Beatings and harassment unnoticed by prison’s commander. He had been reprimanded for exceeding his authority on occasion, but never severely. Khulr quite effective at keeping them productive, insuring regular quota of dilithium was met. His hatred of humans was all-encompassing. He was a master at keeping his composure and bearing, and that was what made him so dangerous. One never knew when he might lash out in a violent fury.
P38 petaQ!
Camp commander standing in full military regalia. Heavy gold sash over stark black uniform. Gray in his hair and beard giving him a regal appearance.
41 Korax, prison commandant. He craved any opportunity to disrupt the mundane daily routine. Mind-numbing stream of tasks to oversee. Not for the first time cursing the cruel fate bestowed upon him.
A vile oath slipped from his lips. 
Korax was certain that not all of the Klingon gods had been slain by noble warriors all those centuries ago, but that one had survived and was now taking out a millennium’s worth of divine anger by sentencing him to this life of mediocrity and humiliation. He hated humans and always had. Despite his many meetings with them, the memory of one encounter never failed to generate a bitter taste in his mouth.
SD 4524.2  Earth Year 2268.
The shrieks were deafening, penetrating, driving straight through into his skull. Tribbles.
P42 engineering section of the Gr’oth. Ocean of the cursed furry animals. They had overtaken the enormous compartment. Three engineers trying to wade through the screaming shivering mass of hair. Tribbles sensed the Klingons’ presence and began squealing and scurrying in every direction.
P42 Captain Koloth, booming voice. Korax had seen his captain angry enough times in the past to know that this was a level of fury that was rarely displayed. 
What in the name of Kahless is this?
Sensor logs how that the Enterprise activated her transporter just before we engaged our warp engines.
Koloth cursed at the report – It isn’t enough that I’ve failed in my mission to sabotage the Fed’s plans for developing Sherman’s Planet, nor is it sufficient that these disgusting things had anything to do with my failure. Now you’re telling me that I am the victim of a petty deceit no more refined than one executed by a child?
Korax had heard of Kirk’s penchant for unorthodox tactics.
Koloth – No, with no battle being fought, I doubt that Kirk would take such underhanded action when there was nothing to gain from it.
Koloth slammed his fist into a nearby wall communications panel
Bridge, order the transporter operators to their stations. I want these godless creatures off my ship. Beam them into space.
Korax – It was the engineer. This is his revenge for losing our fight in the station bar. 
Koloth – From the report I received, it was the Earther who was victorious. He succeeded in attacking first, did he not?
Korax – his attack was cowardly, striking out when my attention was elsewhere.
Koloth – You mean while you were drunk and unaware of your surroundings. Because of your idiocy, my ship is being overrun by these filthy maggots.
Shielded areas within Klingon ship, prevent transporter lock on all tribbles.
P45 these Ha’DlbaH will continue to breed until they replace the very air. By the time we reach our nearest base, they will be the only thing left manning this ship!
Korax had no doubt that their superiors would be less than pleased when the Gr’oth returned to base. Korax wouldn’t be surprised if Koloth simply didn’t have the ship destroyed, tribbles and all.
In the aftermath of the embarrassing incident over Sherman’s Planet, Koloth was able to regain favor with the High Council, due in no small part to his having many loyal supporters in the Klingon government. Korax, however, possessed no such luxury. With no one willing to speak on his behalf, not even Koloth, he knew that his chances for redemption were small and they dwindled with each passing year. As Koloth continued to advance through the ranks and was given more responsibility, Korax soon found himself shuttling from one mediocre assignment to another. Though he served faithfully, ever the loyal soldier, he remained unnoticed or worse yet, ignored by those in power. All because of humans and the cursed tribbles.
Humans or members of other Fed races were taken prisoner only rarely. As the engagements between Starfleet and Klingon  ships  either yielded minor damage or complete destruction of one or the other. 
He cursed the politicians who, from their lofty perch hundreds of light years away on the homeworld, dared to interfere with the Gagarin survivors and how he ran his prison.
Door chime
 P47 Moqlah, another guard
Korax knew that Khulr despised humans, with a special emphasis on Elliot. Khulr brought with him his own unique set of concerns though. The senior guard had made well known his dissatisfaction with many of Korax’s policies since the camp commander’s arrival. Korax had disciplined him for disobedience in the past, and if he hadn’t been so effective at keeping the prisoners in line, Korax would have already killed him. However, with manpower concerns the way they were, executing Khulr or even transferring him from the prison wasn’t a viable option.
Korax had observed the entire incident from the balcony outside his office.
The guard is new. Replacement officers are always too enthusiastic. I will correct his behavior. 
Korax – Are you saying he was improperly trained upon his arrival here?
Khulr was in  charge of training new arrivals to the guard detachment
Khulr was bristling at the direct challenge of his ability to indoctrinate the men in his charge.
This soldier willfully disobeyed your orders and mine. See to it that he is executed immediately.
Knowing that the guard would resent being ignored in such a fashion, Korax didn’t respond immediately. 
His personal servant cleaned his office.
Korax issued orders not to beat prisoners excessively, cannot be productive in the mines.
You will gather your men, Khulr, and execute the disloyal guard as an example to them.  The same fate awaits anyone who chooses to defy me as he did. Further, the next time I must make an example of someone, it is I who will execute you. 
Korax knew that being forced to endure such a dressing down in the presence of prisoners would make the guard even angrier than he already was. 
Korax respected the fact that the human had not relinquished his duty even in the face of the adversity he endured here.
The Chancellor of the High Council himself had made that quite clear to Korax. Death wasn’t an option with the Gagarin prisoners. 
Instead of the brutal existence that normally characterized life in a Klingon  gulag, inmates here were spared unnecessarily harsh treatment. He’d been forced to train his guards to display total authority and control while at the same time refraining from acting in accordance with their past experience and training. To protect six Starfleet officers. It would arouse suspicion among the other inmates. One could never discount the intelligence, ingenuity, or determination of anyone held against their will. Other prisoners would soon deduce that the Earthers held some value, and might take steps to utilize the information.
Moqlah volunteers that the two are among the few that can operate the larger mining machinery, killing them would affect quota.
The isolation cells were small coffin-like booths, cutting off all outside stimuli. Quite capable of destroying a prisoner’s mental health.
P53 You are prisoners of war, taken during battle. To execute you would be dishonorable and disobedient to the teachings of Kahless.
Garrovick had heard of Kahless in history classes at the Academy. Kahless supposed to be a mythical figure of major importance in Klingon culture.
P54 You were denied the right to die in battle. Kahless would not approve of executing warriors like criminals, and it is he who will decide whether you are to join him in Sto-Vo-Kor or be banished to the depths of Gre’thor with the other petaQ who possess no honor.
Garrovick had never seen Klingons display such rich devotion to something other than the heat of battle. 
Khulr doesn’t feel the same way as Moqlah on the subject of Kahless.
There are those in the Empire who reject beliefs such as those held by Khulr. We are growing in number, and our message is sweeping across the Empire. Khulr is a dog, and when he dies he will spend eternity with those who share his dishonor.
Notions of honor and valor hadn’t been hallmarks of Klingon behavior in Garrovick’s experience.
Starbase 49, Starfleet officers, Fed diplomats and Klingon military officers and governmental representatives. Diplomats are mingling, those in uniform were separate, eying each other with varying degrees of suspicion and distrust. Two escort vessels used to bring the Klingon delegation.
Tall even for a Klingon, long dark hair streaked with gray, flowed about his broad shoulders and highlighted the high brow ridges. Leather immaculate uniform, heavy sash over right shoulder. Wearing the uniform insignia of a ship captain. Fuller beard, pronounced forehead ridges, same piercing eyes.
P58 Captain K’tran, Captain Koloth. 
k-7 nearly 20 years ago. Koloth looks different. Their paths had crossed occasionally since K-7, several years since Kirk had seen Koloth.
Gr’oth, border patrol ship
Kirk had encountered two distinctly different types of Klingons. figured the Klingon Empire was made up of several different species.
Klingon ambassador.
Ambassador Catherine Joquel, Fed envoy to the current peace proceedings – For many years you have sworn oaths to serve your people in defense of their enemies. Your enemies have been each other. After decades of distrust, hostility, and conflict, we have arrived at a crossroads. The leaders, those you have sworn allegiance to, have decided that it is finally time for change. They have arrived at the conclusion that we are stronger if we join together than if we continue to hold each other at arm’s length as enemies.
P60 Klingon Ambassador Kaljagh, Klingon special envoy to the Federation and one of the architects of the effort which brings us here today.
Mighty Klingon ambassador, face that of the typical hardened Klingon warrior. Deep resonating voice that was used to being heard.
Greeting, warriors of the Empire. It is with a profound sense of honor that I address you this evening. I have been charged by the High Council to represent our people at these historic proceedings, during which we will forge the beginnings of a bond with our former enemies. There are many who believe such a union is long overdue, but there are also those who believe we are somehow undermining those things which made our Empire what it is. It is time to cast aside our distrust, our anger, our fear, and embrace one another as brothers. May the negotiations we pursue here lead to that momentous event. 
Decidedly less enthusiasm shown by the Klingon attendees.
Our coming here today was prompted by an unfortunate course of action undertaken by a spirited yet inexperienced Klingon officer. Were it not for the prudent actions of a tested Starfleet captain and his crew, we would possibly be at war today, rather than discussing peace. There is a man among us who many regard as a prime enemy of the Empire.  He is a man whose death would bring celebration in our capital cities. It is the height of irony that he is also the one mostly responsible for seeing to it that the rash actions of an ambitious youth did not cascade into disaster for us all. The High Council extends its most sincere apologies and gratitude to Captain James Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise.
Some Klingons clapped heartily, many others were more subdued. 
P63 Admiral LeGere, commander SB 49, had created a buffet featuring selections from across the Fed and the Klingon Empire.. 
Kaljagh – The weak will starve. A tremendous wolfish grin enveloped his face.
P64 Toladal, aide to Amb Kaljagh. Klingon dressed in flowing robes of a delegate, not as rich or colorful as those worn by Klingon ambassador or the other dignitaries.
Spock’s reputation is well known within the Empire. Given the Enterprise’s numerous encounters with Klingons over the years.
Toladal – We have followed the careers of several Starfleet officers for many years, and you are among that select group. Your interactions with members of the Empire have always been forthright and honorable, even during battle. The Empire has grown beyond the warlike band of savages that the Fed first encountered many years ago. We too have evolved as a species. While there is still much work to be done, many of us believe we have progressed far enough to make this effort at negotiation worthwhile. 
Spock noted haw strange such sentiments sounded coming from a Klingon. 
Thoughts of some members of the High Council, in haste to put aside differences with the Fed, Klingon culture must not fall victim to dishonor or disrespect.
Toladal – One of our more recently elected members, Gorkon, frequently speaks of the need for peace and cooperation between our peoples. While some of his ideas bring resistance, others have been rapidly gaining support. In fact, it was Gorkon who led the initiative to bring about this conference.
The dark calculating eyes of  captain Koloth. A huge Klingon smile, replete with jagged teeth.
Gagh. Always served best when still alive.
Koloth’s appearance had changed drastically since their first encounter 20 years ago. Undeniably Koloth. 
We will regale one another with tales of our glorious battles before our duties take us from this place. Be sure to sample some of the Klingon cuisine. It is food fit for a warrior. 
Kirk, the flavor of gagh wasn’t unpleasant. Causes Kirk to faint, allergic reaction
Koloth beams aboard Enterprise with Spock, to give McCoy antidote to poison he gave Kirk with the gagh. Small vial of dark red liquid.
Koloth wanted to meet with Kirk. Given the nature of the peace conference, I am sure that I am under surveillance. Hands over Gagarin disaster recorder.
The Gagarin was ambushed by Klingons in Fed space eight years ago. Destroyed, all hands lost. The Empire never acknowledged the attack. They claimed it was the work of renegades, operating without government sanction. 
Koloth – The High Council as an entity never authorized any attack on a Fed ship. However, that did not preclude a few ambitious Council members from taking matters into their own hands for their own personal gain. The Gagarin disaster recorder was retrieved by K’lavut, commanding the Imperial cruiser Vo’taq. With no proof the Empire could state that it had no knowledge of the incident, just as they would deny any of what happened afterward. 
Koloth hesitated, as if contemplating the ramifications of what he might say next – There were survivors of the attack and they were taken into custody. 
Koloth produced another data cartridge from his belt, he’s had it translated into a standard format used throughout the Fed. A visual recording. Image obtained from a Klingon prison facility eight years ago. A planetoid located near the border on our side of the Neutral Zone, a staging area for prisoners before they are sent to more permanent facilities. Ordinarily you would never find a human there, or any race easily identified as Fed.
Koloth knows many survived from the Gagarin. The ship’s command crew were probably interrogated for any useful knowledge while the rest were interred in Klingon gulags. Such facilities are known throughout the quadrant for the harsh, cruel conditions.
Stephen Garrovick, Gagarin’s first officer, former member of Enterprise crew. Kirk had traveled to earth to visit mother. 
Kirk thought Klingons didn’t take prisoners during battle.  
Koloth - In battle, that is correct. However, some klingons have been known to take prisoners if it served their needs. I am not one of those people. There are those on the Council, who believe war with the Fed is inevitable and that some leverage may be necessary. Only a few of the Council members even know about the Gagarin incident and that there are survivors. These are the same Klingons who held Council seat as when the original attack took place. All the newer members except for one are oblivious. 
Secrets among members of the High Council.
Koloth disgusted – Those who keep the secret feel that with the new round of talks, it might be better to simply dispose of survivors and go on pretending they never existed. It was disgraceful enough to attack the Gagarin for no reason, but the crew should at least have been permitted to die in battle as warriors. Instead they were kept as bargaining chips by a handful of loathsome glob flies who dare to call themselves Klingon. 
Koloth – I am not alone. Data cartridge discovered by Gorkon, a recently elected member to the High Council. He found it by accident while performing some other research. The entire matter disgusts him as it would any true Klingon, and he wants it resolved. He is afraid if he brings it to the rest of the Council, those who are responsible for this travesty of honor will see to it that the survivors are killed.
Gorkon wants Koloth to find Starfleet officer to handle the matter with delicacy. The official story will be that they were discovered on a remote planetoid in Klingon space, having managed to land there in escape pods. It is the only way to get them home without sending the High Council into a panic or jeopardizing the current round of negotiations.
If the peace talks currently under way are successful, those members of the high Council who have the most to fear would undoubtedly kill the prisoners to preserve their position.
Kirk needs access to a Klingon vessel. Koloth smiled wickedly. I thought you might. My ship stands ready to assist you. If you are discovered aboard a Klingon vessel in our space, we will all be executed as spies.
P87 Murgh, communications officer of the Imperial Klingon Cruiser Terthos. Soft spoken, burly thick muscled soldier. Shakes hands gently with Uhura. I have learned that humans shake hands in this manner when they are first introduced. It seems a foolhardily thing to do, leaving oneself open to attack. 
Fear not, new friends, I am unarmed this day.
P89 Murgh – Our communications array is malfunctioning and I am unable to determine the cause. I have already spoken to the communications officer of the Gal’tagh, but like me, she is new to her posting. 
Uhura had spent several months learning the intricacies of the communications system aboard the Klingon bird of prey Kirk had captured the previous year.
I have already informed my captain that if you were to do anything suspicious, I would kill you myself. 
For years there have been rumors about Starfleet personnel being held captive within the Empire. The Klingons have always denied this. 
Adm. Bennett – Are you willing to risk your life on the word of a Klingon?
Like the Admiral, Kirk had been taught at an early age to distrust Klingons, a position that had been reinforced through numerous occasions with the warrior race throughout his career. It was only much later that he learned he could hate them as well. Over David. 
95 great Hall, meeting place of High Council. Nearly every decision governing the Empire for centuries had been made in this hall. Even after the inception of the Council itself, the Emperor had contemplated and forged the future of his people from here. Following the death of the last Emperor, more than two centuries ago, the Council had begun presiding from this chamber. The influence of the single mind charged with such great responsibility could still be felt here, embodied in the massive throne at the head of the Hall. Still the seat of power, the throne was now the ceremonial position for the Chancellor of the High Council. Throne symbolizing the gleaming edge of the warrior’s blade ruling the Empire.  New ideas and views were making their way into the Council, and the rest of the Empire, many in conflict with beliefs Komor held sacred. 
Komor, High Council member, thinks it unlikely he would ever be Chancellor. He realized change was on the horizon, and that it involved humans. He had spent a number of years as an officer aboard a battle cruiser, serving for the glory of the Empire. Were the values he had held sacred for his entire life, the traditions and beliefs instilled into him from his earliest days, to be so casually thrown away?
P96 K’lotek, Komor’s friend and fellow member of the High Council. The Empire would be taking advantage of the prosperity such an alliance would bring. If we were to go to war with the Fed today, we would be vastly outnumbered, in both ships and warriors. 
Statistics are the defense of cowards.
We are Klingons, we are the stronger. The Fed is weak, a chorus of diplomats more comfortable talking than with taking action. They cannot conceive of battle as bloody as that which the Empire can bring.
The Fed is made up of many races, some have pasts as glorious and enriched by battle as the Empire. Humans, their notions of honor may be laughable, have one of the most violent histories. Some of their present day ship commanders can be shrewd and cunning in combat. They haven’t forgotten their bloody heritage. They should never be underestimated. 
Komor – I do not underestimate them. I distrust them with every fiber of my being. We should seek peace with the Fed only to place ourselves in a better position to dictate our destiny in the years ahead. 
97 Chancellor Kesh is no fool, nor are the other members of the Council, even those who have been recently seated.
You may not agree with everything Gorkon brings to the Hall, but it is hard to discount the things he says. He also has many supporters. Kesh knows this, as he knows that Gorkon and those who share his views may well represent the future of the Empire. 
The throne, the centuries old symbol of Klingon power and purpose. 
Komor has a data cartridge, record of a subspace communication made by Gorkon to the Gal’tagh, one of the escort vessels that took diplomatic entourage to the Fed starbase. The Gal’tagh left the starbase several hours ago to return to its normal duties. Ordinarily Gorkon would have no reason to contact the ship directly. 
The message was encoded, using a nonstandard encryption scheme. Assigned decoding to his staff. 
The screen filled with lines of harsh red Klingonese text.
Koloth commands the Gal’tagh. 
Gorkon and Koloth share no past. Koloth a capable commander who has served the Empire with distinction. An almost flawless career, the only blemish on his record is that incident on the Fed space station when he commanded the Gr’oth. It had been necessary to destroy Koloth’s ship and the millions of abhorrent tribbles infesting it. even after that the curse of the fuzzy parasites had continued and they soon began finding their way onto outlying Klingon planets by way of merchant freighters and other independent spacecraft that did not have Klingons as crew members. 20 years after initial contact, complaints of tribbles overrunning remote colony planets or annexed worlds with heavy merchant traffic were commonplace. 
Koloth, after the destruction of his ship, with his good standing with several members of the High Council, gained command of another battle cruiser, the Devisor.
Komor had put servants on the Gal’tagh and other ship who were loyal to the High Council above their captains. Not an honorable tactic. Conduct simple surveillance and recon on board Fed starbase. 
P109 a horn signals the end of the meal period on prison planet.
The mine’s production quota had been a source of pride for Korax since his arrival at the prison. His appreciation showed in prisoner food rations and guard’s treatment.
Khulr and Elliot fight in mine after cave-in, Garrovick gets guard’s stun baton and stuns him from behind. Immobilized but still able to speak. Teeth clenched in pain.
123 Klingon tavern. Dimly lit. Thick smoke in air.  Walls cluttered with all manner of exotic weapons and assorted hunting trophies. Octagonal target board, strike small black octagons on larger red field with large knives. Energy weapons checked at the door.
125 Two days into Klingon space from SB 49. Jlinzegh’ province of the colony world Don’zali IV agriculture, farming communities all over the planet. Planet discovered decades ago, lush fertile land. Export foodstuffs. Spaceport facilities on surface and in orbit. Small towns and large cities. 
All Koloth’s crew tall, wild hair, jagged teeth, forehead ridges.
Inhabitants of Jlinzegh’ resemble 20 year previous Klingons.
K’zeq, inhabitant of Jlinzegh’ province of the colony world Don’zali IV. Former commander of prison, communicated with Komor. According to local law enforcement he lived in small domicile within group of large multi-residence buildings. Aged and crotchety woman servant. Hangs out at local tavern. Eminent cranial ridges. Different person when young and misguided at  prison camp. Weakness of youth. Strive toward higher ideal. K’zeq was camp commander with prisoners were brought in. executed Captain Gralev. Captain of the vessel who delivered the prisoners said they had been captured in Klingon space conducting espionage. Prisoners remained with K’zeq until trial several months later. After trail, three weeks later, some prisoners return. The High Council informed K’zeq of trial and had him prepare prisoners for transport. 
Gorkon believes the Fed prisoners are being held deep in Klingon space, but actual prison is unknown. He has been unable to find any record of facility. 
The very notion of retiring from the military disgusts Koloth. 
Talking way out of confrontation would be considered offensive and result in an invitation to personal combat. Maintain strong aggressive front.
Different looking Klingons have different beliefs
You have invited your death today. Your blood will feed the insects that cower beneath the floorboards.
Koloth, Kirk and Sulu in barroom brawl, with four non-forehead Klingons. rescued by K’zeq.
I could have killed them all easily, but there would have been no honor in it.
Koloth has long been known as a formidable military commander with many glorious victories to your credit.
Koloth has a past he would like to forget. 
Interstellar law the government of the accused person must be notified prior to commencement of legal proceedings.
Gorkon has info on surprise attack on Gagarin and seizure of members of crew. Members of High Council aware of incident, covered up. Peace talks with Fed were beginning and Empire was in dire need of some sort of agreement allowing it to expand its borders into territory possessing resource-rich planets such as those on the Fed side of Neutral Zone. The prisoners could have proven valuable if negotiations stalled. The talks did fail. Prisoners not useful. 
Can the Council be susceptible to such corruption? There is no honor in such deceitful action. Koloth seeks to correct that. There is real hope that current negotiations will succeed. Some members of the Council believe that cannot happen until  this affront to our honor is dealt with. Others would rather pretend the incident never occurred than do the honorable thing and admit their misdeeds. 
As a warrior pledged to uphold the teachings of Kahless, I cannot stand by and allow that to happen. Do you embrace Kahless, or merely defile his image for your own gain?
I strive to live by the standards forged by Kahless each day of my life. To stand and do nothing in the face of this dishonor is as much an insult to Kahless as any direct action I might take. 
A warrior of Koloth’s statue would most likely not keep the company of Klingons such Kirk and Sulu pretend to be. 
You hit like a human.
144 J’rgan, member of Koloth’s crew. Komor’s man. A spy, loathsome, except for substantial compensation. Honor was one thing, but it lost some of its luster when placed beside the comforts of life that could be had if one could only afford the purchase price. J’rgan’s father dead, only son. Father old, rest on laurels of long-forgotten battles while pledging his steadfast devotion to principles that at the time were overwhelmingly unpopular. 
The teachings of Kahless began to experience a resurgence of acceptance.
Honor could get you a lot of things, but money could get them a lot faster and with a lot less effort.
145 ship, the Terthos. Other Klingon ship at SB 49. 
Very few old style Klingons were assigned to ships in the fleet these days. Many still served the Empire, but most relegated to low-priority or unglamorous assignments. 
Sulu bat’leth instruction under Koloth.
149 next destination Pao’la. Remote jungle-covered prison planet 
exercise room on Gal’tagh. Collection of weapons, armor, plaques, statue in lighted alcove, two figures locked in unarmed battle. 
Kahless, it is he who tells us of honor and courage and commitment and how we must strive each day to live by the example he set for us. Any Klingon with any shred of honor owes what he is to Kahless. Kahless guides us, so long as we are willing to listen. He is there when we go into battle and if we should fall honorably, we will join him in Sto-Vo-Kor. The legend of Kahless is the foundation upon which the Empire stands. Without his guidance we are doomed to a fate of self-destruction. For a time, that was forgotten by many Klingons. other, selfish concerns blinded us to Kahless’ teachings, but that is beginning to change. His wisdom is being rediscovered and in time the Empire will return to its former glory. 
Bat’leth occupied a central point in Klingon culture a symbol of strength and conviction in the face of chaos and tyranny. 
Unyielding metal slates serve as beds aboard the Gal’tagh.
No other Klingon has ever borne the name Kahless.
Kahless would never have aligned himself with those motivated merely by personal gain. Such actions are the very height of dishonor. 
154 Toreth, Gal’tagh’s security officer. Captures J’rgan. Reconstructs security log entries of transport down to Don’zali IV and uncovered evidence of at least two transmissions encoded within normal communications traffic. 
Who commands your loyalty?
Koloth kills J’rgan with bat’leth stroke.
Komor, office large window, ornate stone desk fashioned from a slab of granite taken from mountain monastery on Boreth. Wooden floor. 
Komor had visited Boreth once years ago. Komor trophies and mementoes of a glorious military and political career. 
Elected to High Council. Time comes to step down.
Chancellor Kesh had wanted the Fed prisoners, to learn Fed plans for unoccupied planets bordering the Neutral Zone near Klingon space. Recently elected Komor had objected. Had argued for prisoner execution after usefulness at an end. 
Kesh, Komor and K’lotek only member still on Council from that time. Share the secret.
Gorkon appointed to the Council. Gorkon viewed war with Federation a waste of time and resources. The Empire was greatly restricted, territorially speaking. Positioned so that Klingon boundaries could only be expanded away from the galactic center into desolate region of Beta Quadrant.
Gorkon would insist on returning prisoners, as goodwill gesture to prove his point to Fed.
Unrest growing within Empire. Klingons who sought to return to the old ways, to the days when the teachings of Kahless guided the people rather than a group of elected political officials. Many Klingons believed that the High Council had lost sight of the values put forth by the Unforgettable and that they should be made to see the errors of their misguided leadership. Fed prisoners would be an act of blasphemy in the face of Klingon honor. Call for removal of Council. 
Komor – Though I prefer the battlefield to a conference table, I am not so dense that I cannot see the greater good being served here.
Komor orders attack to destroy prison, and Klingon guards. Make it look like Romulan, Orion. 
Komor and K’lotek had served on battle cruiser together in their youth.
Councilman Komor.
Koloth has allies who would not take kindly to his death at the orders of a conniving politician using the power of his office for his own personal gain.
165 the nearest ship to Koloth’s Gal’tagh on way to Pao’la is the Zan’zi, outguns Gal’tagh, captain an inferior tactician.
Moqlah injured in escape attempt by Romulan prisoners.
184 Toladal, a large Klingon. Dressed in dark robes accented with a thick leather belt and sash, diplomatic caste. 
Talks going on for a week.
Ambassador Kaljagh has spoken highly of Sarek on a number of occasions. 
Bomb goes off.
190 Lorta, security officer of the Terthos. Female, imposing muscled figure. 
Politics. Your enemies aren’t always visible, but it makes the challenge that much greater. 
To a Klingon, a beard represents courage.
On Pao’la, prison, and spaceport facility on other side of planet. Energy shield surrounds prison, inhibiting transporters. 
Kirk, Sulu and Koloth use cloaked shuttle to make planetfall.
This group eats better than most prisoners Koloth has seen.
Koloth refuses to discuss forehead difference with outsiders.
Koloth apologizes to Kirk. I would not normally got o the effort to say that, especially to a human. But you have proven yourself worthy of my respect. I respect you, Kirk, but only to a point. I’ve often asked myself what Kahless would say about many of the things I have said and done over the course of my life. I did not always embrace the teachings of Kahless as I do now. There was a time when such beliefs were largely unpopular. You might say that the Empire went through a time of social and political upheaval. Everything held in high regard until the that time was questioned if not dismissed as being old, obsolete. That was the age I was born into. My father, I have never known a finer warrior. He feared nothing, except my mother of course. He taught me about Kahless, about honor and courage, how not to bow to the popular thought of others who were more focused on selfish destructive behavior that tore at the fabric of everything the Empire had been built on. Until the day he died my father never renounced his beliefs. Koloth, as a young adult, had no need for the teachings of an old man. When he grew old enough, he discovered that he was dissatisfied with the society around him. He sought challenge, adventure, glory and the  only place to find that was in the military. When he joined, we met others who felt as he did, learned that many of them burned with a fire fueled by the same sense of honor and morality Koloth had witnessed in his father. Koloth realized his father influenced him in many ways. Since that awakening he has spent his life living up to his father’s example and to that of Kahless and his timeless concepts of honor above all. 
202 Koloth – The Empire stands on the foundation created by the principles Kahless teaches us, and without those same principles to support it, the Empire will eventually crumble. Yet even today, many Klingons refuse to embrace all that Kahless has given us. Worse, there are those who merely pretend to honor him, living in deceit in order to curry favor with those in power. In the case of certain members of the High Council, they lie in order to maintain the approval of the people, more and more of whom adopt the ways of Kahless with each passing year. the Empire is undergoing a transformation that may take years if not decades to realize, but it still disgusts me to think that Klingons are capable of such abhorrent behavior.
April, Garth and other Starfleet captains describes Klingons they met as devious and deceitful, an enemy not to be trusted. Earlier captains, like Archer and Taggart reported ok Klingons. Kirk has faced off with Kor, Kang, Korrd, Koloth, considered Klingons capable of displaying such admirable qualities.
Koloth – Klingons military holds higher point of distinction in society than Starfleet does in the Fed. Klingons have culture as rich and diverse, art, music, we laugh we love. Those who embrace Kahless’ teachings bring an enrichment to the Empire and remind us to honor all that we are and all that we have.
205 Lorta, Tertos’s security chief. Methodical. Diligent and untiring examining conference hall for clues about explosion. Works with Chekov.
Tricorder bulkier than Starfleet issue, hardened case for harsh environments.
Lorta interrogates, Chekov questions.
Scotty found that most of the fragments embedded in the podium came from standard Klingon datapad, metallic composites and glass. 
210 chemical residue Qo’legh. Scotty has never seen anything like it. Lorta identifies it immediately. A highly volatile mixture that can only be created through the combination of three otherwise inert substances. When mixed in the correct manner it makes an efficient explosive. Designed to leave very little in the way of detectable residue. Undetectable by tricorder, found under enhanced spectral analysis. Damn impressive. The chemical reaction is instant, timed delay or a communications signal.
Lorta believes they are dealing with untrained Klingon assassin. A Klingon assassin would not waste an opportunity to kill. Qo’legh is a favored tool of Klingon spies, the wasted opportunity here suggests to her someone not trained in the art of covert assassination.
213 Uhura’s first time aboard Klingon ship when there were Klingons aboard. Smells bad. Food and personal hygiene. At communications station on Terthos doing diagnostic check at Murgh’s request. Tracking down malfunction troubling the Klingon vessel’s comm. system. 
Enterprise Lt. Brian Connors makes quick work of programming language used to interface with most Klingon military computers.
214 Lt. Ag’hel, Terthos’ first officer. Female. Intends to be the first Klingon female in command.
There are very few women in leadership positions aboard Klingon ships and none in command. 
215 no woman held any political power so far as Starfleet Intelligence could determine within the Klingon Empire. in the military, Klingon females served in all manner of capacities, several first officers.
The Klingon Empire, a patriarchal society in the extreme.
Luck will not be necessary
Personal enjoyment is not a requirement of loyal service
Dimly lit command center
In orbit around SB 49 Terthos attacked, starboard nacelle sustains heavy structural damage. Ag’hel suspects Enterprise, the only other vessel in range, and begins battle preparations. 
219 six hundred qelI’qams.
Terthos Captain K’tran. Imposing figure. Tall, broad chested, bare muscled arms. Long dark hair. Jagged uneven teeth.
Lt Murgh’s status reports speaks highly of Uhura’s expertise in repairing Terthos comm. system. 
Murgh rose from his chair in response to the direct address from his captain. 
Toladal was with Spock when Terthos explosion occurred. Diplomatic cadre, ornate robes and leather.
Lt. Lorta on Enterprise with Chekov when explosion on Terthos.
Captain K’tran orders ship to stand down. Turns on Ag’hel.
Ag’hel snapped to rigid attention.
As a warrior, I serve the Empire. if it is the Council’s wish to seek peace with our enemies, then so be it. I will find battle elsewhere.
Lorta and Chekov find a Klingon transporter beam attached an object to the Tertos’ hull at 18:00 hours. 
K’tinga class battle cruisers, gray green color.
Terthos, k’tinga-class. Cold metal deck plating.
Klingon torpedoes black.
Lorta believes the evidence points to Toladal’s involvement, as the transport of bomb was piggybacked to his transport to Enterprise.
Ag’hel short time assigned on Terthos. Reputation not to be trifled with. That status had been strengthened on more than one occasion with the blood of foolhardy crew member seeking to challenge her authority. Most of the crew had accepted those duels and obeyed her as honor demanded. Some would still seek a fight for her position. 
Dark maroon doors to Ambassador Kaljagh’s quarters at the end of dimly lit hallway. Guards stationed in corridor. One chair in sitting room. 
Kaljagh’s home on Qo’noS. brought items from home, Large ornately decorated goblet from service tray. Large white animal hide as rug.
She’d fought in bars that were better decorated. 
Ag’hel and Kaljagh both agents of Komor.  Kaljagh failed in bomb planting mission at conference center, and on hull of ship. Kaljagh no experience in covert missions. Komor forced him into this situation.
Ag’hel a deep cover operative reporting directly to the High Council. On many missions she did not know the primary or ultimate objective. She had to trust that Chancellor Kesh was acting in the best interests of the Empire.
Ag’hel found it difficult to believe that the politician had even participated in a hunt since childhood, if then.
237 new rich dilithium deposits found, Korax anxious to exploit. Keep his already impressive level of productivity up. Automated rail car built to transport prisoners two hours. 
Khulr had been leaving Sydney alone, perhaps on Korax’s orders.
Compound attacked by small fast moving Klingon shuttle. Skill and utter audacity of the pilot, Sulu. Koloth welds weapons as an exceptional marksman. Three person transporter pad. Computer console configured to display information in Fed Standard rather than Klingon.
Disruptor rifles outfitted with targeting scopes.
Building housed Korax’s personal shuttle and prison’s small fleet of ground transport vehicles. Thermoconcrete chewed up by disruptors.
Korax shocked to see Koloth in shuttle. More than anyone or anything else, Koloth was the reason Korax had been all but banished to this useless backwater planet.
Moqlah hopes justice was being paid to Garrovick and his people. The Council would not be able to deny what had happened and it would be the first step toward restoring both honor and his faith in the Klingon Empire.
Sulu displayed an uncanny ability to acquire new skills, bat’leth and Klingon shuttle, quickly.
 Koloth had disabled the power generator for the section of the energy shield covering the entrance to the compound. Emergency systems would soon kick in. 
249 Chekov and Lorta had set sensors to scan for Klingon transporter signature that had been used during previous attack. Enterprise lock on to whatever and beam it away, track transporter beam to source.
Second torpedo, fitted with transport inhibitor.
Scott had been assisting the Terthos crew with repairs after last attack, experienced with Klingon technology over the years.
Ag’hel removes all traces of her activities from security logs maintained in the Tertos’s main computer. Her override code. Ag’hel had adjusted the torpedo’s yield so that the danger to the Terthos’s antimatter system was minimized, preventing complete destruction of the ship. Second torpedo placed near high crew concentration area, massive casualties would cripple the ship.
Communicator on wide leather belt. Control 
K’tran, Lorta and Chekov corner Ag’hel. Ag’hel had faked transporter and communications logs, inventory reports on torpedo numbers, K’tran had thrown munitions officer in brig under suspicion, to await trail and execution. 
Most Klingons serving aboard fleet vessels possessed little if any comprehensive software programming expertise. Such work generally left to support personnel when a vessel reported to maintenance facility. 
Lt Connors, Starfleet, proficient in a Klingon programming language.
Spock, K’tran, Lorta and Chekov beam into conference room, arrest Kaljagh.
Kaljagh pulls d’k tahg, takes Fed Ambassador Joquel hostage.
Toladal – After all the good that has come from our work here, why would you attempt to destroy it? What could possibly be worth sacrificing the lives of Klingon warriors?
K’tran incredulous when Kaljagh implicates Komor. Komor controlled Kaljagh by threatening to kill his family, wife and three children, new born son.
Toladal suggests Gorkon would be able to remove Kaljagh’s family from danger. 
Kesh and Komor cannot allow info on Fed prisoners to become public knowledge. There are too many Klingons who would denounce Kesh and Komor and their partners and fight for their removal from office.
Eight years ago Kaljagh was a court magistrate, one of several who presided over the trial for the crew of the Starfleet ship. Trial in name only. Kesh and Komor had already decided their fate. Now Kesh and Komor know that the tides are turning and that peace with the Fed is inevitable.
264 Lt. K’vyr, engineer of the Terthos. male.
Plating on hull of Klingon ship composed of trititanium
Torpedo arms itself, time delay failsafe. scott and K’vyr work together to cut it free, save Terthos.
as a seasoned covert operative Ag’hel would possess the skills needed to insure she didn’t reveal any useful information
Joquel intends to voice support for Kaljagh, the accomplishments he helped bring about should not be overshadowed by his unfortunate involvement in this affair, considering  how he was coerced. draft version of treaty drawn up by Joquel and Kaljagh.
276 Kirk unaware Korax the name of Koloth’s first officer on K-7.
Koloth – Korax, so this is where the Empire saw fit to banish him.
the bar fight on K-7 had not gone over well with the Fed officials on the station
24 Klingons pursue Kirk, Koloth and escaping prisoners
Koloth – Hide and wait for our enemies to come to us? What kind of way is that to fight?
Koloth – It is honorable to die fighting for a cause you believe in.
Kirk – Hide and ambush them.
Koloth – Coming from any other Earther, I would have considered your words to be those of a coward. but I know better than that. 
Korax wants Koloth for himself, the one most responsible for the ruin his career had become. rather than standing by his side and pledging his faith and support, had instead forsaken him, casting him away as he pursued his own goals and enlightenment.
Koloth had embraced the teachings of Kahless, like so many others had turned away from aspirations of conquest and the power to be had by subjugating those who were weaker. Instead they searched for honor and glory, living their lives by a rigid code set forth centuries before and which had until only recently been relegated by many to the realm of myth or even children’s tales. Those who followed Kahless’ path believed that upon their death, the mighty Klingon warrior who defined their existence would welcome them into the afterlife where they would reap the rewards of their loyalty. 
Korax never believed any of the Kahless stuff.
There were those Klingons who regarded the taking of captives during battle to be a grievous violation of honor.
Moqlah ordered to restore order to the prison. 
284 warship Zan’zi entering orbit of Pao’la.
Ships visit Pao’la on rigid schedule.
Kill any of them and you will die here by my blade.
The sound normally made by the Klingon tricorder was muted. Directional readout. Vibrates in hand.
The oath that escaped Korax’s lips was one he had learned as a boy. It was particularly vulgar and had earned him a slap across the mouth from his mother.
In fight with Garrovick Khulr draws his stun baton from the holster on his belt and activates it. The weapon’s end glowed red, most potent charge.
I intend to watch your eyes as I impale your heart on this.
Sydney Elliot battles Khulr, jams baton in Khulr’s throat, empty charge into the Klingon. Khulr dead.
Prisoners and rescuers captured.
I imagine this is the highlight of your otherwise mediocre career.
One does what is necessary to accomplish one’s goals
How long had Kirk been considered a vile enemy of the Empire? there is quite a substantial price on his head.
Uniform markings of a warship commander
306  Jardak, captain of Imperial cruiser Zan’zi,  Head completely devoid of hair, prominent ridges on wide forehead, a single scar ran down right side of face from temple to lips
the Fed prisoners were taken during battle then treated like common criminals. That in itself violates centuries of tradition with respect to combat. That they were then left here to rot while those responsible for the decision lied about their actions is a heinous offense against the honor of the Empire. the High Council believes that continuing this deception is an impediment to the ongoing negotiations with the Fed. They wish the matter closed, once and for all.
Gorkon sent Jardak.
Kesh has stepped down after having fallen victim to a sudden illness. Certain other Council members were inclined to vacate their seats. Junior officials are filling those positions. Gorkon has assumed the temporary role of Chancellor. he feels it is long past time for honor to be restored to the Empire, and such drastic changes must begin in the highest halls of power if the initiative is to succeed.
If Klingons see that their leaders are willing to suffer personal embarrassment for the good of our people, it will strengthen their belief in the necessity of honor above all else. Only then will the Empire attain the true greatness that Kahless envisioned for us.
Sulu understands  Klingon order to fire on the prison complex.
Moqlah and other Klingon guards, and other prisoners died for  a greater purpose.
A Klingon’s warrior’s duty to the Empire includes dying in its defense.
Jardak’s original orders, from Kesh, to destroy all evidence of the prison facility were never rescinded. Gorkon’s orders to have Starfleet prisoners returned to Fed came in transit.
The prison was a symbol of shame and as much  a disgrace to the Empire as the actions that brought your companions here. We Klingons do not coddle our criminals as you do in the Fed. We punish them, treating them like the undeserving dogs they are. 
Koloth – You’re a fool, Korax. Simply serving the Empire is not enough. Your life is what it is because you chose to do what was accepted, not what was right. You hid behind cowards. You are no better than Kesh and Komor and you deserve to share their fate.
He deserves the fate created by his own actions.
Koloth – Take caution Kirk. You have earned a measure of respect from me, but do not abuse what I offer. The prison is gone, and my duty is to the Empire, especially now. Chancellor Gorkon needs warriors to serve him who value honor above all.
Kirk – Where was the honor in murdering my son?
Koloth – Your son was an unfortunate casualty who fell victim to the actions of cowards. Take comfort in knowing that the Klingons responsible have been cast into Gre’thor where they will spend eternity at the mercy of Fek’lhr.
Kirk – As far as I’m concerned, every last one of you can go to Gre’thor, or hell, or wherever it is that Klingons burn best.
Kirk only fights when there are no other options.
Koloth – that is what defines the honor of a true warrior.
Two weeks of care for prisoners at SB 49.
The replacement of Chancellor Kesh and members of the Council has caused major disruption in the Klingon government. It could be a while before things stabilize there. Civil unrest had erupted in pockets throughout the Empire. gorkon had legions of supporters.
Koloth told Kirk that Klingons have always valued honor and character. Their entire culture was built upon those beliefs. They apparently went through a period where those values seemed to lose their importance, but he says that’s changing now.
Kirk – Conquering the weak and destroying the defenseless, that’s their nature. 
  Probe by Margaret Wander Bonanno
P29 Fed ongoing negotiations with the Klingon Empire.
The Romulan Praetor, third in rank but first in power, is dead, of long illness, slow acting poison.
P98 Romulan Commander Hiran – What if we were to treat with humans as we have been treating with the Klingons these many years. 
The only Klingon in the containment field, so to speak, is Penalt.
P126 the Probe had disabled Fed and Klingon ships on its way to Earth. It had come from general direction of Romulan neural zone. ? and done the same on its way out again?
P333 Spock finds that the Probe had encountered a particularly nasty and persistent group of aliens who had half-destroyed it before it had managed to drive them off. These some aliens traced it back to the homeworld, where the Second Winnowing was the result. McCoy remarked they sound like super-Klingons, and we can only hope that their current 300,000 year absence continues.
  The Rift by Peter David
P69 [2256] the Klingons are the major enemy of the Federation. Pike hasn’t had much personal contact with them. But they are extremely deadly, formidable enemies. 
Zyo comments that the Fed and Klingon philosophies are very similar.
Pike objects. The Klingons believe that they have a right to conquer whatever they wish! They believe that they are stronger than the Fed and can do what they want, where they want. They think they are destined to be the dominant race in the galaxy. They believe that because they feel they are the stronger. The Klingons believe that through natural selection they are the dominant species. The difference is that Klingons see only physical strength as ht determinant of superiority. Their definition of strength is based entirely on the concept of being able to subjugate others. The Klingons are stronger than humans, and their claims have a great deal of basis in your own philosophies. It is the veracity of those claims that Pike finds so annoying about the Klingons. It’s not because he’s so certain that they’re wrong. It’s because he’s afraid they might be right.
Pike mentions if the Klingons encountered Zyo and the Calligarians they would try to conquer them. As would any number of warlike races the Fed knows of. 
P260 [2289] Kirk hallucinates that his mother brings him brownies, with a Tribble perched serenely on her shoulder.
P274 [2289] when the rift opened 33 years later, [2322] the Fed was engaged in major hostilities as part of the Klingon-Romulan war 
  Starfleet Academy by Diane Carey
P55 Kirk only cadet to beat the Kobayashi Maru No-Win Scenario. Other cadets would like to know how he did that one!
Some consider the Fed expends too much resources coddling all these uncivilized races, they don't value the same things, they don't deserve the tolerance the Fed shows them. The Klingons, the Romulans, and everybody like them. They're aggressive and vicious and they're hostile toward races like human. If it hadn't been for the Organian Peace Treaty the Fed would have seen the complete destruction of the Klingon Empire by now. The Fed got a couple of decades of peace and quiet out of Organian Treaty, gave them time to work some things out with Klingons. peace isn't just the absence of war. Peace is solving real problems. Before the Treaty, we were beating the Klingons. without it we would have finished the job. 
Luren Prime. The Klingons staged a massacre there. 4742 Andorians. Vanda M'Giia, daughter of prominent Andorian diplomat sole survivor, a child. She was living with aunt, uncle and four cousins. Before the Organian Treaty.
Today, the Klingons are on the rampage again. 
P63 M'Giia wants to rush out and stir up trouble with the Klingons. 
M'Giia - the Klingons can get away with anything they like as long as they leave no witnesses. Who gains the most from breaking a treaty with the Federation? The Klingons! who gains most from covering up their tracks! Klingons!
There is no proof that the attack on Fed colony Bicea two days ago was staged by Klingons. Starfleet has sensor logs showing unknown ships in Fed space near the Klingon Neutral Zone. If it's not the Klingons, then who else could it be? No survivors. First reports of the tragedy were made by USS Sentinel. Bicea one of the main port colonies on the Klingon border. Over 200,000. M'Giia's last surviving relatives were there. her mother, four brothers. They thought it was a safe place, they were the main Andorian ambassadorial link in the sector. Bicea was one of the disputed planets along the Klingon Neutral Zone. Treaty arbitration gave it to the Federation, but the Klingon Empire has never formally relinquished its claim. They never accepted the judgment.
P71 are you going to complain about personality conflicts when a Klingon heavy cruiser is barreling down on you? 
P83 on the big viewscreen in the student lounge was a big Klingon in a big robe, a Klingon high councilman. 
Klingon - No matter what the Federation claims. The Klingon Empire had nothing to do with the loss of the Bicea colony. However, there is bitter justice in the colony's failure. The Fed should never have put fragile Andorians and humans on such a hostile world. Only Klingons could have tamed Bicea. 
The energy readings from Bicea were Klingon disruptors, but that doesn't prove Klingon involvement. Other races that live near Klingon border also use disruptors.
Bicea was not a critical colony, not strategically placed. Illogical to assume the Klingons would start a war over a world that would gain them nothing. 
Cadet Frank Malan - The Klingons should be destroyed for the monsters they are! The Federation should change its whole approach to Klingons! The treaty robbed us of the war we needed, and because of that the Klingons grew stronger! Now look! we need new leaders who aren't afraid of the Klingons! we need the Vanguard! the political action group Vanguard tired of Starfleet's timid
response to the Klingons. time for humans to take care of humans.
Fed starship Sentinel dodging between two Klingon Bird-of-Prey and firing at both of them at once. This morning, just this side of the Neutral Zone. No ships destroyed, no loss of life, but the Klingon attack ships were driven back across the Neutral Zone without fighting to the death. 
Cadet Frank Malan - We need captains like Kirk to avenge Bicea and show the Klingons we can fight back.
P106 the president of the Federation has issued a formal apology to the Klingons over Starfleet's aggressive actions as incurred by the USS Sentinel. The Klingon High Council accepted that the exchange of weapons fire was based upon a misunderstanding.
Klingon colonies on the Neutral Zone are being attacked too.
P111 these are the design and weaponry specs on a new Klingon heavy cruiser, to be incorporated into Starfleet Academy simulator program. War-gaming a ship that belongs to an empire we're trying to make peace with? There are possibilities we need to prepare for that Starfleet shouldn't look like we're preparing for. 
Out and back Bicea to earth on one day.
A Klingon warship, different from those before it, a new heavy cruiser that the Klingons shouldn't even be building, given the stipulations of the treaty with the Fed.
P122 Cadet Frank Malan - there's something going on with the KKKlingons, isn't there? The Klingons have never fully abided by the Organian Peace Treaty.
Kirk - I've heard some cadets say the Klingons are unthinking animals. Well, I'm here to tell you it's not true. Animals don't run star empires. The Klingons may appear brutal, but they also have a deeply rooted code of honor. Study it, understand it. know your enemy. 
Cadet M'Giia was with Frank Malan, telling how she thought the Klingons should pay for the massacres along the Neutral Zone.
P131 Sulu - I thought I was speaking English. Would you like to hear it in Klingon?
P133 It is all a plot by alien members of the Federation to betray us to the Klingons and depose humanity from its proper place at the head of the Federation!
P154 the Kobayashi Maru, I'd be facing Klingons, of course, but how many and in what formation?
The elliptical form of the Neutral Zone.
Klingon warship reading a firing sequence at 17 hundred kilometers. Two more ships approach on a parabolic course 22 thousand kilometers away. 
Starfleet cadets study known Klingon techniques for three-ship assault on one ship.
P155 the is Captain Gorolock of the Klingon Empire. You are in violation of the Neutral Zone treaty. This is your trial. How do you plead?
Forester - This is the Lexington. We are on a rescue mission and have no hostile intent.
Gorolock - Guilty as charged. Prepare to die.
Klingon ships move in spiral pattern around Lexington, so it can't turn without facing at least one ship. They were cooperating, coordinate firing sequences. 
Gorolock, a particularly slick-looking Klingon. Unlike most Klingons, this one had his hair tightly braided and draping across his ridged forehead and down to his shoulder plates. Dressed in polished leather body armor with brass bolts and clips, he was majestic and settled in his command status, not scraggly or brutish at all, like most Klingons Forester had seen pictures of. First Klingon Forester seen in person. Bust stereotype.
Forester greeted him with a harsh tone - Captain Gorolock.
Gorolock's grand voice filled the bridge - And who are you to dictate policy in the Neutral Zone?
On the wide vision of the Klingon bridge, Gorolock sat back in his chair, his eyes abruptly wide, his mouth hanging open.
Cadet Kirk had found three choices when he reprogrammed the computer in his favor for his Kobayashi Maru. One, he could dumb down the Klingon artificial intelligence and make the captains fight clumsily. Two, he could weaken their armaments. Three, he could program the simulator to make the Klingons respect and fear him personally.
Cadet David Forester had programmed the Klingons to dread fighting the great David Forester.
Gorolock's vicious eyes, his posture changed, the faces of the Klingons on his bridge crew come into the frame. Gorolock's unmasked delight. Gorolock leaned forward, as if to push his elegant face into the bridge. His voice lowered to a hungry whisper - What a prize you shall be!
Then he snapped something in Klingon at his bridge crew and the screen went black.
Gorolock was the one who had contacted us, had spoken for the others, so why hadn't he been the first to fire?
Phaser fire was answered shot after shot from the three Klingons, but not in any order. Their attacks had gone completely random.
They're competing, they're ignoring each other, they're not working together.
The three Klingon ships were caught in a spiderweb of each other's disruptor fire. Direct hits cause power ratios to slip, completely disable two of the ships, engine power at 5 percent, third ship is breaking up at the main structural joints. They are effecting abandon ship procedures. They're sending distress calls.
The Klingon Heavy Cruiser, with four nacelles, a torpedolike body, a main bulb as big as a whole Bird-of-Prey. Shields are triple power. High-resolution double-intensity energy cable tractor beam
They're pulling us toward their side of the Neutral Zone.
How many cadets had run from the onslaught of Klingon ships, assuming their intent was to destroy?
Klingon warship, warp core in underbelly, explosion of warp engine big enough to take out a planet.
Forester the second cadet to beat the No-Win Scenario
P185 the Vanguard is trying to get Kirk as their leader, he is their hero. If he is on their side they can change Fed policy toward Klingons and all other hostile races out there. We could aggressively end their reign of terror over whole sectors of the galaxy.
Not everyone knows Kirk's son was killed by Klingons.
P192 another attack along the Klingon Neutral Zone three days ago. 
Since the Klingons have been moving more toward peace with the Fed, the Vanguard's started to talk about violent action.
Kirk hates Klingons and everybody knows it. and the Klingons hate him right back. 
P201 the Vanguard want a war with the Klingons and they'll concoct a reason if we let them.
P215 the Vanguard has been stopped, but the Klingons are still very angry about these activities
   Star Trek Excelsior Forged In Fire by Andy Mangles and Michael A Martin
2363 = 989 Year of Kahless
2173 = 799 Year of Kahless
2218 = 844 Year of Kahless
2270 = 895 Year of Kahless
2295 = 921 Year of Kahless
Ak'voh rite traditional mournful song intended to keep predators both physical and spiritual from devouring the dead's spirit before it could reach Sto-Vo-Kor. Child faces more perilous journey than experienced blooded warrior. The more strongly the voices sounded, the easier the passage. Each mourner and warrior offered their own warnings or protections in the lyrics.
Antaak Doctor, attempt to regain his honor by releasing deadly cure on Qu'Vat. Attempt to restore pure Klingon genome. Wife B'Etris, several daughters, a son, five grandchildren, including Hurghom. Killed millions. Worked on variants of his initial therapeutic Levodian flu retrovirus for years after the plague. Credited with saving millions of lives. Died in second outbreak 2173, YoK 799
Antrani, Curzon joined to become Curzon Dax
bahgol a kettle of bahgol
Baktrek a junior emissary on Kamarag's staff at Korvat 2289
B'Etris wife of Antaak for over 20 years by 2173. Did not suffer the Change. several daughters, a son, five grandchildren, including Hurghom
B'Lor Klingon female Qagh crew 2293 Chu' Hegh'TlhoS
boots targ-skin boots
bregit steaming bregit
Bront technician male crew aboard Qagh's Hegh'TlhoS 2290
burial vaults
Cheb male crewmember of Jade Lady 2248
Choq male, Klingon, 'OghwI' elderly and sour surgeon 2290
Choq male, scanners, Hegh'TlhoS 2290
Chu' Hegh'TlhoS Albino's ship 2293
DaqS son of Kang and Mara, died of a sudden illness 2295 Soo'jen YoK 921
Dax, Audrid studied magnetars
Dax, Curzon former Antrani, Curzon. 2290, age 25, has studied everything known about Klingons to Trill and the rest of the Federation. Fast becoming one of the most renowned and fearless diplomats of the Federation. Curzon Dax has proved many times over that within his breast beats a heart as stout as any Klingon warrior - Kang
Dayos system on fringe of Klingon space. Forth planet cold, thin aired, marginally habitable. Spaceport hub for a dozen other locales and nonaligned worlds. Orions, Tagrans, Bolians, Rigelians, four armed Terrellians, Kriosians, Trafalmadorians
D'Jinnea Orion female freebooter chieftainess of Jade Lady, a dozen crew. Well over 50 years old, killed by pathogen by the Albino and Ganik, 2248
Donatu sector Klingon agricultural colonies
Doqath a month. Festival of Qu'betlh, held late in the month of Doqath. Many High Council members leave the First City to celebrate
Do'Yoj female, Lady Moj'ih's most trusted personal retainer. Gives secret of House of Ngoj to rival Sturka after depositing albino baby, 2218
Excelsior three year mission to Reydovan sector began SD 9090.1
Fek'lhr may Fek'lhr boil Kirk's eyes and feast on them
fire fountain public sculpture
Galdonterre planet on the border between Federation and Klingon territory. Klingon soldiers and Starfleet personnel mix in the bars
gal'tagh Koloth's vessel, destroyed over Mempa II by Albino 2290
Ganik Orion male, employed by D'Jinnea aboard Jade Lady. With D'Jinnea for more than 50 years. Raised the Albino as a son/slave. Killed by Omega IV virus 2248
Ganjitsu remote world, incalculably vast array of biological wealth. Klingons call it Veqlargh. Sulu's mother's lab raided by Albino 2248
Gherud second officer Lt, of the 'OghwI' Gherud, ambitious, political connections within KDF and High Council, also 'OghwI's political officer. Sent message to High Command about yIH pestilence, 2270
Ghobchuq Klingon battlecruiser, captained by Ngoj for over a decade sometime prior to 2218. ?engaged in battle at Nequencia against Romulans
glo'meH glommer, destroyed when IKS 'OghwI' scuttled 2270
Gnara Rigelian female crew aboard Qagh's Hegh'TlhoS, fierce warrior, lost one eye. Operates sensors 2290
Golag Klingon male, young crewmember of Jade Lady, gunner 2248
Great House along the flat dorsal of secondary hull is the pictographic marking designating the specific Great House the vessel represented. Trefoil insignia proclaimed general loyalty to Empire
Gr'oth Gr'oth, Koloth's previous command, at K-7, forced to scuttle also due to tribbles, 2270
Hegh'TlhoS the Albino's vessel "almost dead" destroyed in battle with Federation Excelsior and Kor's Klothos in early 2290 in Qul Tuq's gravity well
Hembec Admiral, his planet-obliterating fleet is currently on mission to locate and sterilize homeworld of the yIH YoK 915
honor they were standing in the way of his vengeance, they were an obstacle to his honor.
Horen male, pilot, Jade Lady's crew 2248
house of Kang don't immolate dead, erect burial vaults
hoverskimmer Qo'nos ground craft
Hurghom grandson of Antaak. doctor, association with the House of Ngoj, QuchHa'. Attended Lady Moj'ih, 2218, later Kor's chief medical officer on Klothos at Korvat, 2270. Ngoj House members gene resistant to retroviral remedy. Hurghom makes many attempts. Knifed to death by Kang thinking Hurghom responsible for releasing retrovirus on Qo'noS, 2270
Jek Orion male, Qagh crew 2293 Chu' Hegh'TlhoS
Jevqem freebooter ship Qagh's ship in 2290 after Hegh'TlhoS
Joqel a moderately inclined Klingon politician, killed at Korvat bombing December 2289
kahless war trumpets of the mighty Kahless
Kamarag Ambassador at Korvat talks, December 2289, backed by Koloth, Kang and Kor. Injured in Korvat bombing, December 2289, treated by Dr Chapel onboard Excelsior, the Excelsior doctors deprived him of the battle scars he won at Korvat. IKS Mev'Luh, diplomatic cruiser destroyed by Albino over Korvat 2289. Barges in on Sulu's disciplinary hearing with Adm Harriman, Cartwright, Smillie. Dressed in full diplomatic armor. Kang, Koloth and Kor gave him full reports, how Sulu crippled a notorious criminal organization devoted to piracy and terror. Personal debt to Sulu for saving his life at Korvat. House allied with Kang.
Kamarag I do not relish finding myself indebted to a human any more than Kang does
Kang his respect for Curzon very deep to bestow honor of naming child after him
Kang Smooth forehead, clawed their way to the top. Klolode cha', comes to support Koloth when felled by yIH plague, 2270. IKS QaD, battle cruiser at Korvat, 2290. Knifes Hurghom, killing him, thinking him responsible for releasing retrovirus on Qo'noS, affecting Mara. Kang's forehead also changes due to Hurghom's counteragent to retrovirus.
Kang The culling of weaklings is why the Klingon Empire stands stronger today than ever before.
Kang His grandfather told him tales of Qu'Vat.
Klingon worlds Dorala system
Klingon worlds Forcas III
Kang House allied with Kamarag. Kang had to call in Kamarag when Sulu saved both their lives at Korvat, December 2289 and Starfleet brought Sulu up at Court Martial in 2290.
Kang Curzon Dax has proved many times over that within his breast beats a heart as stout as any Klingon warrior
Kang 2363, Maktag YoK 989 meets on Dayos IV with Ylda
Kang I have grown weary, and therefore soft, like the Empire itself
Kat're'q female bekk IKS Klothos 2290 under Kor
Klingon worlds Donatu V
Kesh chancellor 2290, credited Sulu's actions with averting a diplomatic breach. The Klingon Empire will not look favorably if the Fed treats Sulu harshly.
kilaan unit of time, comparable to an hour
Kishlat Klingon, lower-ambassador, December 2289 with Kamarag at Korvat, injured severely. If he regains consciousness he'll probably take his own life.
Klach D'Kel Brakt Fed Briar Patch, 20 years ago 2270, Kor, Klingons vs Romulans
Klingon Empire the Klingon Empire has not expanded significantly in more than two decades, 2290
klingon ethos survival only to the strong
klingon saying Keep your enemy as a friend, but be ready to gut him when the time comes
Klingon worlds Galdonterre
Klingon-Romulan Alliance that was a military strategy, it lasted no longer than it needed to
Klolode cha' Kang's ship 2270
Koloth has children, 2290, firstborn infant son dead Soo'jen YoK 921
Koloth Gr'oth, Koloth's previous command, at K-7, forced to scuttle 2270. Disease-addled or not, he is still Koloth, treated at medical facility, develops forehead 2270. 'OghwI' , Koloth's ship after the Gr'oth, "Devisor".
Koloth stasis cannon they've been testing is a failure, several kilaans to regenerate its power cells, cripples us as much as the enemy 2270
Koloth cleverness matters more than weaponry
Koloth learned very early in his career to rely on the tangible gifts his bad blood granted him, augmented Earther DNA imparted strength, tenacity, ruthlessness. Koloth advanced quickly. Faced injustices.
Koloth IKS Gal'tagh, battle cruiser 2290
Koloth Koloth showed Sulu some fundamental mok'bara combat forms when their paths had crossed in 2287-2288, and some crash instruction in basic bat'leth handling
Koloth 2363, far too angry
Kor smooth forehead, clawed their way to the top, House of Ngoj, Lady Moj'ih his great aunt. The Albino's existence is a blot on the name of his House.
Kor IKS Klothos
Kor injured in the knee while boarding the Albino's vessel, knife thrown by Orion. Kor pulled it out and threw it back in a rage, killing the Orion, 2290
Kor firstborn son Rynar dead Soo'jen YoK 921
Kor 2363, far too drunk
Korax second-in-command, 'OghwI', in coma after yIH spread virus 2270
Koro Qagh's sensor operator, an Orion 2290
Korvat border world, site of peace talks between Federation and Klingon in late December 2289, Joqel plus two diplomatic aides killed in the Albino's bomb attack. Captain Styles of Excelsior also killed.
2290 Kor, Koloth, Kang have not started families
Korvat Talks Sulu received warning from Albino's dying slave, the Klingons also received warning about attack on Korvat talks December 2289
Kot'baval festival stories told, songs sung
Kriosians jeghpu'wI' member of Klingon Empire
Kurga helm, Hegh'TlhoS 2290
Kurr Chief Engineer Kurr of 'OghwI' 2270 under Koloth, during yIH manifestation
leS measure, Qo'noS days?
Levodian flu Nej and Hurghom developed a new variant strain and it was carried by yIH and glo'meH, 2270. As a means of restoring the Klingon people's genotypic and phenotypic characteristics to the way they were before the First Qu'Vat Plague. The first test was to be done on Sherman's Planet and the few Klingons living there. The Levodian flu virus has been used in virtually every genetic engineering project conducted in the Klingon Empire for the past century
Lo'Bral a month
Ma'kella female Kor's tactical/science station officer on IKS Klothos, 2290. finely sharpened teeth
Mara left Kang's ship to join a three-year research project on Qo'noS. Mara succumbs to Nej's virus, but revives, forehead changed 2290
medical blue-smocked first-response personnel
Mempa II Conquered subjects of Klingon Empire for as long as anyone could remember, defects as warriors, well-earned reputation for expertise in genetic engineering. Enhancing various humanoid traits, increasing crop yields. Local military governor, Mempan Elders deliver tribute. The Albino raids semi-regularly, in need of chromadiacetine. Mempa II dominated by deserts, grasslands, glacial terrain, sparsely populated. Most advanced bioscience labs in Klingon Empire. Isolated science outposts.
Merruthj a month
Messebs Qagh's helmsman 2290
Mev'Luh Ambassador Kamarag's diplomatic ship, destroyed by Qagh over Korvat December 2289
mind-sifter 2290, Klothos carries an old style mind-sifter
Moj'ih female, widow of Ngoj, defacto Head of House of Ngoj. One of the few ruling matriarchs among the noble classes of Qo'noS. Concealed smooth forehead with prosthetic ridges grafted to skull. Mother of Albino baby, 2218, had child desposed of by long time servant Do'Yoj
mreker drawn like a mreker pup to a prong flower blossom. Now the mreker scat's finally hit the ventilator. Possible Trill word
Natlh Sea ice-choked northern reaches location on Qo'noS
Nej male, dark skin, cranial ridges. doctor, attended Lady Moj'ih, 2218, association with the House of Ngoj, HemQuch. Discommendated from legitimate Imperial service after failure to duplicate the glo'meH. Place his expertise in the service of the highest bidder. Sturka and a majority on High Council pushed for Nej's discommendation, these same individuals brought the House of Ngoj down. Discommendated by Council as punishment for the SermanyuQ grain-virus fiasco, 2270. His HemQuch social status gave him the bulk of the credit when the plan was going well, and the bulk of the blame when it failed. Works with Albino by 2289. slightly insane, designed new retrovirus, deployed it against Houses that wronged him. A small cloaked vessel left Qagh's ship Hegh'TlhoS en route to Qo'noS. Qagh kills Nej on Jevqem, 2290. The virus makes it to Qo'noS and is released. Hurghom recognizes the new gene sequences as Nej's work. Hurghom hastily synthesized a counteragent.
Ngoj male, Captain, IKS Ghobchuq, for over a decade, died in battle against Romulans at Nequencia four months before Merruthj, 844. Husband of Moj'ih, father of the Albino. Smooth foreheaded, never wore ridges. House of Ngoj's genes among the strongest and purest in the Empire. On the High Council, rivalries with Sturka. House of Ngoj on the Council determine commerce laws. House suffered reversal of fortune for three decades, then returned to ascendancy.
Ngoj House. fall of the House of Ngoj whose smooth-headed members had falsely passed themselves off as HemQuch to stay in power had been publicized far and wide. Cautionary tale about trying to function above one's station
Ngoj House. members gene resistant to retroviral remedy. Hurghom makes many attempts. One of the oldest Houses on Qo'noS. Moj'ih, Kor and Albino Qagh members of House of Ngoj.
N'yengoren a N'yengoren stealth ground attack
OghwI' Devisor Koloth, Korax, second officer and political officer Gherud, Chief Engineer Kurr of 'OghwI', surgeon Choq. Infected by virus from yIH, 2270. Three vessels come upon plaque ship, to destroy it. Kang, in Klolde cha', puts Koloth's ship under his protection. Jones' encounter with yIH and glo'meH released virus prematurely, the virus killed many of the 'OghwI' crew, left some unchanged, those with a particular genetic profile regained the cranial ridges. 'OghwI' scuttled
Omega IV the Omega IV virus is the basis for Qagh's bioweapon against Kor, Koloth and Kang. Hikaru and Demora Sulu are resistant because of Hikaru Sulu's time spent on Omega IV
pochtoQ like a sea pochtoQ waiting for a ghargh to wriggle into its mouth
Praxis charred and crumbled remnants. Klingons refused to destroy slivered shards that remained.
prong flower drawn like a mreker pup to a prong flower blossom. Possible Trill words
QaD Kang's vessel, crippled but repairable over Mempa II by Albino, 2290. Towed by the fleet to a repair facility
Qagh the Albino, son of Ngoj and Moj'ih of the House of Ngoj. Genetic alterations in womb caused constant genetic mutation throughout his life.
Qagh Klingon-Federation Peace would drive brigands out of the sectors where they had carried out the bulk of their pirating activities for years. He would lose access to biomedical resources. Qagh disguised himself with biomimetic compounds to place and detonate bombs himself. His goal was to gain control of the Houpse of Ngoj for rejecting him. Qagh kills Nej for sending retrovirus to Qo'noS, 2290.
Qagh Chu' Hegh'TlhoS, Qagh's ship by 2293. Veret, Jek, B'Lor, plus Andorian, Tellarite, Denobulan, Balduk crew
Qav'loS one habitable world, border region, Qav'loS sector lightly patrolled in 2248. The Federation planet Omega IV, with life extending virus
Q'Lujj Chief Engineer, IKS Klothos under Kor, 2290, previously served as engineer under Kang, a veteran of three Romulan wars. Male. retrofitted Klothos escape pods to also be breach pods
Qo'noS Sulu supplied advanced warning of bioweapons attack minimized damage, 2290
Qu'batlh Festival of Qu'betlh, held late in the month of Doqath. Many High Council members leave the First City to celebrate
Qul Tuq magnetar star, strong magnetic field. a Qagh safe house before 2290.
Quv male, Antaak's student, dies on Qu'Vat in second retrovirus outbreak, 2173 YoK 799
Qu'Vat Klingon colony, just two light years from border of Federation space. Plague broke out, Antaak tailored retroviruses, credited with saving millions. Several millions on Qu'Vat died from a similar outbreak in the early 2170s. Antaak was a casualty. the mass disease outbreaks sterilized those who didn't die outright; or the vaccines sterilized them
Rynar of the House of Ngoj
Rynar firstborn son of Kor dead Soo'jen YoK 921
SanID'qams measure of distance, very small
sherawood Romulan materiel, used for furniture
Soo'jen a month
Sturka High Council member, House of Ngoj on the High Council, rivalries with Sturka. Secret of House of Ngoj albino baby given to rival Sturka. Sturka and a majority on High Council pushed for Nej's discommendation, these same individuals brought the House of Ngoj down.
Sulu, Demora 2293 SD 9592.2 Ent-B launching tomorrow. Veret, freebooter, surreptitiously injects Demora Sulu with Albino retrovirus. 2295 Demora stricken at same time as DaqS and Kor and Koloth's children, but survives because of Omega IV pathogen buildup in Hikaru Sulu's blood from visiting Omega IV.
Sulu, Hikaru on Qo'noS twice before 2290
Sulu, Hikaru heard and read stories of Klingons all his young life. Dreamed about meeting one. Qagh the Albino raided his Mother's agronomy lab in 2248 on Ganjitsu. Shimizu Hana Sulu.
Sulu, Hikaru a bat'leth from Beta XII-A entity encounter Sulu's only tangible trace of incident
Sulu, Hikaru Koloth showed Sulu some fundamental mok'bara combat forms when their paths had crossed in 2287-2288, and some crash instruction in basic bat'leth handling
Sulu, Hikaru swordsmanship skills won him the Inner Planets all-around fencing championship during his Academy days
Sulu, Hikaru his service to Kang in pursuit of the Albino in 2290 amounted to a blood debt for both Kang and Kamarag's houses
Tagrans a species
targ old style targ hide drums of ancient Qo'noS
targ alert eyes of a hunting targ
targ desert targ, scent betrays its presence
Terrellians species, four arms
the Change bumpy to smooth due to mutated Levodian flu. The Great Qu'Vat Plague of 1462, Earther taint
Thraq technician male crew aboard Qagh's Hegh'TlhoS, 2290
TlhIng Veng laboratory and office complex on Qo'noS. Hurghom works here when Klothos returns home to Qo'noS
Trafalmadorians jeghpu'wI' member of Klingon Empire
tribbles furry screeching writhing mass horrific little shrieking furballs
Trill a strain of the Levodian flu retrovirus had infected a Trill colony, changing spots to high rippled foreheads
trill saying When nothing goes as planned, the world is in balance
tups a Klingon unit of time, minutes
tuq Degh family crest
Veqlargh remote world, incalculably vast array of biological wealth. Fed calls it Ganjitsu
Veret freebooter, m, Neck-gills. Injected with retrovirus five years ago by Albino. Regular infusions of antidotes only the Albino could supply. Surreptitiously injects Demora Sulu with Albino retrovirus in San Francisco bistro, then killed for skimming Albino's profits, 2293 Chu' Hegh'TlhoS, crew 2293
warrior lacked the commanding bearing of a blooded warrior
writing angry strokes of Klingon script
Xan'lahr a month
Xarantine planet, drydock and shore leave facilities available
Ylda former spouse of Albino, he took her unwillingly years ago, then discarded her, 2363. In desperation she turns to Kang. She has children. Not Klingon.
Yoqala smooth foreheaded female crew aboard Qagh's Hegh'TlhoS, 2290
yur a yur blood relative
the flame that burns in every Klingon's heart is all that counts
frightened Regulan bloodworm
many Klingon worlds suffer from simple lack of food and other resources
talking endlessly about why something happened is a targ eating its own tongue
mistakes never stay secret, lies are dishonorable and

    Tests of courage by Howard Weinstein  /comic/ aka The Tabukan syndrome
2-Battlestations p6 the Maroans’ cloaking device is a definite cut below current Romulan and Klingon technology. 
P17 Dr. Abby Wilson – I’d treat a Romulan or Klingon the same as I’d treat you, if they were hurt and helpless.
6-Showdown p4 Romulan Admiral Jaricus – It is only through cunning and stealth that Romulans have endured and prospered against the Fed’s great power and the Klingons’ great treachery. 
  Captain's Table War Dragons by L.A. Graf 
P3 [2293] Kirk just passing through Mars on his way to finalize the Khitomer negotiations. 
P11 [2290] Spock looked as deadly serious as if Kirk had asked him to contemplate the course of Klingon politics over the next hundred years.
P19 the resounding crash of furniture. The female Klingon was heading for the bar with an empty tankard swinging in one large fist. Apparently, kicking over her chair with a booted foot was her method of politely disengaging herself from a conversation when she wanted more blood wine. There was something a little odd about the Klingon, something that nagged at the edge of Sulu’s usually reliable memory. Did the Imperial medals of honor on her chest look just a bit outdated or were they slightly futuristic?
[2290] The story about how the Nykuss mercenaries almost start a war with the Klingons.
With the current level of diplomatic tension that existed between the Klingons and the Fed, the Excelsior is transporting small reconnaissance Falcon ships to the Neutral Zone without making the Empire suspect they are being invaded.
Elaphe Vulpina Nine, Neutral Zone outpost set up to guard the Vulcan’s main transporter research station. Assuming the Klingons haven’t recently blasted Elaphe Vulpina. We’ve been on the brink of war with them ever since we butted heads on the Genesis planet. 
The Excelsior can stop any Klingon incursion at Elaphe Vulpina.
Chekov – this just reminds me of the Kobayashi Maru. Why did Starfleet command have to make our very first mission one that involves the Klingons and the Neutral Zone. 
Mission parameters don’t have the Excelsior coming within 50 kilometers of the Neutral Zone itself. Unless they happen to be patrolling near Elaphe Vulpina the Klingons should never even know Excelsior is there. 
What?! Deep Space Three’s commander Wendell Barstow looked as if Sulu’s told him the Klingons had just signed a peace treaty with the Fed.
P54 were these actually Klingons, disguising a border incursion as a pirate raid to avoid diplomatic repercussions?
P62 the last thing we want at Elaphe Vulpina is a firefight that will attract the attention of the Klingon Empire.
P78 Heather Keith spent a lot of time patrolling this part of the Neutral Zone with the Venture. It’s not well known, but there is a traffic pattern the Klingons tend to follow around here, a route through the Neutral Zone that connects the Klingon homeworld with their colonies in the Tregharl cluster. The Klingons wouldn’t make much noise about that, since the Neutral Zone was technically supposed to be entered only on journeys to or from the colonies the Organians had permitted to be establish there. Given the multi-variate curvature of that border zone, there were times when it could put a substantial detour in an otherwise straight journey between one part of the Empire and other. 
The Klingons can be touchy about finding unauthorized ships in the Neutral Zone. 
If the pirates are attacking a Klingon vessel, the Klingons might object to being rescued by Starfleet. Or they might assume Feds are using pirates as a cover for an invasion. The same way the Fed suspected Klingons at Deep Space Three. 
P85 the Excelsior cargo bay was full of bodies. Rows of bodies, large and small, all of them stiff, all Klingon. It must have been a colony ship. A few shards of an exploded life-pod, alloy typical of unarmed Klingon vessels. 76 adults and 18 children found in 20 minutes by Excelsior sensors. Might have been more. Ejected directly from stasis tubes into space. Died from vacuum exposure, no evidence they regained consciousness. Some were thrust into vacuum alive. Others killed by blunt force trauma before being ejected. Non-Klingon DNA in most of their wounds, inflicted by hand or tail.
One non-Klingon, you wouldn’t expect Klingons to surrender their ship without inflicting some casualties. theropod species, death resulted from attack with a Klingon bat’leth. Ejection into vacuum followed after a period of several minutes.
Sulu – Put the Klingons’ bodies into vacuum storage until we can deliver them to an appropriate location. 
P101 pirates on course deep within an uninhabited portion of the Neutral Zone. Strict orders from Starfleet not to cross the Klingon side of the border. 
Any incursion into the Empire’s space right now was likely to set off a round of attacks and reprisals that would at the very least rouse the Organians’ wrath. At the very worst, it might catapult us into full-scale interplanetary war with the Klingons before those superior beings even had time to intervene. 
After killing almost a hundred Klingons, doubtful the pirates will find a warm welcome in the Empire.
The Excelsior is being hailed on a Klingon emergency channel, a message from the Excelsior resupply team, Ens. McClain from Ship Services Division.
McClain’s voice had the same toneless exhaustion Chekov’s voice had held when the Klingons used the agonizer on him years ago.
The pirates captured them, kept Chekov, and threw all the rest out in a Klingon lifepod. Tiny, flimsy hull of plastic and raw duranium, barely reflective, single porthole.
The Klingon colony transport ship was large but lightly armed.
Perhaps this close to the edge of the Neutral Zone, the pirates were hoping the lifepod’s distress call would draw in some Klingon border guards and precipitate a military confrontation they could then take advantage of. 
The Anjiri and the Nykkus, two cogener species working together.
P130 Sulu – You should be concerned about species less peaceful than mine. Thinking about the Klingons, but even the Orions had been known to unleash some nasty vendettas on trading partners gone astray. If the Anjiri couldn’t survive the Orions introducing them to interstellar capitalism, then they wouldn’t survive the Romulans or Klingons or Rigelians, either, and Darwin was right after all. 
P138 the pirates left the Excelsior unarmed and defenseless right on the edge of Klingon space. 
P145 the Nykkus just brutally attacked a Klingon civilian ship, something that’s bound to lead to reprisals once it’s discovered. If it were Orions, I’d say they were trying to stir up a war between the Fed and the Empire for their own purposes.
Sulu suspected the pirates might be Klingons in disguise when they first attacked Deep Space Three. 
P147 there is a Klingon research station at Kreth, Fed calls the system Alpha Gaudianus. An uninhabited red sun with only a few gas giants.
We can’t afford to take even the risk that a Nykkus attack might incite the Klingons to war. 
The Enterprise will go to Klingon research station at Kreth.
Chekov would be the first to say that his life isn’t worth saving if it means putting the Klingons at war with the Federation.
P153 the Falcon ships have been in a fight. Maybe the Klingons found them. It was hard to believe that any battle this deep into the Neutral Zone hadn’t attracted a whole swarm of Klingon cruisers eager to share in the glory. Weapons residue does not suggest Klingons. 
P162 Chekov managed to convince the Nykkus that Klingon transporter duplicators didn’t have restraints against using living organisms. Chekov knew how Klingons arm their stations. The Klingons would have destroyed the Nykkus fleet. He gave the Nykkus everything they needed to start a war between Fed and the Klingons.
P168 look at the Klingons, judging on appearance alone, you can’t even tell some of them are the same species.
P176 the Nykkus ship is made of various wrecked spacecraft, including ancient Klingon armor.
P180 Klingon research. The ultimate oxymoron. Kirk has always found the concept of Klingon scientists a little hard to grasp. What did Klingon science look like? Steel-jawed geologists extracting information form rocks using agonizers and d’k tahg? Armor-clad physicists smashing atoms with bat’leths? Kirk knows the Klingons defended their research outposts as ruthlessly as their military bases. Kreth was no exception. Flash and glow of weapons discharge visible parsecs away.
Sensors detect massive damage to most station sections. Quantum interference in the region anomalously high. Three ships engaged in attack. Once the Nykkus were on the station and faced with hand-to-hand combat with Klingons, they would have to use more of their resources. Using the Falcon ships, Kreth’s sensor record of attack is going to look like Fed invasion. The Enterprise will have to make there are Klingon eyewitnesses left to tell the tale. They Nykkus certainly weren’t going to stick around to greet the Klingon cavalry.
P182 Debris from at least two birds of prey, the traditional guard dogs of Klingon posts. Also remnants of a Veth-class Klingon colony transport.
What does Klingon science look like? Weapons research.
Enterprise on heroic swoop to the Klingons’ rescue, fired on by station.
If Kirk were Klingon, the word surrender wouldn’t even exist in his dictionary
And in the height of battle, what else could an enemy commander possibly want to discuss?
The rending pulse of whatever the Klingons were firing distorted the space.
A Nykkus rams a Falcon into the Klingon station’s weapons array.
The Klingons on Kreth were experimenting with focused multiphasic resonance waves. Inflict great damage even through shields. This weapon destroyed by Nykkus attack. 
Klingons were not known for broadcasting distress calls. Patrol ships would pick up on the pulse sent out by the dying resonance gun, and one of them somewhere would know what that had to mean. They’d come expecting a tragic laboratory accident, perhaps, but they’d find the Enterprise. Would the two seconds they spent blasting the Enterprise to atomic dust give the Nykkus time to sneak out under the confusion of the local space distortions?
Seven Klingon life signals in one of the intact areas of the station. The station’s defense screens, still operational after attack prevent beaming them out
Kirk envious of the fruits of Klingon research. Spock infers the Klingons employed some form of multiple node shield generator network, in which part of that network remained operational even after the resonance wave. 
Chekov had all but majored in Klingon weaponry at the Security Academy. With the right equipment he should be able to get past whatever general security measures they’d have in their labs and corridors. Going to rescue the Klingons. the Nykkus control the only landing bay as well as all external docking airlocks. 
Kirk to Spock – If you detect Klingon cruisers approaching, or the Nykkus start pulling their ships away from the station, get the Enterprise out of here.
P210 Klingons don’t believe in emergency lights. Kreth station more than a kilometer long. Security doors. Kirk expects poison gas or booby trapped plasma grenades. 
Chekov gets through 16 Klingon security points in less than 30 minutes. 
Maintenance tunnel, Open-rung ladder. Passage wide, built to accommodate Klingon shoulders. Conduit-crowded walls and ribbed flooring. 
Kirk should have known Klingons would never let themselves be rescued without a fight.
The bat’leth twisted savagely into the metal, ripping it like paper. 
Metal-clad boot in the chest. Heel grinding into Kirk’s throat.
P213 a harsh female’s voice commanded Mev!
Vardok froze in midswing, his bat’leth swept back over one shoulder in what would have been clean decapitation.
Kirk never understood how Klingons manage to balance their enthusiasm for battle with unquestioning obedience to sometime less than blood-happy commanders. 
Vardok proved himself a warrior with mettle. He was missing most of the flesh along one side of his face, and three of the fingers on one hand had been torn away. Sustains hideous injuries in stoic silence. Klingon’s inner strength.
The Klingons wore jumpsuits of a trim, pocket-filled design, with silver and hematite piping denoting rank or position or what areas of the station they were allowed to access. 
Even Klingon scientists probably never fled.
The female very young, angular face, disdainful pride, Klingon default expression. She held a data pad so tightly she’d cracked the screen. Perhaps Klingon scientists weren’t quite as fierce as their military counterparts after all. 
Please, she said, sounding like she meant to be both fierce and courteous, do us the honor of bringing your soldier down to join us. 
Even Starfleet is not foolish enough to send only two human warriors to deal with Klingons. 
Vardok – We know who you are.
The Klingons understood at least a little of what their cannon could do about crippling Enterprise. 
Surely you did not come here to apologize for being defeated in combat.
Kirk – I came here to appeal to your honor. Your government will arrive to find a research outpost that apparently was destroyed by the Federation. 
Kirk gave them a moment to follow that thought a few months, or years into the future. 
There is no honor in declaring war against the wrong enemy. 
You have a keen understanding of Klingon honor, James T Kirk. So you would have us stand witness for what truly happened here. How did you plan to use your crippled ship to ensure that?
The automatic security systems sealed these rooms when the attack began. It cannot be opened from inside or from where you are. 
She spread her arms in the almost universal gesture of helplessness. It looked particularly ill-fitting on a Klingon. 
The kind of layout starships often have to help new personnel popped up on computer terminal. The generator is in the middle of Nykkus country. 
The Klingon Do Not Enter marked on front of doors, square generator housing.
You need to use a maintenance command code to open the housing. She glanced over her shoulder at an older male Klingon in a dull gray robe. 
P216 Lork. older male Klingon scientist
We will show you the place on Kreth where research was done on directional explosive devices, explosives projected force so specifically to wipe out everything in one direction. Chekov understands how Klingon weapons work.
Blast the Nykkus out into space. You will leave us alive to speak on your behalf to our people, and we will have your revenge for the dead.
A truly Klingon smile bared her teeth. Kirk wasn’t sure he liked how they gleamed.
An elegant solution to both our problems, don’t you think?
Vardok would be honored to join his fallen comrades at the gates of Sto’vo’kor. 
P220 central operations, a big open room with dark metal walls, scant emergency lighting ringing the ceiling and every empty panel. Stations cluttered the space in a thoroughly nonegonomic manner. An expression of Klingon aesthetics. No chairs. Strange structural irregularities jut out from walls and floors around the place, including shield generator. 
Dead Klingons around. The Raask, the leaders of the Nykkus, fastened raw Klingon skull plates to their body armor.
P225 Squawking a brief Klingon warning the heavy gleaming duranium metal bomb began its countdown. Klingon numbers march across the face of the bomb. Kirk can read the numbers.
Inside of shield generator surprisingly intricate network of displays and colored lights. 
P228 some kind of phase demodulation of space has occurred around Kreth station. Disrupt sensors and communications.
The Klingons might simple have annihilated all of them together in a fit of imperious wrath at the infringement of their territory. 
Kreth station sent a distress call out when the Nykkus first attacked it. About a hour ago our old friend Captain Koloth showed up with a couple of Klingon warships. Thanks to a few surviving Klingon eyewitnesses Fed is not held responsible. But Koloth is demanding Feds give the Nykkus ringleaders over to him for the execution of Klingon justice.
McCoy – Which usually boils down to plain old execution.
Koloth has not threatened to attack if Nykkus not surrendered, but he has threatened to take his revenge against a shipload of younger Nykkus he captured when he took control of the station. 
The Nykkus demand the right to punish the pirate Nykkus, as they were their first victims. Considering Klingon concepts of justice, they just might be given that right. 
Two sleek Klingon warships hang ominously above Kreth station. 
Koloth, a dark face with slashed eyebrows above glittering black eyes – Please don’t’ tell me you’re going to dither at me some more about justice, Captain. Just transport those reptile criminals over to my custody and I might be able to forget that you’re currently invading Klingon territory. 
Kirk – The criminals you refer to have been claimed by a third party.
Koloth asked coldly – And how many fleets of starships do the Nykkus have, that I have to worry about their claims?
Kirk mentions that the Nykkus own a highly strategic piece of Orion real estate close to the Klingon border. 
The considering look entered Koloth’s dark eyes.
Klingon proverb – Choose your enemies more wisely than your friends. Your friends do not come back to kill you later.
The Nykkus justice involves a dominance dance upon bones until nothing remains.
Koloth – That sounds interesting. Would you mind an audience?
Koloth’s mouth curled up into a cruel smile – My two undamaged warships give me the right to interfere. Your Nykkus friend will dance their dominance right here, on my ship and in front of me, so I can see it satisfies the demands of Klingon honor. Otherwise, I will simply blow them and you to bits. A truce of encounter will hold until justice is delivered to my satisfaction. After that, you can, as you humans say, go on your merry way. Provided that the merry way you go takes you straight out of Klingon territory. Agreed?
Cargo hold, dank and chill to suit Klingon cargo, but well lit actinic Klingon lights and cordoned off by a watchful line of Klingons armed with bat’leths and stern looks
The Klingons, punctual to the minute on their promise
Koloth’s scowl pulled his pencil-slim bear into a sour curve across his face. 
His voice surged into a peal of annoyance.
A trial on Qo’nos puts everyone in the dock at the same time
Purple-gray blood ran across the clean metal deck.
Koloth looked as surprised and delighted as if he’d found a secret treasure.
The Klingon guards dragged the dead bodies from the combat ground.
The dead pirates had the blood of 98 Klingon colonists on their hands.
Koloth – Death honors them with its swiftness. Solemn Klingon proverb.
Koloth, sounding more like his usual self – Now please don’t’ be a spoilsport. That was a superb clash of warriors. Bring over the others and let us see more!
The next batch of young Nykkus males submit to dominant females.
Koloth – Now that wasn’t anywhere near as much fun. In fact, it reminded me entirely too much of a bad Klingon marriage.
P239 Tulrik, one of Koloth’s lieutenants.
The military formations of the Nykkus wasn’t lost on Koloth. He looked at the Nykkus with speculation gleaming n his dark, shrewd eyes. 
Kirk – I hope we didn’t give the Klingons a new ally in this sector. 
Sulu – We gave them reason to respect the Federation’s allies.
P243 did the evil Klingons add the Nykkus to their empire or did they join the Fed? That’s a whole other story.
P244 [2293] Sulu and Chekov have bet on whether Kirk will really retire after the Khitomer treaty signing.
    Cacophony /audio/
Side B  Lt. Terra Spiro,  Science officer on Excelsior, deposition regarding Captain Sulu’s bending Prime Directive on planet Stentor. Sulu acted fully in accordance with Starfleet regulations. Imagine what would have happened if Klingon vessel had been in their place.
    Envoy /audio/
no Klingon content
 Ships of Star Fleet II Akyazi class by Todd Allan Guenther 
Apparent withdrawal of the Organians early 2280s followed by the consolidation of power within Klingon Empire shortly thereafter. Starfleet’ s direction was all but assured when Klingon vessels attacked Fed merchant ships in Taal Tan region 2283. combat action officially last 5 months. Klingonese forces attacked quickly and without warning, all but destroying 3 merchant convoys, 617 lives. Fed response swift. Lafayette, Wasp and Tori engaged and defeated Klingon hunter killer K’chss and K’utuul and a number of lesser craft at Linze. Within 6 days the scope pf the Klingon  offensive was known. Starfleet units were engaging hostile forces all along the disputed Klingon border and at seemingly random spots in subquadrants two south and three south. Hostilities continued until November 2283. Starfleet lost 26 class one ships, 5500 people. Klingonese losses were much higher.
A cease fire agreement terminated hostilities with the Klingons. need for a continued presence along the Klingon border to maintain the terms of cease fire.
Klingon forces only continued the belligerency. Confrontations continued at an inordinate rate. The battle of Khatanga and loss of 7 Starfleet vessels in early 2284. numerous raids on frontier merchant shipping, loss of cargo and lives. The Rykla Dagh Incident of 2285, loss of Hood 4 months later, destruction of Klingon vessels by the Thach, Ability and Avenger at Pelarsk in 2286.
The four years War, when repeated small-scale Klingon incursions evaded Fed forces concentrated at strategic points. Starfleet responded by deploying corvettes and clippers along front lines to delay such incursions. Success served as a lesson to SF defense strategists in final year of war. by late 2260s enforcement of Organian Peace Treaty had rendered Fed-Klingon boarder space relatively quiet. Rom, Gorn, Tholian and Kzint borders still trouble Fed. 
Klingon Taal Tan Offense of 2283 undermined support for pacifist bloc on Fed council. 
Four years war 2246-2250.
Deployment limitations necessitate that one Akyazi class vessel be capable of sustaining battle with 5 K’teremny class battle cruisers for 30 minutes, inflicting 20 percent casualties.
Class development
Quadrants two and three receive priority SF strategy due to heavy Klingon and Rom presence adjoining those areas
Hung nawlogh – Klingonese language variant, roughly translated as security squadron
Akyazi Group Perimeter Actions
30 May 2283 The Taal Tan Offense by Klingon Forces shakes the Fed Council.
The Eleusis and Acavus engaged Orion vessels near Klingon border 11 January 2287
Akyazi class first encounter with Klingon forces 27 April 2287. in an unmistakable attempt to gain information on PA performance characteristics the battle skiffs K’trk and K’lss [i or l]  ventured more than seven parsecs into Fed territory. Akitsu was forced to challenge the ships near Korta Fe. The Klingons responded with disruptor fire and the initiation of a predetermined attack maneuver. The Akitsu jumped to warp and in less than two minutes had eliminated the offensive capability of K’trk and forced the retreat of badly damaged K’lss.
3 April 2289 Abrevs responding to distress call from TacFleet ship ambushed by 7 hostile vessels. Debris revealed Romulan origin but Starfleet intelligence experts believe units of a Klingon Hung nawlogh (perhaps utilizing Rom vessels) were responsible.

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