Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
novelization by J.M. Dillard
Themis, planet light years from Kudao and the Klingon neutral zone, near well-protected starbase. People on Themis knew about Kudao.
Fed citizens regard Klingons as animals, they have no respect for life, they murder for the sheer sport of it, without a second's thought.
Kirk does not believe reports of Klingons having a ship capable of firing while cloaked
Three weeks before, the Klingons had massacred human settlers on Kudao, located well inside Fed space, pictures of grisly torture scenes recorded by news correspondent. Klingons clearly wished to provoke a war.
Organians recent disappearance.
The empire denied the charge, claim Kudao massacre carried out by renegades, pirates, not sanctioned by government
Starfleet believes empire surreptitiously involved with terrorist activities
Fed citizens believe Klingons want to kill all Fed citizens, Klingons want war.
Reydovan sector of Fed space some areas of it bordered Klingon space
Neutral area separates the two. Only well equipped ships like Excelsior allowed to operate near Klingon space. 
Relations between Klingon Empire and Fed were far from normal. Kudao massacre and Organians disappearance
Beta Quadrant nearest the Klingon border
War had seemed inevitable at Organia
War beginning to look inevitable now. Another attack would provoke the Fed. No Organians to step in and stop them.
In three year survey mission Excelsior has had no confrontations with the Klingons. 
Praxis, a Klingon moon, barren of indigenous life-forms but essential as a resource. Praxis is Klingon's key energy production facility. Existence of Praxis unable to confirm. Praxis in Amrita solar system. Praxis less then a quarter of it's original mass. A chunk, no longer sphere. 
A Klingon officer manages to get a message out from quaking location.
Brigadier Kerla, speaking for High Command, sends out message
Kerla - This is Brigadier Kerla, speaking for the Klingon high command. There has been an incident on Praxis, however everything is under control. We have no need for assistance. Obey treaty stipulations and remain outside the Neutral Zone. Transmission ends now!
All Fed media harp on Kudao tragedy
Themis attacked two days before Starfleet meeting regarding Praxis explosion
Fed believes Klingon Empire has 50 years of life left to it
Excelsior monitor explosion of Praxis two months before Starfleet meeting, explosion believed caused by over mining and insufficient safety precautions. A reactor exploded, contaminating the Klingon homeworld's atmosphere and causing an instability in the orbit. Planet's orbit must be corrected or weather patterns will eventually destroy their agriculture.
80 percent loss of available energy. Praxis was one of the Klingon's largest and most convenient sources of dilithium. It's destruction means deadly pollution of their ozone. Supply of oxygen will be depleted in less than 50 earth years. Klingons have enormous military budget. Klingon economy does not have the resources with which to combat the catastrophe
Spock opened a dialogue with Gorkon, Chancellor of the Klingon High Council, a month before Starfleet meeting, at the behest of Sarek, Vulcan Ambassador. Gorkon proposes opening negotiations at once
Gorkon proposes dismantling space stations and starbases along Klingon Neutral Zone, an end to seventy years of hostility the Klingons can no longer afford.
Klingon attacks on Kudao and Themis and other relatively unprotected border worlds. This seems to discount Organians presence. Fed has tried to contact Organians concerning Klingon violation of treaty and met with no response. 
Klingons rely heavily on trade with Romulans
Kirk believes Klingons untrustworthy. Peace with them is a terrible idea
The Gorkon initiative threatened by more conservative elements in favor of a military solution and die fighting. Not all Klingons subscribe to the militaristic ethics of the warrior class. Warriors constitute a strong vocal minority, which maintained power for centuries. Gorkon represents a different group, with a different viewpoint. After a long struggle this previously silent majority has come to power, Gorkon their spokesman. Praxis affords an opportunity for peace, even the powerful military has been forced to consider a treaty
Gorkon specifically requested Kirk and his officers
Some Klingons feel against a real peace treaty, a real one, not an Organian enforced one. 
These Klingons would hesitate to attack the Enterprise under Kirk's command
Feds believe Klingons would not dare attack Excelsior
Fed media nurturing hatred with coverage of slaughter on Kudao
Themis not yet occurred when Spock making diplomatic overtures to the Klingons.
Klingons have done a lot to Kirk
The Klingons have reason to be afraid of Excelsior, particularly under Sulu
Klingons are more afraid of Kirk
Kirk has become a legend among Klingons
Kirk has earned Klingons' fear and, more importantly, their respect
This is vital to the success of this mission
Klingons slaughtered all those innocents on Kudao
Kirk believes the entire Klingon race is made up of cold-blooded murderers like Kruge. Killing is their way of life, all they understand. They're animals.
11 years since David's death
Chancellor Gorkon requested Kirk
Only fools think Klingons intend to negotiate in good faith
Kirk thinks Spock is wrong to trust Klingon, Kirk thinks the treaty is a mistake
Kirk convinced any attempts at dialogue with Klingons will be futile, our cultures are simple too different, too much hatred has been stirred up within the Fed over the massacres on Kudao and Themis. The Klingons have left behind a trail of embittered survivors in the Fed.
Valeris sounds almost Klingon to Kirk
Captain Klaa and the crew of the Okrona had been aboard Enterprise
Klingons and Fed never this close to real peace before. Organians treaty forced on them, uneasy truce at best.
Lordly Klingon dressed in red and black vestments of his culture's aristocracy
Neatly trimmed beard streaked with silver
Gorkon's great battle cruiser Kronos One. Gorkon's speech more cultivated, less rasping than other Klingons
Months since Organians disappearance
Many small raids such as Themis, all of them committed by pirates, according to the official word of the Klingon High council, unsanctioned by the government.
Uhura thinks attacks committed by a small faction within the military but the Klingon government would do nothing to stop them. The Klingons would sit back and let the Fed be provoked to the point of war, while they wooed the Romulans and debated among themselves whether they possessed sufficient weaponry to emerge as victors
Uhura knows - Klingon culture glorified war. Klingon no greater honor than to be permitted to die a warrior's death
Uhura thinks - Is it possible there were those in the empire who are weary of fighting, who see a better way?
Uhura - Praxis had provided impetus for change within empire. Gorkon had managed to convince the High Council.
Klingons had been portrayed as villains in the media after Kudao. Political cartoons portrayed them with horns sprouting from ridged foreheads
General Korrd helped save Kirk's life. Spock persuaded him
First time Klingons and Fed members willingly attempt to forge peace. 
?did Organians intend this, were they remaining silent to prod both parties into voluntarily seeking peace
Klingon military dress in solid black
Gorkon and Spock meet face to face first time
Gorkon's daughter Azetbur, slender, waist-length black hair, silver skull ornament, in black with dark red capelets marked her as a ruling member of the High Council
Gorkon wears black with dark red capelets marked him as a ruling member of the High Council
Brigadier Kerla, tall, bearded, long-haired young, on tape assuring all under control immediately after Praxis explosion
General Chang, chief of staff, shorter and bald save for gray mustache and wisp of hair at base of ridged skull, left eye black patch
Kirk had heard of Chang the merciless, who had ordered the death of thousands, killed countless times with his own hands
Chang always wanted to meet Kirk
Admiration, warrior to warrior
Humans consider Klingons smell, humans joke about Klingons stupidity
Zorakis, a planet in Boswellia sector, bordering Klingon space. Valeris' parents T'Paal, volunteered to try to establish negotiations with the Klingons months before Organian intervention, when war seemed imminent. Valeris born
Valeris, honored female hero of the Klingon race, a warrior
Sessl attempted dialogue. T'Paal was killed. Sessl changed to believe Klingons were incompatible with peace, published a treatise arguing use of force justified against Klingons
Valeris, age 7, group of Klingons attacked Zorakis again. Family fled. 
Klingons a dangerously violent race
Gorkon shown research labs. Klingons aware of sensor and weapons capabilities of all Fed vessels, with exception of Excelsior
Gorkon antithesis of every Klingon Kirk had met. Gorkon sincere, gracious, well educated in the ways of humans, charismatic warmth
Gorkon tries to tell Fed jokes
Gorkon seems devoted to notion of peace, speaks as if he was waiting for an incident such as Praxis in order to avert war
Klingons tour Enterprise bridge
Klingons eat with their fingers
Kirk debate merit of types of liquor with Azetbur and Gorkon
Klingon custom requires all to have ale for a proper toast
Gorkon aware toast causes stir
Gorkon an enthusiastic fan of Shakespeare in the original Klingon
Klingons and Fed undeclared war for nearly seven decades. war, battle, is all we know. Peace is new different, frightening
Gorkon believes Klingons must reconcile warrior concepts of honor and glory with concept of peaceful coexistence, otherwise Klingons will destroy themselves. 
Chang contentious with Gorkon in which way to be
Chang believes Klingons need breathing room
Kerla seems tasked with keeping Chang in line
Klingons hear disparaging comments
Chang considered Organian peace forced down our throats
Klingon media constantly vilify the Fed
Chang - In space all warriors are cold warriors
Klingons doubt Starfleet's non-military role
Kerla - Fed hypocrisy democratic system forced on others. Forced to conform
Azetbur - Inalien, human rights. Fed Homo sapiens-only club.
Kerla believes Klingon culture will be annihilated. Klingons will be lowest class in Fed.
Klingons amused when Terrans lose discipline
Gorkon realizes elders will have hardest time dealing with new peace
Kirk knows Klingon salute - fist struck against his own chest and then arm extended. 
Change calls for transport by his own communicator
Feds consider Klingons terrible table manners
Azetbur travels on her own ship with bodyguard
19:00 hours Fed time is before midday aboard Kronos One
Romulan ale makes Azetbur dizzy
Azetbur dreamt of Gorkon's death in the nights before they left for earth.
Klingon children run to parents when frightened by nightmares
Shame to be frightened as an adult
Gorkon wears simple dark tunic
Guards usually with him are gone, effected by Romulan ale. Azetbur always bothered by his cavalier attitude to safely. Gorkon ensures her safety.
Gorkon meeting in an hour with his advisers
Gorkon dark amber eyes
Security devices on ships as well
Gorkon listens intently
Azetbur did not realize the depth of hatred of earth people
The level of hatred startled Gorkon as well
The two have had cause to despise each other for seventy years
Azetbur feels Kirk's hate, doesn't trust him
Zeta, Father calls her
Captain Krudge
Honest hate is not dangerous
Klingons know David Marcus was Kirk's son
Seeking revenge is way of Klingon warrior. Klingon warriors sworn to blood revenge. Gorkon knows Humans are different
Gorkon and Azetbur both know his chances of surviving peace conference are remote. Warriors have permitted Gorkon to come this far. He had managed to avoid assassination long enough to get entire High Council to agree to necessity of peace treaty, a miracle. Drastic security measures. Now added dangers from Fed and Rom factions
Korrd old and ill
Kerla is hot-blooded, easily swayed, warrior at heart, questionable loyalties
Chang too shrewd to trust
Female chancellor unusual
Gorkon has the right to name his successor, law does not prohibit it.
Gorkon distinguishes between warrior custom and Klingon custom.
Position of chancellor is not controlled by military. Gorkon believes people will accept her even if military does not. Gorkon has made members of the High council swear to protect her and confirm her appointment
Kirk believes Gorkon shrewd wise statesman
Kerla visits Azetbur, still drunk. Bows to her formally in front of guard.
Azetbur contemptuous of drunkenness
Courting involves scent from palm
Lets us take the oath
Azetbur and Kerla have spoken about taking the oath many times
Azetbur raised to respect thought over passion
Kerla honesty of emotion attractive
Rapid beating of Klingon heart
Enormous amount of neutron radiation detected - indicative of breach in matter-antimatter reactor unit, or photon torpedoes armed and targeted.
Kronos One hull breached after two torpedoes. Lose gravity.
Slowly loosing life support
Severely damaged
Gorkon's stateroom meeting advisers and guards
Gorkon listens and learns, often uses this strategy
Brigadier Kamerg
Three advisors rarely agree, three different viewpoints useful
Change closemouthed, shrewd, tests political waters. Usually not at discussions.
Gorkon does not want Chang to know too much out of healthy mistrust
Important for warrior to hold head up, challenge every insult
Korrd obese, aged, shrewd, see many battles, spilled much blood, capable of extending thoughts beyond his own culture. Korrd's own children die beside him. Old general now argues case for peace
Younger respect elders
Kamerg feels humans will make peace with Fed difficult
Klingons have thousand insulting names for humans. Hate them. Despise them for their weakness
Klingons find difficult to understand dislike of war, lack of glorifying death in battle, fight only when necessary for defense. Klingons understand victims and murderers.
Kerla in favor of strengthening ties with Romulans to force Fed to its knees. Korrd knows Fed has resources Klingons will need
Stop thinking with your glands
Romulans understand warrior's honor. Implied insult
Gorkon aware of growing dissatisfaction among military leaders over new peace treaty. 
Young Kerla perceives warrior's honor as consisting of black-and-white choices. 
Gorkon suspects people of plotting against him. Probably one security guard a spy.
Amber alert light
1 Klingon killed
Change screams at Enterprise after attack
Change on bridge during attack
Violet blood
Crew of Kronos One consist of officers Chang had served with for years and respected - now dead
Not honorable to fire on a surrendered vessel
Azetbur's guard dead
Physician dead, sickbay destroyed
Gorkon wounded from chest to abdomen
Gorkon had the foresight to see beyond war, beyond Klingon tradition.
Gorkon bronze complexion
Chang quotes Interstellar law, charging Kirk and McCoy with assassination of Gorkon. 
Gorkon's wife dead, he had trusted her
Kerla grasps Gorkon's head, Chang opens his eyes, Azetbur prevents the warriors death yell. Send person into the afterlife in manner befitting a warrior, warned the dead of his coming
She says Gorkon was no warrior. He would want break in tradition
Kronos raises shields after arresting Kirk and McCoy to prevent beam back
Kamarag, Klingon ambassador to Fed states his government's case against Kirk and McCoy to Fed president
Kamarag asserts that Enterprise fired on Kronos One with specific intent of damaging gravity systems then beaming over to assassinate Gorkon
Kirk and McCoy will stand trial for assassination
Dozens killed on ship
Kirk masterminded this revenge for David and Carol Marcus, Kudao and Themis
Fed had prepared Operation Retrieve based on rising danger of terrorism between Feds and Klingons
Gorkon's body incinerated without ado or ceremony. In the Empire, life was too short, resources too precious, to waste on the dead
Chang always exceedingly formal
Archaic modes of address indicate respect. Old fashioned courtesy
Change was adviser and friend, but never agreed with Gorkon
Chang knows more of killing than life. Klingons must lean how to survive.
Chang warns Azetbur about Kerla
Klingons mourn in private
Azetbur always wonder why warrior Kerla changed to loyalty to Gorkon.
Chang feeds her suspicions
Andorian female Dr. Thlema xenopsychologist, specialist in Klingon culture advises Fed president - Klingons can use logic when it suits them.
Their case is airtight
Lack of response will be perceived as weakness, which would be bad for negotiating peace treaty. War is not to be feared at this time. Klingons know they are at a disadvantage. Growing hostility between Romulans and Klingons, trade slack off, Romulans have nothing to gain and everything to fear from alliance Feds and Klingons. War would be to Roms advantage
Azetbur calls Fed president. Klingon leadership generally excluded females as being intrinsically unfit. Sarek has met Azetbur.
Azetbur has been named chancellor of the High Council in her father's place. 
She will go forward with peace conference
War if Fed tried to rescue prisoners
Secret neutral site
Azetbur called Fed president with Chang and Kerla standing by. Only two remaining advisers. Korrd grave condition. Wounds slow to heal in elderly
Kerla has physical battle plans prepared
Kerla in favor of attacking now
General Khmarr, younger than Kerla. Eager for battle. Attack or be slaves
General Grokh not yet middle aged
Most experienced minds lost in attack
Kerla - better to die on our feet than live on our knees
Azetbur had heard Kirk had the heart of a Klingon
Klingons who seek revenge for death of family member, a child, or mate, would not trust the task to others
Klingon law not the same as Interstellar law. Azetbur instructs Kirk be tried under Interstellar law, Chang will represent the state
Peace process will go forward. Kirk will pay, not Fed
Scott thinks maybe Azetbur killed Gorkon
Patricide as a means to power has been practiced for centuries within the Klingon empire. 
Scott knows Klingons don't place same value on life as humans do
Klingons don't have tear ducts
Kronos One, repaired, warps toward home
Azetbur moved into chancellors secure quarters
Gorkon keep most information in his head. Had not trusted his own High Council. Azetbur had trusted Kerla, but Chang has made her suspicious
Oversized guard Katris outside her door, one of two
Kerla comes to Azetbur, scanned for concealed weapons
Conversation monitored from three separate locations aboard ship
Kerla kneels by her side, takes her wrist
Her open palm to his face
Doubting loyalty is insult to honor
Klingon courtroom cavernous stadium arranged in rising circular tiers hewn from jagged rock. Prisoners at bottom center. Spotlight, cavern dim
Cameras on high stone walls
Dark-skinned broad shouldered powerfully built defense attorney, likeable young Klingon. 
Judge behind prisoners wears studded glove with dull metal sphere attached
Armless guard choose to shun medical intervention and sport disfigurement as badge of courage
Colonel Worf
To obtain Kirk's logs, Klingons must have had a conspirator aboard Enterprise.
Change aware of Fed law regarding starships, captains' responsibilities
Under Klingon law, both sides present their case at the same time
Normal sentence of death in such cases
Dilithium mines on penal asteroid of Rura Penthe
Rura Penthe known throughout the galaxy as the aliens' graveyard
Klingon archipelago Rura Penthe cruelest, no one survived any length of time
Normally power drain of cloaking device too great to allow simultaneous use of weaponry
Rura Penthe three suns
Prisoners transported in heavy leg irons
14 prisoners delivered
5 Klingon guards, jackal-mastiffs
snaggle-tooths mastiff
commandant of Rura Penthe
gulag Rura Penthe
human convict exposed to die, dies within minutes
no one in the Fed knows where Rura Penthe is
it is inside the Klingon Empire
Brotherhood of Aliens, inside Klingon prisons, non-Klingon prisoners band together
There is a reward for Kirk and McCoy's death
Smugglers get sentenced to Rura Penthe 
Everyone sentenced to life
Kirk and McCoy on Rura Penthe within 48 hours of Gorkon's death
Penalty in Klingon Empire for prison escape is torture followed by execution
Rura Penthe dilithium lots, drilled free from rock
Death for trying to smuggle dilithium from mine
Broad frozen river on Rura Penthe
Spock heard rumors of Rura Penthe climate
Rura Penthe well within Klingon space
Specially equipped listening posts detect even cloaked vessels inside Klingon border
Enterprise carries archive library
Mortagh Outpost Three; understaffed, under funded, decaying, one of the least sought after assignments in the Empire. 
Former gunner Kesla. One taste of battle, years ago. Ship Beria vs Romulan vessel, caused death of captain, most of crew, and closest friend.
Kesla severely injured, determined to leave warrior life behind, honor be damned
His job looked down on by respectable Klingons
Stereotypical spineless, drunken dozing outpost sentinel
Fed ships never known to try to cross border
Romulan ships regularly try to slip across Klingon/Rom border
Rom border outposts properly equipped with latest tech
Centuries old scanners, weaponless
Border patrol
Smugglers favor crossing here
Sentinels don't' bother smugglers
Catullan liquor, qrokhang, pleasantly numb
Access to black market wares occupational benefit of working the border
Klingon ships forbidden by law to remain cloaked when passing the outpost
Alarm goes off at cloaked vessel
Halfhearted adjustments only work half the time
Operator Genrah also on duty
Ursva, freighter ship name
Female Klingon smugglers very rare
Enterprise archival library contains antique paper dictionaries of Klingon language, somewhat archaic dialects.
Archaic dialects of Klingon still understood
Border guards know smuggler code
Don't' catch any bugs - smuggler code
Spock only heard a few sentences in Klingon
Klingon commandant working for someone else
Klingons have similar custom to granting condemned a wish before execution
Courtesy before death. Enterprise makes it through Klingon space to Rura Penthe.
Chang captains Dakronh, only ship of her class, bird of prey that can fire while cloaked.
Klingon-Rom technology plus innovative new device
Rura Penthe's commandant calls Chang to tell him of Kirk and McCoy's rescue
General Grokh also part of Chang's scheme 
Burke and Samno, Starfleet crewmen who assassinated Gorkon
Valeris' father philosophy humans consistently emotional, Klingons consistently violent. 
Illogical to negotiate peace. Inherent warrior nature of the Klingon race made it possible to predict that, once the pacifist contingent fell from power, all treaties would be violated. no apparent successors to Gorkon and Azetbur who embraced the peace process
Valeris lone conspirator on Enterprise
Valeris names Adm. Cartwright, general Chang, Rom Amb. Nanclus.
Klingons and Fed conspiring together
Sulu knows and tells them conference is at Khitomer, in Klingon space, near the Romulan border
Just one prototype
Khitomer far from Alpha Quad even at warp nine
Khitomer; huge elaborate dome houses council chamber. Sparsely populated agricultural world. Not as warm as Vulcan. Lush green foliage like earth. 
Sarek has often heard that many Klingon worlds were very beautiful
Delegates, Sarek at least, know Kirk escaped
Amb. Kamarag did the increased security
Fed Pres and Azetbur, red-sashed Klingon delegates, led in by Amb. Kamarg
Klingons somewhat immune to Deltan charms. Two nights without sleep
Azetbur's delegation knows of Kirk's escape
Azetbur had warned Fed Pres last evening of assassination attempt
Gorkon wore large metal circlet around neck as badge of office
Yellow can be painful color to Klingons
Colonel Worf had performed a distasteful task honorably, is at Khitomer
Conspirators had been able to contact Valeris on Enterprise
Adm. Cartwright had been starship captain before the time of the Organian Treaty. He had lost crew to Klingons
Roms improved design of cloaking device by eradicating the minute spatial displacement that once marked the unseen vessel's location - and had led to the loss of more than one warbird
Dakronh fires on Enterprise
Dakronh fires on Enterprise a second time
Green light Dakronh bridge
Despise those who surrender to cowardice
Chang had heard many stories of Kirk's courage
No warrior swallows his hatred or foregoes revenge
A Klingon avenged a kinsman's death at any price, Failure to do so was the mark of a coward
Dishonesty reason to hate somebody
Better to state hatred openly than hide behind false diplomacy
Facing death openly, as true warrior would
Chang quotes Shakespeare
Dakronh fires third time
People called Gorkon idealist, driven by visionary notions, others said pragmatic technocrat with no choice, making the best of a devastating situation
Klingons proud, intend to go on being prod
If we can not make war, we will make peace
Enterprise avoids one torpedo
Excelsior had to enter Klingon space to get to Khitomer
Another torpedo hits Enterprise
Spock detects plasma, ionized gas, vented from Dakronh
Unable to completely cloak exhaust
Enterprise had probes to detect such traces
Enterprise is struck again
Primary hull breached
Another torpedo explode harmlessly against Enterprise shields
Another explosion
Chang fails to raise Dakronh's shields
Chang knows he has patience and a modicum of cunning
Chang admires humans banding together against hopeless odds, for coming to former commander's aid
Little tricks to buy time
These acts worthy of Klingon warriors
Savor battle both sides
Torpedo finds its target
Excelsior and Enterprise destroy Dakronh
Chang's eye tears up with acrid smoke
No dishonor in being bested by Kirk
No point in railing at fate
[Klingon assassin] never killed one-on-one, served as weapons officer near Fed-Klingon border. Seen friends killed
Kirk jumps on Pres and saves him
Scotty kills assassin, falls to floor
Kerla helps stop fleeing conspirators
Gorkon's faith in Kirk, humans, and Fed restored
Day of successful negotiations on Khitomer
Kirk informs leaders of Cartwright, Nanclus, Chang plot to perpetuate war
Azetbur visits Kerla in his guest room
General Chang is dead
Warriors never go back on their word
Chang swore to protect Gorkon and Azetbur
Kerla never a part of Chang's plot
Azetbur feels Gorkon's death is as much Klingon fault as Fed or Rom
Azetbur feared Kerla using her as means to power, knows this was incorrect
Azetbur and Kerla hand to face mating ritual
Kerla's advice is still to not trust Feds or Roms
Charges of violating Klingon space dropped against Enterprise
Valeris and Fed conspirators stand court-martial
  SNW VII All fall Down by Muri McCage
Out of Kirk and McCoy’s experience on Rura Penthe came a clarity of memory. Posttraumatic stress.
Chang, Klingons, busy plotting their own downfall lately
The depths of corruption and plotting both in the Klingons and from within the Federation

  Shadows on the Sun by Michael Jan Friedman
P5 in opposing the traitor Chang and his plot, Dr. McCoy had been reminded of how exciting and satisfying life on a starship could be.  Rura Penthe, the Klingon asteroid archipelago. McCoy shivered just thinking about the place, with its murderous cold and its flesh-carving winds
P14 as far as McCoy was concerned Kirk might as well have just spoken perfect Klingon.
P23 Kirk - a year a go I wouldn't have bet a plugged nickel that we'd see a détente between the Federation and the godforsaken Klingons in our lifetime, but we did. 
In McCoy's opinion the Klingons are children compared to the Ssan assassins
  Best Destiny by Diane Carey
p126 [2249]  One of quarrelsome Angus Burgoyne's band of pirates on the Shark when it encounters USS Enterprise, Dazzo, short, thick Klingon technician, built like a New York City antique fire hydrant.  Spends a lot of time behind bars 
p151 [2249]  Dazzo eager to throttle Burgoyne with bad news, when Enterprise under Captain April damages their warp engines, they can crawl about like a 21 st century tugger, swim faster.
p151 [2249]  Klingons urinate, take whizzes
p167 [2249]  Big Rex Moss, New captain of the Shark calls Dazzo an idiot, and Dazzo calls him human, which he is. Dazzo knows his engines.
p175 [2249]  Dazzo argues and snarls with fellow engineer Okenga, Andorian aboard the Shark
p176 [2249]  Dazzo also weapons officer
p178 [2249]  Disorganized Big Rex Moss can't direct Dazzo's fire
p219 [2249]  New Tellarite cook aboard the Shark, and Dazzo have been bickering with each other so much rest of the crew avoid them, as a major fight could break out at any time
p220 [2249]  The Shark has no back up systems, Dazzo doesn't see the need, as they only attack one ship at a time
p226 [2249]  With the sensors not working, Dazzo takes a step back and kicks the housing
p226 [2249]  The Klingon turned, glowered at the unexpected order, and didn't move to follow
p280 [2249]  A bestial growl and a dirty body odor told him there was a Klingon bending over him.
p280 [2249]  Dazzo, contemptuous, bestial growl - we'll haul the Fleeters into the Blue Zone and crush their meat.
p280 [2249]  Dinnertime on Klingon
p280 [2249]  Roy John Moss to Dazzo - Oh! I forgot. If you learned from mistakes, you'd still be in the Klingon fleet instead of scraping a living off the Federation's garbage pail lid, wouldn't you.
p281 [2249]  There is nothing as grotesque-looking as a surprised Klingon
p281 [2249]  Dazzo strangled to death by young Jimmy Kirk clamping disembodied mechanical hand of Ens. Veronica Hall on his throat
p281 [2249]  Klingon pink blood
p363 [2293]  Roy John Moss thinks the long distance transporter will be worth a lot to the Federation, Klingons, Romulans
  Sarek by A.C. Crispin
P8 the Keep Earth Human League try to convince Earth that Vulcan is responsible for every disaster from the Probe’s devastation to the Klingon raids along the Neutral Zone. The Terran news agencies highlighted the Vulcan, Klingon and Romulan conspirators when Chancellor Gorkon was assassinated and the Khitomer Conference disrupted, far more than the activities of Admiral Cartwright or Colonel West. There have been Klingon renegades raiding all along the Neutral Zone, and the Enterprise is probably patrolling there. 
P15 KEHL slogan – Sarek sold out Earth to the Klingons!
P29 Lt. Valeris was the ringleader of the plot against Earth, working for renegade Klingon general Chang. A month after the incident, the public’s memory altering, making it seem General Chang and Lt. Valeris were solely responsible.
P51 ancient stone-walled room buried deep in foundations of huge fortress-manor on Qo’noS, the Klingon homeworld. Outside the age-darkened stone walls lay nothing but soil. Room tested and verified free of all recording or surveillance devices, which was why such a dank, dark room chosen for this meeting. Valdyr, niece of Ambassador Kamarag, sits in modern chair. Esteemed Klingon ambassador Kamarag speaks forcefully to officers assembled around venerable, dagger scarred table hundreds of years old. He is perilously close to treason. Valdyr is shocked, but doesn’t show it. The officers are enthusiastic. Lamps. Oiled black leather and polished studs. Kamarag has trained voice. In the six months since Praxis was destroyed the foundations of the Empire are being eaten away. If this continues there will be no place for Klingon race in this galaxy. The Romulans will overrun Klingons, for we have grown soft and weak as females! Valdyr conceals the resentment his words cause. Her uncle is head of her family. Her father had been killed attempting to board and conquer the Federation starship Enterprise. Kamarag had taken his widow and four children under his protection, providing for them, even sending Valdyr and her brothers to school, last month her mother and eldest brother killed in one of the devastating meteor showers that had bombarded Qo’noS since the destruction of Praxis, Kamarag had taken Valdyr and her brothers to live with him in the ancestral home. Her uncle was head of her family and she owed him everything. her brothers would never have been able to go to school and learn the skills necessary to serve on a starship. They all would have been relegated to a backwater existence in some hamlet, grubbing for sustenance on land that was increasingly hostile to agriculture. Valdyr owed Kamarag unquestioning loyalty. His sneering reference to her entire sex made her grind her back teeth. Captain Karg leers at her. What should the place of females be – a woman now sits in the chancellor’s seat of our government, my brothers! Gorkon’s daughter is not Gorkon, as she has proved many time in the past days. Azetbur demands loyalty as she opens her arms to Federation influence, influence that may lead to federation control. Who wishes to live under the heel of the Federation. A concerted growl. Azetbur’s ascension to the chancellorship had given Valdyr the courage to continue her schooling past the age when most Klingon women were relegated to the home, their only power whatever they could obtain by influencing the men in their lives. Valdyr respected Azetbur for attempting to forge a true and lasting peace between Fed and Klingons. Kamarag had been a formidable warrior in his youth and his stance is of a combatant throwing down a formal challenge. Consider what each and every one of must do to uphold our honor as warriors! Search your own heart to discover the best way to serve our Empire – even by serving outside the strictures of official government policy. We must have the courage, the honor, the valor to serve our Empire as warriors, as leaders – not merely blindly follow orders given by nominal superiors. Such talk was dishonorable. Commander Keraz was shaking his head, gauntleted fist on iron like wood. 
Keraz – I have no love for Azetbur, or her new policies but I can not disobey my oath as a Klingon officer! There are more renegades raiding across the Neutral Zone every day, and I have no intention of becoming one of them!
We have our honor! 
Alcove had once held wine casks.
Keraz should be Azetbur’s personal servant, if he wishes to clean her boots with his tongue. He has no love for her, he will not betray Kamarag’s meeting.
Karg recently raided Patelva, a mixed colony, mostly Tellarites. Relishes the squeals of the females and young ones as they were cut down. Very little worth taking on Patelva, but wonderful to feel the heat of battle and smell the richness of fresh-spilt blood again. 
Klingons gloried in war and battle, but no honor in mowing down noncombatants. Karg’s words make Valdyr’s belly tighten with disgust. 
Valdyr studies in her chamber for exam in Federation Standard. 
Klingon tradition decrees that her first loyalty be to her family’s savior and head. 
Valdyr is of age to be wed. too busy with school. Her mother arranged for no marriage before her death. 
Narrow, shelf like bed.
Mother, Kamarag’s sister, married according to liking, not for family advancement, married beneath her. She intended the same for Valdyr. Someone offered for your hand today, and I accepted.
Keraz is a warrior with honor, but he is already married.
Karg veteran of many battles, warrior of considerable renown. Well able to provide for her. 
Valdyr had to lock her knees to keep from trembling. I would embrace my dagger as bridegroom before that dishonorable Denlbya’Qatlh!
My wife to be, your uncle has done me a great honor.
Valdyr not warrior material, slender and short. But the blood of a noble house of warriors flows through her veins. She would not dishonor herself by begging. 
Karg needs a wife who has high social position and much beauty. I have neither. Not for such a high-ranked warrior. 
Karg tests the muscle that lay beneath her sleeve. Small, but good wiry strength. So young, so innocent, you warm my heart. 
A prospective mount for his stables. 
P58 targhoy; Valdyr-oy – love suffix attached to her name made her want to shriek with fury. When you are my wife your beauty will blossom like chal flowers in spring. Her mind filled with images of plunging the dagger she wore strapped to her forearm into his heart
His teeth fastened on her throat she gasped from the pain, smear of blood on her fingers
I know you are hot to take a bride, but the wedding will not take place until after our triumph.
She must be cleaver, use all her wits to escape this fate. Allowing Karg to see her true feelings would only make them watch her closely until the day of the wedding. 
No more schooling, turn your attention to the management of households. That is a demanding life. Spend time in kitchens, learning the duties, and the duties of the nursery
Karg’s large house has suffered from the lack of a woman to care for it.
If she made her uncle angry, it would bode ill for her brothers and well as for her. 
Hundreds of years from now our names will be remembered as the ones who saved the Empire and the Klingon way of life. 
May Kirk be devoured by ten thousand demons on his way to oblivion. 
Kamarag will never regain his honor until Kirk is dead, until I can dip my hands in his warm blood and dye them scarlet. I will never rest until Kirk and all his line are wiped out.  Kamarag’s temper was legendary. 
Azetbur would never agree to having the man who saved her life killed
Azetbur spineless daughter of a spineless coward. 
P67 Enterprise and Kirk go to Patelva in aftermath of raid, pitifully wounded survivors. Klingons did this. There hadn’t been much doubt who the assailants were, the patterns were all there. Even McCoy knows the  Klingons did it from the  disruptor patterns on the bodies. McCoy has spent the last month studying Klingon anatomy and medical procedures. 
Kirk has just finished speaking to Azetbur on subspace. The Klingon government has picked up a number of Klingon vessels crossing the Neutral Zone, but swore on her father’s honor that none of them has been authorized by her government. Not governmentally sanctioned troops. Change has set a precedent for renegade activity. 
Everything looked so hopeful a month ago at Khitomer. The earth media are having a field day with renegade raids. Some Federation Security Council delegates are  calling for Ra-ghoratrei to withdraw his support for Azetbur. Without the support of the Federation Azetbur has little chance of staying in power. She is the Empires only hope for survival.  The empire is in chaos. Paring down a huge standing army leaves soldiers that don’t want to give up war. Terrorism on the rise. War has been the main focus of the Klingon culture for several thousand years.
P75 Earth is most powerful planet in Federation, shouldn’t dissolve the Federation until the Klingons and Romulans have been dealt with.
P92 village of Kelkai, on planet Kadura, sun Rana (Delta Eridani) a ship was swooping in for a landing – a Klingon ship. Orion woman s’Kara – Klingons! Great Mother of us all, help our children! She has hard stories of rape, murder, and stomach-churning atrocities. The whine of a stun ray filled her ears. Conscious but unable to move, she wondered how long the stun beam would hold her. A voice barked an order in Klingonese and the whine came again. Abruptly she could move and her body convulsed in agony, all muscles spasm. Rough hands grabbed her, five armed Klingons. One grinned, showing a mouthful of snaggleteeth, and reached to rip the front of her coverall. Another Klingon reached out and strikes down hand of would be attacker. He snarled something that sounded like an order, other Klingon reluctantly stepped back. This Klingon wears a more elaborate metal sash, speaks Standard with a strong accent. Screams come from the village. When the Federation finds out, it will mean war with Klingon government. The leader uttered a short, ugly bark of laughter. We have no government, woman. We are our own law, our own government. I am Commander Keraz, you will address me as my lord. One of the Klingons holding s’Kara cuffs her sharply. Another Klingon bird-of-prey hurtled out of the sky. Keraz gave an order to one of his men and the Klingon trotted off. Keraz wants s’Kara to tell village – Klingons are in control, and will stay in control. As long as they obey us, they will not be harmed. Resist and we will kill them – or worse. S’Kara wants to spit into swarthy face. Keraz watches her as if she is some kind of mildly interesting insect. A scream from the village was cut off in the middle by whine of disruptor fire. S’Kara notes every horror so she can tell authorities when they come. 
P108 there was an envoy from Freelan, a world under Romulan influence, at the Khitomer Conference.
P111 the current situation with the Klingons is extremely unstable. Kadura colony devastated by a Klingon attack. Chancellor Azetbur assured Enterprise  that the raiders were renegades and that she was attempting to capture them and bring them to justice. Spock believes her, other do not. The entire Federation/Klingon situation is unstable, Kirk – a powder keg waiting for a spark.
Azetbur’s government is struggling to stay in power. She has popular support, but many of the older, high-ranking families object to having a woman as chancellor. A number of high-ranking officers have turned renegade, deserting the fleet and using their vessels to commit acts of piracy. 
It is possible the Feelans are using their trained Vulcans to influence high-ranking Klingons, fomenting dissent, inciting the Empire into civil upheaval, and then war with the Federation. Divide and conquer. 
P120 a band of Klingon renegades has captured a Federation Orion colony – the planet Kadura – and they are holding several thousand colonists hostage. The Klingon leader is threatening to kill the hostages unless the Federation agrees to negotiate release and monetary settlement with him. A great many lives hang in the balance. For this mission the Federation needs their best negotiator – Ambassador Sarek. The meeting will take place on Deneb IV. Sarek requests a complete report on the Klingon Commander.  Admiral Burton, head of Starfleet Security, will send it to him via subspace message.
P135 Chancellor Azetbur greets Ambassador Sarek via subspace message by inclining her head slightly, once equal to another. Azetbur has been briefed regarding the situation on Kadura.  She regrets what has happened. She has spoken with Fed President Ra-ghoratrei already. Azetbur’s exotic features were tightly with tension and the mantle of leadership was clearly taking its toll on her. Sarek was vividly reminded that she had lost both husband and father barely a month ago. [?husband?] 
Azetbur – Commander Keraz, hearing that he had initiated this raid surprised her. She has known the commander for years  and while he can be headstrong he has always been loyal. Keraz is – was – a warrior who served the Empire with distinction, in the most honorable manner. Azetbur wants the renegades extradited. Have the Federation take Keraz and his men, and hand them over to me so that I may an example of them. An example that will speak vividly to any others who may be contemplating such treason against my government. Azetbur was many things, but soft or merciful was not one of them. 
Sarek regrets to inform her that his priority is the safety of the citizens of Kadura and he has no authority from the fed president to seize Keraz. Ra-ghoratrei had warned Sarek last night of what the Empire wanted.   Azetbur stared at him, her jaw muscles tight. What happens to Keraz after he leaves the planet is not Sarek’s affair. 
Azetbur – we will catch him. The honor of my people depends on these traitors being captured and dealt with. Azetbur’s expression thawed still more, she chuckled aloud. I understand for the first time the strength of your people; you excel at making others decide that what you want  is what they also want.
Sarek – you are most gracious, Madame Chancellor
Sarek is on Deneb IV, also called Kidta, extremely isolated conference center, about to meet with Keraz. If Sarek had to negotiate with Klingons he wanted to make sure he was dealing with Klingons acting on their own, under no duress from an outside influence. No Freelan in this sector. 
Commander Keraz and his captains. Sarek had already braced himself to endure the presence of Klingons. There emotions were primal and close to the surface, worse than human emotions, and most Vulcans could sense them without being in physical contact.  Sarek still puzzling over Kara’s request for negation as a solution to this crisis. Out of character for Klingons to sit down and talk their way out of a problem, rather than just blasting everything around. 
P138 four Klingon sat negotiations. One holds a green-skinned Orion woman by the arm, marching her along peremptorily but without any intentional cruelty. Sarek raised his hand in the Vulcan salute to the Klingon in the lead. Commander Keraz, I presume? The short rather stocky Klingon nodded sharply. His voice was much more mellow than most Klingons, his skin dark, the color of antique leather. He seemed nervous, fingering his sash, picking at his belt as though he could not believe there were no weapons handing there. 
Keraz – we desire an honorable settlement to this situation, Ambassador. My ships and crews have not damaged the planet or its inhabitants, s’Kara’s eyes flash, and frankly I have no interest in occupying a colony world composed mostly of farmers. His mouth twisted with distaste. We are warriors, not colonists. We have no wish to become planetbound. Kadura is no fit place for warriors. 
Sarek noted that beneath Keraz’s deliberately gruff exterior, the Klingon seemed genuinely eager to negotiate. 
Keraz’s terms – prepared to withdraw for the right price. Must be allowed to take our payment and leave Kadura unmolested by any Starfleet vessel. 
Sarek only a lifetime of Vulcan control kept him from revealing his surprise. For Keraz to offer to withdraw at the beginning of the negotiations was the last thing he expected.
If Keraz thought he could successfully leave Federation space and find refuge across the Neutral Zone he was sadly mistaken. 
Sarek wondered what had induced the commander to turn renegade. Was it disagreement with his government’s new, peaceful overtures to the Federation? Was it greed? Had Keraz snapped under pressure and suffered some temporary madness?
Negotiations go quickly for a few days, renegades would be provided with dilithium as a ransom for the safe release of Kadura. Keraz counters, lowers his demand fractionally. 
Wurrl, Keraz’s second-in-command. Keraz’s demeanor at the negotiation table not what one would logically expect of a Klingon renegade. Keraz eager to negotiate, to give ground. It was almost as though he regretted having taken Kadura and would like nothing better than to wash his hands of the whole business. 
A bloodcurdling battle yell filled the air as Wurrl leaped at Sarek, stabs him with a dagger. Sarek holds him off, even with injury, superior Vulcan strength. His fingers could not penetrate the heavy leather and metal of the Klingon’s armor. Sarek changed tactics and struck Wurrl sharply on the bridge of the nose. Would tal-shaya work on a Klingon? Keraz was there, bellowing Klingon obscenities and treats at his aide as he slammed a knife-hand blow into Wurrl’s throat. Steely hands grasp him and lifted him clean off his feet by Sarek’s aide Soran.
Keraz sounded thoroughly shaken at Sarek being wounded. All participants screened for weapons.  Wurrl’s knife is assembled from altered pieces of trim from his uniform. Keraz not responsible for incident. 
At one time Keraz’s actions seemed as clear as a Darlavian crystal, but now he can’t explain.  He has thrown away his warrior’s honor, and his life will likely be forfeit along with the lives of his crew. Keraz aware the Klingon government stands ready to capture him and punish him as a traitor without honor.  Keraz’s only hope is to focus responsibility on himself to spare his crew. Sarek has never heard a Klingon speak like this before. 
Keraz I regret my actions. I did not agree with the empire’s new craven policies toward the Federation, and I told anyone who cared to listen. But turn renegade? Traitor? Pah! My loyalty to the empire was complete, until one day he realized he was being a fool, riches waiting for him, and glory, he realized he could wage war on the Federation whether or not my government had the courage and the honor. 
A muted howl of frustration. The Klingon scowled, his corrugated brow even more wrinkled. 
Keraz – my path seemed clear until two days after Kadura was mine, I awoke one morning, realizing exactly what I had done. How my government would regard me. I knew that I would soon be surrounded by half the Federation’s starships. 
He gave a short bitter growl of laughter.
Sarek voices possibility that telepath made Keraz take Kadura, influenced him. The Klingon paled. Not surprisingly he found the idea of not being his own master repugnant, revolting.
Sarek brushes his hand across the Klingon’s high, bony forehead. He has not been his own master. The commander threw back his head and voiced a wordless bellow of rage and frustration, then cured vividly in at least six different languages. 
Keraz – Kamarag, that cursed, dishonorable slime devil has stolen my honor. For this I will rip out his gizzard and feed it to my targ. Most of the warriors at Kamarag’s meeting have since committed honorless raids on noncombatants. Kamarag has no honor, but Sarek is honorable and courageous to Keraz. A coward would not have  been alone with Keraz after Wurrl’s attack. 
Sarek to Keraz - You possess a warrior’s honor. 
Keraz heard that Sarek’s wife Amanda gravely ill. Keraz respects Sarek’s honor in attending to negotiations. Such a demonstration of honor is admirable, no matter what species displays it. 
P155 Kirk – that Klingon commander was out of his mind to pull a stunt like this. He couldn’t possibly have thought he’d get away with it. Having seen Klingon justice close up, I’m surprised that any amount of greed could induce a commander to commit treason against the Empire. 
P168 negotiations end and Kadura is free
P177 cloaked warbird’s small bridge, Kamarag, Karg, Valdyr. Karg gives Valdyr long promising leer. Valdyr glowers at him, touching the hilt of her dagger, suggestive gesture.  His presence sent her blood boiling with passion.
You will wait, Karg, until Qo’noS’s polar caps melt.  Unfortunately, with the destruction of Praxis and the subsequent environmental problems the Klingon homeworld was facing, that might not be very long. 
Kamarag has Cadet Peter Kirk, Captain’s nephew, prisoner on his ship for five days.
Valdyr – How grotesque, to just curl up and surrender. Her uncle thought this was an honorable prisoner? 
Kamarag – most humans in his experience are weak, spineless. Not much amusement for Valdyr.
P178 in Klingon society, guarding prisoners of war was traditionally women’s work. And for the most hated prisoners (certainly humans) the female jailers took delight in administering the be’joy’ – the ritualized torture-by-women. In a world controlled by Klingon warriors, a woman could release much of the frustration engendered by the male-dominated society on a strong, healthy prisoner.
Valdyr scowled, she would have to nurse this feeble weakling? Klingon prisoners were not usually coddled. Kamarag wants the prisoner strong enough to endure a good long be’joy’ while his uncle Captain Kirk is forced to watch!
Valdyr’s color deepened and her eyes widened. Where was the honor in that? There was no craft in this plan, no politics, just duplicity and cruelty. The shame of it made her glower at the deckplates.
Kamarag give her a congenial hug. Distasteful work ahead, guarding this stinking alien, this blood kin of va Kirk! His torture will be my wedding gift to you – something to whet your appetites and insure a passionate night with your new husband!
Valdyr had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from erupting into gales of hysterical laughter. Had all she learned at her father’s side of honor, battle, and glory been lies? Was this really the way Klingons conducted themselves – by betraying their leaders, lying, cheating, and abusing the helpless? Her father would have killed this man for what he was about to do. 
Kamarag drew back, his face taking on his more official look
Valdyr’s father encouraged her learning. He trained her himself, along with her four brothers, in all the warrior’s arts. She was her father’s favorite. He made the healers work hard to save her in infancy. In many families a weak small sickly baby would have been allowed to die. Valdyr’s father would not permit it and demanded the healers save her. She is only daughter. Her mother liked to tell her that he’d bellowed at the doctors that Valdyr’s will to live was proof that she carried a man’s share of noble warrior’s blood. He trained her as stringently as her stronger brothers. She’d loved him for that. Her father felt that her mind was as strong as her skills, as strong as her will to live. Not strong enough to serve as a warrior, but other skills almost as valuable to offer the Empire. Father hoped, and Valdyr hopes to follow uncle Kamarag into diplomacy. He took it as a complement. Previously a female in such a position a dream but now Azetbur in important political role.
Kamarag – Azetbur! The role she has usurped is a travesty! If she was a decent female she would have married again! Then she could hand her seat over to her husband, as it should be. 
Azetbur’s husband had been killed in same attack that killed Gorkon, Gorkon wanted Azetbur to succeed him. 
Kamarag was been a politician since long before you were born
Valdyr’s father is dead, Kamarag is head of this family and she will follow the life he has prepared for her! She will marry Karg, and be a faithful wife, and bear him as many male children as your body can grow. Your glory will be  in the success of your husband and male children. You will not live a life of perversion and depravity as that damnable Azetbur has.
Let us be family and never speak of this again. 
P181 Treegor, Karg’s lieutenant, accompanies Karg through the ship. The two had picked up Peter Kirk from a rendezvous point on the edge of explored space, from the tramp freighter/contraband runner that had smuggled him off earth. Now, after landing on Qo’noS, at TengchaH Jav, the spaceport closet to Du’Hurgh, Kamarag’s huge estate. Electronic key only means of opening door to security cell. Peter Kirk attacks Karg and Treegor in his cell, when he seemed so weak. 
Karg - in a murderous rage, blood trickling from a head-plate cut, with a roar he charged, Peter Kirk strikes the warrior just below the breastplate, in a warrior’s most vulnerable place. The air rushes out of Karg’s lungs. Punches in the eyes also bad. Peter Kirk knows where to attack a Klingon.
Valdyr had not realized humans could fight so well or be so clever.
P183 Hu’tegh Kamarag cursed. The raucous sound of the blaring klaxon instantly filled the air
Two warriors in mess hall, eating.
Peter on Qo’noS would be the only one of his kind. 
Valdyr admires Peter Kirk – clever, she grins with excitement of the pursuit, eager to go against this man, this warrior, this human, starved, inactive, had managed to have both strength and cunning to overcome two of Kamarag’s best warriors.
Those of us that are not as strong must develop our minds all the more.
It would be shameful for a warrior to fight a woman. It is only shameful for a warrior to fight a woman and lose. 
With an earsplitting yell Peter Kirk leaped into the air, smashing both feet into warrior’s face. 
Valdyr speaks to Peter Kirk in standard. It is over, you have fought well. Be proud. Now yield and come with me. You will yield. 
She growled as blood poured from the corner of her lip, dripping puce droplets onto her armor
Leather shoulder pad. Valdyr eventually does get the better of Peter Kirk
Karg - Let me kill this Ha’Dlbah now
Is this how a Klingon warrior kills his enemy? Waits until he’s helpless and kills him in his sleep? Is that your path, Karg? Karg’s face flamed with shame. 
Treegor – this human is not worthy to be our enemy. He is a parasite, brought down by a woman. He deserves no honorable consideration.
Peter Kirk has earned the respect due a warrior. Valdyr grabs Peter Kirk by the wrists, hauls him over her shoulder. 
Travel in aircar
Peter needs medical attention and forcefeeding
Kamarag – do . . . you not wish help?
Valdyr – Do you think I need it? She challenged, meeting his eyes. He raised his head as if insulted. With a gesture that was almost a salute, he permitted her to leave.
Karg – I will not tolerate such insolence when we are wed. I will beat that smugness out of her the first night. 
I do not believe a warrior’s heart is so easily conquered. You may have to rethink your approach.
Peter Kirk – Klingons! everything he’s ever read about them was true. They could fight like mountain gorillas and they seemed about as strong. Ever since Jim Kirk and his crew had saved Chancellor Azetbur, Kirk had become a favored person among the Klingon populace. But Peter Kirk knows not every Klingon supports Azetbur’s rule. 
Military garb black and dark gray leather studded with metal, spiked boots and gloves, official insignia of the Klingon Empire pinned on left sleeves. 
Kamarag’s men don’t have official signal. They have another insignia stitched on the leather, intertwined with what must be sigil of a high-ranking house.
Peter wonders if he is on one of the Klingon worlds, or on Qo’noS itself 
Peter knows Klingons rarely kept prisoners, plenty of speculation about what happened to those they did. Kill, torture? Tales of the infamous Klingon mind-sifter 
Valdyr’s English amazingly good if oddly accented. 
Valdyr small, shorter than Peter, slender. Long dark hair braided into a rope to her thighs. Skin the color of warm honey, features delicate and feminine, even the ridges on her forehead were elegant – sharply defined  but not as massive as those of the male Klingons. Like the lovely head of a cobra. 
You need water and food. I am prepared to force-feed you if you will not cooperate with me, the choice is yours.
You will sit up, or I will pull you into a sitting position
I know you now, human so do not attempt to deceive me. I defeated you once and will happily do so again
Valdyr gives Peter Kirk a squeeze bottle of clear, clean, pure water
Valdyr knows too much water too soon will make Peter Kirk ill
Tiny pills, human medication for pain.
Valdyr’s skin is slightly warmer than humans
Warm Klingon broth, especially made for injured warriors, spicy, chili-like, food and medicine together in another bottle
Valdyr has consulted the information Klingons have on human physiology to make sure it would not harm Peter Kirk, he finds it savory and satisfying
You will drink it or I will feed it to you like an infant
Peter Kirk’s cell closely fitted blocks of brown gray stone cemented over, sleeping platform slab of stone, woven blanket, hole in the ground as a Klingon version of a no-frills head. Four-legged stool. Door ancient wood reinforced with metal, modern locks. Beside the door, Clear observation panel with a speaker set beneath it. Food slot beneath observation panel. Definitely not the Klingon Hilton.
P192 Peter Kirk wonders what uncle Jim would do, he glanced at the young Klingon woman’s slender but attractive figure, yeah right, he knows just what Uncle Jim would do, even with a Klingon, if she was as nicely built as this one, too bad Peter doesn’t have his luck.
Valdyr has heard that humans are too weak to tolerate Klingon food.
Klingons put a lot of store in honor – it was everything to them. But women didn’t get much benefit from the heavily patriarchal system.
And my honorable opponent is ? 
Have I earned the right to know why I’m here?
Some Klingon names mean specific things
Kamarag has declared a blood feud against James Kirk. The government no longer wants vengeance against James Kirk, since he saved the life of Azetbur. So, to regain his honor, Kamarag must act on his own. James Kirk will be sent a message to come alone to a certain place in space. There Kamarag’s guards will take him and bring him to Qo’noS. 
Peter recognizes that Valdyr is lying when she says Peter will be released
Kamarag has a dept of honor to settle with Kirk – torture and eventually execution
Why the blood feud – James Kirk has fought the Klingons throughout his career, but Fed and Klingons working toward peace, now.
Kirk left a Klingon to perish on an exploding world – Captain Kruge – that warrior was Kamarag’s closest friend and protégé. Three years ago.
Revenge, like a targ, rouses hungry after a sleep – old proverb
The Klingon version of the death of David Marcus is he was a prisoner of war, executed while attacking a guard. Kamarag told Valdyr.
Valdyr unfamiliar with term cold blood
Valdyr saying Peter sounds like Pityr.
Valdyr brings Peter clean clothes, wash cloth, soap
Peter’s odor is too strong.
Don’t Klingons have a sense of humor?
Valdyr blushes
Peter not aware humans and Klingons have ever had such an intimate interaction, an interstellar first if Valdyr gives Peter a bath
Locks on door activate in rhythmic succession.
No disrespect intended to my most honorable opponent
Kamarag had publicly declared there would be no peace while James T Kirk lived.
Kamarag big, long dark hair, thick beard shot with gray, heavy jowly features.  Not in uniform, wears longish oyster-white tunic over dark gray trousers with dark cape slung over one shoulder, held in place by intricately carved leather strap, with insignia of the house of Kamarag. 
Terrible smile transformed his features
Peter understands Klingonese, but he doesn’t recognize the word be’joy’
Valdyr’s rich amber eyes pale to sickly yellow
Do not speak to me human! Remember your place. You are my enemy. My prisoner. And I am a Klingon.
P203 James Kirk had many run-ins with both Romulans and Klingons in his career, and while it could not be denied that Klingons were fierce warriors and made awesome enemies, Kirk had decided long ago that he would rather confront Klingons in a knock-down, drag-out rather than Romulans. The Freelan envoy at Camp Khitomer had stood facing Romulan Ambassador Nanclus after Kirk saved Ra-ghoratrei and Azetbur. Was the Freelan goal to cause war between Federation and Klingon Empire? Both Keraz and Wurrl had been subjected to telepathic influence
After discussing the Klingon demand for Kirk and McCoy’s extradition, Ambassador Nanclus pointed out to Ra-ghoratrei that the Klingons were vulnerable, that there would never be a better time to begin a full-scale military action against them. During Kirk’s court-martial Adm. Cartwright claimed under oath that Nanclus came to him, and that both of them then presented the idea to Chang – who was only too happy to take over. The whole thing might have been Nanclus’s idea
Wurrl suffered a fractured skull during his fight with Sarek and lapsed into a coma. Starfleet took him into custody. 
The fragile peace between Fed and Klingons. It might appear to Azetbur that the Federation is attempting to stir up trouble between the Romulans and the Klingon Empire by accusing the Romulans of influencing the Klingons to turn renegade. 
If the Romulans suspect they’ve been discovered, they’ll escalate their efforts to cause war between Federation and Klingons. It could also be that Romulans would back off if they knew they’d lost the element of surprise and they couldn’t push the Fed and Klingons into hostilities.
Kamarag’s message to Kirk – Visit Sector 53.16 at coordinates 39 mark 122, before thirteen hundred hours stardate 9544.6. a certain redhead is waiting, will die if you don’t show. Come alone. Tell no one.
P225 Freelan Wing Commander Taryn had known for days that Wurrl had failed to kill the ambassador – the Klingon hadn’t been fast enough, it seemed. Taryn disappointed to learn about the Klingon’s failure
P235 Peter Kirk and Valdyr play cards with ornate Klingon cards. Valdyr makes a notation on a pad with a stylus. Valdyr visits Peter twice a day. Valdyr brings several old Klingon books for Peter to read – The Complete Works of William Shakespeare in the original Klingon. Taught him arcane Klingon card game. In the Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, Shylock used the word joy’ for torture. 
Her serious expression assured him that anything less would be dishonorable
Rura Penthe is a place only the worst criminals go, to dig dilithium. 
Kamarag says Kirk lured Kruge down to the Genesis Planet just as it was breaking up then abandoned him to die.
Why did Kamarag wait three years to take revenge? At first Kamarag thought the government would support him in his quest for vengeance. But when Praxis exploded, moderate voices in the councils realized that Klingons would need the help of the Fed to survive. After that Kamarag did not speak of Kirk for a long time. Kamarag has always been loyal to his government. Suddenly, a few weeks ago, he changed. One day, revenge was all Kamarag could think of, speak of, plan for. Vengeance and Kirk’s death. He said that if the government would not support him, he would act on his own. 
He is my uncle, the head of my family, and I must be loyal to him. 
If the choice were mine, none of this would be happening. I am sorry.
P239 norgh, huge sea fish, dangerous predator, like terran shark.
Klingon women not treated equally. The men have always held the outward power. If a woman wants power they must find a man to work though, advise him, push him, make him the figurehead.
Azetbur is special, her father made the other members of the High Council promise to uphold her as his successor, and they have done so. The people support her, but the warriors’ code is difficult to change.
When Valdyr was small she wanted to be a warrior, hard for a woman to do, but possible, but she was sickly. She would never be strong enough to be a warrior but she learned to fight, and is good with a knife, but too small to defend herself against another Klingon with nothing more than her hands. She hoped to be a diplomat. There is no law against women being diplomats. 
Peter Kirk studied Klingonese and Romulan even before he went to Academy because he wanted to be a diplomat
Valdyr – I think we should try very hard to do what it is we want to do, not what we are expected to do
Valdyr chewed on her lip, her sharp slightly crooked teeth scoring the soft flesh
What kind of honor can Kamarag gain from holding Peter to capture Kirk? There is nothing about honor in it. There will be nothing of our family when it is over but shame.
She leapt back, the knife instantly in her hand
Valdyr, I’ve come to see you as a person of honor, of dignity, and of great strength
P243 at Khitomer, Freelan Wing Commander Taryn’s adopted Vulcan niece Savel played chess with Sarek’s aide Soran.
Taryn has received reports that Kamarag has kidnapped Captain Kirk’s nephew, demanded Kirk exchange himself for the young man. Kamarag has good reason to hate Kirk, and he has sworn a blood oath to avenge his young protégé, Kruge. So it is possible that he will need no further prodding from the Freelan. There was a strong core of hate in him before Savel touched his mind. Darus was monitoring Kamarag for a time but he is now on earth at major trade conference. It is possible the Freelan will have to visit Kamarag again. The ambassador may balk at actually executing Kirk, knowing that if he does that, he will surely be declared a traitor, once his actions are known to Azetbur and her councilors. Even if Kamarag captures Kirk, that might be enough to touch off hostilities, especially since the raids along the Neutral Zone increasing. The Freelan prodded Keraz, Chang, Kruge and Wurrl and Makesh and Kardis. Now insubordination and mutiny are creeping though the Klingon forces like a spy in the night. Every week there are reports of terrorism and the Freelan are responsible for only half of them! Azetbur is holding on by her elegant fingernails, but soon her grip on her people will be lost. And then war. 
Kirk has been told many times how Kamarag has denounced Kirk publicly at every opportunity.
Kamarag told Sarek once that his ancestral estate is located on Qo’noS.
Azetbur herself, or her aides, might be under Freelan influence. Revealing the plot might make her a prime candidate for assassination. Sarek will speak with her and try to ascertain from  her expressions and speech patterns whether she has been influenced. He will attempt to warn her, subtly, and find out if she knows anything about Peter Kirk
Azetbur – Ambassador Sarek, I trust you are well? For the first time since Sarek has known her, Azetbur seems at a loss. I heard about the attempt on Sarek’s life. It was a relief to know that Wurrl had failed, I take oath on my father’s honor that neither Keraz nor Wurrl was acting under my direction. 
Peter Kirk’s kidnapping appears linked to Qo’noS, evidence indicates that this link may be highly placed in your government. Sarek was quick to note the faint flicker of surprise across her face. She was learning fast, her expression barely altered before her face once more impassive mask. No knowledge of any such crime.
Commander Keraz has not been captured, still at large.
Azetbur demands Sarek tell her details if Klingons have done violence on Earth, especially by any government officials.
Azetbur – I do not care for verbal swordplay; I am a Klingon. My curiosity is aroused.  Her dark eyes sparkled dangerously
Sarek cautions Azetbur, if individuals within her government appear to behave suspiciously or uncharacteristic. It is possible that an external agency is exerting undue influence upon them. External agency responsible for Commander Keraz’s actions at Kadura.
Azetbur – what kind of undue influence – Bribery? Torture of family members? Drugs or other chemical forms of coercion? 
Azetbur’s expression brightens and she nearly smiles at mention of Kirk. She was gratified to learn Kirk and Enterprise continuing to serve the Federation.
P256 if the Klingons are involved in kidnapping Kirk’s nephew that makes it a matter of Federation security, so Kirk can use Enterprise to find him. Enterprise heads for Klingon Neutral Zone. Kirk thinks of Klingon torture, mind-sifters and beatings. Kirk  tormented by images of Peter brutalized by Klingons like Old One-Eye of Rura Penthe.  Klingon jailers weren’t noted for their kindness and compassion, to put it mildly. 
P260 Taryn’s greatest wish for war between Fed and Klingons, followed by full-scale Romulan invasion.
P262 Valdyr doesn’t visit Peter for three days. Peter realizes he loves her, a Klingon woman.
Were Klingons and humans even biologically compatible? Who knew? Very little known about the complexities of Klingon society, though plenty of speculation. Some things Peter has heard about the sexual capacity of Klingon women would make an Orion slaver blush. Did Klingons love like humans? Were they even capable of similar emotions? Would Valdyr have the same feelings for him or would she find the whole thing one more dishonorable complication? 
Kamarag – today is the day I will have my revenge. For a Klingon his demeanor was positively jovial. 
P265 HoHwi’ – Kamarag’s flagship. be’joy’ old Klingon ritual. Part of be’joy’ includes flaying skin into its many fragile layers inch by inch.  Know you intimately outside and inside.
Kamarag has a fleet of captains ready to take back their honor as Klingon warriors. Kamarag and cohorts could wreak terrible destruction on the worlds closest to the Neutral  Zone before they were stopped. 
P267 attacking Starfleet is Hoh’egh, suicide. Qo’noS is dying, they don’t have the technology or the means to save our people. Azetbur is trying to, by working with Federation.
Valdyr – is this how you would control me, by threatening me with a husband? Is this how a Klingon male earns his female’s loyalty – though fear? 
Karg brutally smashes Valdyr’s jaw. Her hand went for her dagger automatically. Karg anticipated it and grabbed her wrist. 
Karg – where are your loyalties? To your family or to that perverted female who has usurped the rightful role of a male?
Valdyr – I am a Klingon! My respect and my loyalties are to my family.
You challenged him – over his woman.
My uncle has arranged the mating. It will be done. 
P270 Qo’noS is not a good place to live, since Praxis exploded. Half the moon was blown into a very long elliptical orbit that in 50 years will finally intersect with this world, which will mean the end for life on this planet. So many meteors will impact that it will destroy our atmosphere, crush our homes and land. Even now Qo’noS is encircled by a ring of debris that reminds us night and day that our time is limited. Meteor showers are now common. A human month ago Valdyr’s mother and eldest brother was at home in HatlhHurgh when a meteor shower destroyed their home and killed them. Valdyr’s father was killed three years ago aboard Enterprise when Kirk destroyed it to trap Kruge’s crew. Without the Federation to help us, everyone on Qo’noS will eventually die!
Pityr-oy. –oy used as an endearment. 
Klingons say - Humans are weak and cowardly. They have no heart, no endurance. They have no will to fight. They stink of fear. Human males have no stamina, no passion. All they can do in bed is talk. A Klingon woman would kill any human male foolish enough to bed her. 
Humans say – Klingons never bathe, they smell. They are stupid, ignorant savages who live on base emotions, allowing their passions to rule their lives. They rut like animals. Klingons cannot weep . . . because they cannot love.
Valdyr smells like apricots. 
P273 Kamarag has gathered a squadron of renegade captains around him by offering them Federation plunder and amnesty from the new government he claims he will head. He is clearly planning some kind of coup to coincide with his raid into Fed space. His squadron is currently assembling in space not far from Qo’noS. 
Savel was the one who touched Kamarag’s mind to inflame his hatred of Kirk. Kamarag could use the publicity from a raid on a Federation world to sway the public to his side. Staging a military coup will then be easy. The Federation and Klingons could be engaged in all-out war in a matter of days. 
P290 Kirk – invading the Klingon homeworld single-handed is pretty foolhardy, even for me. Spock and McCoy won’t let Kirk tackle a whole planet of Klingons by himself. Kirk and Spock and McCoy in shuttlecraft Kepler to Qo’noS. just freighters in orbit, no military craft. First time they have seen Qo’noS, it’s a big planet. at trial they were shut up all the time in closed vehicles. It has a ring, two thousand kilometers across, 11 thousand five hundred kilometers above equator, the remains of Praxis. Several large chunks of moon still orbiting. A large number of asteroids will impact in approximately fifty years.
Qo’noS eastern and western continents. 
Spock taps into Klingon data banks and accesses information on Kamarag’s home address. Ancestral compound is listed in Klingon data banks. 
Klingon sensors would pick the shuttle up, send surface-to-air company in no time. Use the rings as cover.
The meteor showers have forced the Klingons to abandon whatever early warning defense system they have. 
Qo’noS an awesome sight, brown and greenish blue, continents separated by shallow azure seas speckled with atolls. Three largest landmasses were edged by volcanic mountain chains, evidently a very seismically active planet. Few signs of civilization visible from space. Only a few angular blotches of western side of a continent appear to be large cities.
P296 huge trees with strange feathery leaves and giant red seedpods. Red sunlight from setting sun
Spaceport on Qo’noS  - TengchaH Jav.
Kirk crashes shuttlecraft Kepler on Qo’noS and sets it to self destruct. 
P298 Valdyr will be an outcast, scorned and marked for death, her life as a Klingon over. But for her it is the road of honor, whether any other Klingon anywhere in the universe ever realizes that. 
Qo’noS and her colonies.
Valdyr has small wicked three pronged dagger under her sleeve against her forearm, releases with sudden jerk of her wrist. Small silent crossbow at right hip, her favorite weapon since childhood. Two hand disrupters under her breastplate, fully charged. 
Du’Hurgh, Kamarag’s ancient family estate, massive old fortress. Dozens of rooms, numerous passages and staircases. Kamarag’s quarters consist of cavernous study, modern computer in ancient hall, every kind of ancient armament hung from its walls, paintings, tapestries depicting the finest warriors of the family’s lines. Valdyr’s father brought his children here every summer. Father told thrilling tales of long-dead heroes exploits. A portrait of a woman, who had fought at her husband’s side in so many decisive battles hundreds of years ago. 
Valdyr’s father had served under Brigadier Kerla many years ago, promoted and sent to serve with Kruge. Her father and Kerla had been good friends, trusted allies
Brigadier Kerla, consort to Chancellor Azetbur. 
Valdyr knew Azetbur trusted Kerla, and sends him a message about Kamarag’s activities. Valdyr is only the daughter of a dead hero, only the niece of an ambassador. 
Spacious well-lighted hallway. Two burly Klingons, Karg’s men, Darj and Malak, enjoy Valdyr’s show of spirit. She was always a terror. Malak misses serving with her brother
Karg wishes Valdyr to join him at the midday meal. She might get a choice cut of meat.
Trained targ
Malak thinks little of Karg, Darj is loyal, also killed by quarrel from Valdyr’s crossbow when he follows her and finds her escaping with Peter. Valdyr take his weapon and other items into pouch at her belt. 
Secret passage behind massive old wooden closet, secret door opened with ornate iron key. Karg does not know of the passages. Hidden chambers, tunnels go outside compound. Built hundreds of years ago, used by entire armies during local conflicts and feuds, dozens of warrens and chambers, enough to hide an entire squadron of soldiers. 
Tiny powerful lantern, battery powered lamps.
Valdyr and her oldest brother used to hide and play in tunnels. 
You bring honor to their memory
Valdyr has betrayed her family, Azetbur will be personally grateful, but family honor is very important to Klingon people.
Peter Kirk assures Valdyr she would be welcome in his family. The tragedy of Gorkon’s death changed the way James Kirk regards Klingons, he would welcome brave Valdyr.
Valdyr has heard much of this James Kirk, it would be interesting to face him and see if the man and legend are the same. 
P306 Karg marked Valdyr on the neck, terrible looking bruise, so everyone would know to whom she belongs. 
If Valdyr was strong enough to keep Karg in his place it might be a good marriage
Peter Kirk would fight Karg for Valdyr.
P308 Hlja’!  MevQo’, Pityr. Klingons kiss, and bite
P310 Romulan Ambassador Nanclus was executed last month
P312 ‘Iwoy.
Kamarag gave orders that nothing should arouse suspicion from any official agency of the Klingon government
The tunnels farthest exit is in the woods near the south road. About nine human kilometers to the spaceport.
Selonite in the stone walls blocks scanners in the tunnels
Tracer – gives off false registration, makes scanners think Peter is a human. Solders carry them so they can be found where they fall in battle, so they might receive their warrior’s ritual. 
P314 Valdyr plans to die by the Heghba’ with her honor intact. There is no other path left for her to regain her honor after betraying her family
Several large private estates in the area. Dark forest. Undergrowth. High ridge looks down on Kamarag’s huge, fortress like house down in a hollow, surrounded by both high stone walls and modern security fields. Brilliant security lights and many armed figures racing to and fro.
Selonite, the same material that forms the basis for the cloaking device, in rock formations in the area
One of Kamarag’s ground vehicles pulls up outside security gate guard station. 
Klingon driver and guard talk desultorily
The driver launched himself at Spock with a loud war cry. The Klingon, dazed but still game tried to get up
Sharp curving road winds through forest instead of going directly through the woods, ground vehicles have back seat
TengchaH Jav’s spaceport perimeter security gate, programmed to admit any valid identification, small disk ID fed into and scanned by security device. Anyone can use anyone’s ID. Non-military side of the spaceport. Small private vessel unsupervised while crew on shore leave. A smuggler or trader ship. All ships locked up. Inside gate leads to civilian landing fields, not always guarded. Vacuum-proof crates. 
Valdyr grips Peter’s hand so hard she made the bones grind
Klingon woman’s shocked growl
Valdyr to Kirk – so, this is the famous legend?
Spock faux pas – it is fortunate Federation technology is more advanced than –
Commercial freighters and off-world vessels on one side, military in shielded underground hanger, to protect them from meteor showers, other side
Two bored and restless guards man gate half a kilometer away entrance to military side of spaceport. Cluster of outbuildings. Convenient alley. Valdyr can approach gate as helpless woman and stun guards. Saunters up. The armor itself is exciting for Klingon males. This small spaceport must not see many problems. 
Valdyr arches her back, stares at guard and bares her teeth. one grabbed her by the hair, the other pressed himself against her and bent his head to her neck. 
P327 veQ-nuj 
With mechanical whine mini bird-of-prey rises from trap door. Armed shuttle, very fast and maneuverable, crew of six. 3 crew around now, with four maintenance. 
Heavy disrupter rifles blow security gate apart. Gate has blaring alarm
Karg’s men decide they can’t recapture group undetected, so go for all out assault
Valdyr leads bird-of-prey crew towards Karg’s men as enemies attempting to steal their vessel. A number of dead at gate when disrupter fire ceases. 
P330 Karg shouts Halt, Humans. Or we will kill this female maghwI’ . Karg drags Valdyr by hair. Karg gloats at capturing gutless Vulcan computer and the butcher who calls himself a physician. You will pay for your crimes against Qo’noS
Chancellor Azetbur invited Kirk to visit her world anytime after he saved her life at Khitomer
Several of the soldiers don’t speak English.
Karg – Azetbur, that slut, is a pretender, our enemy. Karg is a baritone.
Azetbur, appointed by her father, ratified by Klingon High Command. Legal head of Empire. Rightfully appointed head of state working toward saving your planet.
Ring of Praxis symbol of your world’s inevitable demise. You all know that without the help of the Federation Qo’noS is doomed. Meteors gouge your world. How many lost loved ones to the meteors. Is that the way warriors want to die? Being struck by veQ from the sky.  Azetbur is not dwelling on the past like qoH Karg. Change is written in the sky. Change and continued life for Qo’noS. Azetbur wants to make sure there is a future for all Klingons, not just wealthy ones who can hide in fortresses and not worry about what falls from sky. Your chancellor is loyal to the people of Qo’noS, she needs your loyalty, do not betray her.
Treegor told other Klingons how Peter could fight. 
P333 silence, you lam be’ 
Karg stabs Valdyr in the gut, twisting the knife and drawing it up as hard as he could before yanking it out.
Soldiers stunned that Karg would kill Kamarag’s own niece
McCoy recalibrates his medical diagnostic tool.
You are my mate, with you I would take the vow. I love you, too
One of you who still possesses a warrior’s honor, give me a dagger, so I may deal with this traitor who has no pretense to honor left him – to attack an unarmed female!
Peter has right to challenge Karg, Valdyr has named him her mate. 
It is a good day to die.
Small cuts humiliate the warrior. 
Small leather strap holds right side of armor close to his body. 
Healthy mass of hair a Klingon warrior’s pride
Peter cuts off Karg’s hair, the other Klingons laugh uproariously. 
Karg falls unconscious
Kill him, it is your right, he will have no honor left if you let him live
Karg doesn’t deserve any honor. He’s a traitor, a man who brutalizes the weaker. Let him live with the shame of his defeat.
Klingons recognize McCoy has man who killed Chancellor Gorkon. McCoy ashamed to have lost a patient because of his own lack of knowledge, blackest point in his entire career. Know little about Klingon’s own rudimentary needs.
Spock – Warriors, know this, you serve Kamarag loyally, yet even Kamarag does not know that the plans he made were influenced by an alien mind. Did none of you question Kamarag’s motives? Did none of you question his treasonous plans? Did none of you question the lack of honor in his scheme?
Malak and the other warriors did have questions, but their families have been loyal to Kamarag’s house for generations. Now we have no answers. We have lost some of our brothers, forced to kill warriors we had no feud with. 
Vulcans do not lie, so Malak believes him
By letting Kirk and company go, Malak will have done his duty to his misguided lord. He turns to his men, as if waiting for a challenge, but none came.
Extrude the gangplank, soft thunk, hiss of pressurized air, ramp extended out and down. Padded seat set back away from the tiny bridge. Wouldn’t this ship have its own medikit, with Klingon-specific drugs and equipment. 
Kirk takes pilot’s seat, Spock takes gunner’s seat, Peter left with navigation. 
A harsh Klingon voice came over the intercom, demanding to know ship’s flight plan, registration number, and half a dozen other required things ships had to have before leaving the spaceport. Even Klingons have bureaucracy.
Slap the intercom into silence
Two cruisers come after shuttle
Controls covered by Klingon symbols
Cloaking device – third switch on left of pilot, with red telltale beside it.
It is possible that other Klingon vessels may have technology to identify the ship’s energy signature, allowing tracking even if cloaked
Cloaking starts subtle hum, viewscreen changed abruptly, as if seen through a haze. 
Klingon cruiser can track and fire and hit cloaked shuttle, and apparently the shuttle fires back without disengaging its cloak. The little bird-of-prey shivers with the force of its own disrupter blast.  Direct hit on cruiser causes manual landing. 
Granite in ring materiel
Even Klingons can understand diminishing returns
Debris overloads shields
Klingon medical diagnostic tool
P345 Hlja’  MevQo’ 
Valdyr did not think it would be an easy thing to get respect from humans
Nearest Federation starbase two days from Qo’noS, Starbase 8
Klingon ships are called he. Name painted on bow, the Taj = Dagger
Qo’noS to Federation Neural Zone approx 15 hours
P375 ten ship ships in Kamarag’s fleet coming out of Klingon Neutral Zone, 4 cruisers, 6 birds-of-prey. The warbirds clustered together in groups of three, with the cruisers between them and to either side
Klingon cruisers almost a match for Enterprise. 
Kirk believes that once across the Neutral Zone the Klingon ships will split up to do most damage to maximum number of planets
Your thrice-cursed nephew
Karg is Kamarag’s finest officer
For this you will die in writhing agony. Kamarag orders target Enterprise be cripple only, so he can have Kirk alive
I and my troops will wager as to which of you shrieks the loudest and longest
Kirk addressed Kamarag’s fleet, I believe most of you know me – as an opponent, in the past, and as a friend to your Empire in recent days. He tells them Kamarag is under alien mind control, and that Kirk and Sarek will speak to Azetbur on their behalf, betraying government to follow a madman
Romulan ship Shardarr, Centurion Poldar, comes to aid Enterprise against Klingon fleet – one for the history books
Shardarr shears off half a warbird’s wing.
Commander Keraz, of bird-of-prey BaHwil’ fires at HoHwi’. He requests that Kirk and Sarek speak for his crew. we will fight with you, and die as true warriors, with honor!
With as graceful dip of her painted wings
BaHwil’ gunner extremely skilled, explodes another bird-of-prey
Kirk never thought he’d be fighting a battle with Klingons and Romulans instead of against them
Huge fleet of ships pour out of Klingon Neutral Zone, dozens of ships. Renegade vessels streak off in all directions
General Korrd, gruff familiar voice, well-known features. Fleshy squint-eyed features wreathed in malicious smile. Guffawed heartily.
Kamarag now former ambassador
P383 Spock is one Hu’tegh fine gunner
Korrd – looks like I’ll have a good hunt for the next few days. Wish me success, Kirk! Korrd out.
Azetbur promises Commander Keraz a full pardon
Kamarag, ship crippled, did not chose to live through his defeat.
Valdyr has pale soft, regenerated tissue, her own clothes are being cleaned and repaired on Enterprise, blue hospital gown too comfortable, so flimsy, she is not entirely convinced the clothes would survive her normal activities. 
No Klingon would admit to pain
McCoy calls Valdyr’s constitution amazing
Kirk came to Valdyr himself to tell her of her uncle Kamarag’s death, she appreciated the sign of great respect. He had not flinched when she voiced the ritual howl [so much for Data’s data]
Azetbur wants to speak with Valdyr. Azetbur look so stern, so powerful, so impossibly noble and honorable. Face warmed with a gracious smile. Valdyr! It is an honor to speak with you, and a pleasure.
The chancellor interrupted briskly. None of our people has more honor. You risked everything to save Qo’noS and our people, and you succeeded. Received an honorable would in battle. Helped save honor of family, Kamarag attempt to destroy it. Qo’noS will never forget your sacrifice. Azetbur has spoken to the people who know Valdyr well, they have told her of Valdyr’s dreams for the future. 
Azetbur’s expression softened, became less formal, more earnest. Azetbur will make sure Valdyr will be trained as diplomat, under her auspices and tutelage. Our Empire needs people like you to insure her welfare. Our people are facing a time when they can no longer solve problems the way they have in the past. We need warriors who will gain our ends with words, no weapons.
General Korrd will send a crew to fly the Taj home from Enterprise. Korrd has instructions to bring Valdyr to Azetbur, to discuss her education and her future. 
Grow strong. Then abruptly she signed off
Peter told Azetbur about Valdyr. 
Klingon women expected to marry, bear children, spend all their time scheming for their children’s advancement
It is a difficult thing to serve with honor while one is grieving
If a mere Vulcan can maintain a relationship with a human over time and space, what can a Klingon accomplish?
P400 three officers on Taj’s gangplank watch Peter and Valdyr say farewell. 
Ambassador Sarek will let them use the diplomatic comm.-net
On my honor, I will. I wish you safe voyage back to your world. Pass your warrior’s test with honor. 
A warrior’s closed-fist salute. 
P423 during escape from Qo’noS Peter monitored electromagnetic signatures on Klingon vessels. 
Valdyr in school, takes course in Advanced Standard English. Corresponding with Peter Kirk. 
Azetbur’s dramatic rescue operation against the Klingon renegades had restored the Federation’s faith in the new chancellor, new peace conference on Khitomer a result. Scientists from many worlds join government delegates to advise how best to help Klingon homeworld solve its many problems. Praxis explosion, economic aid. Spock attends, meets Pardek, the new Romulan delegate, former friend of now dead Taryn. Skylighted conference center, exterior massive steps, manicures lawn, vivid blue sky, sun sets coral and fuchsia. Delegates living quarters. 
Qo’noS the planet may be salvageable. Destruction of the ring colossal task, but feasible over long term. 
  Mind Meld by John Vornholt
P13 Kirk commiserates with Adm. Sarek – he’s never turning himself over the Klingons again. Sarek thanks Spock for his part in saving the conference at Khitomer. Spock – it was only logical to make peace with the Klingons
First the Klingons, now the Romulans, are we going to make friends with everybody?
Sarek has to go back to more negotiations with the Klingons at Camp Khitomer, even talk of a Klingon settlement there.
P99 not even a Vulcan could sleep in these decrepit chairs, perhaps not even a Klingon.
P193 McCoy has a  couple of tribble embryos in stasis. He ordered them for a recent study he was working on. A biological booby-trap. Kirk is horrified to have them on his ship.
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