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Greg's Programming Section


Welcome to the programming section of my web site. On this page, you will find code and programs I developed that you can download and use for FREE. If you have a special request, email me and I will see what I can do.


Thumbnail Wizard (v1.3.0)

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As of June 21, 2001, my thumbnail wizard application is no longer available. While I believe many benefited from this application, many others had problems with it, and while I enjoyed developing this application, I do not really have enough time for it now. Maybe I can work on it at some future date. Of course, by now, you have several other good thumbnail wizards you can choose from, even a free ones. I myself have switched to using, which I have found is an excellent host.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)


Download Utils.xls

Contains toolbars that perform various functions, and includes many VBA examples.

Toolbars include:

Utils - File
- Reopen Read-Only -- Close the active workbook, then remove it's "readonly" attribute and re-open it.
- Close To Read-Only -- Close the active workbook, then set it's "readonly" to read-only.

Utils - Sheet
- Delete Sheet -- Delete the active sheet, same as Edit/"Delete Sheet."
- Insert Rows -- Insert a number of rows as specified when prompted. Rows are inserted in above the active cell.
- Goto Last Row -- Go to the last empty row on the active sheet.
- Goto Last Column -- Go to the last empty column on the active sheet.
- Delete Rows -- Delete all rows of the active cells.
- Delete Columns -- Delete all columns of the active cells.
- Add Number Column -- Insert a column to the left-most side of the sheet, and number it, 1 through to the end or the first empty cell.

Utils - Cell
- Change Case -- Change the case of the selected cells to upper or lower or proper case.
- Append -- Append the specified text to the end or beginning or both ends of the selected cells.
- Paste Values -- Paste only the values of the selected cells to other selected cells, same as Edit/"Paste Special"/Values.
- Trim Spaces -- Remove all spaces from both ends of the selected cells.
- Remove Spaces -- Replace all extra spaces (where more than one) in the selected cells with only one space.
- Cell Data -- Show the height and width of the first selected cell.
- Cell Length -- Show the character length of each selected cell.
- Select All Empties -- Select all empty cells on the active sheet.
- Chop Cell -- Remove all characters greater than the maximum specified characters from the beginning, or ending of the selected cells.
- Unformat Cells -- Remove any formatting of all the cells on the selected sheet.
- Color Odd Cells -- Highlight every other row on the sheet in light blue, with the first row highlighted in bright yellow.

Download VBA_Date_Examples.xls

Contains VBA code used to show examples of how to manipulate dates, as well as show it in different formats.

Most all of these examples can be used in any VBA compatible software.

- FirstDateOfMonth -- A function to return the first date of the specified month
- LastDateOfMonth -- A function to return the last date of the specified month
- DaysInMonth -- A function to return the number of days (or last date of the month) in a specified month
- SecondsBetweenDates -- A function to return seconds between specified dates
- MinutesBetweenDates -- A function to return minutes between specified dates
- HoursBetweenDates -- A function to return seconds between hours
- DaysBetweenDates -- A function to return days between specified dates
- WeeksBetweenDates -- A function to return weeks between specified dates
- MonthsBetweenDates -- A function to return months between specified dates
- QuartersBetweenDates -- A function to return quaters between specified dates
- YearsBetweenDates -- A function to return years between specified dates
- IsLeapYear -- A function to return True, if specified year is a "Leap Year"
- CountDays -- A function to return number of business days between two specified dates
- DatesWeekday -- A function to return the description of weekday (e.g. "Monday", "Tuesday", ...)of the specified date
- ShowDateFormats -- A sub-routine used to start the show date formats form, which allows you to see dates in most any format, as used by the VBA "Format" function


Script applications developed by Greg Cook using VBScript

Note: These scripts require Internet Explorer 5.0 or better in order to work properly.

Download Logon_template.vbs

Basic requirements for a logon script. Used as a starting point for developing a network logon script.

Download Read-only.vbs

Remove the read-only attribute of all the files and folders within a specified folder, or make them all read-only.

Double-click it to run, and you will be prompted for the path and for what to do to the files. Or you can run it in a "short-cut," supplying the path and what to do as "arguments."

Download RenameIt.vbs

Rename or copy a file, moving or copying it from a specified source to a specified destination. The destination can be user specified, today's date, today's time, file's date, or file's time.

The intention is to allow users to create "short-cuts" to this script with one of the specified destination arguments allowing them to quickly rename a specified file to another specified name, to today's date, or to it's last modified date. It is a good application for using in a scheduler for files that are recreated or updated on a regular basis.

Download Script_version.vbs

Demo - Shows the script engine filename and version number.

Download template.vbs

Template script file I use for starting new scripts. Contains many predefined functions so that I do not have to re-develop them.

Page last updated: Monday, October 08, 2007
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