Demanded Understanding


In the shadowy darkness,

I have bid my time.

Now my shelter unearthed.

He’s no more friend of mine.

He hates me with a passion,

This I understand so.

For I love you also,

In the end I’ll always know.

The memories aren’t good enough.

Your happiness on hand.

If choosing him would give you that.

Then you have my demand.



[Blood Tears] [Time of Forgotten Love] [None Better] [So Sorry] [Tomorrows Memories] [Never Again] [I showed You My Love

[Fallen Dreams] [Mirrored Dreams] [Never Making Sure] [Begrudged Love] [Endless Forever] [Pitiful Rain] [Unprovoked Failure

[Never Innocent] [Tis] [Deceptive Hiko] [Death] ["United We Stand"] [Truest Sorrow] [Demanded Understanding] [Damned Entity]

[Moral sorrow] [Hearts Retort] [Pacified Memories] [Pondering Abyss]

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