The first thing you should do is open the boxes and look at the plugs.  They should be moist and green (or slightly golden if it's March)  Zoysia does not start to green up until early spring in Missouri, so our cutting season is usually March thru September.  I cannot stress enough that it is perfectly okay to transplant plugs during their dormant stage. This actually gives you a head start to an early spring growing season. We generally do not ship October thru February, and will not ship your plugs to you before or after your own growing season.

Some of the plugs may still be connected by their fiberous roots and should be pulled apart.  The number one complaint I hear from people about other mail order plugs is that they look like brown, dead slabs of sod when they arrive, and then they are supposed to cut it apart with scissors. I have seen these types of mail order plugs, and they are sad. Sometimes they grow and sometimes the don't, but in the end you end up feeling dissatisfied with the product. 

Once all of your holes are cut, place a plug in each hole. Firmly seat the plugs in the hole with the heel of your shoe. This will not hurt your plugs. Once all of the holes are filled, soak your yard with water. Plugs should not be floating out of their holes, but your yard should be pretty wet. Firm the plugs into the ground again. This ensures the roots have made contact with the soil and is essential for them to grow. 
Before you install your new zoysia plugs...
You must first remove a plug from your existing lawn. This is done with the plugging tool. Soak your yard the day before. It is important that the ground is good and soft before you try and cut the holes.This makes the process much easier and faster.
Ideally you should have the holes ready to fill a day or two before your plugs arrive so you can install the zoysia as soon as possible. Your plugs are cut the day they are shipped, and arrive fresh and alive, and should be transplanted within a day or two of receiving them. Remember, plugs are a live plant, and should be put back into the ground as soon as possible.

If you are doing the installation by yourself, only order as many as you feel comfortable planting within a few days, especially if you haven't pre-cut your holes. If you cannot plant all of your plugs in a day, leave the boxes open and in a dry, cool, shaded area until the next day. Never water the plugs while they are in the box. Zoysia is tough, and can handle a few days out of the ground and without water.
diagram and instruction about installation
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   Greenfield Turf  ~ Warrenton, Missouri  ~ 636-456-8312
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