These are all my favorite movies.  There's somewhere around 150 movies.  I sorted them by genre and in descending order. For example, Almost Famous is my all-time favorite comedy, Pleasantville is my 2nd fave, and so on.  The order isn't exactly in order, but it doesn't matter.  At any rate, I do believe they are all worth seeing at least once (an absolute must for some), therefore feel free to browse among the list and look into them when I have links to info on each movie.  Enjoy!

Comedy                                        Drama                                 Historical
Almost Famous                                           American Beauty                              Braveheart
Pleasantville                                                 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest    A League of Their Own
Bananas                                                       Forrest Gump                                 Best Years of Our Lives
The Hudsucker Proxy                                   The Shawshank Redemption             Apollo 13
Monty Python & The Holy Grail                     Fearless                                          And The Band Played On
Mrs. Doubtfire                                             Jerry Maguire                                  Dances With Wolves
Austin Powers Trilogy                                  What's Eating Gilbert Grape              JFK
Arsenic & Old Lace (1944)                            Philadelphia
City Lights                                                   Never Cry Wolf                               Animated
Mr. Deeds Goes To Town (1936)                  My Life                                          Ghost In The Shell
Modern Times                                              American Graffiti                             The Lion King
The General (1927)                                      A River Runs Through It                   Toy Story
Harvey                                                        Nell                                                 An American Tail
Raising Arizona                                            On Golden Pond (1981)                     Pinocchio (1940)
Ninotchka                                                   Stand By Me                                     Grave of the Fireflies
My Man Godfrey                                         Giant
Limelight                                          Musicals
Foreign                                                   Mr. Holland's Opus                            Moulin Rouge (2001)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon                   The Misfits                                       Grease
Life Is Beautiful                                           Gandhi                                            Jazz Singer (1927)
Ikiru                                                           Cat On A Hot Tin Roof                      The King & I (1956)
Jean de Florette / Manon of the Spring (1986) Rain Man                                         Mary Poppins
Autumn Tale                                                Ed Wood                                         Dr. Dolittle (1967)
Tampopo                                                     Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore       Little Shop of Horrors
Black Rain                                                   Sling Blade                                       A Star Is Born (1954)
Sansho The Bailiff                                        The Ten Commandments
Dersu Uzala                                                                                                       Romance
Seven Samurai                                             Horror (& the like)                 Annie Hall
Kagemusha                                                  Scream Trilogy                               As Good As It Gets
Blair Witch Project                          Sleepless In Seattle
Crime                                                      The Others                                      When Harry Met Sally...
Seven                                                          Interview With The Vampire             High Fidelity
Pulp Fiction                                                  Bram Stoker's Dracula
Silence of the Lambs                                     Arachnophobia                                Action
The Fugitive (1994)                                       From Dusk Till Dawn                      The Rock
The Maltese Falcon                                       Psycho (1960)                                 Indiana Jones Trilogy
The Godfather                                              Vertigo                                           GoldenEye
Fargo                                                           Misery                                           Desperado
Goodfellas                                                    Poltergeist
The Untouchables                                         Jaws                                             Comic Book
Murder On The Orient Express (1974)                                                                 Spider-Man
And Then There Were None                          Sci-Fi                                          X2: X-Men United
                                                                 The Matrix                                      X-Men
War                                                          Star Wars Series                              Batman
Saving Private Ryan                                      Contact
Empire of the Sun                                         Terminator 2: Judgement Day           Documentary
Apocalypse Now                                           Independence Day                           Ballot Measure 9
Born on the 4th of July                                  Alien Series                                     Hearts & Minds
Gettysburg                                                   2001: A Space Odyssey                    History of Rock 'N Roll
Platoon                                                        The Abyss (complete)                      The Cruise
Schindler's List                                             Back To The Future Trilogy
Glory                                                           Jurassic Park                                  Fantasy
Close Encounters of the Third Kind   Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Western                                                                                                        Highlander
Unforgiven                                                    Family/Children's                 Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Stagecoach (1939)                                          The NeverEnding Story                   Being John Malkovich
Treasure of Sierra Madre                                 E. T.: Extra-Terrestrial
Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid
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