Navigating the Lower Saint Lawrence in the 19th Century.

Quebec Gazette #5376 11/02/1839
     To the Editor of the Quebec Gazette.
     Sir, I observe a letter from Messrs. Le Boutillier and Macdonald, dated New Carlisle, 19th ultimo, calling on you to give the name of the writer of a letter, dated Bathurst, 17th December last, (an extract from which appeared in the Gazette, on the 4th January,) respecting the sale of goods saved from the ill-fated Colborne. The person to whom that letter was addressed, left for New York, some time ago, but, I believe, is now in Boston, on his way to the Bay Chaleur, to investigate into the authority of those gentlemen to dispose of goods not perishable, without the orders of the owners, and he will, no doubt, give them the name of the writer, and show them the letter in question, which is from a gentleman not engaged in mercantile affairs,
     Your insertion of the above, will oblige,
A Friend to Fair Play.   
Quebec, February 9th, 1838.
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G.R. Bossé©1998. Posted Nov. 1, 1998. Updated Nov. 16, 2002.

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